Member Reviews

Name of the book : Green Nation Revolution : Use Your Future to Change the World
Author : Valentina Gianelle & Lucia Esther Maruzelli
Illustrator : Manuela Marazzi
Publisher : Laurence King Publishing
Number of pages : 128
Green Nation Revolution is an empowering and educational book for children to educate them on the current global crisis i.e. climate change and its widespread impact on human civilization.
It gives in depth but easy to understand information on the fight against climate change and what young people are doing to help our planet thrive.
It covers a wide variety of topics from environmental activism, endangered wildlife, energy consumption, recycling, sustainable fashion etc. Each of the chapters looks at the individual issue, outlines the current situation & then considers future possibilities.

This is an excellent, comprehensive look at the issues of climate change and environmental activism for children. It covers a wide variety of topics from environmental activism, endangered wildlife, energy consumption, recycling , fashion etc. Each of the chapters looks at the individual issue or topic, outlines the current situation, issues and then considers future possibilities. It's both accessible and informative and will be a good addition to library stock.

As an educator, it always amazes me how some authors underestimate their young readers. Giannella and Maruzzelli do not fall into that trap. This book is packed with information and actionable items and while some of them could be dense, under the author's dexterous hands (not to mention that of the graphic designer who arrange the book's information) it becomes manageable for young readers (tweens and teens) who want to understand the green movement and become active participants in the ecological awakening that Thunberg's visibility has brought about.

An awesome book showcasing all the ways the green revolution has started and the ways in which we can keep it going.
THank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review.

I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.
The Green Nation Revolution is an empowering and educational book for children to educate them on the current global crisis of the world today.
This book is informative but easy to follow and understand and I urge all parents/carers/teachers to have a copy of this book or borrow it from the library for their child to educate themselves on.
This book gives not only children, but adults more informative information on the global crisis of our planet and the ways we can contribute to change from small to big.

While, I love the promotion of environmentalism and the Green Revolution, this book was a tad confusing. Let's be clear, there was a lot of useful and important information in this short book, however being classified as a "Children's Nonfiction" was strange to me. Yes - it did refer to some people as "nine year olds" but besides that, nothing else read as a "Children's" book. There was topics such as the scientific foundations, and history, but the language used was a bit more complex. Also, there was very adult concepts - such as investing and getting investors which is very much not a children's book topic in my opinion. I'd probably say it's more of a young adult or even an adult read. It also was a bit dry, and hard to focus on even for me - someone with a Master's in Environmental Science, who literally lives and breathes for this stuff. ALSO, just me being picky but I didn't like that it made fertilizing our oceans to create algae blooms seem like a viable/positive option to help climate change because, just to be clear, scientists have proven its not.
This book does share a variety of knowledge such as Green companies, food scarcity and lots of facts and statistics about environmental problems and projects. All the promotion and information sharing is great and always encouraged.
* I was given a free advanced copy in exchange for my honest review. *

Hmmm… This well-meaning book didn't seem to have the right approach, to me. In starting out, almost inevitably, with the "global leader" (for which read influencer) Greta Thunberg, and pretending there is a solid foundation called the Green Nation, it is supposed to inspire people to think of working and living ecologically. So we get notice of different start-up companies, doing anything from selling restaurant left-overs to generating energy through kites, to sorting plastics and recycling clothing. All that would be fine and dandy, but here we get such a high-falutin' language style at times it's only going to be the brainiest teens living in this Green Nation. We're told it's an "ecumenical" nation – well nobody of the right audience will know what that word means (especially if they keep striking off school, but that's a different matter). In inspiring positivity about all the new eco-jobs the world of the future will need, this could have been wonderful, but didn't really convince me about the success of any of them we've already got, let alone what is to come, and just left it to us to suddenly become brainbox pioneers. One can only hope.

A perfect insight into a revolution. This gorgeous book gives in depth but easy to understand information on the fight against climate change and what young people are doing and can do to help our planet thrive. The tone of this book is empowering and the illustrations are fantastic.

I really enjoyed this book, it was really interesting and I feel as though it could inspire so many young people. The illustrations were incredibly beautiful and I would definitely revisit this book.
Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an advance readers copy in exchange for an honest review.