Member Reviews

This was a good story. I’ve read a few others in the Colton series, so I had a pretty good idea on what to expect. While I didn’t quite like these two as the others, I did like the book. I like romantic suspenses and this one hits the spot. I recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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Y'all know how much I love the Coltons! Now we a different set of them with all new mysteries to figure out. Riley Colton is an ex-FBI agent who is now a PI with his siblings. While working a new case he comes face to face with Charlize who he had a one night stand with. She fell in love with Riley right away but he walked away after their one night never to be heard from.

Three months after their one night stand Charlize is walking home when she is attacked. As a social worker she has plenty of people who would want to hurt her. Riley is going to have to protect her and their unborn child that their one night created. On top of that he is trying to figure out who Capital X is and what they want with his foster brother, Brody.

As with the previous Colton series we are left with the mystery of who is Capital X and if Brody is alright. Also these are Harlequins so they can be a little tame at moments. There are things that happen in Harlequins that I swear other authors would have knifed a hero for at times. Like Riley is a real jerk for a good portion of the book then it gets works out rather quickly. That is just the way it happens in these books sometimes.

As always this is a great story and I will be checking out the rest of the series to figure out the mystery of it all.

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Who are Riley and Charlize? Where is the series set? What do we learn about Riley? What does he do for a living? Who are Ashanti, Bailey, Brody, Sadie, Kiely, Victoria, and Griffin? Oh my gosh! From products making people sick to pyramid schemes, to attempted murder, we see it all. We also find family, love, loyalty, and self-awareness win out in this story. I cannot wait to read the next Colton 911: Grand Rapids series story coming out in August 2020! I need to investigate if there are prior stories to go back and read!

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Riley Colton is a former FBI agent who had one night with Charlize that lead to unexpected consequences. As they decide what to do about that situation they are trying to find a criminal who has been sending threatening messages. Both barely know one another but will do everything they can to protect one another.

If you love mystery suspense novels you'll defiantly want to check this book out. Both had their reservations when it came to the baby, a relationship as well as other things. Then there was the whole criminal activity going on that was impacting one of Riley's gullible family member and trying to keep her safe and healthy after finding out that she was conned. There was threats, heated attraction and the mystery of it all to keep any readers hooked. Overall great book, had a hard time putting it down.

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Having read a few that have the Colton family in it I jumped for this one. I had not read this author before and how I had missed her I do not know but at least now it is rectified. In this one Riley Colton will get a surprise that had not crossed his mind. Why I do not know because that can happen between two but forgive me I had found that humorous. Anyways Charlize is the bringer of the surprise but in no time danger comes a knocking. Working together these two will have us caught up with them having to see where and what is going on. Will danger reach them or will it get caught? That type of reading pulls you forward anxious for sure until you see how it is resolved. So glad I did not miss this one and have found another author I would read again.

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Colton 911 Family Defender was a conundrum for me. I liked some of the characters and I liked the mystery plot, but other parts were disappointing.

Riley Colton is an ex-FBI agent turned PI who is 43 (which we were told ad nauseam) and not looking to get married or start a family (again, ad nauseam). He runs PI agency with his siblings and a new case involving his 20 something foster brother leads him to the door of a previous one-night stand.

Charlize is a 30-year-old woman who lived with her great aunt just a few blocks from Riley, the man who she fell in love with at first sight, spent one glorious night with, (he used his own special fancy condoms because he didn't trust anyone else's. What? Just, like, what?) and then watched him walk out the door the same night, never to be heard from again. Until she's walking home with a pregnancy test three months later and an attempt is made on her life. As a social worker for some violent clients, she is often in the crosshairs, but this time feels different. This time, someone means business and she's going to need Riley to protect her (of course)

Mixed up in the mystery is a multilevel marketing scheme of vitamins that are making people sick while stealing their money invested in the company. With the ring leader missing, and thugs after Brody, Riley has to figure out who Captial X is before they kill his foster brother.

While I liked the mystery components, both with Brody and Charlize, the only one resolved was Charlize's. At the end of the book, you had never heard from Brody again, nor did you know if he was safe, and you still had no idea who Capital X is or where Wes Matthews went. I assume the mystery continues in the next book, but it doesn't even say that in the back of this one, so I have no idea. I hate that when I read a book that has a suspense element and now I have to wait months to get the next one and by then, I won't care or remember the details from this book.

Riley Colton was one of those heroes Harlequin loves. He is a tortured soul who can ONLY be redeemed by the perfect woman for him *insert eye roll* when he learns his fancy condoms didn't do the job, and he'd be dealing with Charlize for years to come, he was secretly pleased and outwardly displeased. If I read how put out he was about taking care of his siblings since he was thirteen, I seriously thought I would barf. We understood the first three times, we didn't need the constant brain bashing with it to get that he felt like he didn't want to raise more kids. I've never met a male hero who was as whiny about 'what he's gone through in life' as this guy.

As a romantic suspense, this book found traction, other than leaving all of it unresolved at the end. As a hero, Riley was a jerk to his family and Charlize for way too long to be instantly redeemed in the last two pages. Charlize worked through it with him as a social worker, which I appreciated, but if she said, "These days with longer life spans the age gap between us doesn't matter", again, I was going to barf. All told, this story was good, but the characters could have been less whiny and responded more like adults than teenagers. This is a 3.5 star read for me.

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