Member Reviews

Well structured and informative, this book shows how numerology can be a great tool for self reflection. The brief history of numerology at the start is fascinating. And the rest is a great guide to understanding how numerology affects you on a personal level, with easy to follow directions to determine your numbers (destiny, life path, etc) and an outline of what those numbers mean.
I read the book from start to finish, but it'd also be very easy to use as a quick reference guide.

I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I love the in focus books. I have a bunch of their hard backs in my collection. I learned so much from the numerology book.
Thank you kindly to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for this review copy.

A good book for someone new to numerology. I am not a huge believer but find this interesting. In focus series books come with wall charts, which is handy.

In Focus Numerology is a wonderful follow up for fans of of In Focus Astrology and a great introduction for readers new to these types of books .
This book is a simple and straightforward survey of it’s topic that offers practical insight while skipping the padding the new age genre is famous for.
I will definitely be giving other books by the publisher a look.

I fell away from the world of numerology in the last decade or so, I found this book to be a good refresher and beginner book.

Another good book in this series. A good beginner book for those interested in this topic. Introducing the different numerology topics.

I was very briefly introduced to numerology a few years ago, and since then, I have wanted to learn more. However, I did not know where to start. In Focus Numerology by Sasha Fenton, went way more in depth then I knew Numerology did.
The book starts with a brief history. I learned that it is a form of divination and considered one of the easier forms. While I have not sat down and figured out every single number for myself yet, the majority of ones I did were very accurate. Just for fun, I read all the possibilities. Usually, the one I get is the one I consider to be the most accurate or second most accurate.
At times, I did have to reread how to do a certain numerology several times before understanding. I don’t know if that is my newness to this subject, some of the explanations, or a little bit of each.
I look forward to purchasing this book and delving deeper into some of these numbers. I am also excited to see what the full chart looks like.
I received an electronic advanced reader copy from Quarto Publishing Group through NetGalley. All opinions are 100% my own.

I’ve been interested in numerology for some time and thought it was a good time to check it out. This is the first book on a short list of books I plan on reading about numerology. I think that this is a great book to start with. Sasha Fenton begins with a short history of numerology before diving into important numbers, what they mean, and how to calculate them.
I had a lot of fun reading this book. Each chapter gives a brief explanation about the topic at hand, explains how to calculate your personal number, and then moves onto the list of numbers and their meanings for that area. It’s also a very beautiful book with great designs throughout the pages. I think that it’s a great book for beginners like me because it doesn’t leave you swimming in too much information at once.
My only complaint is that that some of the explanations on how to calculate each number is lacking. It’s very straight forward if your number is simple, but if some of your numbers are more complex and require further breaking down, it starts to get vague. I had to do my own research outside of the book to find out how to finish calculating my number in these cases because it was not clear. Otherwise, I do think it’s a great book and I plan on buying a physical copy.

A very interesting book and fun exploring the pages. I think this is a book I’d have preferred in hard copy as I found it quite difficult to navigate on my admittedly slightly temperamental laptop.

It's an informative and well written book that helped me to learn about numerology.
It think it's a great read for beginners.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

I’ve just started to become interested in Numerology recently so when this book came up, I knew I had to get it. In Focus Numerology covers everything from ‘The Life Path Number’ (which I had already heard of and worked out before) to things I hadn’t heard of including- Personality numbers, heart numbers, destiny numbers, list of fates and so on.
Each section shows you exactly how to work out the number in clear, easy to understand instructions and then gives you a lot of information and great meanings behind each one.
It’s a perfect book for beginners, filled with so much detail. I know I’ll keep coming back to it time and time again.
4 stars
Thanks to NetGalley and Wellfleet Press for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

It's been probably 10+ years since I read or practiced numerology and this book was the perfect beginner book. It's very well written and easy to read.

I have always been curious about numerology. This book was so well put together and had me quickly calculating and flipping back and forth to see my results page after page. Highly recommend. This I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I've not read much about numerology before, so this book was a great introduction! This is a pretty quick read about how to find specific numbers that predict your future or help reveal truths about yourself. I loved how easy the instructions were with how to determine your numbers (it's mostly adding up numbers assigned to each letter in your name or adding up the numbers of your birth date). I wish there had been a little bit more explanation on how to use these numbers in everyday life, but overall, it was just a fast and fun read that's akin to reading about your horoscope. I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone who doesn't know anything about numerology but who wants to learn the basics.

Rating: {4.5/5 stars}
First Glance:
I hadn’t heard about this book in particular until I ran across it on NetGalley as an ARC. In my personal experience with books on numerology, I’ve been disappointed by a lack of depth. However, I decided to take a chance and try another volume on the subject.
Positive Bits:
Aesthetically, this book is appealing. While not necessarily important to the topic itself, I think it’s always a sign of focus when a book is designed to be pleasing to the eye as well as informative. Think of it as an artistic investment in seeing the book reach more readers.
The author managed to cover far more numerology applications than most books I’ve run across previously. The usual suspects based on your name and date of birth are present, but then she dove into using numerology to check on specific times and dates, as well as your karmic focus for this life and your hidden passion. It even had a section on higher numbers, something I appreciated as some food for thought (particularly in a system that usually condenses all numbers down to single digits). The tidbits of historical references were well integrated, giving my researcher’s brain a place to look if I’m curious about where the basis of each practice evolved.
Another small but important feature is the inclusion of the alphabet-to-number table at the beginning of each chapter. I don’t know how many books require you to write it somewhere, memorize it, or keep a finger on the page that has that information while you move forward to learn about using it. Not having to flip back repeatedly is convenient.
Less Enjoyable Bits:
This is more my personal preference than anything else, but I wish there’d been more detail on the history of numerology and the references to historical sources were explained with more depth. I like knowing the where, when, and why behind practices I use today (particularly in an effort to respect source cultures and avoid appropriation). Some of the referenced materials are familiar, like the Hermetica, so I knew more about the topic than the author shared, but overall it felt like crumbs when I wanted a full loaf of bread.
I didn’t do a word count, but it felt like some numbers received less detail in various sections. It wasn’t enough to render their information unhelpful, but it was just noticeable enough to make me wrinkle my nose. However, it might’ve also been a formatting issue, as I’m looking at an ARC. Perhaps the numbers will be formatted into individual pages, in which case an extra (or missing) paragraph will be moot (or at least less obvious).
While the overall style of the book is aesthetically pleasing, I did find some of the clipart out of place. Most of it is in the minimalist line-art style, so there’s a flow to it. But here and there, we get random pencil sketches? In Chapter 9 on The Birth Day Number, for example, there’s a section called “Day Number Crystals” with a sketch of a crystal cluster and then below that a section called “Fruit, Vegetables, Herbs, and Spices” with a sketch of a couple of apples. They aren’t bad sketches, but I flipped back through the book and found zero other sketch-styled art among the minimalist images used in other chapters.
Is it worth the coin?
Yes – if you want a starting point in the topic that’s not just the bare minimums, I think this book is a good resource.

I found this books informative but more for beginners. If this is a topic of interest and you don't know anyone about it, I would recommend it. If you're looking to further your knowledge on this topic I would suggest looking for something more in-depth. Well written and easy to read.

Very entertaining book, I loved learning about all the my numbers what they meant for so many aspects of my life and personality. Didn’t relate to ALL of them but it was still fun. A really good present for someone interested in the matter!

Numerology is an entertaining way to look more in-depth to what is going on in your life and why. Although you may not want to put full-stock into the numbers, the calculations do make you stop and reflect a few moments, and see how the information provided can be applied to your life and current situation.
A great, fun, light-hearted read for me.

I truly love this book. Ms Fenton has really covered Numerology is a simple, interesting and usable way. I learned our names and birth dates are no mistake . They really have an influence on our lives. As I did the simple math and read on I was amazed ! I looked at a few years that were very hard and the numerology matched the past hard times. I then looked at years that were good and it matched ! So next I naturally looked at whats coming. I will wait to see I guess, but it is hard to explain how well put together this book is. My favorite and most interesting part was the Kabbalistic effects on numbers. I always thought numerology was Pythagorean in origin and I havent ever looked at the Kabbalistic evidence for its use. I could not believe I have missed this fact all these years. Also the planets are described and their numerology traits and the effects on your life. All in all this book could be used as a guide for years and never lose its mojo. Plan out your life and look at others. Its all possible with Ms Fentons new guide.

All numbers have an intrinsic energy, from the date of your birth to the number of your home. With In Focus Numerology, author Sasha Fenton gives the information you need to understand the significance of numbers in your life, including how to use them to forecast outcomes and take advantage of opportunities. Beautiful illustrations and a framable poster combined with expert information make this your go-to numerology guide.
Topics covered include:History of numerologyPredictive numerologyA daily oracle that combines the planets and numbers to give an accurate daily readingAn hourly oracle that is based on hours, days, and planetsThe Mystic PyramidThe Oracle of NapoleonGet your life in order and predict what may be awaiting you.
The In Focus series applies a modern approach to teaching the classic body, mind, and spirit subjects, using expert authors in their respective fields and featuring relevant visual material to smartly and purposely illustrate key topics within each subject. As a bonus, illustrated cards or posters are also included.
My Review
In Focus Numerology is very well-written comprehensive guide to numerology. It details very easily your various numbers. I learned about my life path number, my personality number which was on point, and my destiny number.
I thoroughly enjoyed this ARC and highly recommend it for anyone looking for a detailed explanation on numerology.