Member Reviews

This series has made it to #52 with this entry! In fact, #54 is scheduled and I have already read #53 Forgotten in Death. There is a split opinion about series. Many think trilogies is a good fit. Some perhaps will accept ten books, but this one has over 50, so some people will think the stories might recycle. Get stale. Well, that is not the case with this series and this title.

Yes, we have our audacious detective Lieutenant Eve Dallas and her richer than sin husband Roarke. We also have Roarke's major-domo Summerset, some of Eve's workmates, like partner, Peabody, or Captain Feeney, or Commander Whitney, amont others. I especially love Dr. Mira, police consultant and close friend and confidant to Eve. In fact, just about every character has a freshness to them no many how many books come out in this series.

In this story, Eve is investigagting the homicide of a young female artist. It doesn't take Eve long to see that the woman was tied to a cult-like religious organization. When Eve goes to interview the woman who phoned in the 911 call, Gwen Huffman, it takes her less than a minute to know things do not add up. In fact, as Eve starts to uncover things about the cult there in New York City, she discovers that its tentatacles reach far wider.

This book definitely hits on some tough subjects, inclding the cult, but also, homophobia, sexual assault and domestic violence. However, as this book is excellentlt written, these subjects are handled with aplomb.

As always this story reminds readers of the strong bonds of love between Eve and Roarke and how well suited they are to each other. Also, by now Roarke has pretty much has a carte blanche position when it comes to Eve's cases, often being called on for his expertise and connections.

I truly love this series, and it has become my favorite, which says a lot because I am a series fanatic and have read dozens of series, inclluding several that have reached a high number of double digit titles. J.D. Robb/Nora Roberts is an exceptional author and I look forward and highly recommend each and every book in this series.

Many thanks to St. Martin's Press and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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Reading a novel by J.D. Robb is like visiting with your closest friends. You can wear your comfiest clothes, settle down with your chosen drink and know you’re in for a really enjoyable time. Not only do you get to catch up with the lives of your favourite characters, but also become absorbed in a great mystery, and at the end, come away with a warm sense of satisfaction. This 52nd book in Robb’s futuristic ‘In Death’ series is just such a book.

When Eve is called in to a homicide in the West Village, she finds up and coming young artist Ariel Byrd with her head caved in. Rumpled sheets and two wine glasses by the bed suggest she didn’t spend the night alone, but was her death the result of a lover’s tiff or something else?

Gwen Huffman, the woman who found Ariel’s body the next morning, waited an hour before calling the police. She claimed to have been in shock, but her story doesn’t ring true to Eve and so she starts to pick apart the lies she knows Gwen is telling. Gwen is a member of an important family who are members of a powerful and wealthy religious group. She’s about to get married to a wealthy lawyer so perhaps she has secrets she needs to keep hidden from her family and the group, and even her fiancé.

After the excitement of the previous novel where Eve and Roarke’s lives were both in danger, this feels like a return to classic Eve Dallas. She’s back doing what she does best aided by Peabody, Roarke and the NYPSD team. What started out as a homicide case quickly turns into something much bigger and has Eve running on full power to keep up with developments. I love the way she’s grown in confidence and self-assuredness since the start of the series. With most of the focus on the unfolding investigation, there’s less time than usual to catch up with Eve’s friends. However, we do get a glimpse of Mavis and Leonardo, who have some important news that will impact on Peabody and McNab as well.

Somehow Robb continues to come up with original and interesting story lines to keep this series fresh. In this one Eve is up against many of the things she hates most: power, racism, misogyny, bullying, kidnapping and subjugation of children and women. It’s a very intense addition to this terrific series that just keeps on getting stronger.

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Eve Dallas is back in this intense thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat! Book #52 did not disappoint. JD Robb gets the gang together once again to find a killer, but what they uncover is beyond anything anyone could have imagined.

What starts out as a routine investigation for Lieutenant Eve Dallas and Detective Peabody soon turns into something far more complicated. Having the gang back for another installment is like visiting with family. After reading every book in the series I feel as if I know these characters so well. I know their styles, their voice and their movements. It’s amazing how real these characters feel with every book.

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J.D. Robb, murder, and a cult? Sign me up!

There is no one who crafts suspenseful tales quite like J.D. Robb/Nora Roberts. She is my all-time favorite author for a reason and it is always fun to watch her spin a tale.

In Faithless in Death, Robb grabs you from the first pages and never lets you go. She takes you on a wild ride of questioning motives and opportunity while pulling you deeper into a dark world that gives you chills. One of Robb's greatest gifts is how she paints a setting and the players in it. Everything jumps off the page and into your imagination, taking the story to the next level.

I'll be counting down the days until the next installment in the In Death series.

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Faithless in Death by J.D. Robb is the 52nd book in her wonderful In Death (Eve Dallas) series. I am a huge fan of this series, having read every single book, as well as all the novellas; not to mention how much I love Eve and Roarke, the best literary couple ever. I noted in the last In Death Book (Shadows in Death) that J.D. Robb created a masterpiece. Well, I am happy to say that Faithless in Death was different, but equally as great, as this is another masterpiece. I marvel at how Robb can continue to give us fascinating stories 52 books later. Bravo to J.D. Robb/Nora Roberts.

Eve is called to the scene of a murder of a woman, who was bashed on the head, in what looked like a possible crime of passion. Eve and Peabody visit the person who discovered the victim and called 911. Immediately both Eve and Peabody question the woman, who not only found the victim murdered, but ran away and called the police a few hours later; she claims she had to get control of herself due to the trauma. However, they know the woman is lying or trying to protect someone.

Upon further investigation, with Peabody and Roarke, they discover that the woman, Gwen belongs to a huge powerful fanatical cult, involving terrible criminal acts, such as kidnapping, possible murder, political and other contacts that do their bidding, prejudice against gays, and separation of races; not to mention all the money they gather along the way. After interviewing members of the cult, as well as some victims, Eve knows this is not just a murder anymore, as it is becoming an all-out war to stop this horrific cult; she starts calling in the FBI and other agencies/departments.

What follows is an amazing, intense, exciting, non-stop, action-filled race to find the murderer, as well as stop and destroy the cult, especially with women and children all being held almost like slaves. What I loved was how all the members of Eve’s police team, were determined to help bring down this cult. Over time, Eve has built such a fantastic team and their loyalty was awesome.

In between all the tense excitement, I loved certain parts that lighten things, such as Mavis, Leonardo and Bella showed off their new home (which needs a lot of work), and will also have an apartment addition being offered to Peabody and McNab. I loved how all of these secondary characters we have come to love, are so close and loyal to Eve and to each other. We also got some quality time with Nadine, and I loved that too. This series started with Eve all alone (she did have Feeney), coming from a tragic childhood, meeting Roarke, and now years later (or shall I say 52 books later), she has an abundance of friends who play a large part of her life. Even her police team are great, and totally loyal to their queen. This is another plus that we get to see all these wonderful recurring characters.

The last 1/2 of the book was wild, intense, and mindboggling, with the entire team, Roarke, Reo, Mira, including the Commissioner, and the FBI and other agencies work together to bring down the Natural Order group. Faithless in Death was so very well written by Robb, and to tell too much more would ruin things, and this is one book you do not want to miss a thing. This was very exciting, tense, intriguing, nonstop action from start to finish, with never a dull moment. J.D. Robb once again gives us another masterpiece to this wonderful series, which I hope keeps on rolling for many years to come. I thought that Faithless in Death was another great book, which certifies that J.D. Robb will continue to give us many more Eve and Roarke books.

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I really enjoyed Faithless in Death. I'm not surprised really, I mean, this is the 52 books in the 'In Death" series. Every new book brings us a more mature Eve Dallas, more grown and put together.  I do get a bit tired of her leaning so heavily on Roarke during her police investigation but she seems to be allowed by her supervisor and her husband loves joining the fight.

The last few books I keep wanting more personal aspects thrown it, like when they have a lavish party or when Trina gets her hands on Eve and her friends. This just gives us another side to Eve, I like that side of her. My favorite part of this entire story is seeing Eve really grow into herself. She accepted Roarke's affection throughout the book. If you've read these books than you'll know she doesn't normally accept loving attention.

The writing is what I've come to expect for JD Robb, it's an enjoyable story that keeps me fully entertained. Robb sets a scene up and goes through the story in ways one might not expect. This one had a few shocking moments. I'm always impressed with the depth of Robb's deceptive ways. I'm always left eagerly awaiting the next book in the series, February and September are two of my favorite months.

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I think this suffered for me from being #52 of a long series. Sometimes I can jump in and be OK, two of my favorite mystery series ever I never read in the correct order, so it can be done, but this wasn't working for me. Too many people coming in and out and its in the future and just...I don't know. Not for me I guess.

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It starts out with a murder, and at first it seems like a standard love affair gone wrong. But all is not what it seems, when Dallas questions Gwen Huffman, who called 911, her story has holes in it. Gwen seemingly has it all, but why did it take her over an hour to report the murder? As they dive into Gwen's life, they find a connection to a religious cult. How are they involved in the murder, and what else is going on?

I really enjoyed this, it had a really fast pace, and you got to see some of the favorite characters from the series without it seeming forced. A really great mystery with romance and intrigue.

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