Member Reviews

This book was interesting to me because I love jeopardy, but I don’t think I could ever handsell this book outside of maybe on Father’s Day or something. It did have lots of interesting info but also came across as just a stat/info filled wasteland at times.

Answers in the Form of Questions
by Claire McNear
Pub Date: 10 Nov 2020
This is a must for any Jeopardy fan!
From how questions are designed to how contestants are chosen, this book is the end all of Jeopardy. The history is rich, the contestants are cutthroat, and Alex Trebeck is king.

As someone who has tried out for Jeopardy in the past, I was excited to read Answers in the Form of Questions and learn more about the history and behind-the-scenes workings of this iconic game show. Overall, I found the book to be an interesting and enjoyable read, full of fascinating trivia and insights into the show's production.
One thing I appreciated about this book was its comprehensive approach - McNear covers everything from the show's early days to its modern era, and she delves into topics ranging from the art of buzzer timing to the intricacies of the audition process. I also appreciated the personal anecdotes and interviews with former contestants, which helped to humanize the often-intimidating world of Jeopardy.
Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to review a temporary digital ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

I have always loved Jeopardy and reading the origin story and how it correlates to The Quiz Show catastrophe and cheating scandal was so interesting to me that was this whole book from the highlights to the low lights to everything you ever wanted to know about Jeopardy and more it’s all in this book and one I highly recommend. It was so much fun reading about Bethany who was the biggest loser and how she celebrated at a bar and everyone bought her shots I just love this book anyone who is a real Jeopardy fan will recognize the contestants I speak of and of course about Alex Trebek what a legend. This is truly a great book that was so interesting to read! I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

A must-read for any Jeopardy fan, Claire McNear's "Answers in the Form of Questions" is also invaluable as a piece of TV criticism.

“Answers in the Form of Questions”
By: Claire McNear
Secrets and History of Jeopardy?!, America's Smartest Trivia TV Show
From the show's iconic theme song, “Think,” a lullaby that show creator Merv Griffin originally wrote for his son, to its brilliant and charming Canadian host of 36-years, recently deceased Alex Trebek, television’s Jeopardy!? has stood the test of time as America’s most challenging and enthralling broadcast trivia game show.
For Jeopardy!? junkies, Claire McNear’s, “Answers in the Form of Questions,” is a must-have. It's a fact-filled glimpse at this long-running entertainment show that contains behind-the-scenes facts and figures that are both intriguing and informative.
A fast-paced, fun read, “Answers” provides anecdotal glimpses of typical show recordings; contestant selection processes, study techniques and on-air playing strategies; highest winners and worst losers; longest continuous running streaks; and so much more.
McNear’s book confirms that Jeopardy!? viewer statistics are still going strong, even following the demise of beloved host Trebek, although finding his permanent replacement will be tough because of his strong identity with the show.
Ken Jennings, Jeopardy!’s 2004 contending champion with 74 games, said, “Millions of Americans love trivia, and this ( Jeopardy!? ) is the peak of it… This is the place where it intersects with pop culture and respectability...”
The Book Maven’s Journal—Reviews for Word Connoisseurs
STAR RATING ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Answers in the Form of Questions”
Author: Claire McNear
Genre: Entertainment | Non-Fiction |
Publication Date: 09 November 2020
Publisher: Twelve Books, an imprint of Grand Central Publishing, trademarks of Hachette Book Group, Inc.
With Sincerest Appreciation to NetGalley, Author Claire McNear and Publisher Twelve Books, an imprint of Grand Central Publishing, trademarks of Hachette Book Group, Inc., for Providing this Advance Reader’s Copy for Review.

A true insider's guide to the beloved game show. Claire McNear strikes the right tone between reverence and tongue-in-cheek humor while exploring the history, strategy, and pop cultural impact of the show.

I thoroughly enjoyed this read. I have been a lifelong Jeopardy! fan. I still am not over the world's loss of Alex Trebek.
With the current mayhem in finding a new host, this was a perfect read to refresh myself on the reasons that I love Jeopardy! Yes, Alex was the heart and soul of this program. But, there are continual things to love about the institution he created.
I loved hearing individual stories of previous contestants, background information, and quippy facts and anecdotes about Alex. I will recommend this to all my nerd friends!

Answers in the Form of Questions is a victim of timing.
It doesn't acknowledge the great shakeup of the game in 2020-21, changing hosts Maybe it should introduce replacements of other key retirees like the contestant coordinator.
As a 2-time auditioner, I can confirm some of the facts in the book. I did meet Maggie at my first audition.
The author interjects herself too much into the work.
This book could be better.

This is such an enjoyable book to read! I enjoy watching Jeopardy with my family and pausing to try to answer the questions (and might I add sometimes long pauses to try to figure out the answer). I am definitely a nerd but no where smart enough to compete on the actual show. I could totally identify with the author who while doing her research was encouraged to audition to experience what it is like first-hand. Her nervousness was endearing and relatable. McNear weaves the history of the show, Alex Trebeck's career, and gives us access to "behind-the-scenes" of everything from clue development, the buzzers, game strategy, as well as the application and audition process. We also get a sense of individual contestant stories and their own preparation and strategies.
This book was a quick read and it was so enjoyable!
I recommend this book for all Jeopardy fans and for even casual viewers of Jeopardy.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the details of the history of Jeopardy. I never realized that they got so many episodes recorded so quickly. I had a greater appreciation for the show after reading this book.

Had a great conversation with Claire McNear about her book. You can find the link below to the show notes and to listen to us talk about her book.

This book was really interesting. I learned a lot about the history of the show and how people approach testing, auditioning, preparing, and game play. There were some neat facts about Alex and some of the contestants, especially well-known ones like Brad, Ken, and James, but the book mostly focuses on the show itself, which is great. For something that is so known and beloved in society there's a lot that most people don't know, like how the current version got started or how much money can potentially be won in an episode. It was really neat to read about all of that.

Part history, part how-to and all celebration of everything Jeopardy, Answers In The From of Questions really takes the reader behind the scenes of one of our most enduring cultural institutions. I'm amazed that it's lasted so long with the level of intelligence it takes to succeed on it. But this book shows that there are always bright minds raring to take their shot at glory. It's also a great book to celebrate Alex Trebek and his life's work.

And the answer is...I loved this book. Part of my daily routine is watching Jeopardy and this was such a pleasure to read about the behind the scenes of this show.
Having read several other books about Alex Trebek and Jeopardy this was a different spin on this subject. This was a very well written, fun and easy to get into book. There was so many fun facts and details that I learned.

I was pleasantly surprised how much I liked this and did not think it could possibly be as good as Alex Trebek's memoir, but this was a decent and enjoyable read. I like how this author discusses the audition process and some of the behind the scenes aspects of Jeopardy. I would hope Alex Trebek would have been proud of the research and presentation this author did to make this book enjoyable.
Definitely recommended for any fan of Jeopardy.
Thanks to Netgalley, Claire McNear and Twelve Books for an after published copy in exchange for an honest review.
Already available: 11/10/20

This multi-generationally beloved game show has been on the air since 1984 in its current incarnation and is viewed by many as the current gold standard in the genre.
What is “Jeopardy!”
For millions of people, “Jeopardy!” is a staple, a shared syndicated moment of intellectual rigor and high financial stakes. A combination of encyclopedic trivia knowledge, quick reaction time and the … courage … of a gambler. For 22ish minutes a day, five days a week – “Jeopardy!” is there.
Claire McNear has been writing about “Jeopardy!” for years. However, her new book “Answers in the Form of Questions: A Definitive History and Insider’s Guide to Jeopardy!” delves far deeper than she ever has gone before. Through a wealth of interviews – including over 100 contestants – and significant behind-the-scenes access, McNear offers up a closer examination of the beloved game show than any we’ve seen before.
And count McNear among those who love the show. There’s simply no way that a charming, thoughtful paean such as this one could be composed by someone without a deep and abiding affection for the program. It is a love letter to one of the few remaining monocultural stalwarts, a show that appeals to viewers of all ages and backgrounds.
We get the nuts and bolts stuff, of course. McNear takes us to the Sony soundstage in Culver City, giving readers a look at the logistics, introducing us to the myriad figures who make sure that the gears keep turning. We meet producers and clue writers, all while a picture is painted of what it means to be in that room.
She also takes us into the audition process, laying out the circumstances with remarkable accuracy and a healthy dose of self-deprecation – she has to be talked into kinda-sorta participating due to her perceived trivia liabilities, but winds up enjoying herself (thanks in no small part to the relentless whirlwind of positive energy known as Maggie Speak). McNear also dives deep into the community that surrounds the show – particularly the robust alumni network that has bloomed via social media platforms – and takes us along as she visits a few other trivia touchstones, visiting the National Trivia Championships and making the obligatory pilgrimage to the legendary trivia night at O’Brien’s in Los Angeles.
We’re walked through the training regimens – or lack thereof – undertaken by contestants who have gotten the call (or are simply awaiting a call they’re sure is coming). Tips and tricks from some of the greats are offered. Binging episodes, taking online quizzes on sites like Sporcle, buzzer simulators – there are lots of ways to prep. There’s also a great chapter about the math side of actual play, rife with game theory and noted strategies like the Forrest Bounce and the high-stakes attitude of recent steamroller James Holzhauer.
McNear explores the cultural impact of the show as well. Weird Al’s auspiciously-timed parody “I Lost on Jeopardy,” a tune that was released mere months before the 1984 relaunch of the show. The legendary “Cheers” episode where Cliff Clavin went on the show. The recurring SNL sketch “Celebrity Jeopardy,” featuring Will Ferrell as host Alex Trebek.
Speaking of Trebek, McNear speaks with him as well; while this chapter rings bittersweetly due to the host’s recent passing, there’s no question that McNear captures his essence. He so clearly adored his job, and that love for what he did was what made him the very best. Reading this section may well elicit both smiles and tears, but it is wonderfully indicative of who the man was and really brings to light the reasons so many feel such closeness to him.
There have been efforts in the past to capture the breadth of the “Jeopardy!” experience, but none have even approached the level of success achieved by “Answers in the Form of Questions.” McNear is a dynamite writer, which certainly helps, but the key to this book’s particular excellence is her passion for the subject. You can’t write about anything with this kind of care without loving it; there’s a joie de vivre bubbling beneath the surface of every page.
It’s worth noting that McNear does a phenomenal job of capturing the contestant experience, really giving us a soup-to-nuts examination of the process from test to audition to selection to taping. As someone who has been through that process, I can speak to its truth – a LOT of memories bubbled up as I read. And as a critic, I can speak to the quality of the writing – it engages in just the right ways. I’ve never read anyone who so thoroughly and accurately evokes the vibe of what it’s like to be on that stage, part of that scene.
And sure, there’s plenty of stuff here from the big names. Ken Jennings, James Holzhauer – you can’t tell the story of “Jeopardy!” without them. But it’s the conversations with other contestants, the folks who just won a couple of games (or none at all) or who played in the pre-internet days, that really shine. Those people have had their lives changed by the show just like those who were made millionaires – mine certainly was. Perhaps not economically, but certainly emotionally.
“Answers in the Form of Questions” is a fantastic read for anyone who loves “Jeopardy!” It is heartfelt and hilarious, a well-reported and deeply-researched plunge into the world of everybody’s favorite question-and-answer (sorry – answer-and question) show. And while the circumstances of the moment may render it somewhat bittersweet, those seeking comfort could well find some within these pages.
This new book is an informative, entertaining and generally excellent look at the best game show in the world.
What is “Answers in the Form of Questions.”

I still can’t believe I was in the middle of this eARC when I heard that Alex Trebek had passed away. He was the epitome of class and hard work. He taped Jeopardy! shows up until just ten days before he died. If you are a Jeopardy! fan like me then you know how much it hurts. This book is for fans of Jeopardy! and gives a look behind the scenes and history of the show to things I never knew. I really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it.

Part-history and part-strategy guide, Answers in the Form of Questions is a loving look at Jeopardy! It was written before Alex Trebek passed, of course, so it will need some editing. However, it’s still got a great hook and mostly stays well on track.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an ARC. This review contains my honest, unbiased opinion.

Category: Entertainment
Clue: A trip down memory lane
Answer: What is a book about Jeopardy!, my all-time favorite TV game show?
Fact is, my husband and I rarely miss it (for the record - and the benefit of various friends and family who might wonder what happened to us from 7 to 7:30 on a weeknight - if the phone rings when we're watching we refuse to answer).
You see, we go all the way back to the 1964 debut of the show with Art Fleming as the host and Don Pardo as the announcer. The current version is far more popular with viewers, with host Alex Trebek bounding on stage at the exuberant introduction of announcer Johnny Gilbert. Neither is exactly a spring chicken; Gilbert is well into his 90s (and still, IMHO, doing a bang-up job).
Despite being ecstatic over getting the chance, thanks to the publisher, to read and review a pre-release copy of this book, I figured I would already know most of what's in it. To some extent, I was right. But truth is, I learned a lot - most notably about such things as the importance of mastering buzzer ring-in timing, the process of becoming a contestant (don't for one second think it comes easy, or cheap) and what really happens behind the scenes. On top of that come insights from former champions - almost all of whom are familiar to those of us who watch religiously. From handlebar-mustached New York cop Frank Spangenberg to quirky bartender Austin Rogers to somewhat more conventional Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings and the phenomenal James Holzhauer, they're all in here - offering tidbits about their strategies and experiences. There's even a chapter on the show's very active Alumni Chapter and how Weird Al Yankovic influenced the show's revival (say WHAT)?
I wish I could reveal some of the details, but doing so would spoil it for others so I'll keep them to myself, recommend that you read the book for yourself and end with this:
Category: Adjectives
Clue: Word that best describes this book
Answer: What is delightful?