Member Reviews

I requested this book when I was about to become a parent for the first time and thought that I needed it. And maybe in some ways, I did. I think books like this are less self-help and more reassurance that 1) you're not crazy for having certain fears or worries and 2) there are threats out there and it's a good thing to have knowledge and awareness of those things - and then from there you can determine the level of concern that is appropriate for you and your specific child.
Which leads me to my next point and one thing that I think self-help parenting books do that is a negative, and that is basically giving blanket statements or concerns that could never fit every child. The most important thing a new parent can learn is that every child is different, every parent is different, and every relationship is different. The way my family solves problems is not the way that my best friend's family solves problems and that is OKAY. Sometimes I think self-help books push people into molds they're not built to fit in and that's always my caution when reading them. But beyond that, I think there was good info in here that new parents could put in their back pocket for future reference.

Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
This book offers a lot of great tips on identifying víctims and perpetrators of sexual and child abuse. The author uses humor, statistics and personal stories to relate her message. The only thing I wasn't crazy about was how limited and brief the information was. The author would direct us to her web page for more details. Overall, a good general child safety book.

It's parts hilarious, parts entertaining and all real. I enjoyed this one and how it made me feel like i was receiving friendly advice. This is a must read for parents.

A book about how to both protect your child from and teach him/her about sexual predators and bullying, aimed at parents of children ages 4-10, with a future book planned for older kids. It's written by a victim's advocate and abuse survivor and is intended as a practical look at how to avoid dangerous situations and also how to talk to children about potential dangers without scaring them. I mainly wanted to read it because I have no idea how to talk to an already nervous 4-year-old about things like body safety without freaking him out about meeting new people or making him even more worried in unfamiliar situations. The first half of the book is pretty alarming, with suggestions about doing background checks on everyone your child comes in contact with (slight exaggeration on my part), bullying and how to deal with it, etc. The second half of the book is more what I expected, talking to kids at their level, and has lots of good ideas and suggestions. I wouldn't say I "enjoyed" reading this (because how could you?), but I did find the second half of the book helpful. The first half, as I said, was mostly alarming. I honestly don't know enough about the subject to know whether the more panicky sounding parts are really overreaction or if I should genuinely be as hypervigilant as the book would suggest. I expected a book that would reassure and empower, and parts of it really just caused me more worry about things that I hadn't felt that concerned about previously. Maybe that is good; maybe that is bad. I don't know. It wasn't a fun read, but there was also a lot of good information in the second part. I will likely refer back to this book over time. 4 stars.

In light of the trafficking that has been taking place in the world and how much more aware of it all that we have become, this book comes along at a perfect time. I love the heart behind this book and the practical ways she gives for us to keep our kids, and ourselves safe.
I appreciate her sharing her story with us and helping us realize the dangers that lurk behind every internet connection, ever car, store and person. Like kidnapping and sexual abuse, and trafficking happens everywhere.
This book is for every parent that wants to prepare themselves to be better parents and to keep their children safe.

"Badass Parenting" is a must read for parents of children at any age. The author breaks things down in easy to understand chunks of information in a hilarious yet serious fashion.

I really enjoyed this book. It gave me ideas and affirmations, where I needed them. I found it very easy to read and enjoy. None of it felt over the top or preachy, which is always a problem with ‘help’ books, and we all know the last thing parents want is to be made to feel rubbish. This book never does that. It is great and really enjoyable.

Badass Parenting
I enjoyed the book!! From one Grandma to another we were on the same page! I also agree that you shouldn’t give unsolicited parental opinions unless asked because that only causes issues with your daughter in law!!😂 I love mine! I have a 10 year old granddaughter that my son and his wife are raising to be a strong respectful and caring person! She writes Thank you cards on her own for gifts!
My daughter just had her first baby and she is calling me a lot, and I am sending her a copy of this book because I was so impressed with the message!! Wonderful job in talking about being alert when you send them off to daycare!!
I received a advanced copy from NetGalley and willingly give my thoughts and opinions!

I though this book might actually heighten my anxieties and wondered if I should bother reading it, but it did the exact opposite!
Written from a completely non-judgemental place, the author used light hearted tones where appropriate and made me glad I was educating myself. Somethings I knew, and others were new info I'll be glad to adopt into the way I speak to and educate my kids.
I was glad to read some advice that I had already instinctively done as a parent and been 'mocked' by others as being too over protective - which actually helped calm my anxieties knowing I had made a good/recommended judgement call in the situation.
Recommend for parents of all ages - yes even that young!