Member Reviews

Another Woman's Husband is a near perfect piece of historical fiction. It uses alternating timelines to weave together fact, fiction, and speculation to tell a believable and poignant story, full of fascinating characters and rich emotion. I loved reading it and would recommend it to any and all fans of historical fiction.

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Dual timeline between Wallis Simpson and her good friend, Mary Simpson during the 1930s and a young couple who happen to be near the tunnel just after the Princess Diana crash. It takes awhile for the stories to start to come together but the story held my interest. It was a little long and I felt like some details weren’t really necessary to the overall story.

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Anyone that is a fan, like me, of anything royal-related will love this novel. Great dual timeline! I was always fascinated by the infamous Wallis Simpson story. I know it’s labeled as historical fiction but this is one of those books that drives me to learn more and do my own research and reading on Wallace Simpson. The night Diana dies is etched into my memory so I found that parallel story interesting too. A great novel that made all the characters feel alive to me!

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I enjoyed this book. It was somewhat easy to follow. I love reading about the royals and I love the concept of weaving the stories of Wallis and Diana together. Diana's story is a sad one, but definitely worth reading.

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Really interesting dual timeline, historical fiction. You find yourself being suspicious of each of the characters, waiting to see what will happen next. Relationships are strained in each of the timelines and you wonder where they’re going to go and what will be the outcome. If you enjoy reading about the royal family of England than you will definitely enjoy this story

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I was very young when Diana died so I had only very basic knowledge of her. I knew a little more of Wallis Simpson but still not much. The idea of the book really intrigued me once I started, I was absolutely hooked on this from the start. The dual timeline was executed perfectly. While of course this is a fictionalization, it left me wanting to learn more. I’ve done some light internet reading on these two women and am looking forward to checking out some of the reference materials the author mentions.

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This was an interesting book. I feel it is mainly about the relationship between Wallis Simpson and her childhood friend., Mary. There is also a parallel story set at the time of Princess Diana’s death which ties together at the end. I enjoyed the book and now want to learn more about Wallis and Mary Kirk.

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This book has a dual timeline of Wallis (later married) Simpson and her friend Mary , and weaves the story with a more current friendship of Rachel and Nicola. I'll admit, I almost gave up on the novel part way through, but I am glad I finished it. I found the relationship between Wallis and Mary to be far more interesting than the current timeline story. And actually, I think the current storyline was weaker, and more of a stretch to connect the women in both time periods. Rachel became engaged on the night Princess Diana died, and she and her fiancee witnessed the crash. The author tries to connect the thread between Wallis and Diana, as women who were misunderstood by the British royalty. I did enjoy learning more of Wallis - I think I'm like many people in wondering what could be so special about a person that a man gives up his title of King for her. Overall, I'd give the book a 3.5.

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I learned so much from this historical novel. The novel has a great flow between two timelines and how those timelines come together. One is in the early to mid 1900’s and mainly about 2 friends, Mary Kirk and Wallis Stimson. I had heard of Wallis Simpson but I did not know anything about her and her scandalous drama. I loved learning more about this time period. The other time line starts in 1997 on the night of Princess Diana’s car crash in Paris. It was a fascinating read. Thank you NetGalley for the book.

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What a fascinating book. I was impressed by the storyline and the characters were all well written and complex. Where there are complex storylines combined with intriguing characters the reader experience is magnified tremendously. To have a book that is well written as well as entertaining is a delight. Reading is about escaping your world and entering another one. Here I forgot about my own life and was immersed in the world created by the author. I would recommend this book.

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Gill Paul writes about two women, one extremely well-known and the second the other woman. The author does a fantastic job with this formula. In this story we have the infamous Wallis Simpson and her childhood friend Mary Kirk Raffray. Gill Paul uses two altering timelines presenting a modern day mystery or link to the past that leads us through learning about the lives of the characters.

The characters are well-developed and the research into the book is thorough. This is the perfect read for people that are interested in the British Royal family.

Thank you #NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I’ve had this book saved for a while. I think I received it from the Book Club Girls, so thanks to them if so! This was an easy quick read. I didn’t know the true story of Wallis and Mary and found it interesting. I’m not sure the book really needed the Diana storyline but it was neatly tied up at the end. A perfect choice for anyone who wants more royal stories after finishing the Crown.

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I loved this book! It was a very good historical fiction with dual timelines, following the scandal of Wallis Simpson's affairs and the death of Princess Diana. This was the first book I have read by this author, and I couldn't put it down. I will definitely be reading other books by this author. I would definitely recommend this for anyone who likes historical fiction and is fascinated by the royal family. I received a free copy of this book from netgalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved this book. I have never read anything about Prince Edward and his mistress. What a fascinating history of how and why he abdicated the throne. Princess Diana’s story is also entwined in that story. Very good. And very interesting!

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4 ½ stars

I found this book to be beautifully written, but for some reason, it was a slow read. It has well-drawn characters. I could see many things that were based on real-life, but beyond those, I can’t attest to how much was true. What I do know is that book does not make Wallis Simpson and Edward VIII, short-termed king of England, look good.

This is a book of missed chances. It attempts to draw similarities between Wallis and David Windsor and Princess Diana, at least in how Wallis and Diana were treated by the royal family. I didn’t feel that it succeeded in that.

The story is told through the eyes of Wallis Simpson’s friend from childhood, Mary Kirk. In some ways, I think the author took on too much as she tried to juggle multiple stories and time periods in this book. There’s Wallis and David, Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed, Mary Kirk, and a vintage store owner and her boyfriend, a documentary filmmaker who arrive on the scene immediately after Diana’s accident. Telling all those stories is a big undertaking. The author did well with them, but at times it seemed as if the tales overwhelmed.

I enjoyed this book very much. I did feel that the ending was rather abrupt. It also never answered the question it seemed to pose at the beginning, was Diana’s death accidental or planned. Still, I felt that it was a worthwhile book to read.

I received a free e-copy of this book from the publisher. I thank them for their generosity, but it had no effect on this review. All opinions in this review reflect my true and honest reactions to reading this book.

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This was an interesting historical written drama. It was a great way to incorporate Princess Diana, as we all know she can never really be forgotten. I think the book was written well as you bounce back and forth between past and present tense, and the interlocking of storylines was well intertwined. Very vivid appreciation to the characters in the book, seamlessly meshed together with a two person narrative. This turned out to be a great book! I have never read the Secret Wife which I have read has rave reviews so after reading this book I will be checking that one too! Thank you Netgalley for the copy to read, rate, & review.

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This book is told in dual storylines that I never would have thought to bring together in one book. One is in the 1930s with Wallis and her friend Mary from school and follows them through their marriages and the war. The other storyline is in 1997 in Brighton with a couple Alex and Rachel who happen to be in Paris and witness Princess Diana;’s fatal accident. The stories go back and forth and there are some connections between the two. Gill Paul tells a good story and makes the characters seem like real people. Even the famous ones.

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A free Friday choice from Book Club Girls.

Another Woman's Husband tells the story of Wallis Warfield, but thought the eyes of her childhood best friend.

4 stars (review not required for download)

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Another Woman’s Husband contains two storylines completely unrelated and slowly weaves them together to a beautiful conclusion. One is the story of Mary Kirk and her complex relationship with Wallis Simpson from their time at boarding school to Wallis becoming the Duchess of Windsor. The second is about Rachel and her fiancé Alex who happen to witness the car crash that took the life of Princess Diana. Both of these women were a thorn in the side of the monarchy, but both were forces of nature on their own rights. The story was magically woven together and was quite enjoyable. However, I was surprised at how easily, and seemingly flippantly, divorces happened back in the 1930’s.

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This is the second book I have read this year about infamous or lesser known royals. I loved how the stories were totally intertwined. I was wondering how that was going to happen! It was entertaining and the the details completely drew you into life in the 30’s as well as when Diana died. The characters were believable and lovable, even Wallis. Definitely recommend!

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