Member Reviews

I adored this book. This was like getting 2 stories in one that jumps back from 2 different time periods. First we have Alex and Rachel who are in Paris, just got engaged, and are traveling thru a tunnel and witness the car crash that killed Princess Dianna. Then we go to another timeline and meet the young Wallis Simpson and her best friend Mary Kirk. Chapters alternate between Wallis' 2 marriages and all the events up to her causing the king to abdicate. Other story follows the aftermath of Dianna's death on Alex, a documentary film maker and Rachel, owner of a vintage clothing shop and how they are trying to plan their wedding and come to terms with what happened to Dianna. The two stories do come together into one. Enjoyed it very much

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I really enjoyed this book. Interesting mix of historical facts about Wallis Simpson and princess diana'.

I hadn't read this author before and now looking forward to reading more from her.

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I enjoyed this book, with its blending of historical accuracy and fictional elements. For a large part of the book I wondered how Princess Di's death and Wallis Simpson were going to be tied together. It seemed that the two separate stories went on a bit too long. However, I continued to be interested and never considered abandoning the book. I did feel that the writing was a bit amateurish and in need of editing. Over all, a pleasant but not earthshaking read.

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Another Woman's Husband by Gill Paul is the fictional story of Wallis Warfield Simpson, told from the point of view of her girlhood friend, Mary Kirk. Wallis was conniving and had been from her very early days. Mary was her true friend, until she looked back on their relationship and discovered that it was one-sided. Wallis had never been there for her; it had always been her being there for Wallis. Mary died you, at 45, from cancer, but she had a good life. She had good friends, a first husband who had loved her, and the second who was the love of her life. Wallis had notoriety and that was nearly all.

Another Woman's Husband alternated between two stories: Mary's and another one taking place in 1997, immediately following Princess Diana's death. Both stories came together in the end: fictionally. Historical fiction is storytelling. This story was seriously based in fact, even using quotes from letters from the principals. It was, however, still fiction, no matter how accurate. It had many elements of heartbreak in it, including the relationship between Wallis and David, Prince of Wales, later abdicated king. It is these stories that make these people of historical fiction real to the vast majority of us. Paul did a wonderful job of portraying these people, and attempting to be fair to all of them, while still honoring their memories. It is a well-written book about at important time in history. Hopefully these people will not be forgotten. I recommend Another Woman's Husband.

I was invited to read an ARC of Another Woman's Husband by Netgalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions and interpretations contained herein are solely my own. #netgalley #anotherwomanshusband

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Loved this book! I am such a sucker for historical fiction, and this one reminded me why. Told using two timelines, the “bigger” story being that of Wallis Simpson, who I especially love reading about, and a timeline set when Princess Diana was killed inter car crash.

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