Member Reviews

This was a very cute story for kids suffering fears. Easy to read with nice illustrations. Recommend

I like the idea of this book more than the book itself.
the writing and dialogue were pretty uninspired (lots of "said"'s); just because a children's book should be easy to understand, it doesn't mean the writing has to be boring. it just seems like it could have used a really good editor.
I like the way the monsters were drawn - clearly visible as such, but not scary, which makes the book also appropriate for smaller children and reading at bedtime.

My granddaughter loves cute, cuddly monsters. Throw them into a bedtime story and we were in for this on. It was a very simple story with a lot of repetition which made it good for her older brother to read to her. Kelsey always helps her younger brother Thomas. When Thomas' loses his lullaby box, she has to find it by facing the lullaby monsters. The monsters are not scary, but rather cute, bright and colourful. This is a story about facing your fears, that is okay to be scared of things and that sharing those fears will help you. It was a cute idea, but I found the story to be just a bit too simplistic. The kids liked it, especially because the oldest could read it.

This was just ok for me.
I found that although having stories with monsters is a great way to help fight fear of them, these felt a little all over the place and I found it hard to follow. My 4 year old wanted me to keep reading but found she was getting a little lost as well.
To be fair, this may have been because I was reading this arc as an ebook. This book is meant to be picked up physically and read.

I really wanted to read and review this book. However, even though it is not stated in the blurb, this is another PDF book which I don't review. I wish publishers would just add this one fact to the description.

My kid and I both loved the art work, bright, cherry and colourful. The story is quite cute too, lots of repetitive sentences for beginner readers. The story is about how kids can overcome their fears, and that everyone has things they're scared of, even the monsters that appear in your nightmare are scared of something too. Having someone who listen and care about you sooth your worries, cookies help as well. :)

The story line of this book was a great idea, and the illustrations were really cute too but I felt like it didn't quite flow as well as it could have and my daughter seemed to lose interest.

This book is very simple and straightforward. It's perfect for very young kids and the illustrations are cute. The writing is a bit repetitive which is good for young readers, but not for anyone else.

Monsters are always a good start to a children's book. Especially when they are a cute and a little mischievous. These monsters were delightful. The story was cute and short and the illustrations were colorful and kept my child's (3) attention.

A cute story about missing lullabies and monsters. A fun bed time story for kids! The artwork is simple and cute and the story is short and sweet.

Um, I do not know exactly what I was expecting when I decided to read this book, but it was not that. This was just very odd with robotic writing that did not make much sense or flow very well. I thought the premise sounded good and the cover was nice, but the story is just a complete miss. I would suggest passing on this one.

The illustrations are cute and the text is easy to read. An eye catching cover would draw a child to want to pick up this book. A chapter book about Kelsey and Thomas and what they get up too with monsters. I felt that the story didn't flow very well but children would like this book. Thank you for the opportunity to review this book.

This is a fantastic story with clear easy-to-understand language that makes a great book for children to read on their own! The story is fun and interesting. The illustrations were wonderful and fun!
I received an advanced review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Me and my son (6) read this together, and together we came up with the resting.
For me, personally, the story was a bit flat. However, remembering its target audience, asked my son what he thought and he loved it. He found it easy to read, the sentences were nice, easy and not too complex and he loved the repition. Overall, easy 4* from us.

As an adult this book fell a little flat, but after reminding myself this book is targeted towards a much younger audience I was able to appreciate it alot more. This book is honestly perfect for those who are just beginning their journey into becoming readers and future book lovers. The sentences are simple and repetitive which is exactly what new readers need. The story is short and sweet and accompanied by these adorable little drawings which will catch the eye of a small child.
If you are looking for a more complex read loaded with life lessons for your child or student then this WILL NOT be a book for you. But if you have a budding reader or a child/student that is struggling with reading than this would be an excellant book to grab.
I recieved a digital copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I'm wishy/washy with my opinion on this book. I thought the overall moral of the story is that we all have fears not matter who or what we are. But the actual content to achieve that point of the story is a little dull. I think some minor improvements could really improve this book. The pictures are cute.

Kelsey is her brothers hero. She is brave and caring. To be honest, this story is written pretty badly amd not all that interesting.

"Is this book missing something?"
The illustrations of The Lullaby Monsters are adorable and will keep kids engaged because the story falls short. The dialog is short and choppy. The Monsters take the lullaby box and in order to get it back Kelsey devises a plan but like the rest of the conversations, it is missing substance.
This book could have been so much more.

I wish this book was much better than it actually is.
It really hurts me when I have to rate low a children's book with illustrations and all.
But this book is just not the one for me.
If it was a random collection of words, thoughts or ideas, I would have liked it much better.
The book is divided into chapters like a short book but I feel it lacked any connection in between the chapters. The writing felt robotic and repetitive for no particular reason.
I am disappointed with the way each chapter ended. I didn't like the illustrations either.
I hope the next book gets better. I see potential. It just needs better editing and representation.
Thank you #NetGalley for the ARC.

This book was ok. I do like that each chapter built on the previous one to tell a story. Some of the chapters were a bit confusing however. I do like the repetition of words. I think it is a good beginning level book for early readers. I don't like the illustrations. The illustrations look old and remind me of books that looked like they were old when I was a child. It looks like one of those books that sits on the shelf and you try to get people to check it out, but they flip through it and put it back.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.