Member Reviews
N. T. Wright argues that every worldview must explain seven “signposts,” indicators inherent to humanity: Justice, Spirituality, Relationships, Beauty, Freedom, Truth, and Power. Wright explores each of these discussing how and why they are broken, then offers ideas for a way forward, through Jesus. That's all well and good, but my biggest problem with N.T. Wright is that he is not affirming of LGBTQ+ folks. And this book is not as interesting or deep as many of his other books. Surprised by Hope is one I still recommend.
I love this book; I dislike the subtitle. I think it will only attract people who are already attracted to Christianity. I wish the subtitle had hinted at what I found intriguing in the book: how the universal human desires for love, justice, beauty, etc., while broken, are also true signposts when viewed through the life of Jesus. I was challenged to reread the Gospel of John with fresh eyes.
Wright uses the Gospel of John to set forth seven "signposts" of what life is meant to be which have been corrupted in their present form: justice, love, spirituality, beauty, freedom, truth, and power.
This work is for the lay reader, and if memory serves, represents a more lay approach to some of the premises from Wright's Gifford lecture on natural theology and new creation. Wright considers each of the seven principles/characteristics/what have you and shows what they are meant to be, why they are what they are, and how they find their fullness in what God is accomplishing in Jesus. The work also features "interludes" which provide assistance in understanding the Gospel of John to enhance the arguments made elsewhere.
An excellent work and worthy of consideration, for Wright does well in the general framework, approach, and textual exegesis.
N. T. Wright has done again! His new book “Broken Signposts” provides a robust roadmap for how Christianity can not only be relevant in our contemporary society, but how it can be transformative. With his sheer brilliance, wit, and profound knowledge of the scriptures, N.T. Wright shows us how we can truly be the light of the world and salt of the earth!
A number of years ago I read N.T. Wright's Suprised by Hope, and was struck by his ability to elucidate theological concepts in such an accessible, and uplifting way. That book remains on my bookshelf and I have referred to it over the years. I had a similar feeling about his book Simply Good News. As a result, I was eager to read this new offering.
My experience with Broken Signposts was somewhat different as I found it to be more scholarly in nature. This book is one to study, and digest slowly, Though I certainly believe a lay person could appreciate and gain insight from this book, it may be more easily understood by readers with academic theological, knowledge.