Member Reviews

Unfortunately, I had to put this book down before finishing it. The premise was intriguing, and I was initially excited to dive in, but as the story progressed, I found it difficult to stay engaged.

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Great characterisation - I ended up totally immersed in this YA romcom. It was a fun read and I loved the representation of #ownvoices

Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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An amazing YA read! I loved the characters, the familial relationships and the amazing friendships too! It was so enjoyable having an enemies to lover romance in it as well! I'll definitely be reading the author's entire backlist now!

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This copy was given to me for a book club I was in and I never ended up having any interest in reading it, but I heard good things from the rest of the club so I want to reflect that in my rating. Thank you for the book regardless!

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I received a free eARC from the author/publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Dating Makes Perfect was such a delightful read! The basic premise is that Winnie Tech's parents are allowing her to practice dating before she leaves school and goes into the marriage market, as it were. The catch is that her parents are the ones in control, planning dates based on their favourite rom-coms, and they have picked the perfect person for her to practice with: her childhood friend turned enemy, Mat.

This was a fun and incredibly cute book. I loved Winnie, and her relationship with Mat. It's was funny and had plenty of drama and hijinks. The writing was also super easy to read, so I flew through it.

I think fans of There's Something About Sweetie by Sandy Menon would probably enjoy this too.

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I absolutely loved this book. It made me me smile, laugh out loud, and even tear up a little bit. The personalities, growth, and discussions about relationships were written so very well and pulled me right in. This is the second books I’ve read by Pintip Dunn (Malice was the first - I absolutely loved that book as well) and plan to grab some of the other offerings soon, while I hope for even more to read. If you’re looking for a lovely story with tons of heart, pick this one up!

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This book was one that I could not put down. From learning about the Tech sisters to family dynamics and falling in love, this book is beautifully crafted.
I loved the dates crafted after romantic comedies and how the story flew by with character growth and learning about one’s self. It was amazing to read a Thai American #ownvoices book and can’t wait to see more.
100%recommend this beauty.

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this story was SO cute!! Winnie’s relationships with her family, friends, and Mat were adorable!!! the tension made me intrigued to keep reading, and the ending was perfect!!! 4/5 stars !!

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Dating Makes Perfect by Pintip Dunn was a fun,little romcom story that reminded me of Lara Jean in To All the Boys I've Loved Before. I loved the fake dating and enemies to more theme, and the characters were believable and cute. Winnie's personality is absolutely adorable, and it was fun watching her grow into her own person as she figured out life. I love stories like this that pull me right back to high school, and even though I'm not familiar with Thai customs so much, that added an interesting aspect to the story as well. All in all,this was a super adorable story, and I'd definitely recommend it!

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This book was so adorable and so sweet, and I’m honestly surprised at how much I liked it as I’m very picky with YA contemporary! Pintip Dunn created loveable characters and a very realistic high school setting, and I loved the Thai representation.

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I received an eArc of this book via Netgalley for an honest review

An Own Voices YA novel about a Thai American teenager being suddenly allowed to "date" in high school so that she can gain experience in regards to finding a suitable spouse in her near future. This is a privilege her older twin sisters did not have. The catch is that Winnie's parents have all of the control, who it is she goes on her dates and where, with a notebook in which she is graded and details of the date are noted. And her parents know the perfect person to practice dating with, Mat. Her ex-best friend now enemy.

This is Enemies to Lovers but I can see how it can possibly remind you of To All The Boys I've Loved Before with the fake dating element.

This book gives you a Thai American perspective. Winnie loves all Thai food and it is thoroughly described throughout the book giving readers knowledge of all her favorite dishes. As a reader we get to experience Thai culture as they attend an event in which she brings her best friends who is not Thai and spends time explaining it to her.

What I enjoyed most about this book was the relationships. Winnie is the youngest of three but her older sisters are twins and throughout the book the twins share a lot of moments only twins can have but not once do they make Winnie feel left out. This book shows a healthy sister relationship and that has got to be one of the best parts of the book. The twins happen to be in their first year of college while Winnie is in her Senior year of high school. But the sisters talk regularly and the twins more than once express to Winnie how important she is to them and how her feelings and what she has to say matters. There was a moment where Winnie calls her sisters but tries to rush the call to end because she feels as though she is bothering them but they tell her otherwise. Its lines like those that made my heart happy.
This book also did a great job of holding people accountable for their actions. I have to admit there was a something that was said to Winnie that she didn't like and took offense to it and at the moment I personally didn't see it the way she did but when the situation was brought up again I was able to understand why she felt the way she did, I like that a book made me experience that.

I think one of the biggest take aways from this book is communication. Owning up to where you may have played a part in the series of events that have happened in your life, owning up to when you have said or did something unkind/unfair, as well as speaking up for yourself and not letting yourself stay in the shadows when you yourself put you there.

Now, I know I have rambled on about everything but the dating/love interest for a book that has dating in the title. This is because even though that is 90% of this book, everything else I have mentioned meant so much more to me. I have to say for a long time throughout the book I didn't like Mat's character or Taran (a boy Winnie develops a bit of a crush on). I didn't like their attitudes or the things they said. I felt sometimes some of the things that were said were far too harsh and I don't believe their is an excuse for that. As with many enemies to lovers books we tend to forgive the mean when we understand where it stems from or we understand the character more and I have definitely been guilty of this. For some reason I felt as though Mat really messed with my emotions and felt he crossed the line too many times. Which is the reason why I couldn't give this a 5 stars. I understand this can definitely be a "personal problem" because I don't all together dislike Mat as a character I just feel he deserved a little more push back.

In the end I am completely satisfied with the ending and thoroughly enjoyed Winnie as a character. She is cute and innocent and sweet and lovable with a bit of feisty.

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Dating Makes Perfect was beyond adorable and so much fun! With a story line that played out like I was watching a movie, characters that leaped off of the pages and moments that made my heart beat faster, this book easily became an instant favorite! If you love enemies to lovers and young adult, then you'll definitely want to add this one to your tbr!

My breath catches. What is he doing? He wouldn’t kiss me, like he threatened. Would he? No way. But he’s so close…
He leans even farther—and then plucks the notebook right off my lap.
Right. That’s what he was going for. The notebook.

Winnie's parents expected their twin daughters, Ari and Bunny, to already be engaged within their first year of college. Their no dating rule in high school completely backfired on them. In hopes of fixing their mistakes, they let Winnie know she'll be the first Tran daughter to date in high school. Yet with some rules. One....her parents get to determine when and where the dates happen. Two.....they get to decide who she dates. And her first date will be with family friend, and arch nemesis and sworn enemy for life, Mat.

Fueled by a sudden clarity, I reach out and touch his sleeve. I want to take back my words. I want to get past our sniping. I want to be friends again.
Before I can say anything, he rips away his arm and takes off.

I loved Winnie! From how bold she could be to even her thoughts, I so wish she could be my bff! But my heart hurt for her anger and pain towards Mat. One day in middle school he just decided not to be her best friend anymore. And four years later she still carried that pain in her heart. Thankfully Winnie had creative outlets for it, like shooting a drawing of him with her nerf gun lol. Or getting back at him with her art project, she was so smart and creative! I was beyond grateful she had her bestie Kavya, who she could pour her heart out to, since her sisters were away at college. But ironically the one who always seemed to be around, even if she didn't want him to be, was Mat.

Mat’s smug, annoying face comes into focus. He leans over, so close that his hot breath caresses my skin.
“Gotcha,” he says very, very softly.

I have a confession, I was obsessed with Mat Songsomboon. Yes he could be a complete jerk and his words stabbed Winnie's heart at times. But even while he hurt her, I loved him with my whole heart. So when he messed with Winnie? Ohhhh it made me love him even more *covers face with hands*. You see, he also teased her and it was in this playful, seductive and hilarious way. It made him impossible to hate. Especially when his words and actions mesmerized me. Mat was infuriating while also being sexy. And while I went back and forth of does he or does he not want her, it left me desperately wanting to know his every single thoughts. Especially during the moments he was thoughtful and protective of Winnie. If you love complicated males, you're going to love Mat!

He takes a shaky breath. “I’m proving that one thing has nothing to do with the other. For example, you could kiss me right now. And I’d let you. In fact , I’d kiss you back. But that wouldn’t change my feelings toward you. I’d still loathe you just as much as I did before.”
I narrow my eyes. Because I don’t believe him.

The dates that Winnie went on?! I was OBSESSED! Winnie's mom tried to recreate moments from favorite movies and it was epically hilarious! From How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (my favorite movie!), to Pretty Women, to My Best Friend's Wedding and so many more, I loved how it made this story play out! And while Mat and Winnie could be so cute and playful together, when they weren't trying to knock the other one down. There were also sentimental moments that melted my heart and emotional ones that cut me to the core. Both of their pain was so palpable and while they knew each other inside out as kids, it wasn't the same now that they were in their teens. There was a lot of healing for them to do, but in the meantime neither could deny the chemistry that was there.

“You want me to say that you’re stunning? That I wish I could take a photo, so that I can look at you all day? That the material is soft and touchable— and as skimpy as it is, it still covers way too much?” His eyes are black and furious and mesmerizing. I couldn’t look away if I tried. “Yeah, I could’ve said all that. No doubt, that’s what Taran’s going to be thinking. But I didn’t, because I have too much respect for you. Even after everything we’ve been through.”
“You’re lying,” I croak.
He raises an eyebrow.

Dating Makes Perfect swept me away and will stay with me for a long time to come! Not only did I smile from beginning to end, but I couldn't help crying too. These characters reached so easily into my heart and that ending was oh so perfect! I loved Winnie's family, I loved Winnie and Mat and I loved even more watching how everyone's story played out! Pintip Dunn wrote an addictive story filled with romance, charm, humor and heart and I can't wait to devour the rest of her books!

PS I highlighted soooo many favorite moments in this are a few more quotes I love with my whole heart.....

I peek at him. The sun’s on its descent, dappling his face with shadows. I have the strangest sensation that he’s not the boy I’ve hated all these years. It’s almost as though he were someone new and yet familiar…

“Why?” he whispers.
A live wire stretches between us. From his hands to my hands. From his lips to my lips. I desperately want to close the distance between us. To see what sparks we could produce if skin pressed against skin.
But I can’t.

I don’t know why I’m defending him, but every minute we spend under these stars brings him closer to the boy he used to be. The boy my heart wants to protect.

“You’re such a dork.” I raise my hand to smack him, and he ducks out of range.
“No touching, remember?” he says, his eyes bright.
I shake my head, pretending to be exasperated, but I can’t quite stop my lips from curving.

You’re not the person I thought you were.
Eight words. A simple sentence. One that’s not even intrinsically unkind, if you take it word by word.
How can they hurt so damn much?

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This book was my first experience with this author and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it! Pintip Dunn created a beautiful story that high school me could really connect to. I really enjoyed the characters, Mat, the twins, and of course our MC Winnie. This story was actually surprising in the way that Pintip wrote this story. This is because I have read other high school romances and they're a bit whimsical and a good dash of unrealistic but this book had a touch of real that I really felt connected to. This story really threw be back to my high school days and how I had a HUGE crush on a guy from the baseball team my senior year. Part of me was really happy to revisit that time in my life and felt great when <spoiler> Winnie and Mat finally got together</spoiler>. I must admit that I have a personal issue with <spoiler> fake dating to make someone jealous</spoiler>. This did not play that big of a part or deter my interest and like of the book that much but it is a personal preference for sure. I do have to say that as someone who is part of the BIPOC grouping, I loved that this was an #OWNVOICES book and felt that connection with the Tech family as it was a similar experience with my own family. Overall I would have to highly recommend this book to other YA romance lovers because this may play on a popular trope but Pintip's voice really showed through and is worth reading from again.

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All my thoughts and review will be found on my blog @ . Thank you so much entangled teen, pintip dunn, and hearourvoicestour for picking me as a tour host.

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I really really enjoyed this one!

It's always a blast readings books with characters from a different culture to myself. As they're entertaining and educational at the same time, love it!

I'm a sucker for the fake dating trope and this one definitely delivers in that sense. It was such a sweet and heartwarming story and I really enjoyed seeing the characters evolve.

Definitely recommend it!

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The premise of this book is absolutely phenomenal and engaging. The characters are delightful and a wide variety of readers will fall in love with the story. This is a refreshing take on what could be a typical YA and it rises above the rest. Highly recommended.

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I received this as an ARC from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I cannot explain how much I loved this book. Winnie is a Thai girl who wants her parents to be proud of her. So when her mother tells her that she needs to practice dating with her childhood best friend turned enemy she reluctantly agrees. Winnie and Mat are so cute, they have a history together which only adds to their relationship despite them being enemies for most of this book. The tension and the budding attraction between them was great. An added bonus to this book we’re the romance movie scenes Winnies mum makes them re-enact.

This books isn’t just great because of the romance. It’s also great because of how it handles the issue of gaining parental approval to the detriment of what you want. Winnie has two older sisters who she feels are smarter and more beautiful. She feels that she was only left with obedience as a way to gain her parents love. Winnie goes through this struggle of not knowing if her parents love her for her or because she’s so obedient. Not wanting to disappoint your parents who moved to another country to give you a better chance at life is something that a lot of people can relate too. I think I’ve was handled so well, Winnie never disrespected her mum and dad which is seen as a big thing in the culture they live in.

Another thing I loved about this book was the depiction of Thai celebrations and traditions. Having gone to Thailand during the Songkran festival I’ve been really intrigued about Thai culture. I felt like this book showed what Thai culture outside of Thailand looks like and I really enjoyed reading it. A big part of Winnies indentity is that she’s Thai, I felt like the culture was seemlessly ingrained into the story. Of course I’m not Thai so I can’t speak to the accuracy of it, but it did feel real too me.

Overall I really enjoyed this book, I would definitely recommend it to everyone who love ya contemporary romance.

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j'ai passé un très bon moment avec Winnie, j'ai adoré son évolution de la première à la dernière page et forcément, on a le sourire et on a envie de la voir se battre pour ce qui compte pour elle. Sa relation avec Mat va être faite de hauts et de bas, j'ai aimé les voir se rapprocher petit à petit, les voir régler leurs problèmes ou en créer de plus grands encore et on ne peut que dévorer les pages pour savoir comment les choses vont finalement se passer. La façon dont Winnie grandit est vraiment très sympathique et on ne peut que l'aimer encore plus quand elle commence à assumer ses sentiments et à sortir de son cocon. Une très chouette histoire de famille, d'amitié, d'amour et de tout plein d'autres choses ! Un très grand sourire clôt cette aventure !

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Official Synopsis:
The Tech sisters don’t date in high school. Not because they’re not asked. Not because they’re not interested. Not even because no one can pronounce their long, Thai last name—hence the shortened, awkward moniker. But simply because they’re not allowed.

Until now.

In a move that other Asian American girls know all too well, six months after the older Tech twins got to college, their parents asked, “Why aren’t you engaged yet?” The sisters retaliated by vowing that they won’t marry for ten (maybe even twenty!) years, not until they’ve had lots of the dating practice that they didn’t get in high school.

In a shocking war on the status quo, her parents now insist that their youngest daughter, Orrawin (aka “Winnie”), must practice fake dating in high school. Under their watchful eyes, of course—and organized based on their favorite rom-coms. ’Cause that won’t end in disaster.

The first candidate? The son of their longtime friends, Mat Songsomboon—arrogant, infuriating, and way too good-looking. Winnie’s known him since they were toddlers throwing sticky rice balls at each other. And her parents love him.

If only he weren’t her sworn enemy.

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Rating: 4.5/5 Stars
This was such a good book! It was kind of the combination of enemies-to-lovers, fake dating, and maybe even friends-to-lovers, if you take into account that Winnie and Mat were friends when they were little.

I loved the addition of the art project -- it made their interactions a lot more interesting, and it was a cute visual! I also found it fun that Winnie's mom would structure Winnie's dates to mirror classic rom coms. I'll admit, I wasn't all that familiar with all of the references, but I've definitely heard of them! Even though kareoke is included within the book, I would love to see a bonus scene of Winnie and Mat at one of the kareoke nights that Winnie's parents have at their house.

The relationship between Winnie and her older twin sisters, Ari and Bunny, was so sweet and supportive. I liked that there wasn't any anomosity or unhealthy competition between the girls, and I would love to read a book that follows say, Bunny, in her dating adventures!

Overall, this was a really good book, and I'm so glad that I got the chance to read it! If you're looking for a good fake (ish) dating young adult romance book, I'd highly recommend this one!

*Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for an early copy!

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More than anything, I want to say I love this book so much. I didn’t read much about it online because I wanted to be surprised by anything that would happen. I loved so many things about this book, I hope to address them all. First, the writing style, it was easy to read it, it was flowing so good as each chapter went on. I love Winnie so much, I can relate to her when it involves her family dynamic but I do wish I had the witty responses she has to Mat.

I LOVE the tropes the book has including friends to lovers, enemies to lovers and fake dating, how amazing! Winnie starts to fake date Mat who is a family friend turned enemy. The way their relationship changes was really cute as Winnie’s mom based each one of their fake dates on a rom com such To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before to When Harry Met Sally.

“Mama was deliberately referencing To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. She never dated in this country, after all. She came to the United States in her thirties, with a medical license and a fiance. It figures that she would draw her dating knowledge from American rom-coms especially ones that didn’t even release in this century.”

Another aspect of the story I really loved is the addition of the culture. I don’t know about Thai culture, I was able to learn about the food, who doesn’t love to learn about that? “Food is not just a sliver of our culture but also a thread that connects the entire tapestry fo who we are.”

Dating Makes Perfect is one of those books that I could connect to Winnie, the culture and family dynamics. If you want to read a cute, joyful book that can help you forget about your current state then this is one of those I’d recommend. The rom com in the book made me laugh and it filled me with joy as I read every page.

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