Member Reviews

I went into this book thinking it was YA for some reason. It is not, it is adult chick lit, which I enjoy, too. But with this, I couldn't really get into it. The main character didn't grasp me at any point and there she was kind of dull. I didn't really care about what was happening to her or if she ended up with anyone.

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DNF 18%

I’m 2 hours into the audiobook and I’m just bored. It’s not bad but I’m here for romance and after reading some other people’s reviews I can see that it won’t get much more romantic so I’m out 🥰

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This was a cute rom com with likeable characters, cringe worthy embarrassment, and relatable moments. Definitely worth the read if just for the giant animal moment.

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I found this to be a hilarious and heartwarming romance. Being an adult can be hard, especially when it feels like you have to start over and everyone else has moved on. There were some times that I wanted to reach in to the book and tell Ros to grow up but I think it was an honest look at how our generation is dealing with adulthood (expectations not meeting reality). I have to admit that while it was entertaining, all of the Snazzlechuff business was a bit insane. By the end of the book, everything felt resolved and frustrations resolved and I was left feeling good from a light and entertaining read.

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My first by the hugely popular author and definitely not my last this was sweet, hilarious and charming. I love a good story about starting over and was rooting for the main character to find her happiness.

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Unfortunately, it takes a lot to make me laugh these days, so for a book to have me in stitches, it has to be pretty amusing. Enter Lindsey Kelk's In Case You Missed It! This witty, unassuming, life-affirming novel had me laughing out loud in all the right places, and was an utter joy to read. For anyone in their 30s who feels they have lost their way, this relatable book about a radio producer who moves back to her parents' home only to live in a converted shed and finds herself reconnecting with her not-so-good-for-her ex after sending an accidental text, is just what you need to while away the hours while contemplating your own life choices.

Ros Reynolds is all of us. Thirty-two years old and woefully unemployed after a failed radio stint in Washington D.C. (just don't ask her what happened), Ros is moving back into her parents' home in the U.K. Or rather, she THOUGHT she was moving back home, but as it turns out, she is moving into her parents' garden ... in a converted shed, that is. The shed leaks and Ros' life is in shambles, but one silver lining is that her "one who got away" has fallen back into her bed by way of a text message he was never meant to receive. But is that a good thing? Ros thinks so, but fate may think otherwise. Throw in an eclectic group of friends and Ros' parents' hilarious hijinks as they rekindle the flames of their relationship after decades of marriage, and you have an uplifting read about what it means to be in your 30s and NOT have it all figured out.

In Case You Missed It is highly recommended to Millennial career women who are determined to follow their own path in this world, but who have stumbled on a few rocks along the way. Not only is this book relatable and engaging, it is also humorous and light-hearted, making for a fantastically fun read that doesn't take itself to seriously.

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This was a great romance and I'm so glad that I got a chance to read this! Lindsey Kelk is new to me and I will definitely be reading more of her books!

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Loved it. Clever and original story line. The characters are fun and funny. It will appeal to the 30-something reader who understands that transition from being in your 20's when you are careless and simply enjoying whatever life throws your way. Ros (the main character) is now 32 and after a 4-year stint in the US for a job she thought would be her dream job, she returns to the UK and is trying to put a life back together. She tries to fit herself into her 20's life in spite of her new, more experienced, disappointed but wiser, and older self. She soon finds that you can't relive what you've already lived. As you get older you see things from a different perspective and so she needs to adapt to her new set of circumstances (primarily, living in her parent's garden shed while trying to rekindle her old romance.) And, of course, there is a very funny meet-cute.

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A fun book about starting over by going back to the beginning. In this book, a grown woman returns home after a job doesn't work out and finds that the life she expe3cted to go back to has changed...or has she changed?

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I absolutely love this title. The characters in it are so charming and I laughed out loud multiple times. This is the perfect rom-com to give to patrons who are looking for a great summer read.

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I really loved this novel. It was super awesome. The characters are really sweet. It was a great romance. There were super sweet moments highly recommend.

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This is an adorable book. I would purchase it if not for that cover. It is overly girly and does not catch the eye. This is extremely important when deciding to buy books for a library because books come off the new books section and loose hype so they must still catch the browsers eye. Also Romance novels and "chick lit" as they are offensively called need to hold really relevance and quality to be checked out over and over. This one just doesn't have it.

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This is not the only novel I've read recently featuring a radio producer, but it's the least anachronistic in that the heroine eventually has to move into a new medium. It's also a funny take on the tiny house fad, with the protagonist's parents forcing their boomerang Millennial daughter into living in a "shed" in their backyard, and said shed eventually collapses. It was also relatable in its storyline about getting back together with an ex. The only thing that was a little hard to buy was the eventual HEA--it didn't feel like they really knew each other very well. But overall, a fun, light read.

Thanks to the publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to review a digital ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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This was a really cute storyline. I was rooting for John and Ros as soon as he was introduced and loved their weird “meet cute.”

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Such a fun rom-com! I love Lindsey Kelk for when I want a light read that still keeps me interested! Ros reminded me of a Sophie Kinsella character, and I say that with the utmost respect. A lot of what Ros was experiencing was relatable to me and I think will be relatable to a lot of women. I wish I had read this on a beach.

I received an advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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A fun British comedy! There were plenty of times I found myself quietly yelling at the main character, Ros, as she made one terrible choice after another...but that's what made this book so enjoyable. Ros is messy and indecisive and she chooses the wrong men for her...until she finally wises up.

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We finished this one last week and I loved it!
Thank you so much Lindsey Kelk for one of the most amazing Zoom chats we had! I can’t wait to read her new book coming out later this year, On a Night Like This. Sounds dreamy!

9.5 ⭐️

📃Ros had moved to the States (from the UK) for a cool job, 3 years later she is moving back and not telling people why. She sends a group message to everyone to let them know she is back, including her ex, Patrick. But this book is not what you think it is. Just read it! You’ll enjoy it.

❤️ This book was sooo funny! 😂 I’ll never look at sushi 🍣 the same way 😂 I loved the meet cute, it was unexpected. I loved her friends so much! They were awesome.

👍🏼Low steam.
👎🏼 I prefer for the language to be cleaner.

💎 This line had me laughing for 10 minutes. During a job interview he says that if she doesn’t get a job soon she’ll have to retrain as an optician or an international assassin. “And international assassin?” “I like to travel?” “But you’d have to kill people”. “Every job’s got its downside”. 😂
“He took my breath from the moment we met and I didn’t get it back for 9 whole months. And then it was over.”
“People don’t change, you know. You just start to lower your expectations until eventually you are on the floor.” 💯

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Ros, the main character in this enjoyable novel, returns home after several years overseas and hopes to pick up right where she left off. But her friends, family, and her career have moved on -- and she struggles to adapt. But as she inadvertently reconnects with an old flame, she realizes that maybe the future isn't so scary after all. This is a fun and quick read. Recommended!

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Ros comes back to England after 3 years in the US and expects her life to pick up right where it left off...except none of her friends and family got the memo. Everyone seems to have grown up and moved on in her absence, and Ros struggles to find her place in their lives again. The one exception is her ex Patrick, who is more than happy to rekindle their romance, despite Ros's nagging suspicion that maybe things aren't meant to just go back to how they used to be.

In Case You Missed It is a charming British romcom full of hilarious characters. Ros herself is kind of horrible and immature, but her friend circle literally had me laughing out loud. This book gets a whole extra star for how often I found myself cackling. Sumi especially gets a special shout out. Ros's parents are real gems as well and I love how the author portrayed their empty-nest relationship. What marriage goals!

Thank you to Netgalley, Harper Collins, and the author for my eARC in exchange for a review.

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Received from HarperCollins through Netgalley for an honest review.
I wish I'd liked this, but it fell victim to same issue some romances can't escape: it just didn't convince me that it was interesting enough to read.
It's not entirely the book's fault - I've had issues with most second-chance romances I've read, and I'd hoped that this one would be different. Unfortunately this book is much less romance than just about Ros' life, so I don't think this gives the trope much of a chance for me. The romance that was there wasn't bad, but it was bogged down with plot that just... didn't move me. I started this book months ago and just now finished it because I couldn't convince myself to pick it back up.
I just found that for me, in the mindset I'm in during quarantine, Ros' issues were too tedious for me to care about - again, not the book's fault. The writing style wasn't bad, it was just an issue of 'not the book for me,' so maybe I'll be interested in Kelk's work going forward, especially if I know going into it that the romance will not be the focus.

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