Member Reviews

This book was very Bridget Jones with a twist. I thought it was a quick fun read, but not something that stays with me or I just absolutely couldn’t get enough of.

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In Case You Missed It by Lindsey Kelk follows Ros as she returns to her UK childhood home from America, with no job, no flat and an ancient phone. She misses the way her uni friends used to be and desperately wants to reconnect with her (asshole) ex-boyfriend. One promising, sent-on-a-whim group text can help Ros find just about everything she thinks she needs. Except, what if living in the past isn’t as great as it’s cracked up to be?

Here’s the thing: I wanted to love it. Ros has Bridget Jones levels of chaotic energy and poor decision making skills but the book lacks the charm and warmth necessary to make me like those things. It’s not a bad book by any means, but it didn’t draw me in at all (which I expect rom-coms to do, be that unfair or not), it took forever to get through, and I thought it wrapped up too quickly — the parts that I would’ve liked to explore more felt rushed. I did like the potential love interest, John, and wish we’d spent more time with him throughout the book, but honestly, most of this book’s plot has already left my head and I finished it yesterday, which is... not great.

I think I’d deem this a library read, since it’s conceivable to finish it within a few days, is warm-hearted at its core, and has a few funny moments in between.

Overall, not terrible, but I’ve read similar plots that were ultimately better. (Although as a movie, it’d probably be a solid one – ever feel like books are being written with a mind for movies rather than just being a book?)

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Well, this books is as If a Hallmark movie and a 2000’s comedy had a child. It was odd I liked it but not a lot. I wasn’t necessarily wanting to read it once I started. I just kept going because I cannot physically dnf books. It has some funny remarks but not enough to label this book “funny”. The romance of it was alright. This is about to contain spoilers so stop reading now.
I saw it coming from a mile away she ending with John because as any romcom is predictable. But I gotta say this felt sooooo unnatural. I couldn’t feel any chemistry between them, their whole story was rushed. DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE SIDE STORIES. Why was necessary that she worked with a child on a podcast? Or the parent’s wedding? This was such a weird side storyline to take. You could have removed those and absolutely nothing would have changed. I’m giving this book 3 stars because it was entertaining but mediocre at best.

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In this light-hearted new release, we meet Ros and her wacky parents who let her live in their refurbished garden shed when she unexpectedly returns from a three-year job in America. We also get to know Ros as she re-adjusts to life back in London with her group of friends who seem to have moved on without her. She is left it catch up and figure out who she is and what she wants.

In Case You Missed It covers a fairly typical story of a thirty-something woman trying to re-discover herself, but there are enough comical and heartfelt scenes to keep you entertained and interested. Her parents, for example, don’t want her staying in the house because they, ahem, need their privacy. Her new job that she was so desperate for turns out to be working with an ill-adjusted e-sports adolescent, and the boyfriend she was so eager to reconnect with turns out to be exactly what her friends warned her about. Despite her parents’ embarrassing moments, there are a few really sweet conversations with them where they sound exactly like you’d hope parents would. Her friends are wildly supportive even when they’re dishing out harsh honesty. And of course, there’s some romance. It’s not Shakespeare, but sometimes that’s ok--there were a few scenes that made me laugh out loud and had me apologizing to people around me (I felt like I was reading Sophie Kinsella several times), and a few scenes where I really felt for Ros and her situation. If you’re looking for fun and easy, with likeable characters, give this one a try.

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I have a mixed relationship with this book. I found a bit of myself in the narrator, wanting to move back to the place she grew up and have her life and friends go back to the way it was.

There were other times I wanted to shake her and say THIS ISN’T WHAT YOU WANT! I didn’t love how easily she was manipulated, or some of the decisions she made to be with the guy she liked.

I LOVED her friends though! The cast of characters that made up her friend group made me smile and made my heart swell ♥️.

Overall, a quick and light read, and we were able to watch the main character mature.

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Adorable, light hearted romance mixed with the tale of finding yourself. Loved this book. It was just what I needed on these fleeting days of summer. Loved that the main character was in her 30s- not always the case in an quaint romance. I could picture this story being told as a movie the entire time I read. The journey Ros was on was one many face at that age. I love the way everything played out. She was relatable & had me routing for her the entire time. I’d definitely read another by Lindsey Kelk!

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This is my second book that I have read by Lindsey Kelk and this is definitely a great book if you are looking for a light read sitting at the beach or on your porch or deck. The publisher labeled this as a romance, but I do think this story really falls more into contemporary fiction.

Ros has come back to London after three years. She temporarily needs to move back home with her parents, but instead they put her in a makeshift shed. She is lucky to find a job quickly, but it is far from her “dream job”. She quickly gets back together with an ex and she has an extremely close circle of friends.

This book felt very much like a coming of age story except this character is 32. She lacks confidence, she always compares herself to her more beautiful, smarter sister, and she falls into a similar pattern with her ex.

It was wonderful to watch Ros figure out what she wants out of life and take back control. On the downside, it was awfully long, it feels like 100 pages could have been cut from the book. At times, I felt it dragged. However, ultimately I really enjoyed getting to know Ros, and her family and friends.

Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins for an Advanced Reader’s Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I requested to read and review this book from HarperCollins Publishers. This book is hilarious. You will want to laugh, sometimes cry but not very long and cheer on Ros! Setting is a modern day London. Sometimes you have to start over to know what you need to truly do with life. The past is the past we have our good memories and bad ones. But need to look in front of us to make new memories. Ros has her own cheering section with friends Sumi, Lucy and Adrian. And then there is Peter and John. And Ros mom and Dad rediscovering life together You will have to read about tha!

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Chic lit romantic comedy that has its moments but doesn't quite hit the mark. The protagonist is stuck in the past, longing for the "good old days" nearly missing the love that's right in front of her. High points throughout offset by some slow movement in the plot and mildly predictable. It was an entertaining read though, recommend for anyone that enjoys formulaic romance and a light, easy read. Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to review.

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Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins for gifting me an eARC of this book. These opinions are my own.
⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 3.5/5 Stars

After being out of the country for three years, Ros arrived back to the UK frustrated that everything has changed. While she’s stuck thinking about the past, she’s missing what’s right in front of her.

I found this book (like most rom-coms) to be fairly predictable but honestly that’s part of what I enjoy about them. It takes a bit for me to laugh and this one had some great moments that had me giggling. Ros is put into some interesting situations, especially where her parents are concerned. 🤣 I fell hard for John’s character from the moment she stumbled upon him in the best rom-com kind of way!

My biggest complaint about this story was Ros’ character, I found her to be a bit whiny. While she might not have been the most lovable character, I still enjoyed the overall story.

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I love this story! Although I could tell right away who Ros was going to end up with, it didn’t matter, because the characters I feel is where it’s at. I loved all of them except Patrick, I loathed him which I guess was the point so Lindsey Kelk did an outstanding job with that. The story gave me a Bridget Jones vibe, which I adore, this was my first book from Lindsey Kelk but I’m going to read her other books now because I have a feeling I’ll love them as well.

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*Thanks to the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review
3.5 stars
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT is a fun, light-hearted novel following Ros as she moves back home to London after a three-year-long move to America. She reunites with her boyfriend and spends more time with her friends, but she longs for the good old days. I enjoyed this book and thought it was a very quick, light read. Ros was a great main character with an excellent sense of humor. I thought the relationships—friendships, romance, and family—were all written realistically. The dialogue between Ross and her friends and parents was A+. I also liked the minor element of Ros’s parents renewing their vows; it added a lot of humor to the story and was a very unique element. Overall this was a very fun book, highly recommend if you’re looking for a story of a woman trying to figure out her life—again.

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Thank you NetGalley, HarperCollins Publishers and Lindsey Kelk for gifting me an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review! I enjoyed this book it was a cute rom-com. It was a quick read for me. I kinda feel it was a little rushed but it was enjoyable

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I’m not sure why I haven’t read Lindsey Kelk before, but it is something I plan to rectify ASAP. I absolutely adored her style of storytelling and her relatable and likable characters. In Case You Missed It made me excited to pick it up each time I had the chance. If it weren’t for life’s responsibilities, I would have been glad to read it in one sitting.

Ros was a great main character and someone you could be friends with. Ros and her friends are realistic people in their early thirties (at least in my life). The story picks up after she has returned to London after taking a job for three years in America. She’s moved back hoping to resurrect her “old life” but is learning everything and everybody else has moved on. I think a lot of times people spend too much time focused on how things were, instead of enjoying where they are at. This can be very true for the decade of your thirties where you feel caught in between young and old. Lindsey Kelk did a great job capturing that time of life in Ros and her friends. You will figure out where the story is headed, but it is a fun journey to get there.

I can’t wait to go look up and “binge read” Lindsey Kelk’s other offerings. A huge thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for the chance to read and review.

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This was just blah for me. I didn't find it funny, didn't care for any of the characters whatsoever. Ros was annoying with her constant whining about reliving the past, her parents were simply ass*oles. The story (especially the romance arc) was 100% predictable from the start and the overall plot was very slow moving.

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Thank you NetGalley, HarperCollins Publishers and Lindsey Kelk for gifting me an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!
OK. I don’t even know where to start with this one! There was a lot that I liked about this book and felt like were done right, but there was one bg issue for me. I REALLY didn’t love Ros. I don’t know exactly what my issue was, she was just unreadable for me. I enjoyed the basic plot and the writing was nicely done, I was just distracted the entire time by my dislike for the main character!
This feels like a Me problem, not necessarily the books problem, so take this with a grain of salt! The writing is a perfect mix of drama and comedy that keeps you invested throughout! I think if you like to read Sophie Kinsella books, you’ll like Lindsey Kelks’ work!

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Blerg. I am not a fan of Insta-Love, but HOLY HELL, this book took forrrrrevvvvverrrrr to get to the point. It was so slow that I found myself plodding along, forcing myself to continue reading, hoping to get to some sort of love story. I finally gave up.

Life is too short to slog through a book. Maybe this author is just not for me.

I received an ARC of this title from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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"In Case You Missed It" was a cute story about Ros who moves home to England from America to find that her life isn't the same as when she left it 3 years ago. Her friends and family are in different stages of their life and Ros wishes that everything had remained the same when she was gone. While this book had some serious laugh out loud moments where I actually snorted, I felt that some of the book was lacking spark. I went into reading it wishing that it was going to be a juicy romantic comedy, but the romance part was not quite there. Yes, some of the book was about love, but I was waiting for some more romance to blossom and I just didn't get it. Definitely a solid 4 out of 5 star book and I look forward to reading more of Lindsey Kelk's books. #netgalley #incaseyoumissedit #lindseykelk

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I’ve enjoyed books with unlikeable characters before, see any book by Ruth Ware, but Ros takes the cake. From the moment we first hear about her ex, the obsessing starts, and all we read are endless pages of obsessing over a less than stellar guy. When they meet up, he’s exactly the jerk all of Ros’s friends warn us about. And why would you pass over John? Talk about not giving a guy a chance in favor of another toxic decision when you are claiming how grown-up you are.

For me, the writing was okay, but there were a lot of stumbles along the way, such as “lifetime-long”, when I think lifelong would suffice. While that might seem such a small thing to gripe about, other things such as, “through the menopause” and “Brewdog after Brewdog after Brewdog”, make it feel sloppy. Paired with an utterly unlikeable main character, it gets tedious. I didn’t see the tagline when I requested this from Harper Collins, or I would have steered clear. This one wasn’t the book for me, but others have enjoyed it, so this will be hit or miss for readers.

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I love a good Rom-Com, unfortunately this fell a little short. This was a fun read with a few honest laugh out loud moments, but beyond that, the story was a little stagnant.
Ros is stuck in the past, and I felt stuck with her. It was hard to connect to her, and her desires, when all you see is her tunnel vision and obsession with how things used to be. Her getting called out on her BS closer to the end needed to happen in chapter 2.
The romance arc was very predictable and not engaging enough to draw me in. I feel there was more room for growth that was not taken advantage of.

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