Member Reviews

Guess who stayed up past their bedtime finishing this new gem by @lindseykelk 💗🙋‍♀️


Thank you to @harpercollins360 and @shadowsofshelf for the gifted ARC of In Case You Missed It! This book was absolutely delightful and laugh out loud funny from beginning to end.


Synopsis from the publisher: When Ros comes home after three years away, she’s ready to pick up with life exactly where she left it. But her friends have moved on, her parents have rekindled their romance, and her bedroom is now a garden shed. All of a sudden, she’s swept up in nostalgia for the way things were. Then her phone begins to ping, with messages from her old life. Including one number she thought she’d erased for good – the man who broke her heart. Is this her second chance at one big love? Sometimes we all want to see what we’ve been missing…


I absolutely loved this romantic comedy by Lindsey Kelk! Ros is such a relatable character to anyone who has felt adrift in life, or in a moment where you are trying to start over. The cast of characters that make up her friends were so lovely and witty, and the ex who comes back reminds us all why an ex should stay an ex…. Forever. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I really loved this book and read it in a day. Lindsey Kelk has a great, light writing style. I was immediately sucked into the world of her characters. This really hit the spot for a perfect summer (or any season!) read.

Rosalind Reynolds, 32, returns to London with her tail between her legs after spending 3 years in the US. She left to pursue a job in radio and left behind a tight group of friends and a boyfriend who broke her heart. She's back in town, unemployed and living in a shed in her parents's yard - not what she envisioned when she set out into the world. On her first night back, she sends a text to everyone in her phone contacts letting them know she's back in town. She inadvertently includes her ex, Patrick, in the group text. They haven't spoken since the night she left. He wanted a clean break. Her friends all hate him, but Ros still harbors strong feelings for him. Now that she's back, can things go back to the way they were before she left or has everyone grown up and moved on except Ros?

Even though Lindsey Kelk isn't breaking any new ground here, it really works and was a very enjoyable read. This might be one of my favorite Brit Chick Lit books that I've read this year.

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I really wanted to like this one. But I kind of wished I had missed this one. I was irritated by Ros from the beginning. She was a hot mess and I thought the romance with the guy she ended up with was completely unbelievable.

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Thank You NetGalley/Publisher & Author for this gifted e-ARC!

One missed chance in life…one second chance in love
When Ros steps off a plane after three years away, she’s in need of a new job, a new flat and a new start. But her friends have moved on, her parents only have eyes for each other, and her bedroom has been moved into the garden shed. Suddenly, Ros has a bad case of nostalgia for the way things were.

Then her phone begins to ping with messages from her old life. Including one number she thought she’d erased forever: the man who broke her heart.

Sometimes we’d all like the chance to see what we’ve been missing…

This was such a fun comic rom-com that i really enjoyed like alot.
And to be honest I didn't think I was going to like it.
Boy was I wrong.
This book had heart, fun, love. It was so entertaining.
I wanted more of it, I couldn't stop. I was up all night reading this.

I really love the writing, the story line this book told. The charterers were so much fun to read about.
Lindsey Kelk really knows how to write and I'm looking forward to reading more of her books.

Rating--- 4/5

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It’s funny - I can’t decide exactly how I feel about this book. There were parts that fell kind of flat for me, and I wish Ros had come around sooner, but there were a lot of parts that were hilarious. Like, truly truly hilarious. Overall I enjoyed it, and I’ll likely try another of the author’s books to see how I feel about the writing!

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I was provided with an eARC of this book in exchange for a fair review.

This was a fun and funny contemporary romance! Ros is sort of a mess, and can't seem to catch a break, but she manages to stumble along accompanied by a great group of friends and a very handsome bartender. I really enjoyed this read, which was the perfect little something for a summer day.

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One missed chance in second chance in love.

Rosalind Reynolds is back in London after a failed sojourn in the US, and she's desperately in need of a new job, a new home, and a new start. But all she can do is look back at how great things used to be, while it seems like everyone else has moved on without her. Then a series of accidental textcapades brings Patrick back into her life - the one who got away...

I found In Case You Missed It to be sweet and breezy, genuinely funny without sacrificing sincerity, and exactly the kind of charming escape I’ve been looking for these days. I loved Ros's snarky narrative voice, and truly appreciated that, when her friends call her clever and witty, she is legitimately clever and witty (albeit prone to some truly terrible decisions). The relationships between Ros and her friends and family are strong, engaging, and authentic; on the downside, I couldn't bring myself to care much about the eventual love interest, who never really gets to shine or be that much of a character in his own right, and I was more invested in Ros dumping her boyfriend because he treats her terribly than because of her (lack of) chemistry with the other option. But overall, the relatably stuck-but-optimistic Ros Reynolds and the various shenanigans and hijinks of her life outshine the mediocrity of the romantic angle.

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Lindsey Kelk is one of my favorite authors and she absolutely slayed In Case You Missed It! This is a second chance romance with a heartwarming plot, engaging characters, and will put a smile on any readers face. I'm always looking forward to her novels and am already anxious for the next one! This is a must read.

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Ros has just returned home from 3yrs in the US as a radio podcast producer- her dream job. No one knows why she has returned suddenly, but she is trying to find her way back in the groove with her friend group.
She sends out a mass text to let everyone know her new number and that she’s home. That brings some unwelcome pics and an old flame looking to reunite...
Living at home has its issues as well. Her father has designed her own ‘shed’ at the back of the yard, so he and mom can have sexy-time ...yuck.
When Ros lands a new job with a teen gamer for a big new podcast - she has to hit it out of the park to keep her job. Can she do it?

Romance takes a backseat in this book, but friendship and finding your true self is the highlight. Great, easy read.

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This book was so refreshing. It was about second chances and growing and believing in yourself.
Ros takes a job in Washington DC leaving behind her friends, family and boyfriend in London. After three years in the US, she returns home for a fresh start, or so she thinks. Nostalgia gets the best of her and she starts falling back into things she glamorized in her mind. Her parents are too focused on each other and her friends have their own lives and Ros just wants it to go back to the way it was before she left. In doing so, she tries to get back with the boyfriend she had before she left and takes a job that she really can’t put her heart into.
Her friends are such an amazing part of this book. They want all the best for her and even have to talk to her about some hard truths to get her to open her eyes.
It feels like she is settling and not taking risks, not being her real self.
I really enjoyed the growth of Ros and her character. The ending of the book was pretty profound when she realizes that being wrapped up in the past won’t let her move forward. This book was very cute and such a great read. Thank you to Netgalley, Harpercollins and the author for an early copy of this book.

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I was thrilled to receive an ARC of In Case You Missed It by Lindsey Kelk. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley!

Kelk's last book, One in a Million, was one of my favorite books of 2019, so I had high hopes for this one. Perhaps my hopes were set too high, but this one fell a bit flat for me. Parts were entertaining, but I had a hard time getting into the story. It felt like the protagonist, Ros, is just so stuck and cannot move forward. She wishes she could go back to being 28, but then we find out that she is looking at her past with rose colored glasses. I enjoyed the supporting characters and close friendships, but just wanted more from the story. I am still looking forward to Kelk's next book and hope I enjoy it more!

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I received an ARC for free in exchange for an honest review.

I disliked this book. That’s the simplest way I can put it. The main character is annoying, and constantly reminding the reader that she is 32 years old. I get it. The author decides to shroud the heroine’s past relationship in mystery for more than ⅓ of the book, which I thought was completely unnecessary. I understand that part of the reason was that there were misunderstandings surrounding the break up, but the amount of mystery that surrounds her ex was very off-putting and left me simply not caring for their history or future relationships. The characters are all adults who act like what adults might think a teenager or young adult might act.

“Haha, tik-tok go brrrr”.

I don't want to come off as ageist, but when I read contemporary romance about people in their 30's I'm not reading for the mess that this book is. I understand that the book is trying to display a heroine who is in their mid 30s and doesn't have their life put together. I understand that, but it wasn't done well (in my eyes) and I didn't enjoy the experience of reading this book.

Overall, I didn’t like this book both for its characters, prose, and story-telling.

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I absolutely adored this book! Ros comes home to England after leaving a 3 year job in America under mysterious circumstances, to find her parents enjoying a slightly embarrassing romantic renaissance. She has a great supportive group of friends but feels left behind as they have all grown up a little, and she stumbles her way into a hilarious living situation, crazy job and complicated romantic life. It's such a treat to read a book by Lindsey Kelk, and this one was better than ever. It made me laugh so hard I had to try and explain it to my kids. It was heartwarming and so relatable to all of us who have stumbled in life. Perfect summer escape to beat the COVID-19 blues! Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Ros moved to America for the job of a lifetime, but returns to England, tail between her legs. She's forced to move back in with her parents, who are having a sexual reawakening, and finds out they build her a shed in the backyard to live in. She gets back together with her ex-boyfriend, Patrick, whom her friend group doesn't particularly like, but something seems to be missing. Her new job requires her to work with a 14 year old video gaming prodigy named Snazzlechuff on a podcast. Basically, she is missing the earlier days of life when she was in her 20's and everything was better. But her friends and family are moving on, so will Ros be left behind or realize the best days of her life are still happening?

I enjoyed Ros as a character, she was funny and witty without taking herself too seriously. Patrick, was the worst. He was definitely the example of who NOT to date, but he truly helped Ros along in figuring out what she was wanting from life in the present instead of the past. And Ros' friend group was AMAZING. I legit want a separate book for Sumi, and to know more about Lucy and Creepy Dave! I loved that even though she was in America for 3 years, she came back and they fell back together like nothing had changed.

I genuinely wish there was more romance with the endgame guy. He was a part of the book, but not enough in my opinion. You don't get to know much about him, and the romance didn't feel very organic because they really didn't have a lot of interaction together, let alone positive interaction. It would have helped if his POV was included in the book.

The Snazzlechuff plot line was actually pretty funny, along with her parents and their sexual reawakening. I will never look at sushi the same way (if you know, you know). I gave this book 3.5 stars, rounded up to 4 for GR purposes. It was cute and easy to read, I read it all in one sitting, but there were just some things that could have taken it to an even better read.

**Thank you to HarperCollins and Netgalley for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review**

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Though the plot felt slow in some places, overall I enjoyed the story, and appreciated the mix of your classic overly-sweet romance and self-discovery/empowerment messaging. I found Ros to be a compelling character and appreciated some of her more witty moments of dialogue! My only "complaint" it is that was pretty obvious from the start as to who she was meant to end up with, which meant that the other love interest was extra annoying to read about. I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Right off the bat, this book hooks you in with a subtle mystery of why did Ros move back from the US to London and keeps you interested as Ros struggles to rekindle a relationship with “the one that got away.” There were a lot of elements that I enjoyed in this-Ros and Patrick’s relationship, as frustrating as it could be, felt really realistic to me - we’ve all been in a situation of knowing something’s bad for you but being unable to let go of it for various reasons. Ros’s friends were all entertaining and fun, and John provided great romantic tension. I think I couldn’t get super into this because I’m just a little too young to really relate to this character. So I think older readers will definitely click with this more, and I can really see a lot of people enjoying this book. I do wish there had been a bit more development of Ros and John, because I could’ve used more of that sexual tension, and I would’ve loved the drama if the Ros/John/Patrick love triangle had been played up a bit. I also appreciated the focus on Ros’s career and not just her love life. I think my only complaint would be that this book was trying hard to be representative-which is great-but some of the ways queerness was presented in the book didn’t feel very genuine and felt surface-level, and I think that representation just could’ve been a little better.

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Kelk is a wonderfully witty writer. This is my first book of hers, but it won't be the last. Twentysomething Ros narrates the story in first-person, as she returns home from the US, unemployed, and has to move back in with her parents in London. She accidentally sends a group text to everyone on her contact list, including old coworkers, friends, exes, and various spam numbers. Soon people are reaching out, including some she never thought she'd hear from again.

Meanwhile, her parents have moved her into a garden shed in the backyard, while they enjoy their empty nest a little too much. From the annoying bar owner to the ex-boyfriend who broke up with her (or did he?) when she got a job offer in DC, Ros has her hands full. Not to mention a ridiculous temp job at a podcast company.

Ros is like a slightly smarter and more together Bridget Jones, except she's usually in on the joke (unlike hapless Bridget). Her observations and asides are hilarious. I laughed aloud more than once. The plot was not shocking (I figured out the love story pretty early), but the way Kelk gets to the ending is delightful. A very entertaining book.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC to review.

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I want to like this book! It seems exactly what my soft and squishy pandemic brain craves-- light and fluffy romance. But I just don't know, it didn't vibe right. I tried to read her other book One in a Million around the same time and had trouble getting into that one as well. I might give it another go at a later time.
I would still recommend the title to patrons looking for contemporary romance and the cover is basically perfect for cute displays. My library will be purchasing the title.

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Another fantastic book by Lindsey Kelk! This book centers around Ros who moved back home after being sacked from her job and who has trouble letting go of the past. I absolutely loved Ros and her determination and her readiness to get things done regardless of the obstacles in her way. I loved her friends and I want to read more about them!!! And i want Sumi as my best friend please and thank you. Although there’s no surprises in the book, i love how it comes together at the end. Thank you Lindsey Kelk for another great, laugh out loud read.

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I just...did not find Ros to be particularly compelling. And I don't know, maybe the UK is completely different than the US, but Ros and her friends didn't seem to be *that* old, and yet she seemed so clueless about EVERYTHING modern. On top of that, everyone who is younger than her is presented so...oddly. Honestly, at times, you'd think she was more like a middle-aged woman for how out-of-touch she came across.

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