Member Reviews

Mr. Buckley’s growing up years were miles different from my own- in decades, in location, in experiences. I truly enjoyed seeing life from a different aspect and things I’d never have believed or experienced. Good memoir!

My goodness, this was so over-the-top! If I didn't know it was non-fiction, I would say the author had a rip-roaring imagination. It's good for some laughs though most of it will make you shake your head and go 'Whaaaat?!????' and you gotta realize that it reads mostly as little vignettes strung together paragraph after paragraph. Do not expect rolling prose in this (and it seriously could've used an editor for the extra commas alone). But it's a bit like harmless fun to read this, and a good escape into another world that seems so crazy and weird

A great trip down memory lane, funny but scary too. We must have been nuts. This book had me in stitches and i read it pretty quick.

This book is told from the heart.
It is dark and dangerous.
It was likeni was in the book with some of the scenes.

I am always interested in memoirs from people growing up in various situations so one about council estates really appealed to me, I imagined it would be a little like another memoir from growing up on a council estate but was disappointed.
The book is quite short but jumps from different times and feels a bit all over the place. Maybe had it been a bit more chronologically ordered it would have made it a bit more of an easier read. Became confused at times over who was being discussed and generally just felt like it was someone sitting down giving me their life story, adding bits and pieces as they remembered them

Reading this book made me feel like I was stuck in a pub with the author and that he had done too much speed, and was now attempting to tell me his life story. It's a furious stream of consciousness that jumps from one story to another with little indication that you've lurched from one event to the next.
Most of the names of his friends and associates aren't included, probably to keep some of them from getting arrested, meaning that it's even more confusing trying to keep up with who or what he is talking about at any given point in time.
The violence is sporadic, gratuitous and often shocking. The "japes" are often life-threatening. Having lived on a council estate in Manchester for over a decade, I recognise some of the character types in this book, but usually they were the types of people you wanted to avoid as they'd either beat the crap out of you, rob you, shag you, or ruin your life in some other way, often combining several of these options at once.
This feels like a book that would mostly appeal to the author and his friends. And while I'm one for championing different perspectives, and voices from all aspects of society, this one could have been much more effective if it had been more coherent. As it is, you just feel exhausted by his presence and want to get away from him as quickly as possible.

Thank you to NetGalley and The Book Guild for this copy of Memoirs...From a Council Estate by Graham Buckley.
Thanks to Mr. Buckley for sharing memories from his childhood and youth. It is clear from his writing that Mr. Buckley has fond memories of these times and is excited to be able to share them. This is a very quick read, for me it took less than two hours. Bi9 plus is you are looking for a super quick and easy read. This book will not make you think, it just takes you along for a trip down memory lane with Mr. Buckley. If that's what you're looking for, you're in luck.
Unfortunately, many things bothered me while reading this book. This is not a memoir, or at least not any type of memoir that I am familiar with. This is a series of memories, with really no order to them. They are not chronological but seem to be one long, stream-of-conciousness, recollection of things that happened during the author's younger years. Some memories made me chuckle, some made me wonder why the author thought they'd be a good idea to share with the world. The use of exlamation points by the author drove me crazy, as they were overused and used incorrectly throughout.
For memoir fans, this may be up your alley but be warned. Do not expect anything chronological, or in any kind of order that makes sense to anyone but the author.

in the area.Firstly thank you to the publishers for my copy on netgalley. Im writing my own memoir so its always interesting and a must to read ones that are published. Unfortunately it wasnt very long or well structured with no chapters. There was definitely room for more which is a good thing .I live in a council estate in a rough area so safe to say there is a similarity between his words and my reality.The author writes with wit which is inspiring actually as im hoping to have that come through on my writing. He writes with honesty and raw detail not hiding anything.This will be a eye opener for some and a trip down memory lane for others.Who knows one day maybe he’ll read my memoir. Publisjed 23rd June

An eye opening look at what it was like to grow up on a council estate .As an American I Was not familiar with them.This was funny real intimate look at his and his friends lives there,A very interesting look at this to me uniquely British concept.#netgalley#troubadorbooks

I expected a bit more from this tale of Growing up on a council estate, it was interesting in parts but I didn't get the humour in it.
As someone who grew up in n the 70s and 80s on an estate I expected to be able to identify more with this book.
I think it's really important to read working class authors so in that way this is an important book.

This book was okay, I grew up in the 'rougher part of town' so was expecting to find this relatable, but not so much unfortunately. It was funny in parts but mostly it left me a bit baffled by the time jumping from one moment to another.

Growing up in a council estate myself, these memoirs gave me plenty to laugh and reminisce over. I read the full book in one sitting. So why only three stars? The stories jump from one place to another with no dates, times etc and this can be a bit confusing at times. Still a quick, fun read!

A quick and easy read about living on a Huddersfield council estate. The vivid glue like memories of being a council estate kid. Easy to read and would recommend.

I love the way that he went chumping
For bonfire night
Then the people that was in one school and he got some friends
Then he was older he got a job with a clothing company
I loved the book
I had an ARC

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book sounded interesting from the summary but it wasn't as good as I was expecting. The writing was fairly choppy and each memory was short before jumping to the next. Maybe having chapter would've made it more readable, I don't know. Some of the memories were fairly humorous but not exactly laugh out loud funny.

This book was laugh out loud funny. I loved the authors interjections that were a bit a-la Wayne’s World. Even though I grew up in America many years after this English story takes place I could still find myself relating. This is a great quick read that will have you laughing and wishing their was video footage of the exploits.

Well, this book appealed to me having grown up on a council estate myself, albeit decades later....getting into many a mischief similar.
Ok so the book isn’t written as a literary masterpiece. There are no chapters, and there are too many commas.......however..... it is Rip-roaringly funny, nostalgia inducing and entertaining. It hasn’t been written to become the next Pulitzer Prize winner, just a pure recount of the author’s childhood days and a recount of the funny escapades he got up to with his mates.
I was laughing out loud until I cried in so many places! The author certainly has a knack for telling a story and genuinely I was chuckling away so much that my husband kept asking me what was so funny and to read bits out to him. The book only took me about an hour and a half to read, and is a genuine, hilarious and raw recount of some of his best and wildest moments. I feel like I would love to join Graham down the pub for a pint, and laugh till I cried at his stories. If you want a hilarious and nostalgic trip down memory lane, to entertain you even for an hour then this will definitely cut the mustard. I was going to award three stars but I laughed so much I’ve upped it to a four. Thanks Graham !

An edgy realistic book taking the reader through a harsh but real read ... at times shocking tales of growing up

I had high hopes for this book, but sadly it didn’t live up to my expectations. It was a short book about life on a council estate and the things the guy got up to. It wasn’t really anything I hadn’t heard before to be honest.
Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

If you grew up on a council estate in the '60s and '70s (regardless of where in the country it was), you'll recognise the characters and situations in this witty memoir