Member Reviews

It was a joy to be back in this world with Fable, West, and the rest of the crew! This book was a perfect wrap up for their story.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a chance to review an e-arc of this book.

I really enjoyed diving back into Fable's world and learning more about her history, however, I was hoping for a lot more with this book. A great deal seemed to happen in Namesake, but it felt rushed and under-developed. There was a lot of potential with the plot points, but it fell flat, in my opinion. Despite that, it still wrapped up the story that began in the first book nicely. There were no loose threads as far as I can remember from the first book, and that in and of itself is hard to come by these days.

The atmosphere still held the same magical quality that the first book held. The writing, from this aspect, was spot on. I could almost smell the salt and sea and feel the wind from the storms.

One of my other favorite parts of this book was the relationship between Saint and Fable. I loved seeing their relationship evolve through the course of this book and I enjoyed Saint as a character more than most of the others. As the story progressed, his actions in the previous book started to make sense.

I think that Namesake is still worth a read and I will checking out more of Adrienne Young's books in the future.

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When it comes to the main character Fable, I really enjoyed how brave and smart she was, without being too perfect. She wasn’t infallible and she definitely made mistakes. But she was also much more mature than I thought she would be with seventeen years.

I also really enjoyed the background of the duet, and the research the author put into ship building, sailing, and a life on sea. The storyline and descriptions felt and sounded realistic, even somber at times, especially when it came to the hardworking crew.

The crew of the Marigold and their relationships was a highlight of the duet. I loved the maturity of the characters which was palpable from their interactions to their relationships. Especially the relationships. I loved the father/daughter bond between Fable and Saint, and the romantic relationship between Fable and West.

The story was easy to get into, which is always nice when it comes to fantasy books, and the main couple was easy to root for. I really enjoyed Fable and West, and thought they matched very well.

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I didn’t quite enjoy this one as much as the first one, but it was an enjoyable way to wrap up this story. I love this author and can’t wait to read more from her.

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This book was a wonderful continuation of Fable. I loved where the characters went and ended up. Fable is such a determined character and I really enjoyed how strong she is. I liked her relationship with West a lot. Its a great addition to the story without taking over the plot.

I would totally recommend this book!

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Adrienne Young has a fantastic ability to write engaging stories with fun and unique characters. I loved Fable, and I think this second book was just as good. There's a lot of manipulation that made me wonder what characters were trying to do. Loved it.

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A worthy sequel to Fable. This book has everything I loved about Fable but does not let the story become stale. Lots of twists and turns but somehow does not get too overcomplicated.

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I would not object to a third book or a. Novella to something. Ooooh a prologue story about Saint and Isolde! I loved this story and the characters were easy to connect to and to love. I need more about West and Fable. I’m not ready to let go.

This was a great duology. The story wrapped up nicely and in a way that I was getting worried for Fable in the end but everything happened as it should. I reallllyyyy don’t want to spoil anything so I won’t go into detail. I’ve been telling people to read Fable since I read it last year and this week while reading this I’ve been just randomly telling people to read Fable.

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I received a complimentary copy of this title from the publisher through Netgalley. Opinions expressed are my own.

Sequels are tricky, especially with books. Fable was such a strong start that it kind of didn't leave much room for further impact. It was definitely nice to "dive" back in to the world and revisit the characters, but it wasn't quite as thrilling or (I really need a better word) un-put-downable as Fable.

As a sequel, I'd definitely still recommend it. The story continues with the same characters, which you fell in love with in the first book.

Also, but the covers side by side and just appreciate how absolutely stunning of an image that is!

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A perfect follow up to the ever enchanting Fable! I just can't get enough of these characters and this setting. Adrienne Young has done it again.

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My love for Adrienne Young's words will never die. That right there is an indisputable fact. And after reading Namesake... which I took my sweet sweet time with because I knew I'd be in an epic book hangover... and I was. My mind is yet again blown by the melodic flow of Adrienne's storytelling. It's taken me this long to get my thoughts together because I had to go back and read Fable, and then Namesake again back to back, so I could get the full effect of Fable's story, which is one that I know I will be revisiting often.

I'm not normally a fan of books with themes on the ocean, but this duology changed my mind in a big way about that! I can't wait to see what Adrienne comes out with next!

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Namesake transports you back to life on the open seas and the ocean depths full of mysteries, twists, and turns. The same crew of characters are back with some new faces, as Fable figures out who is trying to manipulate whom. While I very much appreciated the set up of Fable and loved getting to know her story, the second half of this duology explores more of her mother's past and how she plays a role in Fable's life. The adventures was nonstop and the deception was epic! I loved seeing Saint fill the role as Fable's father and her relationship with West develop as well as the other members of the Marigold.
I would absolutely love to see this turn into a series or just one more book! I love Adrienne Young's books and this was no exception!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. The thoughts and opinions in this review are my own.

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Namesake, follows straight on from Fable and is the conclusion of the duology. Needless to say I was very excited to dive right in to this book and while I enjoyed it, I think I preferred Fable. This one just felt a little unsatisfying at times and ever so slightly less engaging than the first book. It did however wrap things up well.

I still love the world and the atmosphere Adrienne Young has created with this duology and I can’t wait to read more from her.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a WINNER!! Loved the first book in the series. But this one was even better!! I can’t believe I have to wait more from this author! I need more!

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I still remember every emotion that I felt when Fable, the first book in this series, ended. I needed–absolutely needed–the second and final book in the series, Namesake, STAT. And I needed it right then and there. That’s not how publishing works though, haha, but I will say that I was incredibly happy about the wait between books being shorter than a year (6.5 months to be exact) so I didn’t suffer an incredible amount.

All jokes aside, though, I was really really really needing this book and to find out what happens next and also how things end. So, when I received an ARC to review, I couldn’t wait to dig in!

I remember when reading Fable, that some of my closest friends were raving about it, and I was reading it…but nothing struck me as remarkable…until I reached a certain point in the book. That’s when I really strapped in for quite the ride and enjoyed every second of it. It was so good.

When starting into Namesake, I found that I was experiencing the same sort of process. Nothing was really hooking me aside from the excitement I’d felt while reading Fable, so I figured that the same thing would happen and I would get really really hooked (with no hope of getting unhooked) at some point into the book.

In retrospect, I shouldn’t have compared Namesake to Fable in that way, and I also shouldn’t have hyped myself up as much as I did before reading Namesake. It just didn’t have that same umph for me. Yes, I did enjoy the book and seeing the characters again and reading about how their plotlines wrapped up. There were some really satisfying moments! But Fable remains my favourite if I had to pick a favourite.

While that might be the case, however, I would like to say that I really really enjoyed this duology and that I plan on picking up Young’s other books because of it (while also keeping an eye on her Goodreads and Twitter for any updates on her next book/s). I recommend this series as a whole!

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I’ve been reviewing Adrienne Young’s book since her debut. I loved "Fable", and it’s a book that has stayed with my since I read it. I’m still proud of my "Fable" review, since the book itself was still flowing through my veins as I wrote it and it shows. Fast forward to the sequel, "Namesake". I wanted this book in my hands from the moment I closed "Fable", eager to return to such a visceral world with captivating characters.

I slipped back into the story with the ease of a swimmer returning to the water. I’ve been in a reading slump since the end of February, and this was the book that finally broke me out of it. Young has said more than once that her goal is to make readers read her book in one sitting, one day, if possible. A few days at the most. I think she succeeded. As with "Fable", I read "Namesake" quickly. I actually read the sequel in one day because I was into it.

I think part of what really hooked me is the writing. Young has such a way with words that make her stories come alive. It’s lyrical and vivid, as well as so tied into the setting of the book as to make you feel like you’re really on the seas sailing with the crew or diving for gems or visiting ports.

I still adore the characters, from Fable and West to the crew of the Marigold. Fable struggled and faced rejection, but also found love and a family along the way in the first book. In this book, we see her unmoored from the new life she built, aching to return to West and her friends. But beyond that, we see her thrown into situations that test her. I’m surprised that I ended up enjoying the return of a minor character from the first book – I won’t say who -, but it added another dimension to the book. The romance is still lovely, though once again I wish it had been on the page more.

The pacing in this book didn’t feel as smooth. Maybe that’s just me and my reading slump talking. I somehow felt like the first chunk of the book was a slow build up to the core of the story, and while I was still hooked I kept waiting for the reunions I wanted and knew were coming. There is, however, some more world-building in this one to expand the geography and further explain gem sages. It’s definitely a light fantasy, but as the book is very character-driven I don’t mind.

"Namesake" is a captivating story of family – both blood and found -, romance, and grief. The writing is, as always for Young’s books, atmospheric and lovely in a way that speaks to me. Losing a parent is hard, and seeing Fable not only try to hold on so tightly to her dad, but also learn more about her mom was so emotional and powerful and relatable. It’s safe to say this duology will always stay with me, pulling me in its current.

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Thank you to Wednesday Books and Netgalley for a copy of this book. This is the sequel to Fable and continues where Fable leaves off. You have to read Fable to follow along Namesake. I enjoyed this book and trying to figure out who is on whose side. The twists and turns kept coming in the book and kept me interested. I love that this book explored loyalty, family, power but wish the romance between West and Fable was more prevalent.

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While I loved this conclusion to the duology it was a lot slower than the first and I really felt like it missed a few parts to amp up the adventure and tension in the book. I still gave the book 5 stars because it was very well written and I loved the character and story. I also loved the world that young built and sincerely hope that she does more books set in that world!

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I didn’t think it was possible to like this book more than fable but I was wrong the conclusion to this amazing duology was so good.

Ok first of all....pirate ships, crazy twists, devious plans that we only get pieces of, a romance that I found myself constantly cheering for. Also a redemption arc that I didn’t even know I needed but was given!

Yea this book was everything I wanted and more!

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Just like with Fable, I have to just say that COVER-just gorgeous! Once again, it's a case of yes, you definitely can judge a book by its cover because Namesake is just as brilliant on the inside as looks. That might sound trite, but so true in this case.

First off, this cannot be read as a standalone, so just don't do it! You have to read Fable first to understand what's going on, especially since Namesake picks up right where Fable left off.

Fable was quite the determined, resilient, stubborn, brave young female in book one of this duology, and she proves to be even more so in Namesake. As the story starts, she finds herself in a very precarious position, but danger seems to follow Fable wherever she goes. There's a lot of twists, secrets revealed, and betrayals in this fast-paced, daring adventure, and Fable must do whatever she can to not only save herself but save her crew/family on the Marigold, and Saint even though he's betrayed her more than once.

This was a perfect ending to Fable, and I even cried a little at the end. I'm going to miss these characters!

Thank you NetGalley and Wednesday Books for the DRC. All opinions are my own.

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