Member Reviews

Yes. Yes. Yes. Adrienne Young is such an incredible writer and I love these books so much. Fable is the female heroine we need.

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Namesake was the sequel I was hoping for! Fable’s journey continues with more gems, danger and characters to love.

I fell in love with Fable in the first book in this duology and I truly enjoyed continuing to see her growth in Namesake. Her cleverness, resilience, and ability to navigate complicated and dangerous situations made this a book I couldn’t put down.

At first, I was worried I wouldn’t have as much time with the lovable Marigold crew but I was not disappointed. They were all there and I could never get enough of West. The additional characters including Holland really helped to take this adventure to the next level and there were quite a few surprises along the way. I don’t want to give anything away but I loved these books and I am sure that it’s a series that I will be rereading.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Wednesday Books for the eARC. All thoughts are my own.

4.5/5 First, can we just talk about the covers of this duology? I don’t have physical copies, so they don’t line up quite right, but if I did, they are meant to make one complete picture!

Okay, I loved Fable, but Namesake was better! Just like the first, this is a fast paced YA. We jump right back in to where Fable left off, and if you read it, you know Fable’s ending left the reader with wanting more. Throughout the whole book I just kept wanting to continue. If I didn’t have responsibilities, I probably could have read this in a day or two.

The characters were just as wonderful in this book as they were in Fable. You get to know them more throughout this book and really see growth in Fable. She becomes even stronger and more confident. We get to see more of the relationships throughout the book as well. This was a great addition because you got to see the relationships in Fable, but now that we know the characters, it’s better to see all of the develop. And I’m not just talking all the love interests.

The only thing that I felt was lacking was the ending. But not information wise. I thought the ending was great and I’m glad it ended the way it did, but I also feel like there was a lot of build up, and it felt a little flat to me. But this is a personal opinion. Again, I did like how it ended, but I thought there could have been more. Seemed to end a bit too cleanly.

I continue to enjoy Adrienne Young’s books. I enjoy her writing style and find her stories fun. I think out of all the books of hers that I’ve read, this duology is my favorite. I’m excited to see what she writes next.

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The conclusion to Adrienne Young's duology, Namesake is a satisfying conclusion. Picking up where Fable ended, we are still invested in Fable's adventures as she strives to outwit her kidnapper and make her way back to West and the crew of the Marigold. Along the way, Fable learns more about her mother, her history and herself. And not all are who they seem.

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I have to admit Fable was a bit better than Namesake but I love Adrienne's writing so 5 stars it is.
Namesake is full of adventure and surprises. The whole gang is back with a vengeance. What I didn't like so much, was that Fable looked like a naive and innocent girl, that couldn't believe that people around her can betray someone. She was strong and determined at times, but her self doubt was out of control at some points.
West and Saint were the best as usual, of course. Yes, I did like Saint in the first book too.
All in all, I loved this duology A LOT.

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Thank you so much to Wednesday Books via NetGalley for the early digital copy of Namesake by Adrienne Young! It is always hard to review sequels and such without spoilers so I will just share my general feelings about the book!

Namesake is the second book in the Fable duology. Due to the continuation of the storyline, this can absolutely not be read as a standalone. If you skim my review for book one, you can find most of what I have to say about the world building and characters in general.

There is more action than in Fable. This one was a much quicker read, although at the end of the day, the action fell into anti climax before drifting off to the ending. A few times during the action, Fable would think something like “ok *THIS* is the only way out,” and then she would never explain what *THIS* is and it drove me nuts. Something else would just happen. There is a chance that this will be clamped down in the final book though.

The title? Do you want to know where Namesake fits into the book? Hahahah probably the best storyline, you have to read to find out. The only magic in the whole duology and it’s a great plot line.

Holland is the only new character worth mentioning, and we see a bit more from Zola and Saint as well. I really liked this trio of adversaries. Talking about any more characters may spoil book one. Learning more about West was also good for the story. The Fable and Saint storyline resolved a little bit cleanly for my tastes, and I swear that Fable and West never actually resolved any of the issues they were having. These were big, real, practically unforgivable issues and they just *poof* went away in the next chapter, the same with the issues the crew were having with the situations. *Poof*. The magic of the 7-9 grade level books.

Overall, I do enjoy the story and world Young has built here. It’s a fun, high seas world with a tidy resolution and despite my gripes, they are good for that 12-18 ish age range and adults looking for a lighter adventure

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Huge thanks to Wednesday Books, St.Martin's Press, and Netgalley for this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Wow. Wow. Wow. This book ended with a bang. Here we continue Fable's journey as she fights to free herself from the clutches of Zola. There are twists, turns and "I didn't see it coming" in this second installment. I loved this story from the beginning and Namesake didn't disappoint at all. We still have the same cast of beloved characters and we get the opportunity to dive more into their stories. I love them even more for it. And darn it, I even like Saint at the end of this one. I had no idea where this story was going nor where it would end up. This book kept me guessing the entire time in the best ways possible. It was an adventure the whole way.

Overall, five stars. I love pirate, treasure hunt stories and this fulfilled everything I love about them. I've already ordered a special edition of this one and I can't wait to have it so I can read it again!

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***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

Namesake by Adrienne Young
Book One of the Fable series
Publisher: Wednesday Books
Publication Date: March 16, 2021
Rating: 5 stars
Source: Copy provided by the publisher

Summary (from Goodreads):

Trader. Fighter. Survivor.

With the Marigold ship free of her father, Fable and its crew were set to start over. That freedom is short-lived when she becomes a pawn in a notorious thug’s scheme. In order to get to her intended destination she must help him to secure a partnership with Holland, a powerful gem trader who is more than she seems.

As Fable descends deeper into a world of betrayal and deception she learns that her mother was keeping secrets, and those secrets are now putting the people Fable cares about in danger. If Fable is going to save them then she must risk everything, including the boy she loves and the home she has finally found.

Filled with action, emotion, and lyrical writing, New York Times bestselling author Adrienne Young returns with Namesake, the final book in the captivating Fable duology.

What I Liked:

I read Fable in early 2020, and I knew it would be a hit. I loved the book; it pulled me right out of the reading slump that I had been in, since my father passed away in 2019. Fable hit me at the right time. I received Namesake to read in Fall 2020 and I dove right back into the intriguing, mysterious world of the Narrows. Namesake is the conclusion to the Fable duology, and it's easily one of the best conclusion novels I've ever read.

Namesake picks up pretty much right where Fable left off, which, if you remember where Fable left off, you remember being pretty upset. (I was, anyway.) I won't state too much about that, since Fable published only six months ago, and I will try not to spoil anything regarding Namesake as well.

The world of Fable becomes so much larger in this book. Adrienne Young expands the world, the schemes, the politics, the characters. A wider cast of characters is brought into play, and even more political machinations, deals, risks, and revelations. Some characters who were briefly mentioned in Fable become critical players in Namesake. No specifics, but believe me, the plot thickens! I love the Pirates of the Caribbean vibe of this series. That alone was enough to make me pick up Fable, but the excellent writing, fascinating characters, and slow-burn, tension-filled romance made me fall in love with the books.

One thing I will say vaguely is that a giant Easter egg in Fable manifests in Namesake. I was pretty sure I knew what the Easter egg was when I was reading Fable, but I wasn't quite right. It's not exactly what you'd expect. Adrienne Young is so sneaky, she had us thinking one thing, when in fact it was a completely different thing! I have listened to so many of her virtual tour events and Instagram live events, and she was SO sneaky about this Easter egg. Several months after reading Namesake (I'm writing this review in February 2021), I'm still delighted by the Easter egg.

Let's talk about the romance! Fable and West are such an adorable, heartbreakingly beautiful pair. I love the romance of this book, and series. This series - actually, this book (Namesake) has the most romance on page of any of Young's books. I love the slow-burn in Fable, and the pure yearning in Namesake. The romance of this series is one of my all-time favorites of the Young Adult books I've read.

Other relationships are just as important as the romance between Fable and West; for example, Fable's relationship with her father, Saint. But also, Fable's relationship with her mother, Isolde. I can't say anything more about that but... while Fable (book one) was more so about Fable and her father, Namesake is about Fable and her mother. In a way, but not in the way you think. You'll see!

I truly love the characters that Adrienne Young has written. Fable, a smart, brave young woman. West, a selfless, mysterious man with a heart of gold. Saint, a trickster father who keeps his cards close. And the crew of the Marigold, who is the family that Fable never knew she needed. I love the characters of this book, even the "villains", who have such compelling backstories.

Tropes: slow-burn romance, a hint of enemies-to-lovers romance (kind of? between West and Fable), found family, "chosen one"... kind of. You'll see what I mean.

I won't say anything else because I don't want to spoil the book, but I will say that the book ended really well. The series wraps up wonderfully. Adrienne Young proves that you don't need mass chaos and bloodshed to end a series (I'm looking at you, Game of Thrones). I'm not saying there is NO violence at the end, but, the ending is really good. My heart was full, after reading this book. This book is absolutely worth the (short) wait, the marathon binge-read, or however you'll read this series.

What I Did Not Like:

I have no complaints! This book was such an excellent follow-up to Fable, and an amazing conclusion. I feel like I can't wait always say that about sequels or conclusion novels.

Would I Recommend It:

If you read Fable, you HAVE to finish this series. Namesake is so easy to read - I finished it quickly, once I started getting into the story. I didn't want to put the book down. This series is such a riveting fantasy series, and it has good crossover appeal to young adult readers and adults. It's a favorite for sure - the series is a favorite in general!


5 stars. There was no doubt in my mind that Namesake would be just as incredible as Fable, if not more. Adrienne Young has not disappointed me yet; I can't wait to see what she publishes next!

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the complimentary ARC. All opinions provided are my own.

In prep for reading my ARC of Namesake I re-read Fable & I was struck again by how lush & gorgeous it is. It’s a thrilling adventure.

Namesake picks back up with Fable, West, the rest of the Marigold crew, Saint, et al. & it’s another wonder-ful offering from a prodigious talent. I’m so excited by Adrienne Young’s writing—what stories she’s already put into the world & what will come—but Namesake doesn’t quite live up to Fable in my heart & imagination.

Hopefully I won't spoil too much of Namesake’s plot in this review but it feels more circuitous to me—as does Fable & West’s romance, which is tested by the same mistakes they make over & over again.

While Fable often questions West’s decision-making in this book—she considers how far he’s gone, how far he’s willing to go—there’s a moment where I feel like he goes too far & Fable kinda drops it. He crosses too big of a line for me.

Like Fable, Namesake has beautiful, evocative language & moving storylines about family & place in the world. I love its moments of tenderness & Young’s writing can stop me in my tracks. But overall I have some issues with Namesake that leave me having enjoyed it but not falling in love as I did with the first book.


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This book had a wonderful pirate vibe and dramatically good characters and plot. The author does a great job of keeping you interested and the world building around the characters. This a great sequel to the first, and really does a wonderful job with a sweeping story that keeps you invested in the storyline to the very end.

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If you like YA books with more focus on strong family relationships than romance, this duology is for you!
Namesake is a great mix of romance, adventure and deception. Fable is by far one of my favourite main characters ever. She is so incredibly strong and stubborn.
A really good read!

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Wow I thought Fable was amazing, but Namesake was even better. It really wrapped up the storylines and the characters gained so much more depth! The adventure and fast pace was still there. I loved it! I practically finished it in one sitting.

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Best book of 2021!! I truly enjoyed the first book with the slightly slow burn romance as back burner story. This second book of the series takes off right at end of first book so it’s amazing!! What a way to tie up all the loose ends and backstory in this second book. It never felt rush and loved the story telling. The author has a way with words without being too wordy or purple pose. I hate useless run on words that fills up pages of novel that doesn’t take the story anywhere. Highly recommend this series to mature readers of fantasy since it does have sexy scenes. Im hoping this series can be turn into a movie or series for it be fantastic to see it play out in live action.
Thank you publisher and Netgalley for e copy in exchange for my own honest review.

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I didn't get to read Fable, but this book still holds up on its own. Very nice world creation and interesting characters. Once again, the cover is gorgeous.

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Thank you so much to the publisher for the privilege of reviewing an advanced copy of Namesake by Adrienne Young. I checked out a copy of Fable from the local library to read prior to reading this story and was not disappointed by either book in this pair!! The characters were well written with edge and depth and a little sauce on the side and I appreciated the nuance of family drama facing a young woman while she desperately tries to find her place in the world. I loved the hint of magic and the dash of piracy and wish that West had a duology of his own!!

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I just have that overwhelming feeling of being in love with this book, and it's hard to find words to convey why I love it so much. I think it's the blend of my love for the characters, the setting, the little hint of magic, the atypical family, and the sailing that has me. I absolutely love being on boats and swimming, so combining that with some of my favorite writing devices is the surest way to my heart.

This book picks off right where Fable ended, throwing us right back into the action. The author maintained the witty dialogue, Fable's strong character, the romance, and the family drama that I had come to expect from the first book. I loved the fast-paced plot and the more vulnerable aspects throughout the book. Overall this was a really satisfying conclusion to this duology and I'm sad that there won't be any more!

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A seafaring adventure offering a thrilling conclusion to Fable's journey across the Narrow Sea and beyond. The end of Fable, the first book in this duology, leaves us on a cliffhanger when Fable is stuck aboard a ship without her consent after vowing to escape everything that had to do with her father, Saint, and his business in the Narrow Sea. She'd made the decision, alongside West and the rest of the crew on the Marigold, to go somewhere new and start fresh, but this plan is thrown off the metaphorical ship when Fable is captured by the one person nobody likes.

It is there she makes the decision to do the best she can to solve her problems, even if it requires her meeting someone she never wanted to meet or thought was alive and requires her to learn to hate someone she once loved. A chance arises for her to make her escape, but it demands the sacrifice of every remaining thing she holds dear to save someone who, according to all others, will never payback the effort. In the Narrows, it's hard to figure out what the right side and wrong side is, but one thing every one can agree with is that there is a side that will destroy everything the Narrows represents and they'll all do anything to prevent that from happening.

The conclusion to Fable's story is endearing and harrowing, containing much of the same seafaring aspects the reader loved in the first book. Even near the book's ending there are still so many questions the reader has and they might begin to wonder how they will all be answered; but, know that Adrienne Young is a master of the fantasy novel and will give you and ending you cherish.

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**I was provided an electronic ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for honest review.**

Adrienne Young concludes her Fable duology with the sequel, Namesake. Fable, West, and the crew of the Marigold return to enemies new and old and to enemies that are maybe actually friends? Namesake sets off right where Fable ends, making just about anything said about the plot a spoiler. Suffice it to say, more seafaring shenanigans, backstabbing, frontstabbing, and discovering of secrets ensue.

I was very fond of Fable, and I did like Namesake. Both books are heavily plot-driven, in my opinion. They also are very fast paced and generally are a good time. I had made mention in my review that I wanted to know more about Auster, Paj, and West after reading Fable and Namesake did give me that. Unfortunately, it felt more like hearing about a couple formative events in their lives rather than their development as characters. I feel that character development as a whole is where the duology struggles.

Young clearly did her best to wrap up every plot point to a satisfying conclusion for the reader, and toward the end this began to get a bit rushed for some items. Nonetheless, I was satisfied with the conclusion and don't have lingering questions about plot items, so if that was indeed the goal, then it was achieved.

I will happily continue to read future works by Young, and would not hesitate to recommend them. I feel that the Fable duology in particular might be beneficial for reluctant young adult readers due to the high stakes and fast pace. Ultimately, I enjoyed both Fable and Namesake for the sheer enjoyment of them, but the somewhat shallow character development is what keeps them from being in my all time favorite reads.

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I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

When I finished Fable, the tale was not one I could forget. I consumed the book in a show of furious energy and I just knew I had to get my hands on Namesake ASAP. For fans worried, that the second book in this duology won't hold up- don't be. If anything there were more heart-wrenching/heartwarming moment than the first.

The tale of Fable, bound and determined to show her merciless father that she belongs is fresh and unique in the world of YA. The fantasy is slight, blink and you'll miss it. This book is as beautiful as it is ruthless, the imagery provide by Young in a league of it's own. Many times I found myself becoming "aware" of reality while reading. 80% of my time spent reading, I was on a swashbuckling adventure with Fable and the evil Zola. lost to the Narrows.

The ending was everything we wanted as readers, and yet I want more. I want so much more. Many a time a tear came to my eye at the profound moments between Saint and Fable, the visceral pain of trying to gain attention from a father. For anyone nervous about the second living up to the first, don't be.

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4-4.5 shiny gem-studded stars! Fable was one of my favorite reads of 2020 and so I went into this one with high expectations!!! And let me say that it did not disappoint! This picks up right where Fable left off and I was again swept up into the sun-soaked, sea sprayed, swashbuckling adventures that made Fable so good. The ONLY reason this didn’t get 5 stars from me is it was a bit plot and land heavy in some parts and her writing sparkles most when developing characters out on (and under) the open ocean. That said, it still gave me chills and I was unable to put it down. Thank you so much to MacMillan Library for the eARC!

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