Member Reviews

While I loved Fable and thought it was a fantastic sea adventure, Namesake blew me away! The journey that Fable and West go on is not easy. Seeing their struggle and coming to terms with each ones past was so fullfilling to see. Adrienne isn't done with plot twists and unexpected arrivals and had us guessing how it was going to wrap up until the end! I cannot wait to get my hands on a physical copy of this book like I need it so badly!

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this e arc to review!

This book was a fantastic way to end a duology. This book tied up well and i feel very satisfied with the character stories. It was high stakes and was fairly unpredictable. There was one thing I had predicted at the beginning, but it is very minimal. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I don't tend to love books set on sea but I really enjoyed the way this book went. I also absolutely love West and all of his imperfections. I will fight for him 😤 ❤ This book was a pleasure to read.

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Namesake is an epic conclusion to the Fable duology! A story of courage, sacrifice, love, betrayal, and adventure, Namesake picks up where Fable left off, and there is so much intrigue, maneuvering, and unexpected twists and turns that I found it difficult to put the book down.

Young’s skill in creating an immersive, atmospheric, and captivating setting is masterful. From the first lines, I was pulled into the story, and the author’s lyrical writing and use of vivid imagery and figurative language amazed me. The dialogue was smart, the descriptions made me feel like I was in the setting, and the story came to life as I read the words on the page.

The crew of The Marigold is another highlight of the story. Their presence, influence, and participation in many of the events that unfold prove invaluable. In this book, there is a bit more conflict among the crew. They can’t always be on the same page, and it’s interesting to see how they each deal with having differences of opinion. Ultimately, they prove that they will always fight for and support each other, even when they disagree.

We also learn a bit more about some of the crews’ pasts, which I liked. It’s interesting to see how events and people from their past helped to define them. Also, people from The Marigold and Fable’s past come into play in this book and add to the intricate layers of betrayal, greed, and societal maneuvering. It’s a story with secrets upon secrets and revelations that affect everyone and change everything.

This is particularly true with Fable, who has a complicated relationship with many people in the story. She is a complicated person herself, and the more Fable learns about her mother, Saint, and the past, the more complicated her relationships become. The Marigold is the only place where Fable truly feels like she belongs. The crew accepts her and has embraced her as part of their team and their family. This is particularly poignant, as Fable feels rejected by her blood relatives.

I find her relationship with Saint particularly intriguing, as they’re so different yet so similar. They don’t see eye to eye on much, and they have a lot of baggage. Even though Saint has treated Fable terribly, she never gives up on him. It was interesting to see what happened between father and daughter.

Another relationship that is explored more in Namesake is the romance between Fable and West. It’s a harsh and brutal world, and I love that Fable and West try to eke out a little happiness for themselves. We learn so much more about West in Namesake, which really explains a lot about his stoicism, loyalty, and feelings about himself. There is a dark side to West that he must reconcile, and throughout the story, we see his more vulnerable side and his true feelings for Fable.

I loved everything about this book – the swashbuckling adventure, the immersive setting, the layers upon layers of characterization and plot, the plethora of interesting relationships, the quick and captivating pacing, and the amazing imagery. Thanks so much to NetGalley, Wednesday Books, and the author for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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I was going to hold off on reading this one until closer to the release date to review this, but I just couldn't wait any longer. All I can say is wow. Just wow. This is the book 2021 needs.

Namesake is the second book of Adrienne Young's Fable duology. And it was equally amazing in my opinion. Maybe even better?

Action? Check. Emotion? Check. Captivating writing? Check. I'll echo what I said about the first book: Young is a talented writer who has done her research and Fable is still an absolute badass.

I kind of wish the first book was combined with the second so it was just one long book, because the first one was the perfect beginning with all the world-building and the  ending of this second book was perfection. I understand that it would be extremely long though, so I get it.

Not sure if you'll like a YA pirate fantasy book? (That was me) But read it anyway. I think you'll like it.

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As soon as I finished Fable, I wanted to start Namesake right away. I held off, but started it at 3am wanting to just read something since apparently insomnia was settling in ... and I read it in one sitting. It is THAT GOOD. I absolutely adored Fable, and this was the perfect continuation of the book. It picks up right where Fable ended, making the two books feel like one long glorious book. You get to adventure on the ocean with all your favorite characters, and have some new ones revealed that throw some wrenches into the mix. I loved getting to see a little bit more of some characters' back stories. Adrienne Young did such a great job keeping me guessing throughout the book, only revealing what was actually happening as the characters experienced it themselves. My only complaint is that I wish there were approximately 32 more books, because I didn't want the book to end & have the duology be complete. This is definitely one I will be rereading over & over again!

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Thank you to Netgalley for granting me access to Namesake before the publishing date!

I finished Namesake before Christmas, but I wanted to sit on it before I wrote my review. I love the world that Fable lives in. There’s so many unique and interesting places that make me continue reading this story. I also very much love the characters. They make the world believable and make me love the direction that the story went in.

Overall, I think anyone who enjoyed Fable will love the continuation of the story. It doesn’t throw you too much to the wolves like some books. The integrity of the personalities of the characters stay the same, and you understand why each character reacts the weary that they do and it doesn’t make you want to throw the book at the wall.

In terms of romance, you’ll always see that spark between Fable and West although Namesake is very much character/story driven not romance driven. Normally I hate that, but it works for Fable and West. You also get some awesome new characters in this story along with a little more backstory on a character you met in the beginning of Fable. It’s actually quite awesome watching how you start to like a character you thought you hated.

Warning: As likeable as this book was for me, there were some points in the writing that I’m hoping didn’t escape from editors eyes. For example, there would be a high adrenaline scene and she leaves something behind and then the next chapter would be her having that something in her hands. It’s very small but it happens a couple times which is high key annoying. It didn’t affect the quality of the book for me, but it did make me stop and wonder why the retrieval of the thing was left out.

Like my review for Fable, I give this book 4 stars. It would have been 5 stars if not for those writing concerns that made me stop and question things.

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Namesake was exactly what I hoped it to be. It was such a beautiful story, full of twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. The author has a way with words that make me feel so much for the characters. I was truly invested in this story. She also did a wonderful job wrapping up the story. I wish there were more of Fable and more adventure and romance, but I'm happy with how it ends.  

I won't say much because I don't want to spoil book 1 or 2, so I'll say this. The story picks up where book 1 left off. The world building is even more developed, the characters are truly well fleshed out with their flaws and qualities. The story will keep you on your toes because there are no dull moments. Namesake is truly a riveting story and I highly recommend it.

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What a freaking page turner. Couldn’t wait to get my hands on this sequel to see the fate of fable and her crew. This book was non stop and I couldn’t put it down. Literally did not see the end coming. At all. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Namesake, the second book in the Fable duology, did not disappoint! We continue to follow Fable as she braves the seas and confronts her roots with her new found family, the crew of the Marigold. There is scheming, kidnapping, deception and many relationships questioned and tested. This book does not come up short in the adventure department! While we get to dive deeper into the personal stories of characters we know from book one, we also get a handful of new characters. The author is great at keeping you guessing on where everyones loyalties are. The main plot Namesake almost has a bit of a heist feel to it. Experiencing this world and its characters was so much fun and I was very happy with how the story was wrapped up in the end.

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Fable was my #1 book of 2020, so when I got Namesake from Net Gallery, you could imagine my excitement! Going from Fable then to Namesake, I read it in one night, I flew right through it!

Life on the high seas can be rough, but the dramas on land can even be worse. The twist and turns of who’s who to whom. *raise eyebrows* I loved to see Fable’s development and strength going into new struggles of the pirate world. I highly recommend Namesake to end the amazing writing from Fable!

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I really enjoy the author’s writing! The world was beautifully executed and the morally grey characters interesting. I enjoyed learning more about her family in this installment

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So like Namesake more than Fable.
In this book Fable was a better character and a true Saint's daughter. I thought her story was better in this book, with all the twists and turns. In the other hand West storyline sounded more intriguing in the first book, I must confess that in this book I didn't like him very much.
Saint and Clove were a brilliant duo, always a step ahead. Koi was also a very good surprise and became one of favorite characters. Holland was a terrible person that only look for herself, no matter what.
The crew of Marigold should have more scenes, it would be so cool to know all of theirs stories.

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🍁This is a honest review. I received this book from netgalley and Wednesday publishing.

🍁All my opinions are my own.


🍁Synopsis: With the Marigold ship free of her father, Fable and its crew were set to start over. That freedom is short-lived when she becomes a pawn in a notorious thug’s scheme. In order to get to her intended destination she must help him to secure a partnership with Holland, a powerful gem trader who is more than she seems.

As Fable descends deeper into a world of betrayal and deception, she learns that the secrets her mother took to her grave are now putting the people Fable cares about in danger. If Fable is going to save them then she must risk everything, including the boy she loves and the home she has finally found.

🍁Review: I give this book 5 stars.

🍁Some mayor plot twist are happening here. The Marigold is finally free from Fables dad and then she is being kidnapped to be taken across the sea. She meets an old friend who she thought was dead. But he is not the person any more she thought him to be. She has to find friends in people from her past.

West and his crew do everything to find Fable again. To have her save and away from people who only want to use her.

Adrienne definitely gave us more of the beautiful world of Fable. And the ending was perfect in my opinion.

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I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books.

I gotten be honest this was kinda disappointing. Don't get me wrong it's not bad and I did enjoy it I just felt like I wanted to see more explored I guess.

I found Fable a lot less sympathetic in this one.

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It hurts to give this conclusion 3 stars. After all, I really love pirates and I did enjoy Fable (the predecessor). Unfortunately, I couldn't help but find this book...unsatisfactory. The plot was way too predictable, the pacing was slow and boring many times, and there was minimal character development.

The main reason why this book disappointed me was the lost potential. 'Fable' opened up a lot of opportunities for world-building and twists. 'Namesake' felt... foreseen and dull. The stakes weren't that high and I was never worried about the characters. This book would discover the secrets of Isolde, Fabel's mother, but we never really learned anything at all. (view spoiler) We were introduced to new parts of the world, but still, I didn't feel like it was enough (maybe it's because I've recently read a lot of heavy fantasy books).

One of the things I disliked in the Fable was the shallow and under-developed relationship between Fable and West. In 'Fable', they suddenly just loved each other. What??? Here, they're just angry with each other. Actually, everyone is just angry with each other in this book. To be honest, the only characters who I cared about or had opinions on was; Willa and Saint. To me, they were the most interesting characters. The others? I didn't care much about the others.

However, I did really like the concept and potential of this book. I mean gem sages? That's really cool! Moreover, I liked how the plot of this book followed right after 'Fable'. I really like found family tropes, which this duology had. The ending was pretty nice and wound it all up together.

Even though I've been pretty negative about this book, I still enjoyed it. It was a quick and adventurous read. There were many likable and enjoyable qualities in this book which I think many others will cherish.

Over and out. -Nora<3

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This ARC was provided for review, but in no way affects the following impartial and unbiased review:

Pros: A fantastic sequel that holds up on its own. Enchanting world-building, where we get to visit more captivating cities. Provides much-anticipated background stories for our favourite crew. Includes a lot of action, schemes and twists that will leave you at the edge of your seat. Deeper and more complex love story. Redemption arcs, betrayals, storms and battles of wits, this book has it all! And Fable has definitely claimed her place as one of my favourite characters.
Cons: Cannot believe I was robbed of a Willa's PoV on this one. I demand a spin-off!

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I really enjoyed this conclusion to the Fable duology. It was a fast paced read that answered questions while still taking you for some twists and turns. The only thing that kept me from rating this one a five star as well, is that I feel like it could been added to the first book. I would have loved to read it as one big epic tale, but that is just me. I will gladly reread them back to back in the future. I really love Fable and would read more of her adventures if the author ever felt like writing them.

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I have read a lot of books - if not all - by Adrienne Young, and I loved them all. Namesake is the sequel to Fable and while it is similarly action-packed, I daresay that this was not my favorite read; it was enjoyable, of course, but not as exciting as the first book in this duology. The story picks up right after the end of the first book where Young takes us on several adventures in which Fable must succeed. Again, this aspect of the story was great because we get the same rhythm and spirit of the duology even though it is quite - again, dare I say it? - repetitive and trite. However, one main critique is the lack of character development. This was the same issue I had with the first book, where the relationship between Fable and West was not only surprising, but random and, as a result, unbelievable and forced. In Namesake, all character relationships continue to miss some kind of an essence, of emotion if you will, and thus become unrelatable. Of course, these are just my own sentiments. I still think Young is a great writer and think her writing will become stronger with each book. Despite my minor criticisms, I think this book would be great for all school ages: middle and high school. I will definitely add this book to my classroom library.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this eARC. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Oh, my stars! I loved Fable and Namesake was on par with the first book!! An amazing, swashbuckling tale!

Thank you so much NetGalley and St. Martin's Press/Wednesday books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Namesake is the sequel to the amazing Fable, a book about a girl named Fable rescuing herself and trying to find her way onto a ship in order to be a full time dredger. Namesake starts exactly where Fable leaves off with Fable waking upon on the deck of Zola’s ship. Throughout the book we see Fable work hard to get ahead, trick others into doing what she wishes, and grapple with her skills.

While I overall enjoyed my reading of Namesake I did have a lot of issues with Fable’s relationships, specifically with West. Fable makes many sacrifices for West, who she barely knows and it makes her character seem immature. Namesake would’ve been such a strong story if we had more depth to their relationship in the first book because without it none of their feelings seem real.

There are many other relationships that just seem to happen with no explanation. Fable cares about these people and excuses all of their behavior. Or she/them are just supposed to get over something huge for literally no reason. In the end it just seems like a bunch of undeveloped toxic relationships between a bunch of people. An example of this is Fable and Saint’s relationship. I wish Saint had to do more to gain Fable back, but she does portray the child who just wants her parent’s love and acknowledgement and I respect that. It is just another relationship that gets fixed out of the blue even though huge problems exist.

With all that being said, I liked the premise of the story. I loved Fable’s time having to work for Zola and how much her badass side shined while she was there. She was independent and took no shit. I also really love the whole idea of being a gem sage and I would’ve loved to see more of that explored, but I love the discoveries she made with her skill throughout the book. While I don’t think this was the strongest sequel, I believe the first book is to blame. As I said before, if there was more development with relationship in the first book Namesake would’ve been such an amazing follow up.

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