Member Reviews

A solid sequel to the original! I love a good duology and I'm grateful I didn't have to wait too long or suffer time passing before a third! Fable is, like others in newly published books, a flawed protagonist, but you can look past the flaws because she's realistic. The hint at magical realism from the gem-sage saga, added to the plot. West provided the classic bravado you'd expect from a sea-faring story, but it's nice that Fable admits his flaws too, and tries to look past them. Willa's story could have carried it's own novel, but who knows if we will ever get that! The storylines hooked me as I went and thought I was inching close to the end, but only reached the end of one storyline that piqued another. I genuinely enjoyed the story!

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Namesake picks up right where Fable left off. Fable is on the Luna after being kidnapped by Zola, Clove is not dead, and their destination is unknown. Some things quickly become clearer however. Zola is trying to buy his way back into the good graces of Holland, who controls the Unnamed Sea and the trade there. He needs Fable to do it.
I adored the twists and turns in this book. I did not see some of them coming and I love that. It was expertly plotted. The worldbuilding is again fantastic. We get to explore more of the world Young has built in these two books. It’s beautiful and rich and textured.
The relationship between Fable and West is a bit easier to swallow in this book now that is has been established I guess. The other characters were all developed nicely.
I liked this book more then Fable. After reading Namesake, Fable feels like the lead up to the events of Namesake and Namesake is the delicious payoff we have been eagerly waiting for. If anyone hasn’t read Fable yet, go read that book, then come read Namesake. You won’t regret either decision.
Overall 4.5/5

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What an excellent follow up to Fable - just as compulsively readable and I loved the additional facets we found out and about these characters. A very worth sequel I will definitely be recommending.

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Somehow, Adrienne Young has done it again and I loved Namesake even more than Fable. I will preface this by saying that both Fable and Namesake barely scrape by as fantasy, in my opinion. There’s a ton of political intrigue, an excellently gritty setting, a super intriguing mystery, and wonderful characters, but both of these books are VERY light on the magic element.

I would also say that these read more upper YA/bordering on adult to me, purely on writing style rather than content, so that’s definitely something to keep in mind.

Things I Liked:
♥ I’m me, so we’ll start on my favorite point; the romance! I struggled with the romance in Fable and felt like it didn’t really add to the story, but oh boy, it was amazing here. There was so much chemistry between Fable and West. As a couple, they really mirror each other’s best and worst qualities and that’s what makes them work so well. It was not, by any means, a perfect, fluffy, romance. It felt doomed and magical and just SO good.
♥ Once again, Adrienne Young writes amazing side characters. Koy, especially, I really enjoyed in this book and I am a little bit in love with Clove, so there’s that. They’re all really well fleshed out and all carry weight within the story, rather than just being there to accessorize the main characters.
♥ The political intrigue in this book was so much fun. I’m not always the biggest fan of political fantasy, but I found the inner workings of Bastian and the council to be super intriguing.
♥ This book continued the gorgeous world-building and atmosphere Adrienne Young brought us in Fable. It felt much darker and grittier, and I felt like that really added to the story.
♥ The plot itself was great. I really enjoyed the little thread of mystery that continued throughout the book.
♥ Fable’s relationships, both familiar, romantic, and friend-wise, were handled really well and I did in fact sob at the conclusion of the book because of them.

Things I Disliked:
♡ West frustrated me a lot in this book. He was a tad too desperate for it to be entirely realistic, and I didn’t love how he treated the crew.
♡ Pacing wise, this book did drag a little in the middle but it does pick up for the end.

Overall thoughts:
While I’m really sad that the Fable duology is now over, I’m unbelievably eager to see what Adrienne Young brings us next. Fable and Namesake have both been highlights of my year, and I can’t wait to re-read them when we’re allowed to travel again and I get to visit the sea.

Content Warnings:
Murder, violence, gore, assault, theft, poverty, drowning, fire, assassination.

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Excuse me while I spend all the time from now until March hyping this up to everyone I know.

Namesake picks up right where Fable left off, which I am eternally grateful for - I was thrown right back into the action. We get to see so much more of the world and truly experience characters that we only got a glimpse (or mention of) in Fable.

Namesake really explores the bond between Fable and her father, Saint. While he is not at the forefront of this story, we are very much able to sense his (as well as Isodle's!) presence everywhere in this story. The scenes between Saint and Fable were honestly the highlight of the book for me.

Adrienne Young's ability to create both at atmospheric and fast-paced novel will honestly forever keep me coming back for more.

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for a review.

Wow, what an ending to a fantastic duology. I was so pleased with how this worked out.

It picked up right where Fable left off and there was no shortage of plotting, scheming, and treachery involved.

I was so happy to see that Saint got his redemption arc and the found family aspect just gave me all of the feels.

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Oooh what a nice, simple fantasy novel. I didn't think the story of Fable was all that interesting and yet I flew through both Fable and Namesake like it was nothing. The writing isn't spectacular, the characters aren't that memorable and the plot has a few holes in it and could've used a little but more epicness. But maybe that's the charm of this duology, it's simple, fun, quick.

Writing style: You glide through Young's writing like it's a fresh piece of perfectly smooth butter. Yes, her descriptions could use some work. Yes, her world-building is lacking. But, boy, is her writing addictive. I couldn't put Fable and Namesake down.

Characters: Young needs to learn how to describe her characters better. I literally have no clue what people look like aside from their hair. Young keeps repeating what people's hair look like, the color, the hairdo... But I couldn't draw fanart of any of these characters even if I could properly draw something.

Story: Namesake had a far better plotline than Fable. Fable felt chaotic, like Young didn't quite know where she was going with her story. Namesake is like the big sister, who knows exactly how things work and is going to show you how it's done.
When everything came together at the end it was just perfect. I like a good conclusion. And we even got a nice happily ever after, which I usually despise, but it was perfect for this story.

I'm really glad I picked up Fable and requested Namesake on Netgalley. They're super fun young adult fantasy reads. These are the kind of books you read when you need a break from all the epic violence and blood and gore and just need something wholesome. Three and a half stars for Namesake from me.

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I'd like to thank Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I think Adrienne Young has become one of my new favorite authors. She's proven to be one of those authors where you can trust her writing and know that she is putting out quality stories.

If you've read Fable then this picks right up where that left off in that amazing cliffhanger. It's full of action, adventure, plot twists, and the romance between Fable and West only gets stronger. There are just enough twists and turns to keep you interested and wanting more. I loved that there were new characters introduced that just made the story even better. This duology felt like you were really there. It was authentic and felt realistic, you could be transported into her story. Also, a bad ass female lead character is always a plus!

I'm a little disappointed that this is a duology because I would love to read more of Fable.

Amazing duology!!

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><em>Namesake</em> starts right where we left off in Fable - on the sea with Fable in....
I won't spoil it.

The first book was such a wonderful ride, I had high expectations for <em>Namesake</em> and it did not disappoint. I love how the first half of this book focuses on Fable and her backstory. There is so much unknown about where Fable came from, her father leaving her on the island, her mother's death. Namesake really brings these questions into the light and begs to ask the question - will we always pay for our parents' crimes?

I love love love the crew. In the first book, they really stood out to me as being solid and a family. In this sequel, there is fracturing as West takes command in not so great ways and the crew retaliate the same. I love how Willa is not afraid of Fable and they have this great conversation about how selfish Fable is, how she is commanding the whole crew threw West. And Willa is right. I love that about their relationship, Willa is not afraid of Fable and she is strong enough to point out when Fable is being... well anyway, she's a great foil character for both Fable and West and in this book, we really see it.

West and Fable of course are delicious together, but I had some reservations. West isn't in the first part of the book which is great because we get to really connect with Fable again as she figures out her new circumstances. But when West does eventually show up and there's drama, it felt a little forced? Both of them are stubborn, thinking that they know the best way to do things. And the lack of communication is astounding! ;) Yes, it's all for drama sake, but I did feel like there was a little bit too much drama between the two of them that felt a little forced. (Yes, now we know about West's past, but does that really bother you Fable? As if you didn't know what you were getting into?)

Overall, the sequel is fun and fast and makes me sad there are only two books. Don't get me wrong - this was done perfectly. Both books are well written, the action played perfectly as well as the emotional drama, I can't see it being longer than two books. However, that doesn't mean I'm not going to miss this crew and their friendship.

The ending is perfect in my opinion, the reveals playing on top of each other like well fit puzzle pieces. We see Saint and Holland and West and Fable in raw and real lights, all complicated and hungry and we still love them and loathe them at the same time.

It's a ride worth the ticket and honestly, I'll be first in line to buy both books in Hardcover when the second one releases in March. There's nothing stopping me from recommending this solid duology to you.

So what are you waiting for?

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Gah! What a gem this books is! (See what I did there? If not, time to get with the program, people!)

I find myself more and more in love with everything Adrienne Young writes. She continually features strong female leads who overcome all obstacles placed in their way. And the plot is never what you expect. It's lovely to jump into a book and actually have to think a little bit (while at the same time being carried away by the story).

Namesake, the sequel to Fable, features a continuation of Fable's story as a free diver, dredger, and gem sage. As always, Young's characters are magnetic, the setting is magical, and the story is unputdownable. I'm going to stop there, I have no desire to summarize the plot for you. Just take my advice and read this series!

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I received an ARC of this novel from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I think I enjoyed the sequel to Fable even more than the first one! So good! I love Fable and West! Adrienne Young is a marvelous world builder. I enjoy everything she writes!

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I'm so glad I was able to read Fable and Namesake close together, the sequel starts immediately after the first book. It opens with Fable being kidnapped by Zola for some unknown but probably nefarious purpose. As she travels into the Unnamed Sea, we learn more about Fable's past and family and there are some twists there!

The romance between Fable and West also builds up, though they have a lot of mistrust to work through. They each do what they think is best for the people they care about, but sometimes their actions contradict each other and things get messy. They both love each other fiercely and I liked them together.

The plot was interesting but I cared more about the people, especially the Marigold crew. They're good people and the found family they have makes me happy. Even when the crew were mad at Fable and West for deciding things without their input and putting them in danger, they still helped out and watched each other's backs.

This is a satisfying conclusion to the duology, but there's the beginning of a romance at the end that I'd like to know more about. Maybe a little novella epilogue? Please :)

I received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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When I first started reading Fable, I felt that it very slow until near the end. That is not a problem that Namesake suffers from - the action is full on right from the first page.

The level of detail in this duology is incredible - for much of the book, I swear I could smell the sea. There are so many secrets, I never knew what was going to come next and that kept me gripped. Plus that cover is so beautiful!

I loved this book and already can't wait to read it again.

I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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I couldn't wait to get back to the Marigold and shipmates! This story was one of self discovery and trust. It still had action and adventure with stakes just as high. I saw the frustration in Fable and West's new relationship and watched them come to understandings that would help it last and grow.

Fable has made it off Jevali and found Saint only to be turned away. When the family from the Marigold takes her on she feels like her place is found. But their past catches up with her and a rival ship kidnaps her. But the reasons don't line up and deeper plots that revolve around Fable are exposed.

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Namesake is the follow up to Fable. Following Fable's kidnapping at the end of the 1st book, we see Fable taken to Bastian. Fable fights to free herself and get back to West and the Marigold. Satisfying conclusion to the series.

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I really loved the first book and I was not disappointed in Namesake. It had the characters I loved and the adventure I came to crave and expect from Adrienne Young. This is a series I will be recommending to everyone.

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Namesake continues the story of Fable and her journey to find out about her past. I loved Fable, the first book of this series, so I was so excited to get a copy of Namesake early. In this book we learn a lot about Fable's mother and how Fable fits into this new world that she has found herself. She needs to figure out away to save the life she has built for herself and the boy she loves without upsetting Holland, a gem trader with secrets and a plan of her own. This was the perfect conclusion to Fable's story. It is a little more plot heavy than the first book but its still fast paced and an enjoyable read.

A fast paced story filled with betrayal, lie, love, and more. A perfect conclusion to the duology.

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This book started slower than the first, despite the circumstances Fable faced. There was more focus on Fables' relationships and her coming to term with exactly who the people in her life were.

We finally got to meet the ferocious Holland and learned a lot of secrets throughout this book.

I especially liked how human West, and even Fable was. They made mistakes and they have their flaws like everyone else, but it makes for more believable characters.

I even got a bit emotional towards the end of the book!

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*I received this complimentary ARC from the publisher, courtesy of NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review*

This review may contain spoilers

Namesake picks up directly where Fable finishes. Fable has woken up on Zola’s ship, and must find a way to return to West and the Marigold. However, Fable is caught up in a web of games, intrigue, and secrets – everyone has their own agenda and Fable must solve the legend of midnight in order to protect those she cares for. The sequel to Fable is definitely a tale of everyone is not who them seem, and who will you trust?

Namesake continues the adventurous story of Fable and does not disappoint. It is fast-paced, adventurous with mystery and intrigue. Some plot twists you see coming, and some you don’t. Doing so, ensures that the reader is lulled into complacency before going ‘ah’. I enjoyed how Namesake continued the storyline from Fable, but also continued on and developed its own unique plot to keep the reader intrigued. I would definitely be interested in any follow-up books or spin-offs to these fabulous characters!

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Wow, I loved this book! After finishing Fable and that cliffhanger ending I couldn't wait to find out how her story continued.

Namesake allowed for all those little questions I had in Fable to be answered. I was completely immersed by the story and couldn't put it down. I absolutely loved the fiercely independent character she was but with that added loyalty for those she cared for.

My only disappointment with this book was that it was the end of a beautiful duo-logy! I would love to have read more about what happened to Fable after the short term period covered by the two books.

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