Member Reviews

This book exceeded my expectations and was even more of a Rollercoaster with so many twists! I loved it! Thank you so much NetGalley for this book to review.

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Beautifully written as always! Young has such a gift for character creation, all with slightly feminist tones, to really make the characters pop! Fable will destroy her world for the greater good and that is admirable.

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Namesake Adrienne Young 11/5/2020
When I read the arc for Fable, I was hooked, and it’s sequel does not disappoint! Fraught with adventure, danger, family, love and loss, Fable and her cast of characters weather more storms and come out the other side. Lyrically written, Young has the ability to capture you and weave her stories in a way that places you in the center of it all. Fable finds herself as well as closure with this one, I simply couldn’t put it down!

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I'm so incredibly sad the duology is over! I would love more Fable, West, and Saint.

Fable ended in a pretty shocking cliffhanger, if I do say so diving into Namesake right away was necessary! Thankfully, it picks up right where we left Fable.

I had my suspicions going into Namesake about how it might play out (I'm looking at you, Clove!) and while I wasn't completely incorrect with my guesses, I was blown away by the twists and turns that Adrienne threw in there. Some of the storyline was a tad predictable, but I've noticed that's become typical for YA books and it's not really a big deal for me if I enjoy the plot and characters like I did in this duology. Learning more about Fable, West, and Saint was fantastic, they were made more realistic with their burdens and how they reacted to each hardship. It made me fall in love with each character all over again.

Namesake is a wonderful conclusion to Fable's journey and I so adored reading it!

Thank you Wednesday Books via NetGalley for the e-arc to read and review.

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Huge thanks to Netgalley for providing me the eARC for Namesake!

Okay, this duology is so good! I flew through both Fable and Namesake, fully engrossed in Fable's world.

In Namesake, we follow Fable through a new adventure on the Luna with Zola's crew in the Unnamed Sea.

It was a story of adventure, found families, and love and I enjoyed the new characters along with the beloved Marigold crew.

These two books have been some of the more enjoyable reads of mine in the past couple of months, and I look forward to reading Adrienne Young's other titles.

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Picking up right where Fable leaves off, this book is riveting from page one. This well-developed world where love is a liability grows in scope as the characters deepen in complexity and connectedness. The story takes turn after turn and takes the reader on a powerful journey. Young is masterful in diving deep into the themes of family and loyalty, love and survival. The characters are so raw and real; they make mistakes and fall into darkness and yet come together in a way that beautifully exemplifies that love is not a liability but may be your greatest strength. This book, like it's predecessor, is hard to put down and keeps you thinking (and feeling) long after you do.

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Before I get into my review, I must commend the author- Adrienne Young for her excellent choice of book covers. Fable and its sequel Namesake, have truly arresting covers that are visually stunning and almost bewitching.

After reading Fable, I was extremely excited to learn about another book in the series and utterly heartbroken to learn this would only be a two-part series. How would Adrienne compress such an intense story into one book I asked myself? Could she do justice to the spunky Fable and her epic tale?

After reading the first chapter it was evident to me that I should just shut my mouth and let Adrienne do the talking because the bombs were dropped from the very beginning and continued dropping right until the very last page!

Namesake was an absolute masterpiece that managed to give me everything I didn’t know I needed. Adrienne Young takes readers on an adventure of a lifetime with her bold characters and vivid descriptions from the deep blue seas, to rowdy pubs and ship deck bawls. Namesake fully immersed me from the first page with its nonstop thrills and surprises. The power struggles throughout the novel were riveting and shockingly intense.

Halfway through the book and all I can think is "Holy mother of an epic plot twist!" I’ve seen people say books can be impactful, but honestly, Namesake transported my soul. This was an emotionally gut-wrenching story of betrayal, revelations, love, friendship, and family. The revelations within Namesake floored me with the depth of emotion and I am not ashamed to admit the ending had me crying fat ugly tears with both its beauty and simplicity.

I adored Fable in the first book and I loved that readers get the opportunity to see her growing up in Namesake. Stepping into adulthood for Fable means accepting there is more to life than survival. To sail the waters of the Narrow, she may have to sacrifice the very things she now begins to understand are important- family, friendship, and trust.

Fable has always been a loner and emotionally distant based on her abandonment by Saint and to see her finally on the verge of happiness and a place to belong only have it violently ripped away was unbearable. My heart bled for Wes and Fable who were always so close but never on the mark.

One theme echoed throughout the novel is that of “Family.” I love that Namesake pushed the veil of family beyond the ties of blood to something richer and deeper and infinitely more beautiful. Families come in all shapes and sizes as evidence by the various iterations and representations throughout the novel from crewmates to lovers, old friends from the past, and even surprise relations.

As the novel progresses and things are brought to light, Fable can no longer fault the wrongs previously committed to her as she learns the truth about herself and her past. Saint and Fable have always had a tumultuous relationship and the beauty of certain moments where they bared their vulnerabilities to each other was heartwarming.

Thank you to NetGalley, Adrienne Young, and St. Martins Press for providing me with an arc of this incredible book. All thoughts and opinions expressed above are my own.

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Once again, the author has given a fantastic story! Love the continuation of “Fable” and the extension of Fable’s story and history. I’m only sad it’s just a duo because I’d love to see more!

I was provided with an ARC of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is amazing. In my opinion, way better then Fable. You are able to kinda get the feel what is going to happen in the book. Like Saint being Fable's dad for example. I do love the plan that played out throughout the book. It was truly a good book.

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I fell in love with the story the first chapter in Fable. I can't believe i got the arc from Namesake. The first thing that really took my eye are these beautiful covers. You can't look past them. When i startes reading i just fell in love with the people so much. Fable is a badass, take no shit girl. Who isn't afraid to stand up for herself. But sometimes her soft sidr comes out. If you loved Fable as much as i did you you read Namesake from the moment it releases.

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I cannot express my excitement in words having received this extraordinary, magnificent, masterpiece of a story! Let me begin by saying thank you for the opportunity to have read it!

This is the perfect sequel for what is one of my very favorite books, Fable. Adrienne Young's writing is a dynamic, delicious treat that hits to the core of my reading soul. Whether you were a fan of Fable or have yet to read it (gasp!) this is a story that cannot be missed. The duology is one of the most powerful I have read in quite some time. This story picks up right where Fable left off and every longing and lingering question I had in my mind after having read the first installment was wrapped up nicely and left me thoroughly satisfied.

I do not want to give spoilers as that is unfair and would dampen such a rich reading experience. What I can say is that you WILL NOT be disappointed by taking this enchanting journey. I was captivated from the first paragraph and that reading "high", if you will, lasted throughout the entire story!

I cannot recommend this enough!

Way to go, Adrienne Young! The highest praise and accolades are entirely deserving to come your way!

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Wow... This book was amazing. I enjoyed Fable but I loved Namesake.

This installment picks up right where Fable left off and it's non-stop twists until the end. We get more of the characters we came to love in Book 1 and get to know some characters even better.

My favorite part is the development between Fable and Saint. It was beautifully handled and brought tears to my eyes.

The end was perfect and I am completely satisfied with the way it all wrapped up. Highly recommend it.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free e-ARC in exchange for a review.

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So I loved Fable! That book was stay up all night and read it worthy, this one is sooo much more! Fable is back and she is still the strong character she was but now, we are getting a glimpse of her in a pinch. Revenge and self serving is a powerful motivator for a pirate type of person, so kidnapped Fable finds herself on the enemy's ship. Now, she's not going to be hurt on this ship; she is basically a pawn in the plan of the captain. He wants his freedom so he travels to Holland (A new character) and tries to trade Fable for her. Now, this gives more of a backstory as Holland is Fable's grandmother and she sees an opportunity to try to gain her way to get what she wants soo plots and evil schemes and Fable just wants to protect Saint and West and it seems like she gets played just trying to keep everyone safe.
There are more mysteries and lots of different aspects that are just AMAZING! I loved that we saw more of the relationship blossoming between West and Fable but we also get more of the other side of West too.
This is a whole other adventure and the ending was perfect, I wished it never ended! I can't wait until the next series this author comes up with. She's a very talented author!

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

I was really surprised by how much I loved Fable when I read it earlier this year. I expected to like it, but I had no idea it would be one of my favorite books of the year. I'm happy say I enjoyed Namesake as well. I found it action packed and engrossing, but also a little lacking when you compare it to the first book. It felt a bit that everything moved way too quickly, especially the ending. Everything was just wrapped up in a little bow way too quickly. I wish that it had been split into two books to give everything a bit more time to be fleshed out, and for me to experience more of the world. I also wanted a bit more of Fable and West's relationship, I felt there was a lot to explore there, along with her relationship with the father. I still really enjoyed it however, and I am very sad to say goodbye to Fable and the crew of the Marigold.

I plan on posting a more in depth review in March, closer to publication date. Thank you again for the opportunity to read and review Namesake.

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Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Wow! This book was just everything I didn't know I needed in a book. I just fell in love with the characters. Their charisma, drive, love and endearment for their craft and their companions was so strong and pulsed throughout my imagination that I couldn't put it down! Fable is everything you need in a female heroine. Her ferocity and love propelled her in such a way that you could knot help but root for her!

I am not ready to let these characters go and I need to know what happens next. It's set up for another tale of high sea adventures and folly and I really hope that we get another wild ride with this captivating crew upon their experience in this newly created world in the Narrows and Bastion!

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I loved this sequel. Such a magical world and I adore Fable and West. This sequel was action packed and full of heart. I will be posting a Bookstagram review closer to release date.

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As if I didn't rave enough about Fable, I am back to command everyone to read the sequel, Namesake. So thankful @netgalley allowed me to read this ARC ahead of time, because it would have killed me to wait until it publishes in March!!! (Ssooo sorry for those of you that have to be more patient than I)
⚓ This story was twistier then Fable, things happened that I did not see coming... I think I even felt a little Ocean's Eleven vibe there towards the end and I loved it.
⚓ Fable's story is not just about uncovering buried treasure, but also defining family and belonging. Is it blood? Or is her family her crew? Both? The answer isn't simple for her and I loved being on her journey as she figured out who and where she wanted to be.
⚓ Add backstabbing helmsmen, traitorous merchants, undercover navigators, surprising loyalty, self sacrifice and some really sweet revenge, and I've only scraped the surface of what I loved about this book. It is definitely a favorite of 2020!!!
⚓ Content was similar to the first book, a handful of profanities, nothing major. A romantic scene or two that is almost closed door, very few details. Definitely violence and some blood though, so beware of that!
⚓ Also, my anxiety was heightened even MORE during Fable's dives in this book 😰😰😰. Just get some scuba equipment, ok??!?! 😅

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I was absolutely ecstatic to get an arc of this book. After finishing fable I could
Think of nothing else. My mind just ran circles thinking about fable and west and marigold and the entire crew!! Imagine my excitement to see my approval for namesake. And let me tell you, I WAS NOT LET DOWN. this is exactly what I needed to keep me enthralled after fable. If you haven’t read fable -WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!! Pick these up ASAP!!!

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Okay, so early reviews had me worried, BUT! I am a few chapters in (longer review to come shortly) and I believe, in my humble opinion, that the sequel will absolutely live up (or surpass!) the first installment, Fable.

Within ONE chapter, you can clearly see evidence of Fable's growth as a character and woman. Her ferocity has exploded from her and Fable emerges early on as a force not to be reckoned with.

The plot and pacing are break-neck from chapter one.

Voice and writing are still excellent.

Goodreads Summary:
Trader. Fighter. Survivor.

With the Marigold ship free of her father, Fable and its crew were set to start over. That freedom is short-lived when she becomes a pawn in a notorious thug’s scheme. To get to her intended destination, she must help him to secure a partnership with Holland, a powerful gem trader who is more than she seems.

As Fable descends deeper into a world of betrayal and deception she learns that her mother was keeping secrets, and those secrets are now putting the people Fable cares about in danger. If Fable is going to save them then she must risk everything, including the boy she loves and the home she has finally found.

Filled with action, emotion, and lyrical writing, New York Times bestselling author Adrienne Young returns with Namesake, the final book in the captivating Fable duology.

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A perfect sequel to Fable!

Adrienne Young creates the best ending to the duology complete with her flawless writing. This book keeps you reading right from the beginning, always wondering what is going to happen next. There are many plot twists that the reader will not see coming but add so much to the story. The ending ties everything up neatly. And while you will still want to read more about Fable the story is complete. Definitely one of the best novels I have read this year!

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