Member Reviews

I thought the storyline initially was interesting, but after reading several chapters i got a little bit irritated with the whole Tarot business and card reading and mystics. This is purely my own scepticism about this of course spilling over onto the story. however, by mid-way through it affected my enjoyment sufficiently that I did not need to read the ending.

Enjoyed this - nearly gave up as the "card" description went on for pages... but once burst through that all good. Loved the total acceptance of disability & autism. Recommended.

Very boring and uninspired could not even finish. Would not recommend. It jedt fell flat with me in both its writing and character development.

I heard a lot of good things about this book, and so when I asked for it, I was sure it was too late. But to my surprise, Bold Strokes Books granted my request!
The book is charming, it's different and it's an easy read. I'll confess, I knew what was going on with Marnie before Daria did, but that's because I have a son on the Autistic Spectrum. He's big on gaming too, as was Marnie. So having that experience, I'm pleased that Kimberly Cooper Griffin included the character's autism tastefully and realistically.
There were nuggets of deep wisdom in the book too, it's not just fluff. (I hope the author will forgive me for including a response from one of the characters, but this gave me goosebumps)
"Actions, or lack thereof, do trigger legitimate reactions. You are having a reaction. You have needs and emotions, and her actions, whether they are intended to cause a specific reaction or not, will have consequences."
It's that deep wisdom that elevates this book out of "mere romance" in my mind. There are more nuggets of psychological depth, but I don't want to give it all away. Suffice it to say that I was very pleased with the amount of maturity, character development and realism in "In The Cards".
I never regretted asking for this book. It was a great read, full of surprises, intensity, and well-drawn characters who were far from perfect. And the old card reader was a great twist, too.
I'll definitely be hunting for more by this author!

This was an okay story. I didn't really feel the connection between the MCs but they did work out overall which is why I gave it the rating I did.

Follow the Music
Daria is in a rut and feeling unsettled. Her life consists of work, soccer and being home with her autistic sister. On a whim she visits a psychic who knows more than Daria likes and makes her think.... Phaedra’s life changed several years ago and while she is basically the same person, she is less likely to take risks now and let people in. She too needs a change and visits the same psychic. When Daria sees Phaedra performing she feels a connection and it goes both ways. Can these two women accept things in the other that can’t be changed, will life lead them in separate directions or is it really In the Cards?
This was a sweet and gentle romance. It was well written, fun, engaging and sexy. I loved all the characters, not just Daria and Phaedra. Daria has a strong sense of responsibility toward her sister and needs to keep her in any and all plans. Her sister seems to feel the same way and that was extra cute and sweet. I loved Phaedra, she is so full of life and zest, her secret is something I am not going to give away but she doesn’t let it stand in her way even though she is a bit insecure about it. I adore how Daria reacts to it when she finds out. Big awwwws. This is just an all-around feel good story and one I am so glad I had the chance to read!

This is probably a great read but I generally don’t care for books written using the main characters as the story tellers. Then the story broke up even more by having each MC write their perspective in offsetting chapters. For this reason and this reason alone I found I was unable to finish. I didn’t even come close to finishing. That being said I noticed other reviewers had a very favorable take on Ms Cooper Griffin's book.
ARC via NetGalley/ Bold Stroke Books

This has been a sweet romance, starring two apparently very different women, but deep down they have a lot in common and also complement each other in their hang ups. It is especially Phaedra who has reasons for having them but Daria also has some herself. The main link and the thread that guides the whole story is the esoteric shop of Madammee Eugenie and her omens. his store is located in a shopping center close to the workplaces of Daria and Phaedra, although they have never met or seen each other before, a certain coincidence will lead them to consult their future there, both being interested in the love side more than anything else.
In the middle of the entire love affair, this story includes some unusual aspects, such as Phaedra's handicap and Daria's sister's autism. Not being an expert directly in any of these situations, it seemed to me that they are exposed with great delicacy, naturalness and respect, without making either of the two circumstances something unbearable or excessively dramatic.
And I liked that the author has given a twist to some topics, especially regarding Daria's situation. And I really liked the two women, and the secondary characters have been beautiful. But Daria and Phaedra are strong but sensitive and they deliver without hesitation and with great respect.
So as a summary, I really liked this book.

Daria is a little lonely for a relationship but she’s looking after her younger sister who is on the spectrum. She could have a relationship but the change might stress her sister out. Her parents are on an extended sabbatical and are unclear on when they intend to return. Eating lunch in the square near her office, Daria sees a beautiful woman performing her music and is drawn to her. She keeps thinking about her but can’t imagine if she’ll ever see her again. An impromptu visit to a tarot reader gets her thinking. Phaedra is the musician Daria saw and she had the same feeling.
I loved the beginning and the end of this novel but I felt my attenting waning in the middle. So many lovely plot lines are set up in the beginning and they all have a fantastic unravelling but they happen in the last 15% of the book. I would have liked some of them to have come to light much earlier so that I didn’t feel like I was treading water.
The story is told from both Daria and Phaedra’s points of view in alternating chapters. On occasion they had very similar voices and I’d have to page back to see who was talking. Daria’s engagement with her sister was really interesting and in many ways I found it more dynamic than her romance with Phaedra.
I enjoyed this read much more than I’ve made it sound but it could have been so much more riveting.
Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book though I found the first few chapters slow. The depth of the tarot card reading for example I skipped over.
After the first few chapters I enjoyed the book a lot more. I liked both Daria and Phaedra and thought their relationship developed at a good pace
However the character I loved the most was Marnie. I’d have loved to read more about her as she was thoroughly engaging

I chose to read In the Cards by Kimberly Cooper Griffin mainly from seeing the gorgeous book cover and from reading the blurb which sounded very interesting. Book covers are so important since they catch the eye of a potential reader before anything else sometimes. I’m pleased the cover of this novel caught my eye.
This is a contemporary romance told in the first person from the POV of both Daria and Phaedra, the main characters in the tale. Each chapter of the book switches the POV and tells you through which character you’re looking at the story, so I was never confused as I read. Both main characters are very well developed and easy to connect with. The secondary characters are also well-written, especially Marnie, Daria’s younger sister who is autistic. As the mother of an autistic son, I can tell you that Marnie is realistically written.
The romance is fairly lighthearted and uplifting though the two mains do have several hurdles to overcome. They get a bit of a paranormal/magical push to help them find and fall in love with each other.
There were a couple glitches in the book. Sometimes I got a little bored with all the “thinking” the two mains were doing. It made the story a bit longer than it actually needed to be. Also the conflict/angst portion of the story near the end seemed a bit contrived. Daria’s actions at that point really didn’t fit her character in my opinion.
Other than that, I truly enjoyed this book. I’m giving this novel a 3.75 star rating and moving it to a 4 star rating for the overall enjoyment I had reading it.
Thanks to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for giving me the chance to read and honestly review this novel.

Wow this book!! This is honestly one of the best books I've read in a long time, and I read a lot of books. Here's what I enjoyed so much about this book: 1. Daria and Phaedra are both multidimensional characters with flaws. 2. Daria's relationship with her sister Marnie who is right in the middle of the autism spectrum. 3. The subplot with Madame Eugenie and the Tarot cards. 4. The story being told from each main character's POV. 5. The chemistry between Daria and Phaedra from the first moment the saw one another on the mall and then how their relationship progressed in such a sweet way. 6. How Daria helped Phaedra heal. I really felt the characters' emotions and was drawn into the story immediately.
Even though there was a point at the end where I got super frustrated with one of our mains, it's understandable. and I won't let it overshadow the rest of the book, which was fantastic! Kimberly Cooper Griffin definitely has a new fan in me!

Daria is stuck in a rut, her life is going as it's going but there's no spontaneity or fun just a responsibility for her sister Marnie who's on the autism spectrum. She tries to keep to their routines to make it easier for her, but starts to feel like she's missing out on life. After a spontanous tarot reading she's on a cross roads, which direction will she go?
Phaedra has coincidentally visited the same store for a reading and when Daria and her bump into eachother there is an instant connection. Can they create an outcome that leads to love?
Each chapter of this book the POV changes from Daria to Phaedra and at times I had trouble staying connected and found myself wondering who's thoughts I was reading at the moment.
And even though I liked the journey of Daria and Phaedra, the most interesting character, to me, was Marnie.
All in all, a pleasant enough read with the obligated bump in the road at the end.
*** An ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for a honest review. ***

I first must give props to Kimberly Cooper Griffin for having a woman of color as one of the mains. This year I have read a few books that have just that. I am not sure why this doesn't happen more but I appreciate it when I can read a romance with a WOC as the main.
Daria Fleming is at a cross roads. She doesn't know it until she happens to come across a Tarot card reader on her way home. She takes care of her high functioning autistic sister and she doesn't have a love life. Not only does the quick reading help her realize that something is amiss in her life but she comes across a street performer who captivates her. This Street Performer is Phaedra Jean-Julien. Phaedra is a super talented woman who has a great job, plays in a band and sometimes she's a street performer. She has had her own difficulties in life the biggest one being the lost of a limb years ago. She doesn't really date because she was hurt by the last woman saw a year or two before. What Daria doesn't know is that Phaedra noticed her too that same day when she was performing.
I did like this one alot. The first thing I look for in a romance is chemistry. The mains in this one have it. Not only the first time they see each other, but that second time is like wham! Even without getting last names/phone numbers the 3rd meeting is BAM! Yes, the chemistry is palpable. The concept of the tarot cards is what really made this book come together....it is the title of this romance. But what I am saying is the readings both mains receives brings life to each of them. It was like they were just going through life and didn't really know where they were going until they had readings. Everything just sort of fell together after that. I really liked how Griffin brought everything together. There was some angst in this one, but it wasn't drawn out which I appreciate. I also like that this one had some good sex scenes. Overall just a solid read.
4.25 stars for this one.
This arc was provided by the publisher for an honest review.

I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I di for this one, and the blurb. Together they made me think I might like it, or might not. I took a gamble and I'd say it's firmly settled in the middle of the "I-like-this-book scale".
Daria is questioning everything about her life, she seems to be in a rut and has no idea how to get out of it. She notices a little psychic shop and when she gets an impromptu reading she can't get it out of her head. When she talks to her friend about it they go in together to get a full reading. The same day Phaedra goes in for a reading as well. Daria has seen Phaedra perform at the mall when they meet again in a dive bar their story is set in motion. Or actually their story starts when Daria wonders into a street fair where Phaedra's band is performing. Daria is reluctant to start something because she has responsibilities towards her autistic sister. Their pull is strong so call it faith or luck when the cards align and they do find their way together. There are some roadblocks in their story with Daria's sister and Daria being able to let go, Phaedra's band and her leg, but this angst is quickly overcome.
Each chapter is written of the viewpoint from one of the MCs, but I feel like Daria's chapters are always longer. The writer seemed more invested in writing that part of the story. The names Phaedra and some other names in her story are really confusing for me and take away from my focus on the book. The best parts of this book were the ones involving Marnie, where she has some dialogue as well. Marnie is my favourite character and her story interests me more than the one of Daria and Phaedra. I feel like their story has to seem like some sort of magical once in a lifetime connection, but because they spent most of their time in bed it is more like lust, I don't see the connection. Maybe this book would have been better without the tarot reading and just have a story develop around people meeting at a street fair and having them built a relationship. The redeeming factors of this book were definitely Marnie and the writing style.

Daria is stuck in a rut she feels there has to be more to life then the routine she has for herself and her sister Marnie who she help takes care of don’t get me wrong she can take care of herself she just needs help sometimes.
While walking to train stop she stop to listen to a performer while there something catches her eye a sign that say tarot cards palm read and she little intrigue decides to stop by when the woman doing the read tells her things she been thinking about and that good things will come to her and she’ll choose the right path.
Daria can’t stop thinking about what the cards said things starts to look good when she meets street performer Phaedra who loves to play music it also helps that she get to use music with her work where she in graphics. Phaedra has swore not to get into another relationship but she feels drawn to Daria.
Daria and Phaedra both struggle with things in their life but the attraction they feel for each keeps getting stronger and they both has to ask can this love thrive stare them in the right direction or will this destroy what could be a great love.
This was a good read. I love the bond that Daria and Marnie has and the others characters were just as supportive.
I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.