Member Reviews

Detective Reid Sylver has an impeccable solve rate on her homicides. What nobody knows, she solves cases using her ability to speak to her deceased victims. Having done well without a partner in the past, she is now being assigned Rookie London Gold. Sylver's initial aversion to the new company makes her partnership start off bumpy.
The two are put to the test right away when a serial killer has a special interest in Sylver, and blackmails her with her secret.

The book "Sylver and Gold" by Michelle Larkin was exciting, charming, funny, critical and heartwarming. Normally I don't like this genre that much, but this story convinced me from start to finish. Clear recommendation from my side!

I received a copy from netgalley in exchange for a an honest review.

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I love a good lesbian crime novel and this was is ace, with not one but two kick ass smart lesbian detectives. Sylver has been successfully solving murders for years due to her ability to talk to dead people which is an ingenious way to solve such an awful crime being able to talk to the victims and ask whodunnit. Gold is a rookie detective and assigned to Sylver to learn all she can but also brings much in the ways of skills and intelligence to the partnership. Sylver also has a dog that has proudly won the 'ugly' dog contest that she rescued when he was a pup. Into this comes a twisted serial killer who is obsessed with Sylver has worked out her secret and determined to expose her, thus begins the classic cat and mouse crime novel. The plot was gripping, the characters believable and there is also humour, I laughed many times, there is a romance but to be honest the friendship and crime fighting was enough for me...

With thanks to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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AMAZING. Honestly I went in with low expectations. from the get go, I was excited and having a great time did not want the story to finish and when it did I was mixed of happy and sad.!!, there's so much humor in this book. the balance between seriousness and humor is so so well done. the writing is great.

Its not as predictable as I thought in terms of thriller
I LOVED both characters they fit so well and the age gap is not noticeable. I only have 2 notes I wanted to know Gold parents reaction afterward. and Sylver grandmother reasons. I was waiting for the door to open.

thank you author and your team for this free copy in exchange of honest opinion.

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The ARC for this novel was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I've never had so much fun reading a thriller.
You need it! You need to read it and get to know Reid and London and God, you have no idea what wonder I just came across. I'm so happy that I think I could reread it RIGHT NOW! That's how good the book is.

You're going to pass out when they meet our Queen Reid~.

The story centers on Reid Sylver, a detective from the police department who is responsible for solving homicides and who has a huge record for the number of cases she has solved. This has led her to gain the respect and admiration of many of her colleagues and has helped her avoid having partners, because, let's admit it, the only companion she can bear is Mugshot, her faithful pet who follows her everywhere and the only living being who adores more than anyone in the world.

Reid feels great about how her life is at the moment. She has a good job, a good house, good friends... And although she has the ability to speak to the dead and must keep it a secret, she has a good life. The key to her success cannot be revealed, but she is very good at solving cases to give those tormented souls a little peace. Her work is perfect for her. But when her new boss decides to assign her to the new detective, London Gold, she thinks she's going to lose her mind.

How do they expect her to get information from the dead if the rookie doesn't stop asking questions and follows her everywhere? Furthermore, London has dreamed her entire life of working with Reid and is determined to discover his secret, while trying to deal with the sexual attraction she feels towards Reid and she knows that Reid corresponds.
Reid must teach the rookie to be a detective, while hiding his secret from her and dealing with the sexual tension between the two. To make matters worse, their next case is a serial killer who is harassing them and who seems ready to start her game.

I have to admit, I don't usually like thrillers. I'm more of seeing them in series than in books and in general I avoid reading thrillers because I despair of not knowing who the murderer is. I'm too impatient!
But with the synopsis of this book I swear to you that I couldn't resist. It was as if the book told me: "choose me, I know you want to read me, request me!". And the truth, I'm very happy to have done it because this story is a JEWEL.

First I want to talk about the characters because MY GOD! You haven't met a character like Reid. It's my new favorite literary crush, my Queen.
Smart, skillful, focused, sexy, brutally honest, she is the most amazing girl I have read in a long time. She knows what she wants, she knows how to get it, she is really skilled and sarcastic and she has that charm that tells you that she is like that and if you don't like what you see, the door is wide open for you to leave. (She will probably tell you in other words but who cares). She is the type of person who will gladly tells you: This is what you have, better accept it because I will not change.
Her attitude, together with her sarcasm and charm make her a WONDERFUL character!
Very well developed, with very deep features that we see throughout the book. The fact is that she alone as a character is a QUEEN! But her love for Mugshot? IT IS ADORABLE! I swear you are going to fall in love with the dog, Reid's connection to it, the depth of their relationship, you really are going to love everything about these characters~.

And after our Queen there is London Gold which, really, is a Queen in her own way and I love her for that but I feel like I connected a lot more with Reid. They say opposites attract and, to be honest, I'm more London than Reid~.
Still, this girl is ON FIRE!
She is incredibly smart, determined, educated, super resourceful, and adorable. I mean, she's the type of person who can get one on one with Reid. Who can keep up and give our beautiful and amazing star some education lessons~.
There are parts where she narrates that I love and I would have loved to know a lot more about her character, know her more deeply and see the world from her eyes but what we got was wonderful and super entertaining.
London gets to understand Reid very well and, God, they both make a spectacular team. You will end up falling completely in love with this wonderful team, I LOVE!

Also, the sexual tension between London and Reid, their responses, their conversations, the way they interact with each other is enough to make this book addictive, amazing and very special.
I swear I didn't know how I got to the middle of the book, but when I least realized it I had already gone too far. It is very addictive! Once you start YOU. CAN'T. STOP.

As for the plot... Since I read in the synopsis that Reid spoke to the dead and read the first chapter of the story I knew it was my kind of book, I knew it was going to be incredible and I needed it and YES! It is incredible, I adored too much.
The killer's plot at first feels like any other, perhaps too easy for Reid, who talks to the dead, and for London who is a determined and talented girl in her own right. But as we are read we realize that the murderer is much smarter than we thought, that her plan is very long and more personal than you think.

I adored too much the case, the mystery, the way everything developed. I especially adored the intrigue the author put here. And specially when the author is describing about what the killer had in mind for Reid.
As I said before, I'm not a reader of thrillers, but this one stole my attention and my heart, and I'm very excited because you need to know my Queen Reid.


El ARC de esta novela fue proporcionado por la editorial a través de NetGalley a cambio de una reseña honesta.

No me divertido tanto con un thriller como este en mi vida. ¡Necesitan tenerlo! Necesitan leerlo y conocer a Reid y London y Dios, no tienen ni idea de la maravilla con la que me acabo de encontrar. Estoy tan feliz que creo que podría hacer relectura YA MISMO! Así de bueno está el libro.

Se van a desmayar cuando conozcan a nuestra Queen Reid~.

La historia se centra en Reid Sylver, una detective del departamento de policía que se encarga de resolver homicidios y que tiene un enorme record por la cantidad de casos que ha resuelto. Eso le ha llevado a ganar el respeto y la admiración de muchos de sus colegas y le ha ayudado a evitar tener compañeros, porque, admitámoslo, al único compañero que puede soportar es a Mugshot, su fiel mascota que la sigue a todas partes y el único ser vivo que adora más que a nadie en el mundo.

Reid se siente muy bien con cómo está su vida en esos momentos. Tiene un buen trabajo, una buena casa, buenos amigos... Y aunque tiene la habilidad de hablar con los muertos y debe mantenerlo en secreto, tiene una buena vida. La clave de su éxito no puede ser revelada pero ella es muy buena resolviendo los casos para darles un poco de paz a esas almas atormentadas. Su trabajo es perfecto para ella. Pero cuando su nuevo jefe decide asignarla a la nueva detective, London Gold, piensa que va a perder la cabeza.

¿Cómo esperan que obtenga información de los muertos si la rookie no deja de hacer preguntas y la sigue a todos lados? Más aún, London ha soñado toda su vida con trabajar con Reid y está decidida a descubrir su secreto, mientras intenta lidiar con la atracción sexual que siente hacia Reid y que sabe que Reid corresponde.
Reid debe enseñarle a la rookie a ser una detective, a la vez que oculta su secreto de ella y lidia con la tensión sexual entre ambas. Por si fuera poco, su siguiente caso trata de un asesino serial que está acosándolas y que parece listo para iniciar con su juego.

Debo admitir que no suelen gustarme los thrillers. Soy más de verlos en serie que en libro y en general evito leer thrillers porque me desespera no saber quién es el asesino. ¡Soy demasiado impaciente!
Pero con la sinopsis de este libro les juro que no pude resistirme. Fue como si el libro me dijera: “elígeme, sé que quieres leerme, ¡pídeme!”. Y la verdad, estoy muy feliz de haberlo hecho porque esta historia es una JOYA.

Primero quiero hablar de los personajes porque DIOS MÍO! No han conocido un personaje como Reid. Es mi nueva vez crush literaria favorita.
Inteligente, hábil, centrada, sexy, brutalmente honesta, ella es la chica más increíble que he leído en mucho tiempo. Sabe lo que quiere, sabe cómo conseguirlo, es realmente habilidosa y sarcástica y tiene ese encanto que te dice que así es ella y si no te gusta lo que ves, la puerta está muy abierta para que te vayas. (Probablemente te lo dirá con otras palabras pero who cares). Ella es del tipo Esto es lo que hay, mejor acéptalo porque no voy a cambiar.
Su actitud, junto a su sarcasmo y su encanto la hacen un personaje MARAVILLOSO!
Muy bien desarrollado, con rasgos muy profundos que a lo largo del libro vamos viendo. El hecho es que ella sola como personaje es una QUEEN! ¿Pero su amor por Mugshot? ¡ES ADORABLE! Les juro que se van a enamorar del perro, de la conexión que tiene Reid con él, de lo profunda de su relación, en serio van a amar todo de estos personajes~.

Y luego de nuestra Queen está London Gold que, la verdad, es una Queen a su propia manera y la amo por eso pero siento que conecté muchísimo más con Reid. Dicen que los opuestos se atraen y, la verdad, soy más London que Reid~.
Aún así, esta chica is ON FIRE!
Es increíblemente lista, decidida, educada, super ingeniosa y adorable. Me refiero a que es el tipo de persona que puede ponerse al tú por tú con Reid. Que puede mantener su ritmo y darle algunas lecciones de educación a nuestra hermosa e increíble estrella~.
Hay partes donde narra ella que me encantan y me habría encantado saber muchísimo más de su personaje, conocerla más a fondo y ver el mundo desde sus ojos pero lo que obtuvimos fue maravilloso y super entretenido.
London llega a entender a Reid muy bien y, Dios, ellas dos hacen un equipo espectacular. Van a terminar enamorándose completamente de este maravilloso equipo, AMO!

Además, la tensión sexual entre London y Reid, sus respuestas, sus conversaciones, la forma en que ellas interactúan con la otra es suficiente para que este libro sea adictivo, increíble y muy especial.
Juro que no supe cómo llegué a la mitad del libro pero cuando menos me di cuenta ya había avanzado demasiado. ¡Es muy adictivo! Una vez que empiezas NO. PUEDES. PARAR.

En cuanto a la trama... Ya desde que leí en la sinopsis que Reid hablaba con los muertos y leí el primer cap de la historia supe que era mi clase libro, supe que iba a ser increíble y lo necesitaba y SI! Es increíble, adoré demasiado.
El plot del asesino al principio se siente como cualquier otro, quizá demasiado fácil para Reid, que habla con los muertos, y para London que es una chica decidida y talentosa de por sí. Pero confirme vamos leyendo nos damos cuenta que el asesino es muchísimo más listo de lo que creíamos, que su plan se extiende muchísimo y es más personal de lo que uno piensa.

Adoré demasiado el caso, el misterio, la forma en que todo se desarrolló. Adoré, especialmente, la intriga que puso la autora al momento de hablar de lo que el asesino tenía planeado para Reid.
Como dije antes, no soy una lectora de thrillers, pero este de aquí se robó mi atención y mi corazón, y en serio estoy muy ansiosa porque conozcas a mi Queen Reid.

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2.5 stars. Reid Sylver has been a detective for 13 years and has solved every case that has crossed her desk. She is hiding one main secret to her success, she can talk to ghosts. When she gets a new boss and her Lieutenant makes her train the new rookie, London Gold. London has always has a crush on Reid and has wanted to work with her since being a detective. When on her first day she is pulled into a case that centers around Reid, she cannot help be start to want to get to know Reid more and see what makes her tick.

I am not sure I liked the development of their romance. It seemed awfully quick and Reid seemed to change how she felt about relationships Reid and London go too quickly from just partners to lovers. I also did not find the mystery that compelling and it did not make me crave who the killer was. I wish the killer was a little better and a little more well thought out. I also did not like how they dealt with Reid's secret and how it changed over time and it seemed like too much too quickly. I am not sure I would recommend this one.

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This is a rather atypical detective novel for several reasons. One of them being Detective Reid Sylver's peculiar method of investigating crimes. Another is how rookie Detective London Gold bursts into the life of lone Detective Sylver. In addition to the normal tug-of-war that is common in new couples of detectives, in this case it has the fact that Gold has had an crush with Sylver for quite some time and also her role model.

As far as the police plot is concerned, once Sylver's secret is known and the relationship between Sylver and Gold progresses, it goes a little to the background. It is still interesting to know why and especially the relationship between the murderer and Sylver, but when things from Gold's past appear, the plot gets a bit messy. And maybe the ending was a little too corny.

Silver and Gold have been really cool characters. I really enjoyed their initial antics, all Sylver's tricks, and Gold's reactions. Funny. But I would have liked more power in the romantic relationship, it is more psychological than physical.

In summary, it was an interesting story and absolutely recommended.

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This book was outstanding, it had a great mystery, humor, chemistry and I could not put it down having read it within 24 hours. I also loved that she could talk to dead people. It was a cop thriller with a twist. And I love twists since it seems like most books are the same nowadays. Great job!

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[CW: off-screen child abuse, sexual assault, and physical torture.]

I finished this book in two sittings and would have in one if not for a scheduled dinner. Since I tend to get sucked into a book and forget about reality, I am happy to say that me being hyper-alert of my surroundings in-between sittings is an indication that the suspense had really got to me. "Sylver and Gold" is that enthralling.

The book follows a series of calculated murders where the serial killer attempts to bond with Reid in hopes of being truly understood. Over the last thirteen years, Reid has solved every single murder case, thanks to her gift of communicating with the dead. Adding her new partner and trainee London into the mix, both with a lot of childhood trauma, things escalate fast. And so do the duo’s dynamics.

Since I cannot resist gorgeous, smart women who know what they are doing, I love Reid Sylver and London Gold. Judging by their last names, these two homicide detectives are predestined to be together. This age-gap pairing between the perfect-record homicide detective Reid and her new trainee London is wonderful, and I am so glad these two with troubled pasts can pour their hearts out to each other. I love their eventual honesty. The pair also quip, banter, and get under each other’s skins a lot. These are the happier parts of the otherwise darker story. Though their relationship arc near the end kind of left me confused and slightly frustrated, the actual ending was great.

I particularly love London because she is incredibly strong-willed and loving and amazing. She has a big heart that leaves me in awe. I also enjoy that the crimes involve technology breaching. With consumer electronics everywhere in life, these aspects of the crimes almost read like horror and made the book really thrilling.

"Sylver and Gold" is a rather heavy book. The story deals with a serial killer and the crime scenes are repulsive. There were so much darkness lurking in Reid’s and London’s personal histories that I still feel a little down after finishing, despite it ending on a light note.

There are a few random things that were left unaddressed, including Sunday mass and softball. I am still a little curious about those. Also, I do have to acknowledge that perfect-cop stories aren’t time appropriate, if they ever were. Every reader should keep that in mind while reading.

"Sylver and Gold" is a paranormal crime/mystery/thriller that kept me on edge throughout the entire reading. It is intense with great leading characters and somewhat sympathizable motives of the murderer. While I don’t think romance is the main storyline, the connection Reid and London has is crucial to the plot. If you’re looking for a riveting suspense, this is your choice.

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I was looking forward to reading Sylver and Gold by Michelle Larkin. This tale has everything. You have a tech-savvy serial killer beginning a murder spree and eventually targeting the two detectives who are trying to catch him. The two detectives (Reid Sylver and London Gold) are both kick-ass at their jobs, even though London is actually a rookie that Reid is supposed to be training. The murder mystery is exceptionally well-written with a little bit of a paranormal element (Reid can talk to the dead) that adds that extra bit of creepiness to the tale.

The characters really make this an amazing story. Mug, Reid’s bull mastiff, made me want to reach through the pages of the book and give him lots of hugs and pats. The secondary characters, including the ones who have died add depth to the story. But it is Reid and London who really make this an outstanding novel. They are a flawless example of how to write opposites attract. They push each other’s buttons from the moment they meet, but the chemistry and sparks they create together is enough to light up all of Boston. Both have to figure out how to overcome their differences and work together to solve the case.

I’m truly impressed at how Ms. Larkin managed to take a pretty dark and sometimes creepy tale and still add moments of joy and even slapstick comedy into the story. Those moments turn an otherwise suspenseful tale into a book filled with mystery, intrigue, romance and drama.

I fell in love with this novel on the first page, and I hated when the story ended because I didn’t want to leave these characters and this world. I really hope Ms. Larkin is planning to turn this into a series. I will be first in line to buy the books if she does. This book is definitely one of my favorites, and I think it will be one of yours as well. It has my highest recommendation.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for giving me the chance to read this book for an honest review.

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4.50 Stars. This was super entertaining! When I read Larkin’s debut Mercy, two years ago, I knew she was an author to watch. Mercy had some bumps but it was a solid 4 stars just on entertainment value alone. With Sylver and Gold, she somehow managed to write a book even more entertaining than Mercy. Not only is this my favorite book by Larkin, but I believe this is easily her best book so far.

When I saw Larkin’s name on the cover, I thought mystery and maybe thriller so I knew I absolutely wanted to read this. What I didn’t realize is that she tossed in a little paranormal too. I mean a mystery-romance with a light paranormal twist, is basically saying “here Alexis this book is for you”(okay let’s just pretend that I did not refer to myself in third person:). I could not have been happier with these genre choices and I’m so glad this was everything I was hoping for and even more. I do want to mention for the non-paranormal fans out there… this is a crime/mystery about catching a serial killer, with a sub plot of an opposites attract romance. The paranormal part is just a little twist to make this book even more entertaining. If you like crime/mystery-romances read this, you won’t be disappointed.

I was really happy with both main characters. As I mentioned before they are pretty opposite, Miss Ivy League versus Ms. Blue Blood. These two don’t get off to a good start but you can feel the chemistry right away. Their interactions are wonderful together and it put a big smile on my face half the time. The sex scenes are fade-to-black but I didn’t mind it one bit. You believe that their connection is growing stronger, as the book goes on, so I didn’t actually miss those scenes.

There is a serial killer so there are some gory depictions. There is also talk about child abuse and sexual assault. Both of these happened in the past so while it breaks your heart to hear about, you are not witnessing it firsthand. And while these are some tough triggering subjects, I never felt depressed or weighed down by the story. During a lot of the book I even had a smile on my face and other times I was hopeful for the characters. So yes tough subjects but this is not a really dark book.

As I mentioned in the beginning that after reading Larkin’s debut, I knew she had some really good stories ahead of her. This was the book I was waiting for and I was thoroughly and completely entertained. I’m also interested to see if Larkin might turn this into a series. I feel like their story is just beginning and I can see such potential for more. But no matter what Larkin writes next, I will be reading it.

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It was high time for me to move to the thriller/mystery side of the bookstore during the quarantine. I've spent a lot of time reading romances to take me away from the world outside, but this was the perfect amount of realism mixed with something supernatural. Reid Sylver can talk to the dead, and that's how she solves all her cases. Now she has to not only hide this from her new trainee, but the serial killer is targeting her.

London Gold has a few secrets of her own, but mostly she wasn't as compelling a character as Sylver. She really only exists to foil Reid and creates a weird dynamic between them. I was excited for their relationship to grow, but it just felt incredibly fast and a little unrealistic for me. Give me more stories about Reid and her dog MugShot and I am there though.

I received an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the first book I've read by this author and I'm really happy to be given the opportunity to be able to read Sylver and Gold.

As soon as I read 'I can talk to the dead, Cap' that was it.... I knew this book was for me and would grab my attention from the start. There as been many books that have centered around one of the main characters being able to see or communicate with the dead, may books have failed as a story but Sylver and Gold as kept me gripped from start to end.
You have number of characters in the story line... The main characters are Detective Reid Sylver, who comes across as a smart alec and at times a little bit bitchy, but it just makes her character more likable and interesting. London Gold dreamed to be a homicide detective long before she became a cop. At first I didn't like Gold, she came across stand-offish, a bit of a snob, but as the story unwinds you find out the reasons behind her behavior. You will read about some serous, heavy topics which could leave it hard for some reader to digest. But 'hats' off to the author for her writing style. Even with these sensitivity topics the book is full of 'banter' which cushions those hard to read issues. Like most stories as the book progress's, sparks fly and romance starts to happen. In all, the story is very good, its unique and well worth the read. Anyone who is into there 'cops', 'i see dead people' or thriller books, this one should be on your list.

Hopefully there is a sequel?!?

I give this a book a 4 out of 5.

I was provided a copy of this book for honest review.

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4.5* Reid Sylver is a homicide detective with a secret. She can speak to the dead. They help her solve cases. But, because of this, she prefers to work with just her dog, Mug, as companion. Then, she's tasked to train a newly-minted detective, London Gold. Hence, the name of the book, Sylver and Gold.
This is a police procedural with a supernatural twist, but it's not creepy at all. The serial killer Sylver and Gold is confronted with, has an unhealthy fixation on Reid. The crimes are quite gruesome. But, I like how the reluctant partners had to work together to find the culprit. The banter and chemistry is enjoyable. I've always been a sap for characters with a tough exterior but a wounded, soft interior.
I read this book very quickly. It was hard to put it down. I love the writing, the plot, and the characters, Definitely a recommended read.
**Thank you to Bold Strokes Books for providing an ARC in exchange for honest review!**

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I love police mysteries and this one was great! It was also refreshing to see new themes, including the LGBTQ aspect! The plot line was great and I hope this author continues with another book in this series!

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I really enjoy reading this book I love books that has supernatural elements in a mystery thriller.

Detective Reid has a successful rate of closing cases it’s means she can work alone beside having her dog Mug by her side and that’s because she has secret that only two people know she can talk to the dead. She didn’t had great childhood growing up her parents died and she lived with her grandmother who had abused her she got away from her when she was teenager by getting emancipation.

When her Captain dies who knew her secret and colleague of hers Boyle gets promoted he assigned her a rookie for her to train she not that happy about it because it means she has to do her work differently so secret won’t be expose.

London always wanted to be detective and she excited to work with Reid a woman she idolized she wants to learn what made her success in solving cases. As Reid is reluctant to train her and London having a hard time breaking through the walls Reid has up they both caught by the attraction they have for each other.

While working a case of a killer who tech savvy by stalking their victims first before killing them taunts Reid about knowing her secret. As they race to find the killer Reid fears her secret will be expose she soon realize she must trust the people she work with to have her back.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review. PS. London parents are trip to not believe their daughter after what happen to her and I really wish London could have confront them when they learn she was telling the truth.

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I don't read a lot of thrillers but I wanted to check this book out because of the lesbian storyline. I am really glad I did! It's cute, fun, and a unique take on a story about solving crime. There's a nice balance of humor, romance, and the actual thriller plot, and the voice is consistent throughout. The lesbian storyline doesn't disappoint! Some of the dialogue feels a little cheesy to me, but that might be a genre issue more than the writer's failing. If you're someone who enjoys TV shows about cops, I think this book would land very well with you; I could actually imagine it very easily being translated into a movie as I read each scene. I would recommend this book, especially because it's a fast and snappy read.

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This is an exceptional book that I blew through in almost one sitting. I say almost because I only put it down to try and sleep. But when I couldn't sleep over worry about Mug, I gave up on sleep and finished the book.

My heart broke so many times reading this. For Mug, for Cap, for London, for Reid. But then there were so many funny moments too that I woke my partner up a couple of times laughing.
The author has a wonderful way with both dialogue and setting, and you're never in any doubt when it comes to knowing what her characters want. And she's got such a great sense of humour! I know that by the end of the book, I was sad to see it end. I really, really hope there will be a sequel. It was so easy to connect with and root for the characters in this novel. The editing was great, the cover eye-catching and all-around this was a wonderful book that I know I'll be reading again and again.

Is there more yet, Ms. Larkin?

Many thanks to Michelle Larkin for sharing her gift with us and Bold Strokes Books for allowing me to read a fantastic novel in exchange for my honest opinion.

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