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Great book on the early rumblings of the Reich that are often overlooked today. This may be the first time I have ever written this about a history book but it was almost too short. It leaves you wanting and wondering, enjoy!

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Author David G. Williamson ( published the book “Poland Betrayed: The Nazi-Soviet Invasions of 1939 (Campaign Chronicles)” in 2012. Mr. Williamson has published five books.

I categorize this book as ‘G’. This book tells a detailed story of the invasion of Poland in September of 1939. The book is a little dry as too many history books tend to be. It does start with a background of Poland going back to WWI. The book gives details about the Germans and Russian invasions as well as how the Polish defense.

I enjoyed the 6+ hours I spent reading this 241-page history. While dry, it is still very readable. I learned far more about the operations in 1939 Poland than I had read before. The cover art is OK, but seems a little dull to me. I give this book a 4 out of 5.

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Detailed Military book looking the origins of this conflict and the build up after Munich agreement to the 1st September and the false promises given by British and French governments and under resourced Polish forces. Found this book very interesting

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