Member Reviews

this was a really unique read, I loved the mixture of horror, humor and fantasy, I enjoyed the characters and hope there is more in the series, especially after reading other books from Phipps.

This one will be a DNF for me at 30%. I’m just bored... Which is surprising since the synopsis seemed right up my alley for something fun and fresh. Maybe will try and pick it up again at a later date.

Psycho Killers in Love by C. T. Phipps was received direct from the publisher and I chose to review it. I have never read this author before. The title of the book attracted my wanting to read it, though the "in love' was not really a part of the book.
Since I dont go into plotlines in my reviews, this is the publishers description of this book: "What if all the villains of slasher movies were real? What if the movies made about them were just adaptations of real-life killers with supernatural powers? This is a fact known to William and Carrie because their father, Billy the Undying, was one of the worst slashers of all time. So much so that they've spent the past decade in an asylum out of fear they'd end up just like him. Escaping, the two have decided to form a new life on the road. Except, a chance encounter in a dingy diner introduces William to the girl of his dreams."
If you, or someone you buy gifts for, likes to read horror/serial killer based books that moves along, rarely, if ever bogging down in inane dialogue, though the dialogue is plenty snarky, give this book a read. Keep in mind this is part of a series, though it is stand alone.
4 Stars

I have never read anything by C. T. Phipps, but I will check out his other books now. I really liked this book. I love slasher and serial killer movies, so this book was right up my alley. There was some dark humor, too. I found it to be well-written and easy to read. I just could not put it down. If you like these kinds of movies, then you will like this book. I hope to read a lot more like this from this author.

If you’re a fan of horror and urban fantasy that’s infused with as much pop culture as humor, then you need to be reading C.T. Phipps. His books are almost a genre all on their own – they’re stories where you assume the novelty will wear thin, that the narrative will lose its charm, but I’ve yet to come across one that I didn’t enjoy, thoroughly, from beginning to end.
Psycho Killers in Love is a pop-culture homage to 80s slasher villains, Stephen King, urban legends, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and even a little Scooby-Doo. The premise is that all the slasher villains of the 70s and 80s are real, their legacy endures through their children, and the new generation has become twisted up with conspiracy-fueled secret societies. William and Carrie are children of a legendary slasher, possessed of the same supernatural abilities and thirst for blood, but they’re more vigilantes than traditional slashers. Nancy is an Artemis, the archetype of virginal Final Girl who is pure enough to defeat the monsters, except she’s not a virgin, she has secrets, and she’s in love with William. There’s a brilliantly twisted, often taboo family dynamic between the siblings, and a psychic connection with Nancy that somehow just makes it all so much more inappropriate.
The opening battle/slaughter at the cannibalistic diner is so absurd, so violent, and so cheeky, alone it’s worth the price of admission. The attack on the deserted farmhouse with the vampire in the basement is pure gold, and the assault upon the Fraternity compound is equal parts action flick, slasher movie, and supernatural horror. The only scene that fell a little flat for me was the dream sequence where William and Carrie confront their father, but it’s important, and it has bearing on the rest of the tale.
Really, my only complaint with the story is that we don’t get enough of Jenna, the transwoman nature witch who is Wiccan first and a believer in evolution second, but I’m hoping we get to see more of her in future United States of Monsters books.
There’s so much I could say about this, but I’d hate to take away the thrill of discovery. I will say that William’s development of his slasher persona, complete with theme and catchphrases, is some seriously funny stuff; Carrie’s fangirl obsession with Stephen King was immediately endearing; Nancy’s inability to swear makes for some fantastic conversations; and Gerald the self-hating vampire is a fun sidekick, with the BDSM teases in his relationship with Nancy perfectly played.
Psycho Killers in Love does get rather heavy in the final chapters as family legacies and supernatural mythology come to a head, but Phipps keeps the humor going.

We follow WIlliam and Carrie, a sister brother duo, who arrive in a small town filled with murderers, but that's exactly what they wanted because they are slashers themselves. Children of the famous first slasher, their father;s legacy follows them everywhere. In this new town, William meet Nancy and is instantly taken by her. How'd they meet you say? Nancy comes in right as William has been shot through the heart.
William survives. How? Because if his dad. Slashers are treated like mythical creatures in this novel, who posses powers. I really like the concept and originality of this. The first few chapter had me instantly drawn in. As the story progressed, I caught my self getting very bored. The story is very fast paced and filled with action but I think it was the writing style which didn't click with me. I don't mind YA but don't often gravitate towards it. I think this book reads very YA which is why it disinterested me. Despite the characters being adults they read as teenagers to me.
I do have to give it props for coming with such a unique concept. I loved the mythology and the history of the characters which kept me reading.
Although this wasn't for me, I could see someone who enjoys YA really enjoying this. It had the right elements to make it an enjoyable read; such as romance, horror movie vibes, lots of pop cultural references and funny characters.

I love it. This book is so funny, I love the dark deep and bloody humor.
Slashers for ever 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

I thought this was an interesting concept. The author was very descriptive but there were a lot of times it felt more like he was telling me than showing me. I felt like I often would get an explanation for something that was not necessary to further the character along. This is a prequel and maybe the information helps move along the following series. When William, the main character and son of a famous slasher and his sister interacted that was the most entertaining part of the book. Carrie, the sister, makes many witty comments but then she has to explain them. I guess in case the reader did not catch on to the joke which seems to take away from the wit. If you're looking for a romance, this is not the book for you. The main character and his leading lady have zero chemistry, one sexual encounter which is mentioned but not detailed and is characterized by William as not as unpleasant as he thought it would be. This book had some interesting ideas and some funny dialogue that felt like it could use some decent editing.
Arc received from netgalley for an honest review.

1.5 ⭐
This started out so good I love the blurb and was so into it. Until maybe like 40% in i was getting bored and it couldn't hold my interest.. Which is sad because I love horror movies and thought I would love this. :( maybe it work for others. But the artwork on the cover was pretty.

This latest book by C.T Phipps is one of my favourites, which is saying a lot because I've read just about everything he's written and enjoyed every page. This book is set in his United States of Monsters universe, but it's not required that you've read any others as this works well as a stand alone. In this one, all of the popular slashers from movie history are all based on real killers. Descended from one such slasher are our two protagonists, a brother sister duo William and Carrie. William is going from town to town working as an accountant, and is very much against the idea of being a serial killer. He doesn't believe it to be hereditary, and does his best to reign in the murderous impulses of Carrie. I won't say more for fear of spoilers.
The writing was a thing of beauty. It was fast paced, snarky and I quickly fell in love with the characters. This was a book that really sucks you in and keeps you enthralled throughout.
This book was so much fun, I can't recommend it enough!