Member Reviews

A friend asked me to read this book for her, and so I did. It's not my usual writing fare but it was a light, quick reading. Life-changing? No. Encouraging? Yes. This probably wouldn't be the book that I would recommend to someone because it's not the style I personally prefer for non fiction (sort of biographical/inspirational?) but I know lots of people who do enjoy this type of non-fiction/loosely religious writing.

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This was a great call to live that life that we have been given, not trying to live someone else's life. Jamie is real and tells this story as if you are sitting having coffee with her. Read this and be encouraged to step into your journey and live the life God gave you.

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I’ve been a fan of Jamie Ivey’s podcast for years and love her authenticity, vulnerability, and her passion for creating a platform where she and others can share their stories with the goal of encouraging and inspiring others. You Be You is like having a cheerleader and coach come alongside you encouraging you to run your specific race and lean into the calling that God has on your life. Jamie encourages women to ditch comparison and focus on their unique relationship with the Lord and His unique calling on their lives. Uplifting, inspiring, encouraging, & practical - this is a timely read for women who want to live for Jesus and to leave behind a godly legacy.

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“You Be You” by Jamie Ivey was a great read! Jamie Ivey writes in such a way that it feels like you are sitting with a great friend! Her style is so down to earth and so easy to read. I love this about her books!

This book had so many good tidbits of wise advice. My favorite chapter was the one on comparison. I have always struggled with this issue, and she did such a great job of helping me come to terms with not comparing myself with others.

I highly recommend this book. I believe it would be beneficial to women of all ages.

I received this book from the publisher through NetGalley for my honest opinion.

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This was the first book I read in 2021, and I am so glad I got the chance. In a culture that is constantly telling us to do more and produce more, this book was a refreshing reminder of what truly matters: showing up to our lives and showing off the faithfulness of our God through them. This book was grounded in the gospel and helps us remember to build our lives on a foundation of Christ. “You be You” is a book that seeks to inspire and equip women to use their talents right where they are with authenticity and bravery. It’s a book that seeks to chip away at the picture of success and self-help our culture has created so we can see the true beauty of setting our eyes and hearts on the bigger picture of Christ. This book made me feel convicted and comforted. It made me feel encouraged and empowered. But most importantly, it pointed me back to God, again and again. I loved it, and I think you will too.

*I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

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Jamie Ivey states a goal for this book, “I want you to do what God has equipped you to do with the passions and talents He’s put inside you. I want you to show up for your life. I want you to believe and trust that He has good things for you, and that He wants to use you to do big things right where you are. I want you convinced that you’ll make the greatest impact on your world when you allow Him to work through you right where He’s planted you. I want you to be you. Living your calling. Which simply means being faithful. Not being super smart. Not being a spiritual giant. Not always knowing the answer to every question or feeling completely in control of every situation. Just faithful. To Him. Where you are. With what you know. With what you have.”

Jamie Ivey writes a very Biblically based book, which I enjoyed reading. I think her stated goal for the book was accomplished. I enjoyed the fact that she intertwined her own experiences with each point she was making and suggestions for how I could put these ideas into practice. Jamie comes across as a very down to earth person who sincerely cares about you.

I think everyone can glean something from this book. All in all, it was refreshing to read a book that is about you being you, but without forgetting who you belong to.

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I love Jamie’s writing style! She shares her story and her heart with raw honesty. This book was NOT another “pull yourself up by your boot straps” books. I was a little curious because I feel like the cover and the title give it that feel, but it was VERY much the opposite! She points us to Jesus and his strength, and encourages us to live in who he has made us each to be. Jamie spoke truth and was very relatable in her stories. I would highly recommend this book!!

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This book has a message that all women need to hear! Especially in a world where everyone says "You be you," but the message is much different from the one that Jamie is proclaiming in her book. While the world is saying you be you, they really mean, do what feels good to you, or do what you want for you. Jamie's message is encouraging us to be the "You be you" that God designed us to be. To bloom where we are planted, with what we know and with what we have. We are to get rid of the sin of discontentment, and the habit of comparing ourselves to other ladies, we are to focus on being who God wants us to be. Written in an engaging manner, you feel like you are sitting with your friend and she is telling you like it is, and encouraging you to be all that you can be with the strength that comes from God alone. One of the things that Jamie said that really stood out to me is that "We are enough because Jesus is enough." In a world where so many of us feel like we are not enough, and we will never be enough, this is a message that needs to be heard. She also said, "God's strength comes from abiding in Jesus." Another great reminder that we are not alone, and we need to remember where our strength comes from. There are so many great nuggets in this book, so many great quotes, and so much that will draw you back to this book over and over again.
Thank you to the publisher and Net galley for the opportunity to read this book. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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What an encouraging book! Jamie is a gifted speaker and writer, and her heart for women comes through in these pages. A good reminder for me of how comparison is the thief of joy.
Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this title.

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I enjoy Jamie's podcast so I was excited to have to opportunity to receive an ARC of her book.. It's just great and has the down to earth non preachy feel of her podcast. Daily hacks, and ways of going about life to find your purpose without feeling like you have to keep up with everyone else. I look forward to going back and reading this again and again.
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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Jamie Ivey puts out a great message with this book. She combines stories with truth to help you to be who God made you to be. Everyone has a calling and a purpose that God has given them and Jamie encourages you to "Bloom where you are planted" and fulfill that. She is a cheerleader for all of us and encourages us to shine the light that God has put in us without comparing ourselves to others. I highly recommend this book for all that are looking to be who God made them to be.

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This is a wonderful book for those who need encouragement in life. Do you feel like you have come to a crossroads in life? This book will give you that encouragement. It will give you the information you need, with the help of Jesus to find out who you are and what you need to change your life. Have you ever asked yourself
Have you ever asked yourself who am I?
What is my purpose in life?
Well, this book will help you find that.
So open up the book, and find out who you really are and what you are meant to do!

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“You be You” - the you God has uniquely created you to be! Jamie’s writing points us to God, not to others, not to worldly God’s gift of creating you to live solely for his glory.

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I have listened to Jamie’s podcast fairly regularly for quite some time. I appreciate her candidness, her honesty and her girl-next-door “normalness” (I don’t think that’s even a word, but let’s go with it). Not to mention, she just has a fun personality. Ha ha!

She’s just like you and me, drawing closer to God, walking into the giftings God is unfolding within her, and trusting Him as she follows this path He has her on. She’s learning as she goes and isn’t embarrassed to say so.

One of my favorite portions of this book was when she taught about the parable of the talents. She said, “The underlying culprit behind hoarding our talents is always fear. Listen to the man admit it in this parable: ‘I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground.’ Fear had led him to not do anything with the talent his master had invested him...He didn’t necessarily do anything bad; he just didn’t do anything. Sometimes when I come home from work during the summer and my kids are lying around letting their brains turn into mush From TV and video games, I’m frustrated with them - not because they did anything wrong, but because they did nothing at all!...I’m sorry, did he just say to cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness? Yes, I believe he did. He is not playing around with this man who did NOTHING with his talent.”

I had never noticed that the man who earned no return did so as a result of his fear. That hit home for me. Fear has threatened me on numerous occasions to play it safe in life.

Other themes include abiding in Christ, not comparing ourselves to others, and living faithfully right where we are. There really are so many great points to ponder. I’m in danger of sharing about 15 more quotes, but I’ll just let you take the time to read the book yourself.

I received a digital ARC copy from the publisher and net galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I love Jamie's heart for women and helping them step into who God created them to be. I bought her book If You Only Knew back in 2018 when I needed that message and a few weeks ago, got her second book. Well, turns out Jamie writes books for exactly what I need when I need to hear it. She is a powerful communicator that believes in the power of the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. If you want to step into a fuller version of who God created you to be, read this book, step into the teaching of the holy spirit, as He revealed to you your diving purpose. Thank you Jamie. Thank you for your dedication to women like me.

Thank you to Netgalley, the Publisher and the Author for this complementary copy of the book.

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