Member Reviews

A good sweet fun romance.
Cora traded houses with her Australian friend to get her life back on track and didn't expect to find love.
Trent moved into his sister house while she was away but didn't expect anyone to be there
fun and romance begins.
Enjoyed this cute story.
Voluntarily reviewed.

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Her Aussie Holiday is the perfect beachy summer read.
Cora is needing a break from the hustle of city life and her parents. She switches houses with her old friend Liv who has a cute beach bungalow that is just what Cora needs to decompress and maybe finally write that novel that is in her head!
Trent is a contractor and Liv's older brother. He decides now is the perfect time to renovate his sister's house since she is away. He never expected to find a lovely city gal staying there and now they are sharing the same place. A cute, sexy read with great characters.
~~Michele McMullen ~~

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This was an excellent read! Cora and her unexpected vacation roommate Trent have a very interesting first meet and the hilarity just continues from there. They get along famously working side by side but when her vacation is over will Cora be able to walk away? You want to find out! I highly recommend this one.

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I really enjoyed this story! We me Trent in the first book of this series but this book can still be read as a standalone. I adored Trent and Cora and was rooting for them from the beginning. This was a light and fun romance and I definitely recommend it!

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Rounding up from 3.5 stars!

I’m a sucker for an Australian setting, especially in a rom com. And this setting was so fun!

I enjoyed the character and plot development of this one, and Cora and Trent’s characters were so well-written and you couldn’t help but be drawn into their stories. It was the right amount of sizzle without it overwhelming the plot, and it rugged at my emotions in the right ways.

If you enjoyed Shortcake or The Unhoneymooners, I think you’ll enjoy this one!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my complimentary digital copy. All opinions are my own.

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This is another highly entertaining entry in this enjoyable series series. Cora and Trent were likable, had great chemistry and shared clever banter. The storyline was fun. It offered up a blend of emotion, drama, tension, heart, heat and humor. A book that is sure to brighten your day and have you smiling.

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House-swapping in Australia is just the thing Cora needs when her life starts to fall apart in the US. She didn't expect to meet her fellow house swapper's gorgeous brother on her first day, or to fall headlong into his warm embrace and loving family.

Trent has a secret that he hasn't told his family. Well, most of his family. And it's wearing on him. Then a gorgeous American stumbles into his life when she swaps homes with his sister. Is Cora just the thing needed for his bruised heart?

This is such a sweet, warm story. I loved Trent and his family. They're like a big, squeezy hug when you need it most. Cora is almost the opposite with her defensive shell, but I felt so for her once her backstory with her father was revealed. Then I wanted to hug her as much as Trent and his family did. Altogether a sweet, tenderly spicy story with a warm, sweet Aussie and an American just looking for love.

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this one started a little slow for me and i found it hard to connect with the story or characters. it definitely picks up around halfway though, and i really enjoyed the second half! it was thoroughly enjoyable, funny, written well, really liked it!

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When a woman swaps her Manhattan home with a friend for a well deserved getaway in Australia, she never expected to fall for the town charmer.

I forgot how much I missed Stefanie London’s insightful and uplifting prose. It’s like coming home to a cosy chair with a hot cup of tea.

Cora’s upbringing was a shit show. She just wants to be loved by her parents, but her mother is a celebrity fame whore and her father is a self-absorbed twat. They have been unsupportive of their daughter and her dreams all her life, and she so deserves to getaway from that negativity and pursue her writing. She also deserves happiness with a man who loves her for herself and not for her family’s wealth and standing. A man who gives her the surprise birthday she never had. A man who encourages and inspires her to write her novel her way. A man who has an ass like a peach emoji. 🍑

Trent is a sexy, charming, and fun-loving guy who is coasting through life putting everyone’s needs before his own. He has trust issues that makes him reticent to be in a relationship again and to follow his own dream of building his home. He’s not ready to settle down because he hasn’t met anyone worth settling down with…until now.

Who wouldn’t love Cora and Trent’s story? Their strengths and vulnerabiliies are relatable and the chemistry between them is immediate. Although they both have doubts about their growing attraction and what it means at first, it is a pleasure to watch them face their fears and their differences head on and finally be happy with their lives. The supportive cast of characters including Trent’s family (it was good to see Jace and Angie) and friends are a great addition giving the story more depth.

Ms. London has been on my radar since I read Jace and Angie’s story last year in the delightful The Aussie Next Door, and I’m delighted to recommend the incredibly charming and engaging Her Aussie Holiday as a long-awaited sequel with lovely characters, hilarious situations, and passionate encounters. If you prefer a bit of laughter and romance Aussie-style, give this book a try.

Thank you to Ms. London, Entangled Publishing, and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to review this book without expectation of a positive review.

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Her Aussie Holiday is another great read from Stefanie London! I loved the characters and writing so much that I binge read the first book and this one over the course of two days.

Cora and Trent are both sure starting something while she is in Patterson's Bluff for only a month is probably not the best idea - a short term fling at best. However, things get complicated when a real friendship and emotions start to form. I really like the way these two truly encouraged and believed in each other. They saw past the labels and personas that they each had been trying to put on to fool others.

As I said before, I also liked the writing style quite a bit. The plot was well paced and engaging, and I wish Patterson's Bluff was a real place I could visit!

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What do you get with a squatter and a true guest of the house? Disaster is what you get. But only in the beginning. We have a flood, a glitter explosion, and a Cockatoo named Joe. All of these things have one thing in common, they make you laugh. Cora just want a vacation from her life. She needs to find herself. Trent just wants a place to stay and to help everyone that needs it. But what they also find is one another. Trent has trust issues and Cora is lonely. But when these to come together the chemistry is off the charts. So what would be so wrong to have a fling? This thing called feelings, might occur. What happens at the end of Cora’s vacation? Can she just say good bye and go home? Can Trent just let her walk away? This is a definite most read. This is the second book in the Patterson Bluff series, but can be read as a stand alone.

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For a couple who’s time has a short shelf life, their relationship has a slow burn. And it’s awesome! I loved that Trent and Cora became friends first, teaming up to work on a ruined anniversary gift, fix up Liv’s house and learn about each other. It’s fun to watch Trent help Cora acclimate not just to the slower pace that Patterson’s Bluff presents to this NYC girl, but to show her what she missed out on while being raised by a narcissistic mother and mostly unaware father.
It was easy to see and believe how they could be drawn to each other and I enjoyed the relative ease of their transition from friends to lovers (or fling, as both tried to categorize it) Trent’s friends were awesome and friendly, exactly the kind of people you’d love to meet and hang out with if you were in holiday yourself, but also who you’d like to keep in your life.
The other thing I enjoyed was Ms. London’s descriptions of the Australian landscape, from the beach to the bushland. As I doubt I’ll ever get to see the beauty that is Australia (this girl is not a good flyer!), I loved seeing it through her eyes.
I loved this book and could not put it down. I had not read book one in the series, but it did not take away my enjoyment of Her Aussie Holiday, nor was there anything that I needed explained/was confused about because of it. The perfect summer read!

My thanks to Netgalley for the advance copy. My opinions are freely and honestly given.

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I found this to be a Fun and engaging read. Endearing and likeable characters each with their own kinds of flaws and also harbouring great potential as both happier individuals and a partner-in-crime.
Set in a picture perfect Australian town, this breakaway swap story brings people together, enlightens minds and just may mend a broken soul or two.

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This is the second book in the series but works well as a standalone - I know because I haven't read the first book and thoroughly enjoyed this one!

Patterson's Bluff is a seaside resort in Australia where the Walters family live. When Liv Walters gets an internship in the US, she agrees with her friend that they'll do a house swap for a month, which is how Cora Cabot ends up staying there. Cora is ready for a change of scene after drama with her high profile parents, breaking up with her fiancé and having her draft novel rejected - by her father! She thinks she'll be staying alone in Liv's home but Trent Walters has moved in to work on the property - thank goodness, after Liv inadvertently causes a flood! As the temperature rises, so does the attraction between these two, but both have had nasty breakups and she's only there for a month. . . . Will they be able to resist each other?

This is a lovely story to escape into. Trent has to take a lot of flack from his siblings but he also has an important secret. He's a charmer who always seems to put the needs of others ahead of himself. Cora has little self confidence and lives in the shadow of her narcissistic mother who sounds like a total nightmare! As Trent and Cora work together to rectify the family scrapbook damaged in the flood, they also help each other in so many different ways. Cora has a caterpillar tattoo and that is so symbolic in this story which is all about growing and changing . . . . but what happens at the end of her month's stay? You'll have to read it to find out for yourself!

Thank you to Entangled Publishing and NetGalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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Her Aussie Holiday is book two of Stefanie London’s Patterson’s Bluff series. Both books can be read as stand-alone titles. I haven’t read book one (yet!) and never felt lost or out of tune with the story. But, as always, as a series fanatic, I recommend starting from book one if you have the time. The Aussie Next Door (book one) is now on my TBR!

What I liked about the book: It just seemed to flow really well, and was mostly a slow build. I’m not a huge fan of instalove, so this story really held my interest. There’s a difference between instalove and instant attraction and chemistry. The h&h definitely had the latter! And while the book has many lighthearted moments, there was also a good bit of emotional angst when it came to the h&h’s family dynamics.

NICUnurse’s rating: I love flawed characters. Cora and Trent certainly fit that bill which made me enjoy their story all the more. And Cora’s clumsiness certainly gave root to some hilarious scenes. But what made me fall in love with the story was Trent’s support and gentle prodding to push Cora out of her shell. His belief in her was the catalyst needed for her to find out who she was at her core do what needed to be done to grow and heal. For fans of sweet and sexy stories with a slow build, you’re going to enjoy your time in this small Australian town and look forward to returning in the next book!

I give Her Aussie Holiday by Stefanie London 4.5 out of 5 stars!

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If you read my review on The Aussie Next Door, you’ll know that I totally feel in love with Patterson’s Bluff and its residents, especially the Walters family. I was so happy to return to this wonderful world with Her Aussie Holiday, and I wasn’t disappointed.

Trent is so much fun. He’s super sweet, playful and very caring of those around him. He may come off like he’s as deep as a puddle in the first book, and even at the beginning of this one, but he’s truly so much more. Cora was someone I could really relate to: a bit unsure of herself, lots of self-doubt about expressing herself, but wanting so much more.

Together these two are simply fun, sexy, playful, and a perfect match.

This book was, in my humble opinion, the perfect pick-me-up book. Lots of fun scenes between the two (OMG! The glitter scene!), as well as with the secondary characters. Not to mention, there is a sassy, back-talking cockatoo to fall in love with. I’m completely ready to pack my bags and head down under and live in this world. A must read for anyone looking for something that will make them laugh, as well as tug at their heartstrings.

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A renewal of spirit in a new place. Cora is looking for a place to heal in isolation. She does not count on having a sexy roommate in Trent. Trent is a happy go lucky guy living day by day. They are both people pleasers and keeping secrets. It is an emotional story. It also has funny incidents involving a bird and glitter. Cora and Trent spend some steamy time together as they grow closer together. Family plays a big part in the relationship’s success and resolving the issues that would keep them apart.

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🌏Some deeper acceptance issues addressed in an inspiring romance😊

I expected Her Aussie Holiday to be a light vacation romance but got much more than expected. Young American wannabe author Cora and Aussie builder Trent have some major family acceptance issues to work through that made their story more than a heated attraction turned affair. Each in his or her own way needs some proof of the unconditional love and support of family. Cora keeps offering her father chances to support her dream with disappointing results. Trent is so worried about rejection that he hides secrets from his siblings and keeps putting their needs first while his own dreams are getting dusty on the shelf. I liked the way that Cora and Trent inspired each other to pursue their dreams.

The romance develops at a nice, not too rapid, pace and I felt Cora, Trent, his family and friends were nicely developed, realistic characters who would be great to know in real life. Author Stefanie London created a setting in Patterson's Bluff that seems pretty idyllic. While some of the heated scenes were a bit too drawn out for me, overall I really liked the book's themes, setting and characters. And caterpillars are awesome!🐛

Thanks to Entangled Publishing and NetGalley for providing an advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.

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This book is fun, light, and easy. But it also reads like a summer version of The Holiday. That’s not a bad thing if you need an easy escape! However, for those who may get bored by formulaic tales, I’d caution against this one. It’s the perfect book for an airplane ride.

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Thanks to @netgalley for a copy of this to read and review. It comes out August 25 (Tuesday). Cora does a house switch with her friend. Cora goes to Australia and her friend goes to Coras apartment in New York. Cora is in for a surprise when her friends brother is staying nThere too, surprising his sister by renovating her house. Cora insist on helping!

This is another book that reminded me of something I would see on Hallmark. The basic idea reminded me of a one sided version of The Holiday (which is a movie I love btw). It was a cute, quick read.

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