Member Reviews

Such a heartwarming story. Characters were easy to like. Trent and Cora's personal growth while developing a relationship was nice to see. It is always nice to see couples grow together vs apart. It was quick, fun read. It was nice to see Jace and Angie from a previous book too. I love when authors give us a peak into how characters from a previous book are fairing.

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing LLC for the ARC of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Cora needs a break from her NYC life after a bad break and her family’s dysfunction. Cora’s online friend Liv needed a place to stay during a month-long unpaid internship. The perfect solution is for Liv and Cora to house swap.
Liv heads to the Big Apple and Cora is headed to small coastal town in Australia.

Trent, Liv older brother, seems to be a bit of a dandelion seed. In the wind and floating around. He doesn’t seem attached to much but his family. He is afraid to start working on his dream home. He moved out from his roommate after his roommate moved in his girlfriend. While everyone calls him the town charmer you can tell he uses it to hide himself.
When these two meet it is instant chemistry. Cora decides that being holiday she can allow herself to be who she is without worry of her family pressures. I loved her comparison to being a caterpillar. She does come across as very weak while bending to her family’s mold and ideals. I found her to be slightly spineless. I wish she had pushed back against her father’s criticisms instead of taking them so easily.
The plot of the story does drag along. While we have small glimpses at some deeper stuff it is just slow. Even though Cora was only there for a month, you could tell this was going to fall into the relationship pattern very easily causing the very predictable it is only a vacation fling you will forget me conversation. The conversation was rushed, and I felt that they easily just accepted it as it was. With the strong attraction at the beginning I expected more emotional push and pull and that never really developed for me.

It is hard to have a slow burn relationship romance with instant chemistry in the confines of a vacation fling. If you are looking for a low key read then this is an ok story.

The chemistry at the beginning was wonderful, it is a well written story with very likeable characters. The quiet Aussie town is a great setting. It just needed a little more. This was a 2/5 read for me. I just needed more. I was expecting a bit more laughs, a bit more emotion, and to be a bit more invested in the story.

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Cora and Trent’s love story in Her Aussie Holiday by Stefanie London, book 2 in the Patterson’s Bluff series, was an amazing, sizzling, emotional and humorous tale. Through her visual descriptions of the town, the beach, the houses, Ms. London grabbed my imagination, making me wish I lived in Patterson’s Bluff and spent time with the Walters family.

Cora Cabot’s life has imploded, crumbling around her, forcing her to admit she needed a break from her job, family, and Manhattan apartment. When her Australian friend calls, looking for recommendation of places to live as she received an internship in New York City, Cora had the brilliant idea of a house swap. Small-town Australia would provide the perfect escape. Arriving at the house, Cora discovers it’s not empty. It seems that her friend’s brother, can we say hot, Australian brother, is also staying there, unbeknownst to his sister. Trent Walters thought he would be able to complete some major home improvements while his sister was in the States, not realizing she would have her American friend staying there. Cora ends up flooding the house and destroying a family project his sister created for their parents’ upcoming anniversary. It wasn’t totally her fault since Trent forgot to turn off the water main when he left the house for a bit. Since she was staying there, Cora insists on helping him fix the house and he needs her help in re-creating the family scrapbook. The glitter scene will keep you laughing for chapters beyond. As Cora and Trent spend time together cooking late night meals, pints at the local pub, and partaking in cricket matches on the beach they start to act on the sizzling attraction drawing them together. Cora might make a dent in Trent’s defenses but Trent has worked hard building up Cora’s self-esteem and confidence. If Cora hadn’t promised to return to working with her father at the end of the holiday, she questioned leaving as it she was feeling like she had found her home. Returning to New York Cora realizes family is not always the one you are born to and home is actually where your heart belongs.

Ms. London wrote a fun, emotional, and sizzling romance that should not be missed. She provided a tale rich with emotions, sexual chemistry, humor, wonderful dialogue, and charming characters giving Cora and Trent a chance at love and forever. I highly recommend Her Aussie Holiday to other readers.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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This is part of the Patterson’s Bluff series but is read as a standalone. A house swap in Australia that comes with an unplanned roommate. My O My - what could possibly go wrong. Cora's decided that the answer to her crumbling life was a house swap and a vacation in Australia. Things take a different turn when her friend's brother is staying in the house. Needless to say, he's not a happy camper when she shows up. The book is well written and the characters are entertaining. Their back and forth banter was hilarious at times. A slow-burn romance that went from enemies to lovers. Lots of family demands that make choices harder. It was an enjoyable read but was slow-moving at

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I am thoroughly enjoying the Patterson Bluff series. I love that it’s stand alone but also lets you know how the previous characters are doing. Trent & Cora are great characters that are so much fun getting to know. From the moment they meet, sparks are flying but Cora is only on a month holiday from Manhattan while Trent’s sister stays in her apartment doing an internship. The romance is sweet & sexy. I highly recommend reading this book to see what happens along the way.

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I love this series. The way Stefanie intertwines her characters is fantastic. You can pick up where the last book left off easily and way Stefanie shows the insecurities of her characters makes them relatable to the reader.

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This book was a very enjoyable read with the good storyline and well detailed characters that captured my attention from the very beginning and wouldn't let me go until the turn of the very last page!

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This was a cute story that I felt like lost steam pretty early on. It's instant attraction for the two main characters and Cora decides that since this is her holiday, she's going to throw caution to the wind and not think and be a person she isn't normally. Because of that, there's a pretty heavy makeout session pretty early on and then they have sex by 50%. Not a big issue. But then the rest of the plot just feels flat comparatively. Even though Cora was only there for a month, they had sex so early on that they fell into a normal, relationship-type routine. I almost DNF'd this one because I felt like I was forcing myself to finish it, and in 2020, that is the last way I want to be spending my time. BUT I did finish it, because the subplots were intriguing enough and the writing was done really well. Ms. London told a beautiful story and weaved in all the parts really well. It's just a bit of a slower story, I guess; low tension, low stakes, and low buy in on my part. I just wasn't the right reader for this story, but I'd check out Ms. London again in the future without hesitation.

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I received an e-galley from Entangled Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

There’s not much travelling happening in the world right now and so Her Aussie Holiday by Stefanie London felt like the perfect romantic getaway. Cora has house-swapped with a friend who lives in Australia, trading her luxe apartment in Manhattan for a fixer-upper cottage near the beach. Little does she know what’s in store for her as she runs into Liv’s brother.

This was a fun romance novel to dive into and I liked the deeper connections build between Cora and Trent as they work through personal issues and grow as individuals. This novel also gave me Falling Inn Love vibes (the Netflix film starring Cristina Milian) and those are definitely vibes that I can immerse myself in.

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What a super enjoyable romance!

Trent and Cora had a chance meeting when Cora swaps her New York home with her friend, Liv in Australia. When Trent knew Liv was going to be gone, he decided to squat in her home, unknowing Cora would be there, to rewrite her novel, and maybe "grow her wings".

The slow-growing chemistry, the heat, the friendships, and the awkwardness between these characters was all so great! I really liked the storyline and the smile this book put on my face.

I enjoyed the continuous flow of characters from previous books by Author Stefanie London, and love the family characters in Her Aussie Holiday! 4.25 stars!

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Cora needs to get away so she does a house swap with an Australian friend. When she arrives at the house she gets a surprise. Her friends brother is staying at the house. This is a light sweet read. This is the 2nd book in a series but could easily be read as a stand alone. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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Enjoyed reading. Cora needs a break from her life and jumped at the opportunity to switch homes with her friend Liv. Cora fall in love with both Australia and Trent. There’s an instant attraction when they meet but Cora has secrets. As they spend time together feelings evolved but Cora has some unfinished business back home. Trent teaches Cora the true meaning of family which Cora helps him with his insecurities. Great story with some emotional moments. Engaging sweet sensual read. Recommended

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**I received a copy of Her Aussie Holiday from Entangled Publishing and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. My opinion was not solicited in any way.**

Her Aussie Holiday by Stefanie London is a fantastic addition to her Patterson's Bluff series. Ms. London writes this town so that while reading you can almost envision yourself walking down the street. I'd love to visit this town someday but for now will keep on reading her books. I'd give this book more than 5 Stars if I could as it's worth it that and more.

Cora Cabot has always wanted one thing to be loved by her parents for who she is and as an author especially by her literary agent father. But his opinion of her rough draft broke her heart enough to agree to a house swap with her friend Liv to swap her NYC home for a Australia cottage. She didn't expect Trent or a disconnected water pipe nor did she know that she'd find a family who loved her as she is in Patterson's Bluff. But she does and even learns how to scrapbook a memory album.

Trent Walters has a secret that his siblings don't know but he does everything for them even putting his dream home on the side for whatever they need. When he gets to his sister's cottage to see flooded rooms and a drenched Cora he'll be angry but mostly at himself. They'll spend her month in OZ learning about each other and also finding that it's better to be first than last when it comes to themselves. But when he sends her manuscript to his father to read will Cora be able to forgive or will she return to NYC to try to repair her own fractured family?

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

This book was an easy, light read which I enjoyed quite a bit. It was the perfect escape read for a hot summer's day. Both main characters were damaged, yet very likable. The writing brought them to life and I found myself rooting for each of them as the story progressed. There were also a number of funny scenes (can you say glitter explosion?) which made me laugh.

Although this book is part of a series, it easily reads as a standalone.

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This is the second book in this series and it is just as delightful as the first! Cora is an American, a New Yorker, who does a house swap with her friend Liv in Australia. The story begins with a series of mishaps, including Liv’s brother Trent, who did not know about the house swap and is living there when Cora arrives. It is a sweet story, full of fun, and lots of steamy sex. It was fun to follow the attraction between the two and watch how it grew.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I loved this book! It is well written and the characters are delightful and well developed. This romantic, touching story about two wounded people, from very different worlds just tugged at me. I wanted to watch as they evolved. I hoped for a HEA, no matter how slim the chance. I couldn’t put it down. Romance, angst, characters to love and a few to hate- what’s not to like?

This is my honest review of this advance reader copy and I have not been compensated in any way.

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parents to come to Australia for a month and try to write a novel. Of course, she meets a hunky Australian guy and they end up living together and, you guessed it, falling for each other. What made the book was that the characters she meets - all the Australians - are just lovely people who help her find her confidence to metamorphose into her true self.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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Her Aussie Holiday by Stefanie London is a steamy emotional romantic comedy about Trent Walters and Cora Cabot.
The plot is slow-paced, very engrossing, and entertaining. The writing style is quite descriptive which gives life to the novel. The story begins by being sweet and funny with their first uncomfortable meeting, their fun little interactions, and their
growing chemistry. Later it gets quite sexy with the two of them hitting it off and when their insecurities resurfaced it became very emotional.
There is great character development, both Trent and Cora had slowly changed from caterpillars to butterflies by the end of the book.
It’s such a captivating book that I had a hard time putting it down. It’s the second book I have read from this author and I highly recommend her If you love small-town romances. Her Aussie Holiday is a delectable treat that delivered what it promised in the description so I will rate this with 4.5 stars.

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Cora has so many daddy issues, almost too many. As her time in Australia goes on she takes one step forward then two back on gaining confidence. Then two forward and one back. Ugh, if only she'd listen to Trent. They work through their baggage and end up with the best happy ending.

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Just a heartwarming story! I loved the chemistry of Trent and Cora! Their intense attraction and the perfect comedy relief! And Joe is just awesome! Great job!

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