Member Reviews

I love a good SFF stand alone, unfortunately Dustborn didn't hit the mark. The plot wasn't super strong and I had a hard time relating to Delta. There were also areas where the book just dragged and a few time I felt myself skimming. I really feel that Dustborn should have been split into a duology so Bowman would have had the space to flesh out the plot.

This was a unique YA Dystopian novel! The world building was incredible, and the cast of characters diverse and relatable. The plot itself was really intriguing, and the pacing was just quick enough to keep me hooked. The MC’s journey was emotional and showed a lot of growth during their journey. I really couldn’t have asked for a more enjoyable read!

as a long time fan of eric bowman and her books and writing tips, this book was amazing. i apologize for the late review but i had purchased a physical copy and forgot i had requested here!

I had high hopes for this one based on the synopsis. The world and setting were the best thing about this, but I DNF @ 30%. I still mention it from time to time for my students looking for a dystopian!

It really pains me that I did not love this book more than I thought I would. The premise sounds amazing and I have loved some of her other books in the past, but it just did not work for me. And i love dystopians. It was all too... I dunno, wishy washy for me.

In a harsh post-apocalyptic world where water is a scarce commodity, clans and communities trust one another about as far as they can throw them. Yet, at times they are dependent on each other. There is a fabled Eden called the Verdant where water flows plentifully yet no one knows where it is - even with a map.
Dustborn by Erin Bowman has been on my reading list for a while. I pitched it last year to my post-apocalyptic book club but it didn't make it onto the schedule. I suggested it again this year and we are reading it for our October meeting.
I forgot that it was classified as young adult. While the protagonist is 17 years old, it doesn't really read fully like a young adult novel. I felt that it was believable for Delta to be as mature as she is. She lives in an extremely harsh environment where she constantly encounters life and death situations.
The evil guy is truly evil - he enslaves his workers by drugging the water. And I understand wanting to make him as evil as possible but killing someone every 3 days unless Delta reads the map just seemed over the top. If she or anyone in her clan could read the map they would have gone looking for the Verdant by now.
The prominent themes of loyalty, trust, betrayal, and faith are similar to what you would find in other YA dystopian novels.
The world Bowman has created is reminiscent of the Wild West days yet the story is set in the far future.
I liked the characters and became engrossed in the story easily. Delta is mature for her age but she still possesses some of the idealism of her youth. The adult characters were used well and weren't there just because there needed to be adults. They have wisdom and the caution that comes with age.
If you enjoy young adult dystopian novels then I recommend checking out this book.
My review will be published at Girl Who Reads on Monday - https://www.girl-who-reads.com/2022/09/dustborn-by-erin-bowman-review.html

Unsurprisingly, the thing I liked most about this book was the setting. Dust/Desert worlds that have been stripped of all resources and people struggle to survive while still striving for more are great. Mad Max (Fury Road) was a stunning example of this in film, and I was hoping Dustborn would get to be my literary version of that setting.
Well...it was alright. It's your standard "chosen one" that has the key to survival and goes on a journey to...well, save the world? I guess? Honestly, the characters were the weak point for me. I just didn't connect with anyone, including the MC, and by the end of the novel, I just went meh and set it aside...and forgot to even leave a review until now, so. If that doesn't tell you something about this novel, I don't know what will.

What a world! This was my first Erin Bowman but it won't be my last. I loved these characters and the way the world was so intricately built. The stakes are high and the entire time I was on edge as we raced to the finish line. If you love a layered story and a sci-fi backdrop, Dustborn is a book for you.

I really wanted to like this story - and it was really good in the End!
But I really needed some time to get into it. I didn't love the main Characters first and never knew who to trust. But the excitement about this Science Fiction Novel that reminded me a bit of Madmax but also various other stories - and yet was its own, really made me like it. It was dark and gripping and brutal and just what I needed lately. But honestly, I didn't fall in LOVE with it. It was a great and exciting story that gripped me in its fangs and also pace through the pages to get to know how it ends - but it also lacked the feeling of "hope" for me. It sucked me down sometimes, which made me want to end the book to get rid of this sad feeling.
The characters though were properly done and I liked most of them - even Reed in the end.
A good book with a great story and likable characters - but not a favorite of this reading year.

In Dustborn the world has been reduced to a desert wasteland. Danger lies around every corner and humans are forced to travel in packs just to up their chances of survival. Delta of Dead River has lived her whole life in this world. Delta is very special, for she is the keeper of a map that could lead to the Verdant, a Garden of Eden of sorts, and a place that many people want to find.
The tricky part is the map is tattooed on Delta's back. She's never even seen it clearly and couldn't read it anyways, as it's drawn in old hand that she is unable to decipher. When her village gets attacked by a band of raiders lead by a man known as the General, Delta believes they may be looking for her and the map.
Delta's pack is taken by the General and his people, therefore Delta must go on a quest to get them back. Along the way she runs into old friends and makes some new ones. Let's cut to the chase, this wasn't my favorite from Bowman. I can definitely admit it is a good story, it just never captured my attention like I was hoping. Not once!
The thing I appreciate the most about the story was the setting. I love a dusty, dangerous post-apocalyptic wasteland. Who doesn't? What I was never able to care about was the main character and her mission. I got to the very end and was like, what's this girl's name? Her entire story was forgettable for me.
There were aspects of the story that had some promise for me, but ultimately I just couldn't get behind it. Also, there was the unnecessary slaughter of an animal about halfway through that completely turned me off. The narrative was never able to grab me back after that.
Overall, while I completely understand why a lot of Readers love this one, the content just wasn't a fit for me. Bowman's writing is strong and I have enjoyed other novels from her; specifically, the Contagion duology.
Thank you to the publisher, Clarion Books, for providing me a copy to read and review. While this one wasn't quite to my tastes, I look forward to picking up more from Erin Bowman in the future.

DNF @ 35%
I really tried. I really did. I've read Contagion by Erin Bowman for some years ago and did really enjoy that - I found it action packed but also with the right amount of character development and more relaxed scenes with the characters. The pacing was fantastic and the ending was breathtaking - kind of got reminded that I need to read the sequel at some point.
But Dustborn, I'm really sad to say it - but this book did not work for me, and I think I gave it a chance. I just couldn't make myself believe in the story, it felt rushed to the bits that I couldn't care for the characters. It was action upon action scene and so much travelling in the beginning that it just left me exhausted. The plot was not there at all, it felt like the book dragged on for pages and pages without really getting somewhere.
A real bummer as I really did look forward to read this one. Even though I didn't like this one, I still recommend people to pick up Contagion. Maybe just sci-fi by Erin Bowman is more cup of my tea?

My favorite thing about Dustborn was the setting and world-building. The dusty, barren apocalyptic world Bowman created for this novel was described beautifully and felt so real. This book gets compared to Mad Max because of the setting and I think it's a fair comparison even though this book lacks a lot of the frantic action of Mad Max. I loved how Delta's character developed throughout the story, but I wasn't completely captivated by the plot. Delta is such a fantastic, strong heroine who is simply trying to survive in a desolate and deadly world, but the other characters were very forgettable. The plot got better as the story progressed, but I still wanted more. I would still definitely recommend this book if you love apocalyptic settings!

Great characters, amazing world and a creative story! Think MadMax but with a strong heroine.
Delta, her mother and her sister live in Dead River with the rest of their pack. As dust surrounds her village and the water starts dwindling, people start praying for the Verdant, a luscious and green land with food and water for all, and Delta has the unreadable map etched into her back. When Delta's sister goes into early labour, Delta leaves her village with her sister to find her help, but when she returns she finds that her pack has been abducted, including her mother. As Delta sets out into the wastes of the desert to save her pack she is met with dangers around every corner & people who are searching for the map & the god-touched person who could read it, and would do anything to get their hands on it.
I have so many good things to say about this book, I really liked the main character and her point of view was very captivating. She started off a very strong character in a small and sheltered world, so it was very entertaining on seeing her explore and venture out on her own for once. One of the small reasons why I couldn't give this book 5 stars was that Delta was so awesome from the start, that she didn't go through too much character development. Yes she gained more world knowledge and confidence in herself but she started off very strong and ended the same.
The supporting characters were also very well written. I won't go into details but there are a few characters that you hate when first introduced but then you end up loving in the end, and new characters who are introduced later on in the book that you're happy to meet. There is also a very cute background romance in this book, I think the author did a great job with focusing on the story but having a side romance to make the story just a touch better.
Overall, I really loved this book. It wasn't perfect, but it was pretty close. If you're a fan of Mad Max, dystopian worlds, adventure stories and strong heroines, then you need to pick this one up.

I really enjoyed this authors other works but unfortunately this one just wasn’t for me. It felt so full of tropes and I could see so many things coming before they did. It felt very YA… so I may not have been the target audience. Unfortunately I just really didn’t care what was going to happen.

Perfect for fans of Mad Max: Fury Road. I adored almost everything about this book, except for the romance which felt cliche, rushed, and unnecessary.

It's a cool story, reminiscent of good sci-fi films of the eighties and nineties. The protagonist is very interesting. A great book for teens to get into sci-fi!

The set up started great but as the story unfolded I din't get motivated by the story to finish it.
I wanted to like it. I will probably try again.

I finished this book at the beginning of the year, so this review will be very short.
I loved the world. It was so creative and very "Waterworld" which was definitely a good thing!

Thoughtful world-building and a complex protagonist drive this story — definitely one I will recommend to my teen readers.

I loved the start of this book. I even went out and grabbed me a finished copy, because I fell in love with it so much!! But sadly, around the 70% mark the story took a turn and just became stagnate. That love that I had for the story died a horrible death and the story just got so boring I ended up skipping to the end to see what happened.
This reverse Waterworld story will be loved by fans of Mad Max and the like. But fair warning the book slows way down towards the end.