Member Reviews

Awful just awful. What a sad story to tell. Very poignant. Very well written. Must be a terrible story to tell. Not one anyone should ever have to write

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Through the Fire kept my attention well. It flowed nicely and the writing was great. I would definitely recommend this one to friends and family.

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this was a really good read, this was a true crime that I had never heard of before and I really enjoyed reading this book.

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Through the Fire
About a Four Year Old Girl Maliciously Burned in a House Fire
by Theresa A. Vandermeer

I would highly recommend this book because it is based on a persons life story of pain, suffering, emotions, and strength. Depression and living a life of deformation were two of the main topics of the person who wrote this story. In my opinion, a person should not be judged nor criticized due to how they appear. This is a very moving story that makes one realize being different does not make us any different.

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Thank you to the author for sharing the most intimate feelings of her childhood and adulthood. It’s heartbreaking and one of the saddest stories I’ve read in awhile. I cannot imagine being 4 years old how scared and traumatizing it must be. Through perseverance, determination, she’s overcome so much. Thank you to the publisher, the author, and NetGalley for an ebook ARC. This is my honest review.

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Nothing short of a very inspirational story of Theresa's journey through an extraordinary life. She doesn't hold back on her trials and tribulations. What is amazing to me is that through all of this she never truly lost faith. It is a very fast read as I finished it one day because it is hard to put down. Don't be fooled - it is not a sad story - Theresa is not looking for anyone's pity. She is looking to encourage and inspire others and she achieves it.

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The beginning chapters of this book are extremely hard to read. Theresa’s story is heartbreakingly full of pain and abandonment, but those years are followed by beautiful love and care from some truly beautiful people. That part of her story was inspiring and pointed to active faith in the lives of many people. But - Once she became an adult, it is a story of sinful choices unresolved in a Biblical manner. At one point, she receives what she believes is a prophecy of a miracle about to happen in her life. Two weeks later she meets a man and a short time later they are living together and she is pregnant. Twelve years later, after much abuse, and having two children with him, she finally gets out of the relationship. She decides that the children are the prophesied miracle. Almost immediately, she begins living with another man whom she marries ten years later. Through all of this time, she claims God’s blessings on her life. She never repents and never acknowledges any Biblical teaching on the subject of sex or marriage. Instead, she claims the second relationship is orchestrated by God Himself.
I mistakenly thought I knew the author from another book. Because I that mistake, I expected a strong Gospel message. Instead, the faith recounted here is of an extremely nebulous kind. I sincerely pray that she does know Christ as her Saviour, but from this book, I can’t tell. The best understanding I can gather of her faith is that is a sort of God is always on my side and there when I need Him but has no say in my life sort of faith. Christ is mentioned many times, but never as Lord and Savior. Never is the risen Christ spoken of as working in her life to guide and shape her into His image. That is not the Biblical faith or the Biblical God. The Biblical God is a person who deeply loves us but does not condone our sin. To make our relationship with Him possible, He sent His Son to die so that we could be forgiven of our sins. It doesn’t matter the sin. He offers us forgiveness based on Jesus’ sacrifice then tells us, “to go and sin no more”. The lack of that understanding and faith in this story makes it heartbreaking and discouraging.
There is also a section where she goes into some detail about how being ashamed of her scars affected the intimate part of her relationships. That includes some descriptions of actions.
<b>Because of the unbiblical faith portrayed and the adult content, I would strongly recommend against this book.</b>
I received this as a free ARC through NetGalley and BooksGoSocial. No favorable review was required. These are my honest opinions.

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This is heartbreaking and uplifting in equal parts. I shed a tear, both at the pain and suffering of Theresa, but also because of her immense strength. Not an easy read, by any means, but a worthwhile one.

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