Member Reviews

I’m a big fan of the Specialists series, so was excited to receive an ARC for review purposes through NetGalley.
I just finished reading this book, and think this is another winner. I really enjoyed reading the book, even though it’s targeted towards readers who would consider me granny-aged. Wow, I’m that old, and still love to read Kids books.
I think so,e readers might feel like the book drags a bit at one point, but I feel like the author did that on purpose, to make the pace of the story match the plot. I actually think that’s genius, and makes the reading experience hit on two levels.
Needless to say, I loved it, and highly recommend it, like all of Shannon Greenland’s books

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Thank you Net Galley for a copy of this book. This was a fun read. Piper is too cute for words and she teams up with 2 other characters to solve a theft. Very enjoyable and cutesy read.

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