Member Reviews

I really like this book. I am still following the step by step process to leave more than a breadcrumb trail if some unfortunate event takes me from my family. I like the fact that you can compile this information any way you want. You also do not need to hand over the pin to your phone now, you just need to leave this information in a place where it can be accessed when it is needed. Knowing the password to your phone can save your loved ones days of delay and aggravation at the worst possible time. The Authors offer a free trial for their website, Everplans, a subscription service that they assure is secure. I believe them as they are silicon valley alumni.
I work in a Public Library and plan to use this book to start a program for our community. This is a great resource to get your affairs in order step by step. In this time of Covid-19, I need clear step by step instructions in order to get anything done.

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This is very informative and comprehensive to read. I loved learning all the things that have mostly been overlooked in our day-to-day lives that have a great impact someday "in case I get hit by a bus."

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A very practical title with sound advice for planning ahead. It's the subject no one wants to discuss, but there is something to be said about knowing everything has been handled so that it can be handled in your absence. An easy read of a difficult subject, but necessary.

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Good advice for how to organize your papers and other information so that your family is left floundering if something happens to you. Everyone should listen.

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I am enjoying this book and will probably reread it to garner more details. The specific examples of items you need to gather and why make it a must have for anyone organizing their life. No one wants their survivors to be in a position of not know what to do or what you want at the end of your life. I think it will provide welcome relief to survivors and peace of mind for anyone near the end of their life.

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Written by the creators of, this is a look at planning for the inevitable or unexpected. Filled with solid, concrete advice and suggestions for organizing your life so your family/friends who are left behind with have an easier way, this is a must read for anyone. Common sense advice and simple explanations about such things as Power of Attorney, life insurance, and wills. There are also many "aha!" moments, like making sure someone knows how to access your cell phone and what to do about your online presence (Facebook, Twitter, etc). I love the title! This is great advice for anyone, not just older folks.

So why not a higher rating? I read the "galley" version (pre-publication courtesy of NetGalley) and the formatting was so problematic that the text was almost unreadable in spots. The advice is great!! But if the formatting isn't fixed to account for illustrations (the captions were inserted at random within other text/paragraphs), and if the numerous spots where multiple paragraphs were inserted in unrelated text, this will be a VERY difficult book for readers who purchase the ebook. I am confident the finished product will be OK, but ???

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I didn't get very far in this prepub edition because the download was very confusing. I'm assuming that had to do with the eventual layout of the book. But in what I read, the information came too quickly without much background. This felt like it was just a series of webpages thrown together into a book. I was disappointed.

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An insightful and thorough book, there were times when I thought I wasn’t going to get through it because it covered so many aspects of life, all those details we over look but our loved ones will one day will have to uncover when we die or are incapacitated. By doing what is asked from the book, we help our loved ones one final time. Highly recommend.

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This is a very thorough book covering every kind of information you would need or want to have available for your family or close friends who would have to "take care of things" after you die. Humorous enough to not be depressing and well written, the book is still tasteful and a comfortable read (aside from the necessary boring legal bits). Covers everything from wills and trusts to making sure the appropriate people know where all your Internet passwords are to labeling photos while there's someone around who still knows the people in the pictures. Includes examples and outlines for items as wide ranging as obituaries and favorite recipes.

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Kudos to the authors for writing a book about a tough subject and making it both readable and comprehensive. This is a book many of us could use as we plan for our lives and deaths.

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It is so important to understand the ripple effects of death, be it your own death or preparing a loved one for his or her eventual passing. This book is truly THE book to address concerns, legalities and the organization needed to make this sad but certain event less difficult and less stressful. This book is comprehensive, practical, and indispensable. From estate panning to living wills to DNRs to passwords to navigating insurance and a plethora of personal affairs…it’s all in here. The checklists are handy.

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Thank you for the free e-arc of this book. It is an excellent planning guide. I will be getting this to share with family and friends. Thanks again.

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A very handy book to have to get your affairs in order. Would recommend the hard copy vs the ebook, just so you can reference parts easier.

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This is the consummate books for being prepared for your eventual death! It literally covers everything : assets, funeral plans, living will, will, healthcare decisions, planning your funeral, planning for your children, digital accounts, finances, insurance, people you owe, people who owe you, inheritance gifts, giving it away before you go, on and on, I cannot list it all here. Just trust me, they have left NO open areas.
Truly an excellent book, everyone should buy it,

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This is a very practical book on how to make sure that those you leave behind aren’t left with a mess. It clearly lays out a plan for passing on all the information we use daily but don’t really think about. The book is not a commercial for their company. They also provide information on other services similar to theirs.
The steps are in a logical order and easy to follow. It's also easy to skip sections that don't apply. The "plan of attack" checklists are simple and helpful.

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I wish this book could be released sooner than Dec (as it seems to be planned right now). My friend's mother died a few years ago and he was totally lost at what to do and ran across so many hurdles and roadblocks. I feel like everyone needs to read this book. The more information you have, the more control you have. Told in an easy to understand, almost like a good friend guiding you through. Timely. Necessary. A powerful book that will help you navigate rough seas.

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This is an excellent, very practical guide to the necessary, though often unpleasant, tasks that must be undertaken in anticipation of the end of life. The tone is as lighthearted as is possible with such a topic, and the book is easy to read and easy to navigate.

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Comprehensive, almost overwhelming book to help you organize your affairs in preparation for your eventual demise.

Two of the authors are co-founders of Everplans, a digital vault for all the information your family will need after your death, but there is little shilling for their company. Instead, this book is more of a DYI guide to what you should collect, share, clarify, reduce, and convey, and ideas for how to do so.

The book goes far beyond the usual advice on wills, trusts, living wills, and DNRs. It includes helpful information on managing and transferring your digital passwords and presence; tips for pruning your material possessions to lighten the load on your heirs; guidance for leaving effective departing words; and ways to elicit information from your loved ones about their planning.

The time estimates for each task seemed significantly underestimated, and it would have been more centering for me if the checklist at the back of the book had been at the front. But I learned a great deal from this book and think it would be helpful for people at any stage of life. Even if you're not trying to leave a good last impression, it is always calming and empowering to have your financial and personal affairs in order.


Many thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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