Member Reviews

In Stealing the Promised Princess, successful entrepreneur Violet is kidnapped to fulfill a debit by her father. The problematic setup for the unfolding plot doesn't quite make up for putting the heroine in jeopardy.

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This book was ok but it wasn't great. It was an easy read and I like the couple's chemistry.

i did get a little bored with the story though.

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There were aspects in this story that I enjoyed such as the sizzling chemistry these two had and a heroine not willing to sit back and accept her fate while waiting for Hero to rescue her as most HP heroines are written that way these days.. But there were also a lot of there things that bugged me that ruined it a bit for me but that will not stop me from reading future books from this author.

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Rating 3.25

This is a new author to me and I believe fairly new to HP.

Violet is a social media queen promoting her makeup/skin care line. She comes from a family of achievers who are all wealthy and are all well known in upper social circles. She does have some daddy issues in wanting to be recognized for her achievement of success in the business world by her father, which he hasn't given her any accolades for.

The storyline is basically about how she's kidnapped by a prince to fulfill a debit by her father (he lost money to him I believe years back). That debit is to marry a king, the princes brother. So she's taken to their country to introduce her to the king and prepare for marriage. But the prince isn't who she's drawn too.

Javier pretty much takes care of and oversees all military issues with his country. Javier has given his life to his country, he feels a strong responsibility for the people after his fathers terrible reign as king. Javier also has issues of guilt because he followed his father orders and idolized him till one day he learned the truth of who his father really was. He and his brother have sworn to each other to right their fathers wrongs together, their bond is strong. The king believes calling in this debt and marrying Violet will spotlight his country and bring much needed media attention, money and jobs to the people.

His brother the king has given him the responsibility of fetching (kidnapping) Violet and then watching over her while he unexpectedly is called away from his country. But he's not met his future bride before he's called away. So Javier, who is very attracted and drawn to Violet, is to "baby sit her" during the kings time away.

Javier fights his desire for Violet as well as the guilt he feels being attracted to his brothers future wife. Violet is very upset when she learns what her father has done and that the debt of all things is/was marriage. She has no plans to marry the king, plus there is this strong desire Javier awakens in her. She is very fascinated by him and would like to find out who he really is. During this time of "baby sitting" Violet is being trained (by Javier) for her new roll, but she is also plotting a media blitz to help the country that Javier loves so much. A plan that will bring all the media attention without the need of marriage to the king.

The two have some major chemistry and their sexual tension is high. I loved that Javier was the more silent alpha type. Violet was intrigued and drawn not only physically to Javier but also to his character. Violet at first came across as somewhat superficial and kinda vain (her makeup and Instagram and such) but as the story progressed her character grew and became much more likable. I appreciated the honesty that was communicated between the two characters .I also appreicated Javier taking a stand with his brother that Violet was his and that he couldn't marry her. And let me also say that the sex scenes between these two was..... ya, a little more than I was use to for an HP. 😬

A couple issues that I found with the writing. A little too much time and explanation was devoted to Violets media and makeup. The beginning of the story was choppy and a little confusing as well a few parts towards the end of the story.

All in all I think that this author is someone I would definitely try again and think she has good potentially.

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