Member Reviews

I am going to have to DNF this at 40%. There are a lot of characters from earlier in the series that would be helpful to understand this story, even though I saw this can be read as a standalone. Regardless of that, I am so annoyed with this virgin heroine. I understand being naiive and sheltered to a certain point, but she is in her twenties. There is no way she is this clueless. And everyone is treating her like she's clueless. The heroine keeps telling her she has no idea what it's like to be touched or to have someone inside you. He's treating her like she's glass.

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The Daniels children lost their parents in a plane crash when Rose was a small child, a crash that also took the life of Logan's mother. The effects of the aftermath of that tragedy have affected each of them in deep and not always visible ways. Now that Rose and Logan are adults, and their feelings for one another are beginning to change, each of them will have to deal with long-buried emotions in order to have the courage to reach for the love they deserve.

I can always count on Maisey Yates to deliver an emotional roller coaster and this book is no exception. She takes both Rose and Logan through a significant evolution before we reach the end. This friends-to-lovers journey isn't always easy but the end is satisfying. I enjoyed watching Rose's siblings continue to move forward with their relationships and am really looking forward to the next book in the series. Fans of the series will enjoy catching up with other characters while those new to Gold Valley should be able to enjoy this story on it's own merits.

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It was fine? This was my second book by Maisey Yates and I think she just isn't the romance author for me, there's just more angst in her books than I like. I did enjoy the setting and the over all plot though!

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THE LAST CHRISTMAS COWBOY (A Gold Valley Novel Book #11) by Maisey Yates is the latest contemporary cowboy romance in the Gold Valley series. I always enjoy going back to this series and catching up with the Daniels of Hope Springs Ranch as each deals differently with the tragedy of their pasts and finds their forever love and HEA. This book can easily be read as a standalone.

Rose Daniels is determined to find her oldest sister, Iris, someone to love this Christmas season. She feels Iris gave up a life of her own to help raise her when their parents died. As her scheme evolves, her friend and coworker, Logan warns her she does not understand what she is doing and Iris is going to get hurt. Rose is impulsive and naive and has never been in love, so when her plan takes an unexpected turn, she wants Logan to be the person to teach her what she does not know.

Logan Heath is ten years older that the youngest Daniel and his best friend’s sister. He has kept his attraction to Rose a secret, but now she wants him to teach her about chemistry and he cannot stop after one innocent kiss. Logan has always avoided anything to do with Christmas and believes he cannot love. He feels Rose can do much better even as the two become secret lovers.

Rose wants Logan forever, but can Logan get past the hurt and misunderstandings of his past and let love into his heart this Christmas?

I loved the intimate emotional changes of the hero and heroine in this story. Rose blooms as she confronts her feelings about her deceased parents, her siblings and her newly found womanhood and even as it took Logan longer, his emotional growth was just as important for the HEA. There are explicit sex scenes, but they never felt gratuitous. I enjoyed catching up with all the siblings’ lives. The subplot Christmas wedding of West and Pansy brings the Daltons into the picture and reveals a portion of Logan’s painful past to everyone. All of the secondary characters are fully fleshed, but this story is mainly focused on Logan’s and Rose’s emotional growth and coming together.

I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to returning to Hope Springs Ranch for Iris’ story.

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The series has been concentrating on the residents of Hope Spring ranch, but Hank Dalton's illegitimate offspring are still coming out of the woodwork. The last Christmas cowboy is Logan Heath, who has hated Christmas since his mother died in the plane accident with the Daniels adults seventeen years ago. Although he has been living at the ranch ever since and is considered part of the family and Ryder's best friend, he has a couple secrets that he has been keeping, secrets that have been holding him back from.

He has grown up, worked on and owns part of the ranch, but about 5 years ago, his feelings about the youngest Daniels, Rose, changed when she became eighteen. He has pushed those feelings down as well, especially because of the ten years difference in their ages. They both love the work that they do on the ranch and work together as a team. But Rose is starting to push Logan, to a point were he can not hold back much longer, which could lead to consequences that would affect them all.

In this book, Maisey Yates reveals more about the family living at the ranch. Rose is dealing with feelings that she has had when she was dependent on everyone to take care of her and wants to "give back" with a scheme that goes awry, affecting both Iris and Logan, making all three characters more solid. However, I found Rose, at 23, to be a bit too naive in this day and age for someone who works on a ranch. Nevertheless, it is a wonderful addition to the series. I look forwarding to seeing what will happen with Iris, Jake and Colt. Too bad that the author didn't provide Jane Heath's cookie recipe at the end of the book.

I read an ARC from This is my unbiased and voluntary review.

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it was amazing

Rose Daniel loves living and working on her family’s ranch. Her parents died in an accident when she was very young, so she was raised by her older siblings. She is the youngest of the family and has decided she needs to find her sister Iris a boyfriend, since Iris has spent her whole life alone while raising her siblings. When she tells Logan, her best friend her plans, he reluctantly goes along to help find a man for Iris. While Rose is on her little quest, she starts questioning her own feelings for Logan, the man she grew up with. Can she keep her feelings to herself and not ruin their friendship?

Logan grew up with the Daniels family when his own mother died in the same tragic accident as the Daniels parents. He has lived and worked on the ranch as long as he can remember. When Rose enlists his help in trying to find a man for Iris, he starts questioning his own feelings for Rose. How can he keep those feelings at bay when at every turn she is there? What would her siblings think of him if he were to make a move on Rose?

I love this series by Maisey Yates. I have read a few books in this series, and it was fun to read Rose’s story along with catching up with previous characters in the series. I loved Rose’s character as she was a little sassy but also sweet. Logans character showed us the complexity of honoring family ties while grappling with his own feelings for Rose. All in all, it was a great holiday story and I loved catching up with the Daniels family. Thank you so much to the author Maisey Yates, Harlequin Publishing and NetGalley for an advanced copy of the book to review. It was fabulous! All opinions expressed for this review are unbiased and entirely my own.

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Its Christmas time and Rose wants to help make it a less lonely one for her sister who had pretty much put her life on hold to raise her. Logan know this wont end well but both of them make a deal if it works out Rose can also be Logan's match match maker, if she looses he'll teach her what chemistry really means. Christmas season is a tough time for Logan who lost the only parent he's ever known and still dealing with the guilt and this thing with Rose is a bit of a distraction knowing dang well anything they decide together is off limits.

I really enjoyed this book. Rose clearly loved her family and was well meaning. She just wanted to see her sister happy watching as others around her are finding their other and she's still young she isnt interested settling down. Logan was around Rose thought he ups and down seeing her family as his family and knows nothing can happen between the two. I loved seeing that attraction and chemistry between the two. I loved seeing how they saw one another and thought it was pretty cute. I loved seeing how they were perfect for each other, helping out when needed and how well suited they were. It was just such a nice book I really enjoyed it.

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Great Christmas story! This book is part of a series but can be read as a standalone novel. I do really like the Gold Valley and would recommend it. It's not my favorite book of the series but it was a jolly read and still would share it!

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Title: The Last Christmas Cowboy
Author: Maisey Yates
Genre: Romance
Rating: 4 out of 5

This Christmas, cowgirl Rose Daniels is determined to play matchmaker to ensure her beloved sister will meet someone under the mistletoe. She enlists the reluctant help of family friend Logan Heath, but his insistence that she doesn’t understand chemistry is exasperating. Until they share one electrifying moment that shows her exactly what chemistry is all about, and it becomes outrageously, irresistibly intriguing…

Logan hates the holidays. They are a painful reminder of the family he lost and a time of year he always wants to spend on his own. But Rose refuses to let him. Logan’s worked for years to keep his attraction to her under wraps—she’s his best friend’s youngest sister and she couldn’t be more off-limits. He’s the last cowboy that innocent Rose should ever kiss, but this Christmas, will Logan become the only cowboy she’ll ever want?

This is the second book in the Gold Valley series I’ve read. This was much better than The Hero of Hope Springs because I found the characters much less annoying and selfish. Rose seemed a lot younger than 23—not entirely surprising, considering how she grew up—but almost too naïve to be believable. I liked Logan, too, although his perceptions of what people were going to say or do were a bit unbelievable.

What bothered me: the double standard for the men and women in the Daniels family. Rose is 23 and never even been kissed. Her sister Pansy was a virgin until her love interest swept into town, then she fell right into bed with him. Their older sister, Iris, has never been on a date. Yet, their brother, Ryder, and Logan, his best friend, have no problems with sleeping with whoever catches their eye and are definitely not okay with the sisters even thinking about sex. I am not okay with the message this sends. If it’s not okay for the women, it’s not okay for the men, either.

Maisy Yates is a bestselling author. The Last Christmas Cowboy is her newest novel.

(Galley courtesy of Harlequin in exchange for an honest review.)

(Blog link live 12/11.)

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Maisey Yates has become one of my favorite authors. I love to revisit her series and each book invariably makes me interested in reading the next in the series. The Last Christmas Cowboy was no different. I loved Rose and Logan and was eagerly anticipating their book. And Ms. Yates did not disappoint. Logan's last history with his mother and father were a surprise and his relationship developing with Rose seemed very natural. The characters and their struggles are very believable and easy to relate to. I can't recommend this book or author enough.

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I loved this book, I can't wait for Iris's book. It was funny and sad all T the same time. A heart warming story of romance. You will love this book.

I highly recommend this book.

Thank you netgalley and harlequin for allowing me to read this title for an honest review.

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Although part of a series this book can be read as a standalone story which I highly recommend.

Logan and Rose lost their parents in a plane crash when they were 16 and 6 respectively. Rose's uncle also died in the same crash so the menagerie of children left behind grew up on the family ranch. Logan's had feelings for Rose for about 5 years but never acted on them until a wager they make.

Logan blames himself for his mother's death and needs to come to the realization that fate played a hand. They both need to learn to find themselves in this journey of life. It's a wonderful story of family, forgiveness , second chances, and soul mates.

I received a free ARC eBook from Net Galley and the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Who is Rose Daniels? Where does she work? I love how much Rose loves and appreciates iris! For a while, I thought this book would be focused in one direction, but it truly went in another direction. Who is Elliott? What do we learn about Iris, Rose, Elliott, and Logan in this story? Man alive, this story ended up with me in tears several times as characters dealt with death and their pasts and feelings. Watching Logan play the 'what if' and blame game with himself almost killed me. Watching the hard truths he needed to fae come at him from multiple directions made it hard. I shed tears because I know how he felt about the loss of his mother, through the loss of my own father.

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I do enjoy Maisey Yates books but unfortunately, I think this was is my least favorite. I did enjoy the story but I just couldn't connect with Rose.

I do recommend but I only give it 3 out of 5.

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Loved this age gap romance! Rose is strong, and can go toe to toe with the older, loveable Logan. He wants to do right by the people he works for, but he and rose are like magnets. This story is wrapped up in a beautiful Christmas package, and it made my heart swoon! Definitely pick this one up!

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An unlikely match! With book eleven in her much-loved Gold Valley series Maisey Yates brings us baby sister Rose’s story and it’s a sweet love connection. It lagged a bit in the beginning when Rose was showing a bit of her childish ways, but it picked up throughout and became quite enjoyable.

Rose Daniels grew up a lot in this book and it was for the better. She started out being a bit childish, but as her relationship with Logan progressed, she started to see the things she has buried her head in the sand about over the years.

Logan Heath has been a sweetheart for as long as he’s been popping up in the Daniel’s family books and this was no exception. I enjoyed watching him get the love he’s been missing and the watching the connection he’s been feeling for years come to life.

I recommend this book and the entire series to anyone who enjoys a small town romance centering around a close-knit family who suffered heartache and trauma at a young age. Watching them heal and find love and happiness is heartwarming.

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"Badly done, Rose."

AH, 'tis the season for holiday romance, and I am a sucker for those. And for cowboys. And for modern day retellings of Jane Austen's Emma. Which means that The Last Christmas Cowboy was a good pick for me. Actually, I think it would be a good pick for just about anyone—it's a sweet romance with a decent amount of heat to counteract the long winter days that are a-coming, and Logan is just about as swoony as you might expect a protective, gruff, broody cowboy to be.

There were only one or two things that caught me on this read. Mostly, it was the lengthy inner monologues, which I've come to think of as something of a staple for Maisey Yates (and should therefore have been prepared for) that did me in—I think I would've finished this book a lot quicker without them. Having said that, I still really enjoyed Rose and Logan's story. Rose is feisty and impulsive and naive, an interesting combo, no doubt. She paired well with the older, wiser, more world-weary Logan, and their matching-but-different tales of grief added an extra layer to that connection.

And it was a very well-written connection. The interaction between these two, when it was center stage, was enticing and made me want to keep reading and reading and reading. Alas, that's where those monologues got me, I'm afraid. All in all though, the good in this book far, far outweighed the bad, and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by the excellent ending. It wrapped up The Last Christmas Cowboy perfectly (with a neat little Christmas bow to boot!), and definitely left me wanting to revisit the Hope Springs Ranch again in future.

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The Last Christmas Cowboy by Maisy Yates is a holiday romance with an age gape and the best friends little sister/ friends to lovers trope.

I don't know if it's because this is the third Christmas romance I have read this week and I subconsciously compared it to the others but I struggled to finish this book. Our two main characters do so much internal dialogue that it was exhausting. I got to the point I started to skim and didn't miss out on anything. The storyline wasn't bad but as a whole it dragged. The highlight for me were the one on one times between the couple. When they were actually communicating with words and not in their head. Also, the intimacy scenes were on fire, detailed and steamy.

Overall The Last Christmas Cowboy was a decent story but I don't think I was in the mood for it. I do want to read more in this series though/ There's one sister left who very much deserves her happily ever after.

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Not entirely my type of story, but still enjoyable. A nice book to cozy up with on a wintry afternoon!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Overall, this book was a good read, but I had trouble connecting with Rose. She’s very naive and innocent, and she waffles better thinking she’s not ready for a relationship at 23, but also thinking she’s worldly because she works the ranch and has suffered tragedy.
I very much liked Logan, because he’s both protective of Rose but also tells her the truth, especially about her plot to find a guy for her older sister Iris. And frankly, the taciturn, wounded hero is a favorite of mine.
There’s a lot of inner monologues, especially from Rose, that I had to flip through after a while. She’s not very deep, so to me her musings brought nothing to the storyline. I didn’t need to know more than once that she feels guilty that her family has had to care for her for all these years. Logan’s anti-Christmas revelation, on the other hand, was quick and to the point.
Not my favorite of the series, but still a good holiday read.

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