Member Reviews

A fun and magical read, awesome characters and I enjoyed reading it ❤️
Thank you for the arc
100 characters to say I liked the book 😅🤦🏼♀️ Well I did 🤗📖

Love the book, although at the beginning when I discovered that Cara has a sort of touch magic I felt like I will be disappointed because Jennifer Estep has a book in which the main character has Also touch magic, and it also involves the gods. However I was pleasantly surprise to see that this book was totally different and I love it. Very original!

This is a very unique book. It bounces back and forth between the past and the present seamlessly. This book definitely drags you into it and leaves you wanting more. The strong female leads in this book truly make this story in my opinion. JP Roth writes scenes so creepy that it reminds you of Stephen King if he were to write YA novels,
Cara Wynte can feel other peoples emotions with just a touch. This magical ability runs in her family and has for generations. When she starts to get dark visions, she starts looking for answers and is thrust into a contest between love and ancient gods.

I’m not really sure why I didn’t love this book. All the elements are there and the writing itself is actually great. There is just something that doesn’t mesh well for me and I didn’t WANT to keep reading. There were a lot of things that needed to be explained or have some kind of background and it just wasn’t there. This might be because it is the first in a series, but it felt like so much was missing and it’s hard to want to push forward when you just feel confused.
I understand wanting to leave things out so the reader can discover them later, but in this case I just felt like I didn’t really know why it was okay for nobody to know anything. Why was the female MC okay with just flat out not knowing SO MUCH?!?!?!
When book two comes out, I will check it out to see if some of my confusion is resolved, but I would have to wait until then before I would consider recommending it to anyone.

this was a lot of fun to read, I like Cara and enjoyed going on this journey with her. The other characters were great and I enjoyed learning about the world.

Thank you to the publishers, author and NetGalley for the free copy of this book!
The title of this book is pretty accurate as I felt I was reading a dream through most of it. I can't say I loved it but I also didn't hate it? It worked, in a weird way. I loved the mythology aspect, my favorite parts were the ones set in ancient times. I would continue to read any following books just to see what happens!

I enjoyed reading this book because I enjoyed the well thought out storyline and the good descriptions of the surroundings and characters. I also liked the cover that looked good and the writing style that was very pleasant and fluently to read.

Cara Wynte Battling a a curse facing against gods and witches . A great book that with a lot of magic.

I agree some of the other reviewers. While the summary really drew me in, I felt like that was the most exciting part of the book. I couldn’t relate and couldn’t get into the storyline, and it felt really disconnected.

This book has a lot of potential. I love the summary, but the characters and the world building unfortunately fell a bit flat. I wish there had been more world building and that the characters had more growth. This reads a bit like a draft, I wish you'd go back and beef it up a bit, I think it could still make for a fantastic story.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review. This was not the book for me. I felt zero connection to any of the characters. I usually love mythology but it didn’t work for me in this sense. I did enjoy the sisters and their witch heritage but the time travel and zombie thing really fell apart for me. I felt this had a lot of potential but didn’t live up to the hype I was hoping for.

This book felt very disjointed and way too wordy for me. I thought the plot was very interesting, but I found myself distracted by a lot of extra words and also confused at some points in the plot. I think this was just me and I'm sure some people would love this book, but for me I'm going to move on to something else.