Member Reviews

Lisa Scottoline is known for her legal thrillers. Eternal is her first venture into the historical fiction genre and in my opinion, it is a winner! I could not put it down.

Eternal takes the reader to pre-World War II Italy with the story of three teenage best friends: Marco, Sandro, and Elisabetta. Childhood friends, the three come from different backgrounds. Marco, the son of a bar owner, has a learning disability and drops out of school to work for the Fascist government. Sandro, who comes from a prominent Jewish family, is gifted in mathematics and dreams of becoming a renowned mathematician. Elisabetta is the daughter of an alcoholic father and she must work as a waitress to take care of him. The novel starts out innocently as Elisabetta dreams of Marco and Sandro and tries to figure out which one she loves the most. She doesn’t realize that both boys are also in love with her. As the novel progresses, their world does not stay innocent. World War II begins and eventually the Nazis invade Rome. This is an emotional and heartbreaking story of war and loss and how these events affect each of these young people and their families.

Scottoline thoroughly researched this period of Italian history. As someone who has read many historical fiction novels set in World War II Europe, this is the first one that I’ve read that took place in Italy. I appreciate the details she provided about the political climate and the historical events that took place in Italy during that time.

This novel thoroughly engaged me. I highly recommend it. I love Lisa Scottoline’s legal thrillers and look forward to reading more of them in the future, however, I also hope that she writes more historical fiction novels as well.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced review copy of this novel.

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Eternal captures the very essence of the culture and politics of pre World War II Italy beginning in 1936 and following it for decades of heartbreak and tears. Elisabetta, Marco and Sandro are best friends with both Marco and Sandro vying for the love of the beautiful, dynamic Elisabetta in 1937. It is through these three points of view that this epic story unfolds over time and events that forever change them.

Scottoline steps out of her norm to write this powerful, beautiful historical story and does a magnificent job doing so. The setting, atmosphere, characters and events play out over decades. It's heartbreaking to watch the destruction of lives, homes and families as war invades these people's lives with the rise of Mussolini and Fascism in Italy and the invasion later by the Nazis. Finding themselves on different sides of the political divide, these characters lives and friendships are torn apart. I love that the author weaves so much of Italy's history, culture, customs, food, etc., into this work of art. While Eternal is an emotional, heartbreaking story of love and loss, it's a stunning tribute to history and the art of survival in diverse conditions. I highly recommend this book to fans of historical fiction and romance.

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Thank you PRH Audio for the complimentary audiobook!

"War welcomed and concealed the most heinous of crimes."

An epic love triangle that spans years, this book is for lovers of a slower paced, more literary, historical fiction. Encapsulating Rome during the ramp up to WWII, this book transports you to a place where pasta and the past loom large. During Mussolini's rule these characters are constantly having to evaluate where they stand in their beliefs in their identities as Italians, friends, family, and humans. Elisabetta is dealing with her family disintegrating around her while both Marco, a bold confident Facist, and his best friend Sandro, a bookish Jew, court her. They all have to decide where their loyalties lie.

I have read many WWII fiction titles, but never one set in Italy before. This one made me feel like I was strolling on the cobblestones searching for gelato. I normally don't love slower paced books, but this one was so transportive that I knew it would pay off. And by the end I was so emotionally invested in the characters.

Content Warning: This is a WWII novel, so horrors associated with that time can be found within, as well as alcoholism

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Known for her work as a thriller author, Lisa Scottoline knocks it out of the park with her first jump into historical fiction. A sweeping saga that takes characters in a love triangle through Italy. Compelling and enchanting. Hard to put down. Great book for book clubs. A must read for historical fiction, and romance readers!

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This books was amazing. I hadn’t read anything by this author previously and enjoyed this look at Italy in World War II. The characters, especially the comparison and diversity when the war started and sides were taken made this a compelling and thrilling read. Loved this and I’ll be looking for more from Ms Scottoline.

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This is a big departure from Lisa Scottoline’s typical genre. I’ve read quite a few of them and breezed through them, mostly thrillers and set in modern day. This was set in WWII Italy and told the story of two best friends and their families, one Fascist and one Jewish and how their ideologies shaped who they are and ultimately nearly destroyed them. Even though this was slow in parts and I wish the story had been propelled forward a little faster, I found myself fascinated with this place in history, which I’ve read little about. WWII, yes. But not in Italy. This was a really solid read and one I enjoyed. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This was an amazing book. I’ve read a lot of WWII historical fiction, mostly about France and England. The Italian stories are just beginning to be written. The plot and the characters were so well done, I had trouble putting the book down to sleep! 5 enthusiastic stars.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I’ve enjoyed Lisa Scottoline’s books in the past and I love reading historical fiction so I was really looking forward to this one. Honestly it fell kind of flat. The premise of three young friends living in Italy during WW2 was intriguing but ultimately it didn’t go anywhere. I never felt an emotional connection to any of the characters and no one was particularly likable. I did enjoy the description of life in Italy and the author does a good job with character development, especially with Marco. But the story never really grabbed me in a way that made me want to keep reading. I’ve read a lot of books that take place during WW2 so this could be more me than the book. For now I will stick to the authors thrillers.

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Eternal is famed author, Lisa Scottoline's first foray in to historical fiction. Many fans have been excitedly waiting and Scottoline did not disappoint

Just a warning to readers, I did find this was a slow start for me. It took me a bit to become invested and interested in the story. Don't give up, stick with it.

This is a story of three childhood friends who are growing up in Facist Rome before hell breaks loose and WW2 breaks out. Marco and Sandro are both trying to win Elisabetta's heart. Their worlds are turned upside down and their friendships are tested.

It was obvious that Scottoline did her research before writing this story. It is a story full of emotion, tenderness, heartbreak and strength.

I received an ARC of this book. All thoughts & opinions are my own.

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This work of historical fiction centers on the lives of Italians during the rise of Mussolini’s fascism and Italy’s involvement in WWII. Scottoline has written a gorgeous story full of tragedy, heartbreak, love, and resilience. Italy herself is one of the main characters in this beautiful book. Don’t let Eternal pass you by. This one deserves a place on your bookshelf so it can be read again and again.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher for the opportunity to read this book. The opinions in this review are entirely my own.


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Thank you NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for the opportunity to read and give an honest review of this book.

I have recently had the opportunity to read several books about World War2 and the Holocaust. However, none of them were stories about the citizens of Italy. That is what initially appealed to me about this book. It begins with three youthful friends: Elisabetta, Sandro, and Marco. It follows them through the years when fascism grows in Italy, until the war influences them, and finally when the German occupation begins.

As life moves forward for these youths, they lose people they love.
They finish with school and move into jobs and adult roles. Their friendship continues, as does the friendship between their families.

Both Sandro and Marco express their love for Elisabetta and she must choose one of them to marry. The lives of the three friends are greatly influenced by what is happening around them in their world. The fact that two of the friends are Catholic and one is Jewish, ends up making an important difference during the war years.

This is a satisfactory read from a well-loved author. I highly recommend it.

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While Scottoline is best known for her outstanding mysteries, she took a huge left turn into the genre of Historical Fiction with this latest work of hers, and I have to say I am quite impressed. The plot flowed smoothly with these well developed young characters, I certainly didn't want my journey in Eternal's world to end. 5 bright golden stars, all the way!!

Thanks netgalley for giving me the pdf so that I can share my thoughts and opinions with y'all 🧡

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A Captivating Story about Family, love, and loss


ETERNAL is set in Rome in 1937 with Mussolini’s assertion of power. Before long Mussolini aligns Italy’s Fascists with Hitler’s Nazi party and anti-Semitism takes root.

Three high school teenagers, Elisabetta, Marco, and Sandro are best friends and serve as our witnesses to the events that transpired next. Elisabetta is beautiful, loves cats, and wants to be a journalist. Marco struggles with school, loves bicycling, and works for a high-ranking member of the Fascist party. Sandro comes from a prominent Jewish family, is a brilliant student, and is in love with Elisabetta. But so is Marco. As both vie for Elisabetta’s affection.

The three teenager’s lives are intertwined as they witness horrible atrocities and undying loyalty during Rome’s darkest hour.

“So every day, before every meal, my question is the same. What can I make with what I have?”

ETERNAL is an epic, memorable, and emotionally intense historical fiction novel. The story about family, love, and loss is immediately captivating and compelling; and should be savored like a fine wine.

Author Lisa Scottoline, who is best known for her female-centric legal thrillers, proves her versatility as an author, with this poignant historical story. She magnificently captures the culture, the politics, and the drama of the time. Her research for this book was evident in her writing.

The characters, which include the families of the three teenagers are delightfully well developed. In particular, Elisabetta’s strong character shines with perseverance and authenticity.

Thanks to Netgalley for an advance reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I also listened to the audiobook which was excellently narrated by Cassandra Campbell and Edoardo Ballerini.

“War was eternal, but so was peace. Death was eternal, but so was life. Darkness was eternal, but so was light. Hate was eternal, but above all, so was love.”

Publisher G. P. Putnam’s Sons
Published March 23, 2021

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I have read all of Scottoline's other books however this one is a different genre but just as good. There aren't many books about the Italian Jews in WWII and Scottoline has researched this extensively. The story line is easy to read as it follows 3 Italian teens through the war and into adulthood. The characters come alive on each page! This is such an incredible book; a story that needs to be told even though it is very emotional and upsetting at times. One must never forget what occurred during WWII. A book that everyone should read.

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The Italian Jews lost property, jobs, and a future in the stroke of a pen when the Race Laws were enacted in Facist Italy. This WWII novel follows the lives of three childhood friends--Marco, Sardo, and Elizabetta--who are each impacted by those laws. The book features engaging writing on an aspect of the war that is less known (to me) than the battles, the concentration camps, and atrocities that are associated with Germany. If you are a reader of historical fiction, you should add this title to your list of books to be read.

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This is an emotional story about three families and their fierce sense of survival and loyalty. It is narrated from multiple POV.

In 1937, Elizabetta, Sandro and Marco were the best of friends in Italy during the political discord prior to WWII. The families endure the struggles leading up to the war and their loyalty to Italy which was under fascist leadership of Mussolini. The three childhood friends find themselves on different sides of the war based on the ever changing political atmosphere. Based on true events this story will tug on your heart strings.

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Thanks to NetGalley and G.P. Putnan’s Sons for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

3.8 stars

Lisa Scottoline takes a major detour from her usual type of novels to this historical fiction set in Rome in the 1930 &. 1940s. Elisabetta, Marco, and Sandro are best friends. Both boys fall in love with Elisabetta. Marco drops out of school to start working for the Fascist party while Sandro is Jewish and his life starts down a very different path. Mussolini is in power and the Fascists start implementing Race Laws against the Jews. Soon after the Fascists join the Nazis in the war and Jews are even worse off.

Can’t put my finger on it exactly but I didn’t love the book.

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Every once in awhile I pick up a book and know from the very first page I’ve picked a winner! Eternal by, Lisa Scottoline was such a book. Set in the late 30s -the early 40s we get to experience love, loss and the most valuable friendships in a turbulent era. There is such great character development, I felt all the emotional pulls from each and every one of the tragedies that befell our beloved friends and their families. The wrap up of the story was satisfying albeit devastating....would highly recommend for all historical fiction fans!!!! #

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You can guarantee anything by Lisa Scottoline will pull you in and transport you directly into the story. As usual, fantastic story and great writing. Loved it all and it was a very quick read. 5 stars!

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