Member Reviews

This is a Amish romance. I have to say the twin characters made me so mad because they where selfless. I also could not make myself care about the characters. The last part of the book was better then the beginning. Overall I just found this book OK. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Zebra) or author (Sarah Price) via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review about how I feel about this book, and I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.

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I loved the characters and the storyline development of this book. It was absolutely one of my favorites so far and I can't wait to delve in to the next one that this author writes. The storyline was simple, enjoyable, and entertaining.

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An Amish Cookie Club Courtship by Sarah Price is the third in the series but can be read as a stand-alone. This is a cute book about twin girls and their journey of growth along with a mother who is trying very hard to play matchmaker.

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An Amish Cookie Club Courtship is a good Amish romance. I recommend it for readers who enjoy this genre. I give this one three and a half stars.

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This is the third book in the Cookie Club series but all of them are standalone reads. If you enjoy reading a little bit of romance mixed with some comedy, then this book is for you. I found the book hard to put down and it was a pretty quick read.

Edna, who hosts meals for out of town visitors, realizes that she is going to need help during the busy season while her usual help, her daughter-in-law, is pregnant. Edna's friend, Wilma, enlists the help of her twins, Rachel and Ella Mae, who can't seem to hold down a job because they are always bickering when they work together. Edna isn't sure this is a good idea but suddenly realizes that maybe she can play matchmaker for her sons, Jeremiah and Jonas. Will the girls end up working for Edna long enough for her to play matchmaker?

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I really loved this book in a new to my series. Tha characters and location really and to the story. I can't wait to read the next one. This book keeps you guessing until the end

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An Amish Cookie Club Courtship by Sarah Price is the 3rd installment in The Amish Cookie Club series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but they are entertaining to read as a whole. I was drawn right away into this humorous Amish tale. Edna Esh is a busy woman with her family and home to take care of plus fixing the noon meal for Englischers three days a week during the tourist season as well as baking cookies to sell at Yoder’s and MayFest fast approaching (which means more cookies). I felt bad for Edna when her friend, Wilma Schwartz pressures her into hiring her twin daughters to assist her with the meals. Edna can use the help, but she cannot stand the twins constant sniping at each other. The Amish Cookie Club as the four ladies are called who bake the cookies have done a little matchmaking in the past with the latest success story being Edna’s son, John and Mary’s daughter, Bethany who are expecting their first child. Wilma is hoping her twin daughters will take a liking to Edna’s two sons, Jonas and Jeremiah. I laughed often while reading this story. I felt bad for Edna having to endure the bickering going on between Rachel and Ella Mae. I thought it was funny that the twins are not even aware that they do it. These ladies have spent too much time at home with each other for company. Jonas was a lively character. He likes to tease, goad, and play pranks. It would take the right woman to deal with Jonas. I liked how we got to see different sides of Jonas, Jeremiah, Rachel, and Ella Mae. That what you see in the beginning is not all there is to a person. People have hidden depths. An Amish Cookie Club Courtship is a wonderful escapist novel. It was just what I needed this week. I hope there will be another story in The Amish Cookie Club series. An Amish Cookie Club Courtship is a diverting Amish tale with a colossal number of cookies, Mayfest madness, squabbling siblings, a bonus building, and mother’s playing matchmaker.

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An Amish Cookie Club Courtship by Sarah Price is a fun read about young love and old matchmakers. In the story, Edna and her Cookie Club friends are playing matchmaker with Edna's two sons and her friend's twin daughters. However, they seem to be getting things mixed up. Rachel likes Jeremiah, while Ella Mae doesn't prefer either brother. Edna tries to set up Rachel with Jonas instead though, and continues to push Ella Mae towards the brother Rachel likes. What results is a fun mix up that will keep you guessing and wondering if anyone will actually find true love by the end! Lots of fun to read. I have enjoyed all the cookie club books and this one was especially sweet. In the end, the theme that God has a plan and knows what He is doing, even when we try to interfere, holds true. Highly recommend you check out Sarah Price and her Cookie Club books!
Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book. All opinions are my own.

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What a fun story! I loved all the characters in this book. It made me smile to read this story about the ladies of the Cookie Club who were determined to play matchmaker for twin sisters, Rachel and Ella Mae. Their targets for matrimony were the Esh brothers, Jeremiah and Jonas. But due to some misunderstandings, the matchmakers were divided in their efforts and caused much confusion with promoting the courtships. This story has some cute twists and turns that kept me guessing before everyone’s happily-ever-afters were found. This book is part of a series, but it’s easy to read it as a standalone. However, once you read this one, you’ll want to read the others.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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An Unexpected Twist

How do I explain "an unexpected twist" without including spoilers? Easy. I will only share what you need to know, and all you need to know is this. Sarah Price has again written an entertaining story of romance and faith. You'll find yourself smiling and laughing but also reflecting on faith and God's will. It's a story you will truly enjoy!

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"Amish Cookie Club Courtship" brings readers of this series back to their friends in the Amish Cookie Club. Verna, Mary, Edna, and Wilma are busier than ever with the upcoming Mayfest, for which they will provide cookies to be sold at the Amish Aid stand. Their baking is also in great demand at Yoder's store, where they cookies sell out instantly. Edna also provides income for her family through her partnership with Destination Amish, as she cooks and serves meals for tourists.

In this installment of the series, Edna hires twin sisters Rachel and Ella Mae to help with preparing and serving the meals. However, her matchmaking skills are evident as she and Wilma conspire to match the sassy twins with Edna's boisterous sons Jeremiah and Jonas. Things do not always go as planned, and while intentions may be good, mix-ups occur to create humorous situations for all involved.

This is a light, predictable, and enjoyable read, and also allows readers a glimpse into the lifestyles of Amish people. Although this book is part of a series, the story can be read as a stand-alone, once readers get the characters straight at the beginning of the book. It is a clean romantic novel, with no strong language, graphic violence of intimacy.

I received this book from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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I have thoroughly enjoyed this series. My favorite was book two but all are good reads. All can be read as standalone. All are good clean reads for teenagers on up.

The twins, Rachel and Ella Mae have been my least favorite characters as they are so immature but so are the boys Jonas and Jeremiah. It was nice to see the four of them grow up.

I love the idea of a cookie club with close friendships, a weekly day to gather and connect all the while fulfilling a need in the community. It would be something I would love to do with some friends when it is safe to gather again.

I alternated between reading and listening to the audiobook and suggest either one for readers. The narrator is engaged with the characters in the audiobook.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher, Kensington Books, through NetGalley. All opinions expressed in the above review are entirely my own.

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It was the twist and turns of the story that kept me captivated! Beautiful story filled with humor and so much love.
I loved how the characters complimented each other always having each other's back with love and so much patience.

The author did an amazing job and I am glad I read this book.

I received a copy of this book from Netgally and this is my honest opinion.

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An Amish Cookie Club Courtship by Sarah Price is a quick, easy to read Amish romance. This is the third in the series but can be read alone.
This installment involves the twin daughters of one of the members of the Cookie Club. starting employment with another member's home business. They start out as being on the bratty side but keep reading as they will grow on you.
Their employer, Edna, gets in her head they would be perfect matches for her sons and sets out trying to match make. After all mother always knows best or does she.
I was given an ARC by Kensington and NetGalley for an honest review. .

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3 stars = Good/fine/solid

This is a fun addition to the series. I don't know if this felt different because the author was trying to tell two stories in one book, but for me this seemed like more telling than showing, which was disappointing. I loved the idea that the twins needed separation to truly discern their own identity, but there wasn't enough of that shown in the scenes of the book. Jeremiah was described early on as a follower who just went along with Jonas' pranks and such, but that never really materialized either in the action of the story. I was excited early on that some pieces were going to thwart Edna's manipulations and matchmaking, which could have been a great way to reinforce the message that she needed to leave these young people alone and let God work, but that didn't materialize either in the end.

This was an enjoyable read, but I felt like there were several brilliant beginnings that didn't develop like I had hoped they would. I think series fans will ultimately enjoy spending more time with these characters, as I did, though.

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Round and round the merry-go-round of love goes, in the circle of the Amish Cookie Club!! Sarah Price has once again brought the ladies together for baking....or matchmaking.....they like to dabble (or interfere), as the case may be!!
We start with the sisters, Ella Mae and her twin, Rachel. These sisters are tied a little to close and are having a hard time finding themselves, seperate from one another. It's a journey that brings both laughter and tears. Edna is determined to find wives, for her sons and has her eye set on the twins. But as we all know, the best laid plans have a way of going wayward!! Follow these characters and enjoy the trip. A light and fun filled novel that will not disappoint.

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Seems we often look at things from our own perspective and not at how things link together. Life is like a chain of events. If one link is removed, the chain loses its strength. God's plan is often mysterious to us until we look at the past and how it impacts the future. Without the past, we wouldn't be where we are today.

Rachel and Ella Mae twin sisters are more linked together than anyone could imagine. They do everything together that they are not thought of as individuals but as a duo. They have a reputation of being arguementive with each other and misunderstood. Their mother knows that they have much to offer to the community and to future husbands. When an opportunity arrives from her good cookie club friend Edna to help cook and prepare meals for English families visiting the Amish, she thinks of Edna's two sons that might make a good match for her daughters.

Edna is apprehensive to the ideal but she finds out that Rachel and Edna Mae are hard workers and have a side that many people do not know. She begins to devise her own match making plans. Edna owns sons are misunderstood which makes for an endearing romance.

I loved this romance and getting to know the sisters. They are spunky, faithful and loyal. The brothers are good natured and have a deep sense of faith that comes thru. You don't know who will end up with who and if any heart break will occur. It speaks well of a pure love and getting to know one as a friend instead of an means to an end. Highly recommend.

A special thank you to Kensington Books and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

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This book is not my typical read but I wanted to give it a try anyway. I was pleasantly surprised and actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I liked Sarah Price's writing style a lot and would be willing to give more of her work a chance.

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The match makers/ Cookie makers are back and still up to no good!!! If you have been following this series or not the friends are back and some are set in there ways and others are ready to make some matches among there children. I love amish books and how simple of a life the authors portray and in this book it was very much the same it was a breath of fresh air with all the craziness going on in our world. I really enjoyed the sisters and how even though they are separate people how it was easy to lump them together into one for so many. I liked how the heart of the story was never judge a book by its cover because you will never get to know there person if you do. I also liked how the author kept this story a good clean read and making it suitable for all readers. Overall this is a fun read and well worth it. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for kindly providing me with a digital copy of this book for review.
I am quite familiar with this author’s work and have enjoyed quite a few of her books before, although this is the first in this series that I have read. As with many romance series though, I feel that these can easily be read as stand alone stories.
In a nutshell this is the story of a set of twins being set up with a pair of brothers by their mothers. The twins start out very immature and self- cantered and we watch them fall in love and grow more into separate identities, rather than just the twin unit they had previously been. We also see the brother’s mature and learn to express their feelings.
This was an enjoyable read, and I read it through quickly in one sitting. However, it did not quite have the full emotional impact for me that some of the other books I’ve read by this author. I will still carry on with the series though as like I say, I did enjoy visiting the Amish community again and just wishing I was in that kitchen smelling all the fabulous cooking. 3.5 stars

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