Member Reviews

Thanks go to the publisher and Net-Galley for the complimentary copy of An Amish Cookie Club Courtship by Sarah Price for the purpose of reading and reviewing prior to publication. My opinions are my own, and no one has influenced them.

An Amish Cookie Club Courtship is a lovely Amish romance with engaging characters and an enjoyable plot. A pair of twins and two Amish brothers who start out at odds with each other, but love finds its way into their hearts in a most unexpected way.

There are two heroines in this tale. Rachel and Ella Mae, although twin sisters, their personalities are vastly different. Where one is quiet, the other is outspoken. Edna, the brothers’ maam, is determined to match her sons to the twins. Lots of twists and turns going on in this book.

The Brothers also have different personalities. Jonas is a jokester and irritates Rachel in the beginning, but that changes as Edna devises ways for them to spend time with each other. Ella Mae spends time with Jeremiah and discovers he’s much more to her tastes than Jonas.

The mother added a delightful twist to this tale, and I enjoyed the banter between her and the other ladies in their cookie club. There are several humorous moments that had me chuckling. In the end, Edna’s instincts proved right!

If you enjoy Amish romance with a great cast of characters, and a plot that will have you chuckling, then you will find An Amish Cookie Club Courtship a delightful reading experience. Sarah Price has a masterful ability to give her novels an authentic view of Amish life and community. Happy reading!

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I have loved reading the Amish Cookie Club books. Books with the theme of matching making are some of my favorite. I love all of the women involved in the club. With tourist season approaching, Edna is busier than ever. Not only does she bake once a week, her business providing meals for the English are starting to pick up. While she is happy her daughter in law is expecting, good help will be hard to find. When her friend suggests her twin daughters, Edna hesitates. They are constantly bickering which would not be good for business. Desperate, Edna decides to give it a try. As time goes on, Edna realizes that when her two bachelor sons are around, the twins stop bickering. Could more be going on here?
I really do love this series. I look forward to more if available. I received a copy through Netgalley. A review was not required.

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This book is a book about coming of.age and falling in love. When i read amish books i want calmness from it and a look into their daily litfe. This book was"thin" just scratching the surface. Thank you to netgalley for letting me read this e arc in exchange for an honest review

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We are back with the life long friends in this Amish Community, they continue to back their cookies for the Amish Aid, and Edna is needing help with her dinners she serves to tourists.
Against her better judgement she decides to give her friends Wilma's twin daughters , Ella Mae and Rachel, know as the bickering twins, a chance to help her.
Surprise, there is also a chance the twins might end up with at least one of Edna's sons. Is there romance in the air? You will wonder which twin is interested in which brother? Will the mother's influence their children, tongue in cheek, no, will maybe push them in the right direction.
There are some really cute moments in this story, and some shake your head times, and it did take a while to know whom was interested in whom.
A sweet page-turner!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Knnsington, and was not required to give a positive review.

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This is a delightful mixture of personalities and twists and turns to the plot. Will this matchmaking lead to the end result the mothers are hoping will happen, or will there be surprising results from these interactions?
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it. This is one of those books which leaves one in two minds : wanting to rush on & finish it, whilst at the same time wanting it to last & never come to an end. I didn’t expect to like these sister. But....the more I got to know them, the more I did find I liked them after all. I guess the lesson from this book is not to judge people without first-hand experience with them, otherwise we are just borrowing others’ opinions : & we wouldn’t like that being done toward us, would we? Oh! & also not to second-guess other’s thoughts (& feelings) – even people we think we know really well...
This is the first book in this series that I have read. I will definitely be reading the rest of the series.

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This is the sort of sweet, clean romance that lifts the heart and reminds you that things can be nice. Ella Mae and Rachel bicker all the time. All the time. It's how they communicate with each other and they don't even think about it. Edna, who has hired them to help out in her business thinks about it, thinks about it a lot. See, she's got two boys- Jonas and Jeremiah- who she would like to find matches for. The young people pair off but then realize that they've picked the wrong sibling- that there's more to each one of them than it appears. These are nice characters and, as fans of the genre know, Price does a nice job of giving insight into the Plain lifestyle. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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Edna runs a business where she serves Amish cooked meals to Englishers. She has in the past had her daughter-in-law, Bethany, help her with some aspects of it but now Bethany is pregnant and is having morning sickness so her husband, who is very overprotective, doesn't want her working right now. Edna decides to let two sisters, Rachel and Ella Mae, help her. They are the daughters of one of her cookie club member friends. They are not known to be very helpful and have a bickering attitude toward each other but Edna doesn't know who else to have help her & she is somewhat desperate for help since she can't run the business herself. What Edna doesn't realize is that the two girls during the course of running the business & helping Edna are becoming somewhat smitten with Edna's two sons. At first, she doesn't want this to happen but after talking with the other members of the cookie club, she decides it might not be a bad things start to change between everyone!

Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher, Zebra Books, for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book. This is my honest and unbiased opinion of the book. It is a somewhat light-hearted easy read!

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This book is another winner from author Sarah Price. I love her Amish books and I hope to read more of them in the future.

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I was approved of this book through netgalley. I alway's love Sarah price book's. She is A excellent story teller. I met her in person to. I really love each and one of her book's.. I still favor her plain fame, it's my favorite series of her's of all times..I can't wait to read more of Sarah's book's. you will not be disappointed for sure and certain.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this delightful Amish tale. The characters were unique and believable. They were well rounded and sounded realistic. I loved revisiting the characters from earlier books, too.

This story was filled with twists and turns, sweet romance, life lessons, inspiration, and faith. The turn of events keep readers guessing about what the outcome will be. The author mixes in a touch of humor, too.

The Cookie Club Series is one of my favorites. I love reading about the Amish way of life and cooking. I highly recommend this to everyone. It was easy to read and I was invested in the story immediately. It gets a 5 star rating from me!

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I loved this book! It was wonderful to see twins, Rachel and Ella Mae grow up and mature before our very eyes. A story that kept the reader guessing which young men would be the love interests for both young women. All this time, they were just misunderstood, and finally each finds her own way without the other. A story of opposite attracts, but at the same time have interests that they shared. I will be reading this book again and again.

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I am a huge fan of Amish stories. This was my first one by Sarah Price and it won’t be my last. She ranks right up there with my favorite authors. I really enjoyed this book... I loved the friendship of the cookie club ladies. The story line was very enjoyable. I hope there will be others in this series!!

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This book was an absolute joy to read! It's a good clean romance that holds your attention and you hate to see it end. I highly recommend this book . Thank you Kensington Books--Zebra for the ARC copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I love this series! So good to be catching up with friends. This is one of those books which leaves one in two minds : wanting to rush on & finish it, whilst at the same time wanting it to last & never come to an end. I didn’t expect to like these sisters, having learned plenty about them from the previous books in the series – or so I thought! But....the more I got to know them, the more I did find I liked them after all. I guess the lesson from this book is not to judge people without first-hand experience with them, otherwise we are just borrowing others’ opinions : & we wouldn’t like that being done toward us, would we? Oh! & also not to second-guess other’s thoughts (& feelings) – even people we think we know really well...

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Edna Esh has a business serving meals to Englische tourists in her home. She is also a member of The Amish Cookie Club with some childhood friends.

Edna's friend, Wilma, suggests her twin daughters, Rachel and Ella Mae, help Wilma out. Now, what could possibly go wrong with two bickering twin girls and Edna's sons, Jeremiah and Jonas, and two moms determined to do some matchmaking. Will there be weddings coming.

Read Sara Price's new book, An Amish Cookie Club Courtship coming October 27. This is a 5-star book and a must-read.

I was given an ARC by Kensington Books through NetGalley. The review is my honest opinion.

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An Amish Cookie Club Courtship is another book in the line of the the Amish Cookie Clubs matchmaking schemes. There are books before this I haven't read them yet but am looking forward to reading them.
The cookie club was formed by 4 women (Edna, Verna, Mary and Wilma), who were friends since they were children. They are now grown up, have adult children of their own and some even have grandchildren.
Edna runs an Amish destination lunch restaurant and the Amish Cookie Club provides cookies for the local grocery store, as well as the large festival called MayFest which is huge for the Amish community for providing aid for families that need the help.
Every year Wilma tries pushing her twin daughters, Rachel and Ella Mae, on Edna to help her with her business. The twins have a reputation for arguing all the time and for losing jobs quickly. Edna tries resisting but quickly realizes her help for the season is pregnant, so she agrees to give Rachel and Ella Mae a chance. Wilma has ulterior motives and hopes her daughter will find husbands in Edna's single sons.
So the fun and matchmaking begin! The book shows the growing up of the twin sisters as well as how the business begins to thrive with them working there and they are a big help to Edna.
As for matchmaking.......Edna has in her head which sons would work for which twin after watching them interact but ends up in a bit of a pickle! However, in the end things work out as they should.
This book is a good quick read. It goes by fast because it draws you in. It also shows you a good look at Amish life and what the women in the community do to help not only their families but other families in the community as well. I look forward to going and reading the other Cookie Club books that came before this!
Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Publishing Corp for the advanced copy. I was asked to simply read the book and give an honest review. I was not compensated in any way. Other then enjoying a good book!

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A enjoyable addition to the Cookie Club series. I love the way the women get together to bake and share their lives. Edna, the matchmaker is talked into letting the Schwartz twins help with her dinner business. As always, Edna puts her matchmaker hat on and the fun begins. Sweet Amish romance! Recommended!

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Edna Esh and her friends have a Cookie Club where they bake cookies to sell to fund the Amish Aid Society. Edna also runs a business on her farm where she prepares an Amish meal for tourists brought out by a tour company a couple of times a week. This is her busy season and she reluctantly hires one of her friends’ twin daughters to help her. These two Rachel and Ella Mae are very outspoken and having grown up together find nothing wrong with arguing with each other all day long. Their mother is despairing of every finding husbands for them as they have a reputation for their attitudes. Edna happens to have two eligible sons, Jeremiah and Jonas. She doesn’t think either of them will be interested. However, they each take a shine to one of the twins. Just as soon as she starts trying to help the process along she finds out that the situation has changed and the boys are not interested in the same twin they first showed an interest in and have switched interest. Everyone is in suspense as to who is really interested in who till almost the end. There are many interesting mishaps and misunderstandings throughout and it is really quite comical. I will look forward to more stories from this author about the busy ladies of the Cookie Club.

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from NetGalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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Sweet book! Sweet clean romance! Two twin sisters and two brothers become friends, and while one sister, Rachel, likes Jeremiah, her sister Ella Mae doesn't like either of them. Jonas is so goofy neither girl likes him much. But then, Ella Mae spends time with Jeremiah, and she begins to like him, although she knows her sister really likes him. She isn't really sure how to handle this situation. However, Rachel spends time with Jonas and soon learns he has a more serious sensitive side to him. How will it all work out?

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Edna, Mary, Wilma, Verna meet each other at Edna's house to chat and bake cookies to sell at Yoder's Store in Shipshewana, to help Amish Aid.
Wilma has 2 twin daughters, Rachel and Ella Mae, and she likes matchmaking to see one day her daughters with husband and family.
"Sometimes it just took getting to know a person - to really know a person - to uncover the good qualities that God graced every creature with."
Very nice book, I recommend it!

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