Member Reviews

The Princess Knight, by G.A. Aiken, picks up two years after book one, 'The Blacksmith Queen', and like that book, it's written in the third person mostly from a single character, but this story is from the sister's, Gemma's, a war monk, point of view, with snippets from other characters, especially when paths parted during the story so we know what is happening during the battles. This one though was easier to figure out who's mind we were in than the first.

At first, I was a little disappointed because the story wasn't center around Keeley, the Blacksmith Queen, who was the center of the first story, but the more I read, the more I laughed, the more I liked the woman. She was not the only one we got to know, we also got to dive into Quinn's mind, and those two's relationship of snarky remarks was hilarious! That, and how well thought out the story was, the action, and how the rest of the characters meshed, and didn't, made for a wonderful read.

I really want to give this book five stars, but of course, as in the first book, there was a sex scene. While it wasn't as graphic as the first book, I still feel it could've been done a lot more tastefully, especially leaving out the word c**k. It wasn't necessary. Better choices would be something like, 'his kilt tented'. Those kinds of word choices would allow me to recommend it to readers under 18. But alas, the scene was a tad too graphic, so because of it, this book is NOT suitable for any reader under 18 years of age.

But since most sites won't allow me to give half stars, I will give it the full five.

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Nonstop action and characters you can't help but love! This is the second book in the series and I was so hooked after reading the first. I was very excited to read this book and it did not disappoint. The situations and dialogue had me laughing out loud at times. The only bad thing about this book is I have to wait to read the next one. A pleasure to read, I loved it!

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This family is hilarious. Seriously, who decides to have a conversation right in the middle of battle. And discuss the option of getting some ale, then head right back into fighting. All the females in this family are so strong and stubborn. Seeing them go head to head is amazing. Keeley is my favorite because she is honest, strong, and truly cares about everyone.

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*4.5 Stars*

Enjoyed this one as much as the first in the series. When I read G.A. Aiken I know I’m going to get an action packed read with nonstop humour. And as always some amazing characters that are usually insane but so fun to read and get to know. This book actually takes place 2 years after the first one ended, which at first I was confused about but I get now that it was the best way to move the storyline where it needed to go. We focus mostly on Gemma, the War Monk sister to Keeley in this book and Quinn, her often annoying centaur companion. They have to team up with some unlikely allies to help Keeley figure out what terrible shit Beatrix is up to. And boy oh boy is it bad. There were so many interesting and exciting characters introduced in this book that I’m hoping we will see more of in the next books. Definitely recommend this one for anyone looking for a great fantasy read. I will say that it is not so much a romance fantasy as a fantasy that has a sprinkle of romance in it. In the end I didn’t really mind though because the author builds such an interesting world that I was so absorbed in. Warning though, this one ends with a crazy cliffhanger that makes me so excited for the next book, I wish it was already out.

ARC Provided by NetGalley For An Honest Review

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I really enjoyed this one! I’ve been waiting to find out more about Gemmas background and if Quinn would get a story, and I can’t tell you I happy I am that their story is the same one!

This story has the typical adventure and tons of humor the GA Aiken is know for, I absolutely can’t wait to see what happens nexT, ESPECIALLY after that ending!!! Oh My Gods I am SOOOO excited from that ending!!!

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THIS IS THE G.A. AIKEN I KNOW AND LOVE!! Her Dragon Kin series is one of my top favorites and I was really excited for this series when I heard about it. The Blacksmith Queen ended up underwhelming me a bit after my high expectations from Dragon Kin. The romance in TBQ was barely existent which is not typical for Aiken and while it definitely had her signature style of writing, it didn't sweep me up in the same way with the humor and action.

But this one. Ohhhh this one! This one met all my expectations and really delivered! It was hilarious (I was highlighting whole passages of text and I was laughing out loud) and the story moved quickly. The romance was still not as present as Dragon Kin but the progression of Gemma and Quinn's relationship felt more real and not like it came out of the blue. Also, I was expecting it to be less present after the first book so that helped as well. Gemma is a fantastic character and as much as Quinn irritated her in the beginning, they ended up forming a solid relationship of trust from their adventures together and I loved that progression. They stayed true to their identities and selves but they grew on one another and really started to trust one another.

I was very excited to see the world and cast of characters for this series unfurl and can't wait to see where this series takes us. I'm curious to see if it will follow all of Keely's siblings or stick with the centaurs since it is the Scarred Earth saga (aka the name of their clan/herd).

In summary, I loved this book and I can't see where the whole series heads from here. G.A. Aiken, I am waiting as patiently as I possibly can.

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Lol. A full review on this EPIC TALE, closer to release date! Once again, never ever disappointed when it comes to Ms. Laurenston's books and the way her mind works! I FREAKING LUUUURRRVVVEEDDD IT!!!!!!

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As the Blacksmith Queen and Queen Beatrice fight for the throne, their sister Gemma is feeling lost in the fray. Gemma was once a revered War Monk, but now is unsure of what path her life will take. When dethroned prince decides to attempt to claim the throne, Gemma is set on a mission back to her convent to unearth the prince's blasphemous plan. This book is perfect for fans of Mercedes Lackey and Sherrilyn Kenyon.

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This novel was well written. I liked that the Princess was brave and willing to fight for her people.

However, I thought the story was at times violent.

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The princess knight is a great fantasy book, with very good plot and and a beautiful cover, this is exciting, and intriguing and a very well paced book. I liked it and enjoyed it. and is also the sequel of the blacksmith queen.

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3.5 stars. It took me a while to read this book. Mostly because the level of snarkiness reached such a high level, that I was actually annoyed by it. I felt that it was all about getting that laugh and the plot worked around it. I also thought there was too much going on, the fanatic brother, the evil sister, the clueless king, then throw in the dragon queen. A really good book that could have been great.

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Fantasy Realm is not my genre, but this book was a remarkable story! It kept me reading and I am a Romance & Mystery/Suspense type of fan. I had to read this book because I was intrigued about Gemma who was a fierce War Monk Warrior and believed in the War Gods would relate to Quinn an Amichai Warrior who she felt was super immature and not up to her standards as far as being serious. Were they going to get along or was there going to be a battle between Gemma & Quinn?

The author does a explosive job of keeping you turning the pages because there is so much happening, but not where you are confused and wondering what is going on? The author kept the storyline energetic and the characters growing that I cannot wait for the second book!

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Wow this book took me by surprise. I was not expecting to like it so much!! The characters were really enjoyable and I just loved the storyline. The writing style was simple but descriptive

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This was the first G.A. Aiken novel I've read. It features Gemma, a war monk, and the centaur, Quinn. I liked Gemma but I found Quinn to be a bit boring. I really did not like the romance, it was a slow burn but the main characters had absolutely no chemistry. Although the first novel in the series featured Gemma's sister as the protagonist, I would definitely say it's necessary to read it before the Princess Knight. I felt completely lost coming into the Princess Knight which probably contributed to my lack of enjoyment. I will probably have to read the Blacksmith Queen and then come back to the Princess Knight.

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My review of The Princess Knight:

Action packed, Plot Twist, Intense Humor

Gemma Smythe, War Monk has dedicated her life to the art of war, and worshipping the war gods. Now to support her sister Keeley who is the Blacksmith Queen, Gemma, with the assistance of Quinn, the Centaur, and the future leader of the Amichai Warriors returns to the fold of the War Monks, and seeks to sway the Grand Masters to support her sister in the future battles to come, against their younger sociopath sister Beatrix who's also Queen. Beatrice has no problem with attempting to kill her entire family, and enslave children.

Fans that follow G.A. Aiken's Dragon Series, will scream with delight when you find out that one of the lands Beatrix wishes to conquer, and rule is Dark Plains. We know who rules that land. Let the blood bath begin!

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The Princess Knight is Book 2 and Gemma is sister to Queen Keeley, and this is her book.
She's dramatic, loyal, loud and somebody you want on your side when you are heading to any kind of trouble.
Her relationship with her sister makes the story pretty good, BUT the bantering and her building relationship with Quinn is what makes it all come together over the top great.
I was thoroughly entertained with the craziness, the quirky humor, squabbling between the siblings and the action and adventure they go on.
The storyline is so riveting that you feel connected and you Are rooting for them, through all that happens.
And the last chapter and what happens, I went YES (fist pump) I cant wait for the 3rd book.
I read it so fast that I will go back in a couple days and read both books.
I received this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

First, I've been a fan of G.A. Aiken from the start with Dragon Actually. I was a little disappointed that there wasn't a new Dragon Kin book, but instead a spin off series was created with The Scarred Earth Series. However, this new series has not disappointed at all; it is unique, brings a depth of new characters, plots, and laugh out loud moments.

As I was reading the Blacksmith Queen, which I did enjoy, there were moments that I felt were rushed, but I didn't feel that reading The Princess Knight. This second book in the series was better than the first and a complete pleasure to read, so much in fact that I finished it in a day.

The Princess Knight is about Kelley's sister, Gemma, a war monk. In this book, we find out why Gemma didn't become a blacksmith and instead became a war monk and through several adventures including traveling back to her monk order, great battles, and family fights, we see Gemma grow into her new role as the Princess Knight.

I won't spoil the book as I want you to get the full experience I did, but if you enjoy a book with a strong female lead (in this case several strong female characters), great battles, surprises, laughing (I kid you not, truely LOL moments), crying and escaping into a great book for a few hours. I highly recommend The Princess Bride.

I'll close by restating an earlier comment that this is a spin off of the Dragon Kin Series and I can't wait until these two series come together in a future book and that we don't have to wait a whole year before we get to enjoy it.

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This is a very typical G.A. Aiken book and I absolutely adore it. It has the usual strong female characters that we love since the author started the Dragon series. You have all the expected sibling arguments and annoyances, that will make you snigger throughout the book. And you can also find all the bloody mess that is to be expected when reading about warrior
Queens and princesses chopping off heads and limbs. I can just say again that I absolutely adore it. Warning: it has a lot of characters in it and expects the reader to know quite a bit of backstory. I think it makes new readers work quite hard, but I just love that it connects back to the authors Dragon series.

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The Princess Knight by G.A. Aiken 5 stars (Scared Earth Saga #2)

I am a huge fan of G.A. Aiken aka Shelly Laurenston and when I got this book, I shouted for joy. A sequel to last year's The Blacksmith Queen (also 5 stars) it does not disappoint. After reading The Blacksmith Queen, you get hints of what might happen and in this book, the last chapter provides the payoff - squeals and laughter and yells were heard during the last chapter.

This book features Gemma Smythe, the daughter who left home to join the Order of Righteous Valor. Those who join the Order can be classified as "War Monks". One tiny peeve, was that fact that there were only a couple of scenes when individuals would find out who Gemma was and would scream "WAR MONK" I enjoyed that part a lot in the first book. One of the Old King's son is looting monasteries for sacred objects to make a superweapon. But Gemma is tasked with a mission to find out what is Beatrix is plotting. Going along for the ride, is Quinn, a Amichai warrior (centaur) and a motley group of religious magic users, assassins and war monks. This is a rollicking ride that is well worth the price of admission. I don't have a clue about what Beatrix is planning, but I know that Keeley, Gemma and the rest of Smythe's will stand in her way. Also putting a spanner in Beatrix's works will be the person that shows up at the end of this book. I can't wait for the next book in this series. Let the snarky remarks and bloodshed ensue.

Thank you Netgalley and Kensington Books for this ARC.

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This is the second book of G.A. Aiken’s new fantasy romance series but don't be a fool there's little romance in it because there's always a battle between the queendoms :D and simply they have no time for romance . But our couple is just so cute (quinn the cute one :D) I love their chemistry and there was one or two love scenes :D

Gemma is a War Monk that has dedicated her life to a War God, Morthwyl, she can raise the dead. she left her monastry for save her family. two years later keeley send her a dangerous mission about to find out what the hell beatrice is plotting :D and the fun starts here . witches , humans, nuns (crazy one ofcourse) war gods , hell wolves , crazy queen and her dragons :D

I love Aiken's badass and strong female characters, strong mens , crazy and fun dialogues , gory battle scenes, it's just all the good things that I want in a book is just in this .

Great read for a fantasy lover I'm sooo recommend this book Y'all . You just have to read this. Trust me !!

I just wonder what was beatrice thinking. Silly girl . I don't want to spoiler it damn!! :D

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