Member Reviews

This is a deceptively easy read about two men trying to be themselves in the midst of family expectations (or lack thereof), coworkers, and responsibilities. It’s charm, however, lies in the light it shines on friendship. Like good literature, it leaves you thinking about what it means to be in the world and how we relate to others.

This book made me smile :) Leonard and Hungry Paul are nice people and they are very optimistic about life. This is a fun, inspirational type of book and I really enjoyed it.

What a lovely book to read in these dark times. Well it is in the United States anyway. This is a rather beguiling story about two nice men. That's pretty much it. They're nice. And isn't that refreshing in the time of the Trumps. I adored this book. It relaxed me which is I suppose a funny thing to say about a book, but it did. It made me stop and think more about the nice things going on and not so much the not so nice.

I was totally enchanted with Ronan Hession's debut novel. This is a novel that's entirely character driven without a dramatic plot. I think that's the beauty of a talented author who can write about every day occurrences in a way that draws the reader in and keeps them turning the pages. Tucked within the pages, the reader will discover gold nuggets of quiet wisdom, the power of kindness and the importance of staying true to yourself.

Leonard and Hungry Paul have been friends since they were children. Now, in their thirties, they still live at home with their parents, although Leonard’s mother has recently passed away. Both of these men are nice. That’s it. They are just nice people in a world that doesn’t always pay attention to the truly nice among us. And, they struggle. They struggle to understand themselves and the world that is before them. They struggle to find a place in that world and figure out how they fit into it.
Leonard and Hungry Paul is a charming novel filled with unforgettable characters. The writing is superb and the reflections on the realities of today is something that so many readers can identify with. It’s a book that celebrates just “being yourself” and it’s a comforting thought that it’s ok to be “not normal” in today’s world. This book has wisdom, insight, and humor, and it’s a tribute to people who are kind, gentle, and quiet. This is simply one of the best books I’ve read so far this year.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a copy of this book for review.

It's a little speech-y, it's a little tie-everything-up-with-a-nice-little-bow-y...but at the end of the day it's very sweet and reading it made me feel happy and miss my friends in a way that was nice. There's a lot of sweetness here!

This book made me happy (except for getting angry when, for one reason or another, I had to interrupt my reading). Leonard and Hungry Paul (and their families) are nice people. Sometimes things don't happen the way the characters originally think that they should, but good is found in the way that things do turn out. This is a book for the present time.

“Leonard and Hungry Paul” by Rónán Hession is an original and genuinely unique story that will entertain and delight readers for years to come!
The author offers a unique insight into the minds of two friends who don’t really fit society’s image of the alpha-male stereotype. Leonard who is coping with the recent passing of his mother works as a ghost writer for an author of a series of historical encyclopedia whilst Hungry Paul lives at home with his parents and works infrequently as a relief postman. Both are reasonably content with their lot in life but a routine fire drill at Leonard’s office could be the start of something special. Meanwhile, Hungry Paul enters a competition that expands his circle of friends and some more.
The narrative unfolds effortlessly as we discover both the insecurities and the quiet confidence of each character without any unnatural or unnecessary heroics. I breezed through it in a couple of sittings; highly recommended!

I really enjoyed this novel, but the lack of narrative ultimately made it very difficult to get through for me. The writing stuff is initially delightful. I loved the little observations sprinkled throughout, especially from the misanthropic main characters, the titular Leonard and Hungry Paul. I also loved their friendship and the various goings-on of their lives. But as the novel progressed, I found myself getting weary with it. I think this would've made a much better short story, or novella, than a full novel. Its narrative lacked a driving force, which made it harder to get through the novel the more I read of it. I still recommend this though if you're looking for a wholesome, comforting read!

A friend asked me to describe this book and the two words that came to mind were quiet and gentle. This is the kind of book that sneaks up on you. You don't think very much is happening. There's not a lot of action but when you get to the end, you can't help but let a little smile escape.

Ronan Hession's "Leonard and Hungry Paul" is that perfectly perfect kind of story for these our recent troubled times. In both characters and plot, it is gentle, warm, humorous, kind, contemplative, and tender. Its story is one of the sweetest testaments to the power of thoughtful kindness that I've had the good fortune to find in a long, long time.
If your soul is in need of a little reminding that all we see and hear and experience in this fast-paced world we live in isn't always the best means to an end, this sweet little tale of people who value the quieter parts of humanity will be just what you never knew you needed!
Thank you to NetGalley for their kindness in offering me the opportunity to review this delightful book by Ronan Hession. And a quiet, heartfelt thank you to the author for offering a much needed balm to my oft disquieted heart. I will reflect often on the wisdom of purposeful quiet and tranquility.

A friendship between two kind men. It’s not a story you read quite often, but Leonard and Hungry Paul delivers as a quiet character-driven novel about two low-key introverts. Leonard has just lost his mother, whom he had been living with. He writes entries in children’s encyclopedias and Hungry Paul (we never learn why he’s called this) is a substitute postman who also lives with his parents. This is a novel about two men in their thirties living unremarkably. But this is precisely the point. They may not be doing anything astounding, but they are living and discovering, evolving and connecting with one another. The writing is sharp, witty, observational and author Ronan Hession makes the most mundane activities feel like they have deeper meaning. This is a book about identity, self-awareness and finding one’s place in the world. It’s a slice of life that, in the end, is wholly satisfying.

I really wanted to like this book but I got bored with it pretty quickly. Not enough dialogue for sure. From what I read, it was basically going to be a narration of the lives of two "nice" guys who never married, never moved away from home and enjoy a simple and unadventurous life.

I've been listening to people in Ireland rave about this book for a year, and now I know why. It's gorgeous, funny, poignant, gentle and real. I'll be buying lots of copies for Christmas

This was a fantastic book. There’s a wonderful complexity in the simplicity, I love the characters and how they understand exactly who they are - faults and all - and how they are okay with who they are.

Ronan Hession has authored a gold nugget of a novel. It taps into the readers soul. It glistens with humanity. It lives the ‘kind’ in mankind and faces what it is to be comfortable in ones own skin. We see a pact between two men both socially insecure, where friendship is savored and life is lived simply just by being themselves. They understand one another and accept one another without condition or expectation.
In several instances I could identify with their thoughts. I could feel how they were feeling because the writing touched upon it so beautifully.
The reality of today is hard for many of us. The reality of this novel reflects on the positives of living ones own truth. It is warm, charming and comforting to know that Ronan Hession sees that there may be a bit of Leonard and Hungry Paul in all of us and that it is wonderful to be ‘just us’.
Thank you NetGalley and Melville House for an ARC in exchange for an honest review of this book.

This is quite good. Since it's been out for over a year, it has hundreds of reviews and even more high ratings. So I'll just recommend it to literary fiction fans.
Thanks very much for the review copy!!

A lovely book two sweet souls quirky innocent charming.I fell in love with this story the characters will be recommending and gifting it to special friends.One of my favorite books of 2020#netgalley#melvillepublishing

This was a charming little story of two quirky friends that are coming of age a bit later in life than most. A sweet tale of nice people finding their way.

Loved the opening line of this novel. A sweet and meandering tale of the bent of The Rosie Project, The Hundred-Year Old Man who Jumped out the window and Disappeared, and Forest Gump.