Member Reviews

I found this book to be very informative and had some great tips to help with my memory. Though the tests could be hard as well as the exercises but isn't that the point? I love a good challenge!

My memory has always been a little spotty and subject for some humor amongst my family and friends, so when I saw Maximize Your Memory on Netgalley, I knew it was meant for me! Better memory, here I come!!!
Maximize Your Memory focuses on explaining the process of remembering and the science behind our memory. The book is full of techniques, exercises and a few quizzes to test your memory and retention.
I found this book to be extremely interesting and fun. The exercises took some time, but were well worth the effort! It would be fun to use this as a book club book and do the exercises together and compare!

A helpful and insightful addition to the literature. I found it easy to read and understand as well as insightful. I feel like it was a bit wordy at times and maybe didn’t need to be updated as often as it is, but a useful price of work for students and people like me who are incredibly forgetful!

A good book with lots of practice exercises and infos.
Sadly for me this wasn't exactly what I was looking for, since I was hoping for more ideas on how to help memory without doing the exercises in the book since I was looking for osething to do with my grandmother to help her memory, and this book didn't over that. I might have read the summery wrongly in hopes this book would give me what I wanted, or I was just looking for things that weren't there.
Either way it's a great book to help build memory

This is actually a fun exercise book for those of who find ourselves increasingly the victim of “senior moments”. The beautiful graphics enhance the reading experience, and the techniques for memory building are sound, science based, and easy to understand. A variety of different applications are discussed, including speech-making, learning languages, and memory and aging. Progress tests along the way give the reader a chance to try out the new skills and see remarkable progress.
This book was a little hard to use in its epub version. Paging back and forth was tricky and slow, and I had trouble getting the pages to fit on my screen so that I could access all the information I wanted easily. I think this is one of the rare books that I would want in paper!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

4 stars!
An effective tool that really encourages thinking. I liked being able to work on techniques for increasing my memory.
I voluntarily read an advanced copy.

Very neat book with a lot of interactive brain activities! Some are quite difficult but they definitely do their job!

This was a super cool book on maximizing your memory. I’ve always loved books that help my mind and teaches me new things, and this was one of the best on brain and memory I’ve seen in a while. Illustrated and very visual, with themes for each chapter such as home, directions, numbers, etc. Offers memory tips, progress, and recaps. Lots of great exercises for memory. And it was fun! Well organized. Lots of great tricks, ideas, and motivation. Very creative. Highly recommended. Definitely something to keep and go back to again and again.

Interesting book with a range of interactive exercises. I'll admit, I did find the amount of reading a bit tiresome, but the layout is pretty good with illustrations and quick tips to help keep you engaged.
Should note that quite a few of the exercises are auditory and need the help of a friend to complete.

Brilliant book, highly informative but without being a boring read. I loved the layout and illustrations.
Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

This book is great - but dang, it is HARD! I have always considered myself a pretty smart person, but I could not even ace the simplest tests in this book. (I might even fail....Person, man, woman, camera.....don't get me started.) This book has a lot of great tests and exercises for improving your memory. I tried many of them with some tough results! I must confess I have not completed them all yet - I think they are best done over a longer period of time, kind of like a cookbook, on various days, because otherwise your brain will exhaust itself!. The whole book is chock full of fantastic information and I greedily lapped it up. I am that person who is always trying to "hack my brain" to make it as sharp as possible, especially as I get older and lose memory. (I recently had a brain MRI and the report said that I had a "normal amount of [white marks demonstrating loss of cognitive function] due to age". OH REALLY. So clearly I need this book.). I really appreciated the illustrations that were great for mnemonics in the various exercises and found all the instructions in the book extremely helpful. I think this is a book that might be slightly easier to read in physical form, although I also really enjoyed the electronic version. (Then again this may be my age talking...AGAIN!)
4.5 stars for a great book with really hard exercises that I will continue to work through. The book suggests that you compare your results on the test at the beginning with the test at the end and I am excited to do that!
Thanks to NetGalley, Quatro, and Jonathan Hancock for the ARC of this awesome book!