Member Reviews

"Your Hidden Superpower" is a book about kindness with real life applications and interesting stories. While the book does move a bit slower than I would like, it was still interesting and worth the time spent listening to it.

Your Hidden Superpower by Adrienne Bankert is a slower-paced read but it packed a punch. The overarching theme of kindness and the power of respect through kindness was invigorating. I really enjoyed this book.
I received a review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley for my honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

Adrienne's story will resonate with many. It moved a bit slow, but it is with purpose. This read will inspire someone who is feeling in a rut.

I really liked the idea of this book. The idea of cultivating kindness a beacon of personal & social culture.
I should say there were some pretty good points. Though at times it felt painfully repetitive.
Narration is very good!

The audiobook Your Hidden Superpower by Adrienne Bankert was such a good listen, I listened while I did my walks in the neighborhood. Reading the audiobook herself, the author spoke in an easy going, friendly, & passionate way that made her message an easy sell. Being kind is a central part of our family motto, so this book was defiantly a good fit for me. Bankert does a good job of explaining her central premise & then showing how much being kind can change your own life as well as positively impact those around you. Thank you to NetGalley for the complimentary copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

I picked up this book, not knowing what the 'hidden superpower' was that is in the titled and I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was kindness. This book was a joy to listen to and it resonated with my philosophy on honing kindness as a part of your character.
I thought the author made great points and gave me some things to consider in my own dealings with people. What I didn't enjoy where all the stories. It was a tough one because it makes sense that the author would use her experiences to emphasize her points, but I felt like I was hearing a little too much of her personal stories.
Overall, I loved the book and would recommend it to anyone.

You know when you say or write a word over and over and it starts sounding or looking wrong. That's what the word "kind" was like this book. I followed and agreed with her overall points but for some reason it just started to get grating. I can't put my finger on why, exactly. I agree that we should have a lifestyle of kindness--that's why I picked up the book. I agree that there is a different between being nice and being kind. I agree that kindness is shown many different ways that are often overlooked--such as standing up for yourself and others even when it's not easy or you are the odd one out. But for some reason, I didn't connect with the author and her style of communicating these points.
It almost felt like she was beating a dead horse trying to get me to agree with her on these points that I felt like she made clear very early on. Basically the book was a big repeat of the same points without any practicals. I mean, some. But I felt like we needed more than 'make eye contact," "smile at someone," "bring someone coffee unexpectedly," "say thank you."
Then there were the stories. Now, bare with me, because I'm going to sound a little hypocritical here, because I LOVE a good celebrity memoir and I always hate it when reviewers complain about a celebrity talking about themselves too much or telling their own stories too much. But so many examples of kindness were just stories about her and other high-powered celebrities. Not just "normal people." I mean, she even talks like everyone who is reading this wants to be famous or wants to be on TV. Maybe it's a little because I am not necessarily a "fan" of hers, just thought the book looked interesting. Maybe it's because I don't get her style. But it just kind of rubbed me the wrong way.
Also, I don't get her commentary at the beginning of each chapter in the audiobook. She set the book up with why she wrote the book, then read the chapter. If that was important enough to include in the audiobook, shouldn't it have been in the physical book. Most of it was very redundant and seemed like she just wanted to talk more.
I'm sure this book is valuable for some readers. It just didn't connect with me.

ABC News’ Adrienne Bankert invites us to think of kindness as our hidden superpower. She urges people to consider the impact of a single, random act of kindness. She does this via her Instagram feed and her book, Your Hidden Superpower.
Kindness is transformative.
Bankert calls us to open our eyes to see those around us as another traveler on this life journey. Her challenge to us to claim our role in the world as a change agent. We can do this, Bankert suggests, through simple acts of kindness everywhere. By making kindness a habit, and taking down the barrier that prevents us from speaking to others.
The audiobook, read by the author, is encouraging and motivating.

A Little Too Insular, Perhaps
Audiobook Review:
Before I picked up this audiobook at one of my favorite book review sites, I actually hadn't heard of the author before. I chose it because it seemed like a self-help book, and I do usually like reading those. Unfortunately, I didn’t find this book to be enjoyable.
Before I say what I wasn’t wild about, let me say what I did like. The author herself narrates the book, which I like in nonfiction audiobooks. As this author is a professional speaker. working as a reporter and anchor on Good Morning America, the book is well narrated, and you can hear her passion for what she is talking about.
I don't really watch much TV. I find myself wondering if I would have enjoyed this more if I had been familiar with the author and her work. Even though the book is actually about “your hidden superpower”—kindness—it actually felt more to me like it was about the television industry or her career. While she certainly did talk about kindness a lot—and she talks most directly about it in chapter one—she didn't always draw the parallels or share takeaways that I would have liked to have seen in a book like this. It also feels too focused on her. I would have liked to have seen some discussion of other people's acts of kindness (where she wasn’t one of the parties), scientific studies about kindness (with either the kind person or the beneficiary analyzed), or even other authors' ideas on kindness.
I don't really feel like I took much away from this book. I’ll admit to some minor annoyance that this book felt more like an inside look at TV news and morning shows than kindness. As I don't really have much interest in either topic, I felt like the rest of the message got a little lost. If you have an interest in those topics or are already a fan of this author, you might enjoy this book more than I did.

THIS! BOOK! IS! AMAZING! Your Hidden Superpower by Adrienne Bankert is the best non-fiction self help book I've read so far this year. It's among my top 5 favorite self help books overall. Ms. Bankert put into words what I practice and hope to inspire others to be; Kind, Most of us know what kindness is, but what really captivated me was how Ms. Bankert shares stories and personal experiences giving us examples of the response we get by putting kindness into practice. Kindness is unbeatable. Spreading kindness is rewarding. She shows us how important it is to use our authentic inner kindness and flex that "muscle" to strengthen it. We need more Kindness during these difficult times. Kindness is the key to our well being, those around us and getting ahead in life, no matter what career you pursue.
I listened to the audiobook and it was a pleasure listening to Adrienne as the narrator. It made the experience personable.
I highly recommend Your Hidden Superpower by Adrienne Bankert to anyone who wants to seek a happier and healthier lifestyle, career and succeed in all aspects of life, I believe I have mastered Joy, Now Kindness is my new word for the year, I will actively share public posts to spread Kindness though my social media outlets.
I received an advanced audiobook through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. Thank you to Harper Collins Leadership for the opportunity.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins for my ARC audio copy of this book. It was published June 9, 2020.
I was not familiar with this author / journalist prior to getting the audio book, but I just loved the title.
I keep hearing “when you can be anything, be kind.” Now more than ever as our world is in such conflict. Basically the author’s message is Be Kind. Kindness begets kindness.
She shared numerous stories where an act of kindness set a chain of events in motion that even came back to her in some way. I especially liked the stories about the mascara and brussel sprouts.
There was one weird thing about the audio book. The author introduces each chapter in a very conversational yet somewhat unconventional way. At first I thought it was the book but once I realized it was an “extra” I enjoyed the introductions better.
Original review posted on GoodReads.

I was able to review Your Hidden Superpower audiobook for free from Netgalley and HarperCollins Leadership Audio for providing me with an advanced ARC in exchange for an honest review.
This book was about how Good Morning America correspondent and anchor, Adrienne Bankert, used kindness to find success in her life. The best part of the audiobook was that it was read by her and she provided introductions to each of her chapters. She was also able to show us the difference between being nice, and being kind. She gave great tips, insights, ideas and reasons with her personal stories and experiences which made this audiobook such a delight to listen to. It is very rare to find Kindness nowadays.

Okay, I am not sure how I feel about writing a critical review of a book about kindness… but here we go. I will start by thanking @netgally and @harpercollins for the opportunity to dive into this audiobook.
This book is really about how Good Morning America correspondent and anchor, Adrienne Bankert, has used kindness to find success in all parts of her life. I loved that the audiobook was read by her and that her chapter intros give you something that you wouldn't get by reading.
However, I do think that part of the power of this book would be hearing the words in your own head to start to utilize the lessons introduced. The book and its wording is pretty repetitive and that works better and is more powerful when it’s read within your own mind.
Adrienne tells a lot of inspiring anecdotes about how kindness often leads you to unexpected success. How simply taking the few extra moments to be kind will not only change your life but also the lives of those around you.
Overall, the book was filled with a lot of great nuggets of wisdom. I do think it would have been better with a little bit more research or deeper digging into the actual psychology of kindness as in the end it felt a little thin on impact for me.
If you are someone who feels you struggle with kindness this book would be a great jump off point to read first hand how to implement more kindness in your life.

‘Kindness begets kindness.’ Growing up, how often were we reminded of these words. Now, I look around me and wonder if we truly understand their weight.
Kindness isn’t merely about getting along with people and being nice. It’s a game changer in business, the door-opener to opportunity, and the key to authenticity and confidence. It’s a superpower that can be honed through an intentional lifestyle of kindness and is especially important in these divisive times.
Can something as simple as kindness really be the answer?
Through years of developing her own kindness practices and studying those of others, Good Morning America correspondent and anchor Adrienne Bankert has experienced first-hand the unbeatable power of kindness and witnessed its transformative impact on others.
This book shows simple acts of kindness from a new and empowering perspective. It differentiates between ‘kind’ and ‘nice’ and demonstrates how neither can be achieved if you’re out to impress. It explains why the recipient of our kindness must include us - so we can own who we are. Accept what we cannot change, and admit what needs to be eliminated.
Adjusting our perspective from being closed off and self-centred, to a mind-set of kindness, ripples into a staggering amount of personal fulfilment and growth. No matter our age or ethnicity, where we come from, or how much money we make, every one of us can be kind. Every one of us can be a change agent.
In the author’s words: “Kindness shines a spotlight on others, without diminishing our own brightness.”
This audio ARC courtesy of NetGalley and HarperCollins Leadership.

Kindness is such a rare character I see nowadays. News nowadays are full of stories of how cruel human beings are towards others, and that not only includes fellow humans but also against nature and animals.
This book is a breath of fresh air. It provides inspiring examples on how kindness can be a force for good. Although acts of kindness are rarely newsworthy, this trait is what keeps us grounded as human beings.
I experienced the audio version of this book and I can say how impactful that the author herself narrated the book. Her voice tone conveyed the right emotion as she shared her stories.
I was once told by my old boss that I was too kind, that I would not be able to drive the performance of a new team. I disagreed. Even though I can’t articulate it at that time, this book provides the case of why kindness is such a great trait to make a difference in others lives.

I’ve been thinking a lot about kindness lately, and this book was wonderful! Such a difference between being nice, and being kind, and she gives great tips, insights, ideas, and reasons, along with sharing personal stories she has experienced in her life. Kindness truly is a superpower, and this is a powerful book that goes so much more into depth of not just kindness, but living a great life and being true to yourself. I grew up being taught to “be nice” but being nice is sometimes viewed as a weakness. But being kind, this is a superpower unlike any other and the author is adept at going into detail. She also shares stories of celebrities she has interviewed as a host on Good Morning America and teaches that being famously kind is what we should strive to be. Thank you to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for allowing me to review this audio book. It was so nice to listen to and experience, and I believe anyone who works with others could benefit greatly from this book.

You Hidden Superpower: The Kindness That Makes You Unbeatable at Work and Connects You with Anyone is an interesting and unique perspective on how being kind helps in all aspects of life. This book suggesting many situations I hadn’t thought about. Adrienne Bankert gave real world examples, which made this book very relatable.
Adrienne Bankert is the author and narrator. Bankert’s narration was excellent and really set the tone of the book. I am really glad I listened to this audiobook. I am planning on trying some of the advice mentioned in this book.
Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins Leadership for this ARC Audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

Wow, this was SO powerful and I'm really grateful to have listened to this amazing audiobook. As someone who is new to the corporate world, this was invaluable and a far cry from the stereotypical advice - in the best way! I feel like I got a whole lifetime of lessons of this. This is why I love reading, this book is what it's really about!

So I think most of us try and be kind as much as we can but sometimes it’s hard even to muster a smile on your face let alone be nice to your boss when he’s moved another deadline to suit himself. This book aims to make you think about being kind regardless as the more you put out in the universe the more you will get back. The narrators tone really gets you engaged with the topic and I really enjoyed this audio and will be trying my best to be kinder even on the days I don’t really feel like it. I’m ready to be a super hero now watch me soar!!!

In the book Your Hidden Superpower, Adrienne Bankert defines kindness through a series of lessons and experiences she's learned in her personal life and throughout her career.
Throughout the book, Bankert demonstrates how kindness resolves many issues. It builds trust, open doors, and creates meaningful relationships. She also offers little nuggets of wisdom and kindness exercises that you can incorporate into your day to improve.
In the audio version of the book, you hear Bankert in a firm and purposeful voice candidly tell her stories. Her chapter transitions often come across as if you are sitting across from her at a table as she takes a sip of coffee and suddenly says, 'Before I tell you about this, I have to give you a little background... Or I just explained all that to say." In other words, she's having a conversation with you instead of reading the contents of her book to you.
I believe the publication of this book comes just at the right time. Americans are addressing systemic racism while the new coronavirus has become an invisible predator robbing lives, our economy, and our way of life. While we are working out solutions to these issues, the one place we can start is with kindness; the one thing that will aid our progress is our kindness.
While I enjoyed reading the book, I would add more inspiring stories from Bankert's news packages and stories about kindness from people in various roles throughout the news industry. These ideas could support a book series, but most importantly, it would positively influence current and entry-level journalists. The more they know that kindness exists within the industry, the more they will be able to promote it as a standard within the industry.
I think this book can support corporate and community training geared to addressing a range of current topics, such as social unrest, the health crisis, racism, and more. It's also a useful book for frontline managers to support their organizational conversations.
Your Hidden Superpower also offers journalism students who are starting their career "a mentor from afar." It's definitely a book that I wish I had when I began a journalism career because it gives social cues and the mental fortitude to advance within the newsroom and in everyday life. Bankert also provides a glimpse of her career highs and lows. Most importantly, she describes how she maneuvered through the lows with kindness, positivity, and resilience.
When you have conversations that address behavior and you don't know where to start, consider reading Your Hidden Superpower.