Member Reviews

Ahhhhh this was just such a great read. I just didn't want this book to end and I was sad to turn the last page. I'm so excited to see what's next from this author.

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This was my first book by this author and it wont be my last. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll swoon and you'll fall in love. Its entertaining book that you wont be able to stop reading until you reach the happy end. An overall an absolute joy to read and will have me coming back for more from this amazing author. Happy reading everyone. 4 1/2 stars

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Rebecca Yarros always knows how to hit me with all the emotions and this story was no different. It will definitely stay with me. I adored these characters and this storyline was captivating. Everything about this story is beautiful and I couldn't put it down. I can't wait to see what else Rebecca has in store for us next.

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Wow. Just. Wow. I actually wasn't aware that this was book five of a series. Luckily, it can be read as a standalone and still be fully enjoyed without any confusion. Evidence #1: I LOVED IT. The Reality of Everything was so raw and heart breaking, yet so beautifully hopeful. I'm eager to jump into the first four books now to learn more about the other couples' backstories. I'm desperately wishing that two side characters will receive their own HEA too (Please, Rebecca Yarros hear my prayer). Not only did I love Morgan and Jackson—and Fin, I also loved the entire Cape Hatteras friendship circle. The Reality of Everything shines a light on grief, loss and healing. Witnessing Morgan's pain and struggles felt like being stabbed in the heart, but it made the moments of genuine joy that much sweeter.

Allow me to begin my gushing with how much The Reality of Everything hit all my happy reader buttons. First, we have a second chance romance story. Second, our hero is a single dad [Be still my heart!]. Third, the friendship dynamics are absolutely wonderful. And lastly, we have men-in-uniform which I am a weakling for. Turns out I actually read book one of this Flight & Glory series six years ago, but don't remember squat about details or why I never continued. I am very happy and willing to jump back on the Rebecca Yarros train though.

As mentioned, a huge part of The Reality of Everything highlights grief and loss of a loved one. Morgan's to be exact. She has escaped her hometown to start anew in Cape Hatteras, hoping the remodeling of an old beach house will take her mind off of well... everything. Morgan's character development was a rollercoaster of emotions. You learn her history and experience her ways of coping with anxiety. I felt drawn to protect her and wanted nothing but her happiness.

Enter Jackson, who quickly skyrocketed up the book boyfriends list. A loving father of one adorable five-year-old daughter. How Morgan and Jackson meet was memorable and cute (with a touch of secondhand embarrassment). Where can I find a partner like Jackson?? He had such a big heart, patient and empathetic. Aside from one blip, his communication skills *chef's kiss*. I love that he never pushed Morgan into starting a relationship with him but he also never failed to tell her how he felt about her. Jackson's relationship with Finley was pure sweet. I swooned and melted a many times when he appeared.

Morgan and Jackson's relationship was a glorious slow burn. My hopeless romantic self was satisfied. Morgan's relationship with Finley was also very wholesome. Last note: the ending was INTENSE. My heart was on a rampage and I shed a few tears. If all that wasn't enough to convince you to give The Reality of Everything a try, you are missing out! Beautiful story and lovely characters. Friendship dynamics on point. Morgan's friend Sam was such a pillar of support through the entire book. I thought the depiction of grief and the mending of relationships was very realistic. I can't wait to delve into reading the first few books of the series just to learn more about her story and the others. Jackson's friends also left great lasting impressions. This is a book I will be rereading multiple times and pushing on all romance lovers.

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I'll be honest, I haven't read the prior books in this series, which is fine since they are all standalone, but after reading The Reality of Everything, I absolutely must add Rebecca Yarros to my 'always' author list because she writes absolutely beautiful romances that may tear your heart out, but ultimately they are about the healing powers of a true, pure love.

Morgan and Jackson's road to a happily-ever-after is not a smooth one. They both experienced loss and heartbreak, and they have walls about a mile thick. My heart broke for Morgan, but Yarros wrote her with such a tremendous about of sensitivity, determination and spirit. Jackson totally swept me off my feet. He is the typical protective-alpha-with-a-heart-of-gold type, and he was exactly what Morgan needed. He was patient, sexy, accepting, loyal, a devoted data to his daughter. We experienced his heart throughout the book. And the CHEMISTRY! The chemistry between Morgan and Jackson was electric.

Yarros also creates great relationships with the side characters, too, that give a better picture of the main characters. I love it when authors take the time do develop characters that are multi-dimensional. The whole crew is an integral part of this story because they are important to Morgan and Jackson.

A truly great read.

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Yes, The Reality of Everything is the first book I’ve read in Rebecca Yarros’ Flight & Glory series and it’s number 5, and guess what? It didn’t matter at all. Usually I will complain that a book says it’s standalone when it isn’t, when you get 50 characters you’ve never heard about streaming across the pages as if you’re supposed to care. While there were a few of those characters, I found it just didn’t matter. Why? Because the niche that Yarros created in my beloved Outer Banks with the characters of Morgan (Hello, Kitty), Jackson, Finley, Sam, and Christina et al was wonderful and EVERYTHING.

Morgan is hurting. Two years after the love of her life died in Afghanistan, she is having anxiety attacks and is diagnosed with complicated grief. She’s also bought a ramshackle oceanfront property on Hatteras Island, which happens to be next door to an amazing single father, Jackson, and his daughter, the collector of injured animals, Finley.

The meet cute involving Morgan breaking through the landing on her dilapidated house and Jackson getting an eye full of her Hello, Kitty underwear is funny and, of course, cute, and proves to be an awesome beginning to the book as well as providing Morgan with Jackson’s nickname for her.

So much happens in this book. And because I frequently feel letdown by the majority of romance books anymore, I kept anticipating that moment when I would grow bored or worse disgusted. It didn’t happen. The ending of the book? Unexpected and thrilling.

This book literarily (heh, see what I did there?) has all the feels. I am going to go back and read the previous books as time allows but I wasn’t that intrigued with those characters because I felt like they had let Morgan down so we’ll see how that goes. And those books aren’t about Coasties and they don’t take place in OBX, which also isn’t in their favor. But this one? I highly recommend.

Rebecca Yarros has earned a place on my must-read list after this book and Great and Precious Things, which I reviewed back in March. Both of these books show that romances can have depth and contain layered characters as well as be intelligent.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow! This book will grab you by the heart and tighten its hold. Some of the scenes with Morgan are just so powerful. You can feel her pain come alive off the pages. What a tortuous journey she went on. To have such a great and heavy loss, and in an instant. I could relate in my life, only with a parent and sibling, instead of the one you love. But pain is pain and you root for Morgan to get past the grief, to want to live again, find love, and be happy. And there is not a better way than with Jackson (and Finley, of course!) Jackson is such a refreshing breath of air character. He is a wonderful dad to Finley. He gives of himself wholeheartedly and not only pursues Morgan, but refuses to give her up. I loved their dynamic. And the intense craziness of the last few hours in their story is heart racing, scary, loving, sacrificial, and momentous. I truly loved Morgan and Jackson. He is massively swoonworthy. The epilogue for this story is a poignant and bittersweet closing for this group of friends/family members.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review from the publisher through Netgalley.

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I've never read anything by Rebecca Yarros but I just bought the rest of the Flight & Glory series! Oh. My. Gosh! So emotional and tender. Morgan's courage is mind blowing even if she doesn't realize it, and Jackson. Well, he's about as perfect as one man can be. This book was mind blowing!

Thank you to Entangled Publishing and NetGalley for providing me an arc of this book.

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5 stars

The Reality of Everything by Rebecca Yarros is a beautifully written, heartfelt read with characters that touched my heart with their story.

From the first page I was drawn in, the storyline line is entertaining, emotional, funny and full of swoony moments.

I loved watching Morgan and Jackson together, I enjoyed their friendship and I loved the interaction between them and Jackson's adorable daughter Finley.

Morgan is one of those characters that will stay with me for a longtime, she's strong, passionate, funny and someone I would love to call my friend.
Watching her battle her fears and demons had me wanting to reach into my iPad to cuddle her and just be there for her. There was one scene that truly broke my heart. I felt her pain, I felt her anger and I felt her heartbreak. Damn I'm teary up now reliving it :(

I loved Jackson, he's a dedicated father, smart, a great friend and a man who loves with all his heart. I loved watching him get to know Morgan, he sensed her pain and knew he had to take baby steps with her. He felt the special connection they shared and together they could get through anything life threw their way. And I loved how not once did he stop loving her, she pushed hard but his heart was always hers.

Another major plus was revisiting with all the previous characters and seeing how life has been and what they're all up to now.

I can't express how much I loved The Reality of Everything, it's a book that will touch your heart and take you on an emotional roller coaster but the ride is soooo worth it.

The Reality of Everything is a wonderful addition to the Flight & Glory series, each book has been a joy to read and I highly recommend them all!

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This book. God, I've been waiting for book for what feels like forever. Because there was still one more story that needed to be told within the Flight & Glory series, but while I was reading this fifth and final (gasp!) F&G novel, I realized that there were two stories within its virtual pages, and they both had me in tears at times, grinning because of the swoon-worthiness of it all, and ultimately, speechless but with a heart that felt full. It may have been over four and a half years between the release of books four and five, but Rebecca Yarros made every single day of that wait so damn worth it because the reality of reading The Reality of Everything? It was EVERYTHING.

Moving from her home state of Alabama to buy a beach house in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina may have seemed impulsive to some, but twenty-four-year-old Morgan Bartley needed this. She had a job waiting for her at the local elementary school and she was going to spend the summer giving her new home a much-needed makeover. Okay, it was more of a much-demanded renovation, but this could very well be the diversion that will spare her, even if only temporarily, from the grief of losing the man she loved and thought she'd finally have a chance at forever with. What she doesn't need is the kind of distraction her neighbor is. Twenty-eight-year-old Jackson Montgomery is a gorgeous single father with an adorable five-year-old daughter named Finley. So what if she's drawn to him as much as he is to her? She already fell for a pilot once; she refuses to do it again with this Coast Guard SAR pilot.

A quick note: Inasmuch as The Reality of Everything is the story of a different couple in the Flight & Glory series, I feel readers will have a far better appreciation for not just Morgan's story, but that of the recurring characters, particularly, Joshua and December Walker (Full Measures and Hallowed Ground, books one and four, respectively), Jagger and Paisley Bateman (Eyes Turned Skyward, book two), and Grayson and Samantha Masters (Beyond What Is Given, book three), and William Carter (Eyes Turned Skyward, Beyond What Is Given, and Hallowed Ground). They all comprise a loyal and close-knit group of friends that have been through love and loss. Yes, that'll mean FIVE books to read, but I promise, each one is a heartwarming novel.

What can I say about Morgan and Jackson's story that will properly and wholly explain how great of an impact it had on me? The Flight & Glory series starter, Full Measures, was my introduction to Rebecca Yarros's writing back in 2014, and having read all of this author's books, Josh and Ember, the main characters from the aforementioned debut from Yarros, have remained my favorites. Then there's Will, a character that is more peripheral than central, yet his presence in the lives of the rest of the recurring cast of Flight & Glory characters is pivotal, and he also happens to be a personal favorite of mine as well. Morgan and Jackson have made their presence known--although Morgan was introduced in Eyes Turned Skyward, and continued part of the cast in the next two books, same as Will--and what a mark they left on me.

There was such a bittersweet tone to this story, but damn, it was such an eye-opener for a reader like me because I've followed this series from the get-go. I saw the other couples, not in a whole new light, but more of seeing them from a more realistic perspective rather than the reverent one that they've been in the past few years. Then there was Morgan, who was still mourning the loss of someone who owned her heart even though they never fully had the opportunity to be the "more" that they could have been. She was hurting and grieving but she didn't need anyone to save her. Nope, this woman could save herself, thank you very much, but she also knew she couldn't do it alone, which was something I loved about her. As for Jackson... Le sigh. Yeah, the guy just hurdled over every other guy on my list of favorite male main characters, and now, he and Morgan are sitting atop their respective lists, and rightfully so. These two apart and together were forces to reckoned with.

The Reality of Everything was a beautifully penned romance--a story of fortitude and resilience, of acknowledging the past and giving it the respect it deserves but also realizing the importance of the present and the need to take chances in order to have a future worth living. It reminded me that our experiences are distinct, and sometimes, even though we all go through the same event, our viewpoints aren't always the same and what we went through affects us differently. This was such a full circle experience for me, and I honestly couldn't have concocted a better way to close out the Flight & Glory series, which is one of the most memorable and heartrending yet inspiring series out there. Would it be too much to ask for a spin-off with Jackson's fellow Coast Guard guys, or how about the second generation of F&G, i.e. Josh and Ember's, Jagger and Paisley's, Grayson and Sam's, and Jackson and Morgan's kids? Or here's a thought: Maybe both? Hey, you never know, so I'm putting it out there. Fingers and toes crossed, and I wouldn't say no to starting a petition or a novena or two. Just saying.

Whatever Rebecca Yarros has in store post-F&G, I'll be there for all of it. After all, she may have been an author for me to keep an eye on after I read Full Measures in 2014, and here we are, several novels, novellas, and short stories later, and every single time, she's proven that the time and money I put into reading them has been more than worthwhile. The Reality of Everything isn't just a must-read; it's a story that needs to be delved into and experienced. My only word of warning: have tissues on hand. All the stars, people. Each and every I can give it. It goes without saying that this book is one of the best novels for 2020 and beyond. ♥

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I haven’t read any of the other books in the series, but I didn’t feel lost while reading this book. In fact, I think I need to read the rest now so I can see what I missed with the other couples.
This book was an epic love story about second chances and learning to love after heartbreak. There really aren’t words to describe the awesomeness of Jackson. He might make mistakes but they aren’t horrible and he always works to make them right. Morgan is scared to fall in love again and had horrible anxiety. She is too nice for her own good at times, but when she finally stands up for herself it was great.
Poignant, heart wrenching and uplifting all at once. Have tissues handy and be prepared to not put the book down. I received an ARC in exchange for an honest, voluntary review.

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This. Book. 5 ⭐️!!
The Reality of Everything by @rebeccayarros released today!And let me tell you... I am still reeling from the story.

“I’m going to love you so well that you’ll never doubt that I choose you. Every day. Every situation. I choose you.”
Jackson and Morgan... wow. These two broke me. How do you do this Rebecca? How do you manage to write these words that reach deep down in to my soul and stay there? Rebecca Yarros delivers an incredibly delicate love story that will leave an impact on your heart.

“How I can’t decide if the fire is hotter in the hell where I choose to live with the terror I felt when you walked out the door tonight or the one where I have to figure out how to walk away from you, because either way, how I feel about you is going to eventually incinerate me.”

The emotions that came out while reading will be remember for a long time.

“What I feel for you isn’t quiet. It’s loud and inconvenient and demands to be said as often as possible.”

Thank you @candikanepr and @entangled_publishing for the arc. This one left a permanent mark.

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Rating: 5 Stars, HJ TOP PICK!

In The Reality of Everything (Flight & Glory #5) by Rebecca Yarros, Most people move to the Outer Banks to be near the ocean and spend their days relaxing on the beach or surfing. But not Morgan Bartley. She bought a run-down beach house, sight unseen, just to get away from the memories after losing Will, the only man she's ever loved, two years ago. Panic attacks and heart-ripping grief is her new way of life. Morgan is hoping North Carolina will be her new start, but she certainly wasn't looking to start anything with another helicopter pilot who has the potential to damage her already wounded heart. But between Jackson's gentle treatment of her, his sexy smile--and body--and his adorable five-year-old daughter Fin, Morgan can feel herself drawn to them against her better judgement.

Jackson loves his job as a search and rescue pilot for the Coast Guard. Saving lives is a very personal commitment he's made--but he's well aware of the danger that comes with it. As a single dad, he keeps things as safe as possible. Jackson also keeps any casual dalliances away from his daughter so she doesn't get attached to someone who won't be sticking around. That all changes when sultry Morgan moves in next door. The woman is a walking contradiction. She's strong-willed but is crippled by grief. She's sassy one minute then having a panic attack the next. But Jackson can see the the amazing person Morgan is underneath it all. And although it's the first time in years that he's actually willing to get his heart involved, he's sure it will be worth it in the end.

Phenomenal. That's the only way I can describe the beauty that was The Reality of Everything. Somehow Rebecca Yarros took what should have been a somber, heavy story of grief, and intricately added light and truly touching moments turning this into a powerhouse of a romance.

I'll start off saying that even though The Reality of Everything wasn't super dark, if you've gone through the grieving process for a close loved one and it's a trigger for you to read of others struggling with it, this will be a tough story for you. But I can also say that Yarros did the unthinkable (in my humble opinion) with the laughter and achingly sexy moments she convincingly included. And she showed us Morgan's whole range of feelings: the peace that eventually came from moving away from reminders of Will; the camaraderie of making new friends; and even healing as Morgan fell little by little--mostly kicking and screaming the whole way--for wonderful Jackson.

You can read this as a standalone or as part of the Flight & Glory series and still be okay. I think it might make more an impact if you've read some of the other installments, but Yarros did a terrific job of doling out Morgan and Will's backstory a little bit at a time. And it's not exactly what I thought it was at the beginning. I won't spoil it for you, but Morgan was in a unique predicament. She still kept her spirits up when around others, though, and had that Southern sassy-ness going on. Especially during Morgan and Jackson's meet-cute which involved sketchy stairs, lots of scratches and bruises, and...Hello Kitty? (lol) It was when she was alone that it all fell apart--or when she was faced with anything to do with Will.

Jackson was amazing. We ladies all deserve a stand up guy like him in our lives...seriously. He was a single dad, a helicopter search and rescue pilot for the Coast Guard, and an all-around nice (and oh so sexy) man. I loved Jackson's patience with Morgan and that he understood what she needed. He didn't give up even when most guys would have. But what else would you expect from a man raising a smart-as-a-whip five-year-old daughter on his own like it was easy as anything?

A perfect storm of emotions that inspired, saddened, and wowed me, The Reality of Everything was a breathtaking novel that had an exciting ending and characters that you will adore. I can't recommend this book enough.

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It's yet another romantic emotional roller coaster by Rebecca Yarros. I loved everything about this book. The story is great, it's equal part tragic and happy, it's romantic, and it has the characters you can root for and fall in love with. Basically, it's a whole package; a book that all romance lovers can enjoy. I definitely recommend it, as long as you don't mind getting emotional over fictional characters and situations.

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Such a wonderful story and one that once you start reading, you can't put it down. Outstanding story.

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*sigh* all the feels. I LOVED this book!

I’ll admit that I haven’t kept up to date with this author’s work since I last read the series, but as soon as I saw this title available I KNEW I had to have it. This is one of my favorite New Adult series from when I first started reading the genre and knowing that it featured Morgan just made it that much more special.

Although this is book 5 of the series, it can be read as a stand-alone. But I would be doing you and this series a disservice if I don’t encourage you to read the books in order. You will definitely get a broader understanding of Morgan, her place in the cast of characters and the undercurrent of her feelings.

First off, congratulations to the author for bringing forth such an awesome range of emotions, for keeping the characters real and relatable and for not sticking to the usual with Morgan’s story. Yes, she was grieving, but she wasn’t doing it blindly. She loved fiercely, but also saw the flaws in the men she loved.

I found it interesting to see all the little changes she went through from the beginning of the story right up to the end when she finally came into herself, becoming an even stronger, confident woman who loved with her whole heart and without losing her worth.

And Jax? Well, he was awesome—gorgeous, smart and a great daddy. I loved his sense of honor and enjoyed seeing his vulnerable side from time to time. I especially loved him with Morgan—the flirting, the banter...the chemistry!

This is one of those stories that I will definetly be reading again. All the elements worked for me—the emotions were intense, the chemistry was palpable and the connection between the Morgan and Jax jumped off the page. All in all, an fantastic read!

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Rebecca Yarros is an author I have come to expect engaging and emotional stories from, and The Reality of Everything delivers.

Morgan is still mourning the man she loved who was killed in Afghanistan a couple years ago. She starts renovations on her beach house hoping for a distraction, but she doesn't count on meeting Jackson. He is a single father and Morgan's new next door neighbor.

The spark between them is strong, but the path to happily ever after is not easy. Morgan doesn't want to date another military man, especially a pilot after the heartbreak she has experienced. It was amazing to see her heal, grow, and fall again.

This story is dual POV and I liked getting inside both Morgan and Jackson's heads. It kept the action moving at a good pace and helped me to connect with them both.

The Reality of Everything really does run the emotional gamut from heartache and grief to happiness and love. I was glad to be along for the ride.

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It's been exactly two years since I binged the Flight and Glory series and this group has stayed with me ever since.

Hallowed Ground (Book 4) was one of the saddest I've ever read and I've been hoping for Morgan's HEA ever since. The Reality of Everything did not disappoint!!

I don't think that any of the Flight & Glory books are standalones since you miss way too much of the backstory if you don't read the books that came first.

I spent a good bit of this book crying my eyes out so hard that I couldn't see my kindle screen. But there's also a good bit of humor and Finley is EVERYTHING!! Jax was insanely perfect for Morgan. He's patient and kind but not at all a pushover. I never thought anyone could come close to how much I loved Greyson but Jax came really really really close.

I'm going to miss Flight & Glory so much. These characters are some of my favorites!!

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It’s no secret that I’m a long time fan of Rebecca Yarros. Since February of 2014, I’ve quite literally devoured everything she’s ever written, beginning with Full Measures. The quality of her writing is top-notch each and every time. She may not crank out 10 books in a year, but everything that she publishes is ALWAYS worth the wait. Rebecca Yarros writes emotional, angsty books, so if you’re looking for something lighthearted, her books are not going to be for you.

The Reality of Everything is book 5 in the Flight & Glory series, a contemporary military romance series. All of the books are written as stand-alone titles, but I think you’d be missing out on amazing reads if you don’t start with book 1, Full Measures.

This book is Morgan’s story, and those of us that have loved the series from the beginning have been clamoring for this book for forever. And The Reality of Everything was quite literally…everything!

What I loved about the book: Ummm pretty much every word on every page! There’s a reason Rebecca Yarros is at the top of my automatic 1-click list. Her words and her stories never fail to resonate with me. The characters: Morgan…let’s just say that those still waters run deep. She’s fierce and one of a kind, but we all have our breaking point. I shed a lot of tears for her in this story. Jackson is now rivaling Josh Walker as my top book boyfriend, because who doesn’t love a sexy single dad with a hero complex?! The rest of the Flight & Glory gang…always good to catch up with old favorites. The storyline: Morgan needed something of her own, and she definitely got it in this book in more than one way. And man, when she finally let loose, I nearly stood up and cheered!

NICUnurse’s Rating: Honestly, I don’t think you can go wrong with any Rebecca Yarros book unless you’re looking for a light-hearted rom-com. I’ve no doubt she could rock that genre, but she excels at the swoony, sexy, angsty, emotional reads. I had to wait to read this book until I knew I wasn’t going to need to put it down for any length of time because I’m always sucked in from the first page to the very end when I pick up one of her books. The Reality of Everything didn’t fail to do just that. And the emotional rollercoaster, even though expected, had me laughing, cringing, crying, and sighing over and over again. And I’ve no doubt I’ll ride that ride several times over in the future. It’s hard not to say more because that would delve into spoiler territory, and I hate spoilers. This story is way too good to spoil any bit of it, so just suffice it to say that it’s worth your time and your money.

I give The Reality of Everything by Rebecca Yarros 5 out of 5 stars!

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OMG so so amazing. My heart is full!
Just to be upfront, this one will have triggers for women or men who have suffered the loss of a spouse or significant other.

I don’t read too many romance stories with guys in the military. I’m not sure why. But this one drew me in for whatever reason and I’m so glad I picked it up.

The author has created these unbelievable characters that are just amazing. Morgan is crippled with grief. But yet she is depicted with amazing strength, resilience, and still has a bit of a sunny side to her.

Jackson is an Adonis of a character. An amazing father and a heart of gold. He carefully starts breaking the walls that Morgan has surrounded herself with.

But the author’s depiction of Morgan’s grief is a delicate balance of trying to acknowledge feelings for someone else is unbelievably accurate. From out of nowhere, tears would just start rolling down my face. But then for every low, there was time with Jackson that started balancing with a beautiful high.

And of course, we have to have the angst and drama because no relationship or budding relationship is perfect. The story was perfectly depicted and the amazing love Jackson showed just oozed out and kept me captive to this book.

Written with immense detail with a deep understanding of conflict and mental anguish, but yet still striving to see the beautiful side of life. Yarros’ writing shows clarity and empathy for both her characters and the reader.

The ending was a dramatic flair that keeps you holding your breath and reading as fast as possible. My only issue is I really wanted more of Jackson and Morgan, content and happy instead of the ending that felt a tad rushed.

Maybe there are more books to come. But this one was truly an amazing read that will stick with me for a long time!

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