Member Reviews

Wow! Just wow! This story really did a number on me. I found my heart racing so much through different parts of the book. When Morgan lost her one true love, we can already feel her pain to some degree, but the depths of her pain will make you catch your breath...more than once. Her quest to heal, to put space between herself and her pain and her memories is something that I'm sure we've all felt to some degree at one time or another. The spectacular scenery of this story completely enthralled me as it is most definitely a bucket list visit someday. Jackson is much everything. A single dad doing the right thing by his daughter (who is also absolutely amazing) and devotes his life to saving those he can. But Morgan can't deal with another pilot so it seems this relationship was doomed before it ever started. "I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river; to me you're everything that exits; the reality of everything". Not only did I automatically purchase the first 4 books, but I pulled out a copy of Mrs. Dalloway, the only Virginia Woolf book I have on hand (and have never read this author) because I want to keep myself in this world a little longer.

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The Reality of Everything is a lovely addition to the Flight and Glory series by Rebecca Yarros. An emotional and beautiful story. This emotional roller coaster involves intense moments and situations. Be prepared, because once you open this book, you will not be the same person who closes it

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When I first started reading this story I was sitting in the airport waiting on a flight. I started laughing out loud at the jokes, caught myself, and then had to look around to see if people thought I was crazy. It was that funny. Then I got to the heart wrenching parts and had tears running down my face. That is the mark of an exceptional book. What Morgan is experiencing becomes very real for the reader. Her anguish and pain bleeds off the page. How Jackson reacts to her is golden. He understands without overwhelming her. I will read this story several more times and it will never get old.

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In 'The Reality of Everything' we have the long anticipated fifth instalment of the 'Flight and Glory' series by Rebecca Yarros.

Morgan most certainly deserves her HEA and Jackson is just the guy to share it with her.

As much as I loved Jackson, for me, Morgan steals the show. I think she is probably the strongest female character that I've ever read.

As I've come to expect from the pen of Rebecca Yarros, their journey is not plain sailing and you'll certainly need a supply of tissues to mop up the inevitable tears, but it is SO worth it!

You cannot miss this, especially if you have read the other novels in this amazing series and although a standalone novel that can be read and enjoyed on its own, its most definitely better appreciated as a conclusion for these amazing characters, their journey to love and life beyond service to their country.

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Wow, wow, wow! This book was so emotional and so moving. The grief Morgan goes through felt real and raw. And those moments/scenes had me tearing up. Jackson's steady unwavering love was so swoony. And the action near the end made it almost impossible to look away, put the book down.
It's also the fifth book in the Flight & Glory series. And can be read as a stand-alone. I hadn't read any of the previous books in this series and didn't feel one bit lost.

Morgan Bartley lost the man she loved two years ago in Afghanistan. Now she's in Cape Hatteras restoring an old house as she tries to put herself back together and to distract her from her debilitating anxiety attacks.

Jackson Montgomery is a single father who lives next door. His life is his daughter and his job as a pilot for the search and rescue for the Coast Guard. Their attraction is undeniable but Morgan's fear keeps him at arm's length.

You should definitely check this one out. Especially if you love angst.

Thanks so much to Entangled Publishers for this ARC and NetGalley.

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There aren't enough words for how much I loved this book... This is my second book by Rebecca Yarros and I absolutely love her writing style. Great and Precious Things was amazing, but this one was phenomenal! The chemistry written into every page makes it insanely hard to put down.

Morgan bought herself a fixer upper house on the beach so she could escape her old life and start fresh. She meets her hot new neighbor when she falls through her landing and he has to rescue her. She is closed off and shut down towards him and he wants to save her from that too.

Jackson, the hot new neighbor, is instantly taken with Morgan. His five year old daughter, Finley, likes her too. He is a knight in shining armor and enjoys saving people. Hence why he became a search and rescue helicopter pilot.

Morgan is running from something and Jackson can't figure out what. Turns out it's a who. Specifically, a ghost. Her memories of Will are all over her hometown and she escaped to deal with the grief. Falling for another pilot is the last thing she plans to do. Too bad Jackson didn't get that memo and attempts to steal her heart anyway.

"I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river; to me you're everything that exists; the reality of everything." - Virginia Woolf (sums this book up perfectly)

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I have not read the other books in this series but I think this worked fine as a standalone. There were a lot of characters from previous books but context clues filled me in.
I’m going to start this review by saying how much I appreciate the depiction and representation of complicated grief through the character of Morgan. When this was introduced into the story I was worried that she would miraculously be healed through the powers of the hero’s magic penis. We’ve all seen this before whenever there’s a mentally ill or struggling heroine. I’m so happy that wasn’t the case here. Morgan was in therapy and made small progress throughout the novel. It felt like an honest depiction of what people go through. To me this was one of the great achievements this story had.
Now the characters. The two main characters are great. Morgan has conflicting emotions and the reader feels/sees the actions she takes because of them. I completely understood where Morgan was coming from and rooted for her every step of her journey. Jackson was incredibly swoon worthy. I mean just wow. He was understanding and patient as well as sexy and good-hearted. Where is my Jackson? Haha 😂
The conflict between them is believable and something many military couples go through so I’m happy that it wasn’t sugar coated or quickly patched up.
My only qualm was that the story ran a bit long. I felt it could have been shortened.
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this since I had never read this author or series before but happy I took a chance on this arc. Thank you to Entangled Publishing, the author and NetGalley for the opportunity.

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This is a new author to me so I wasn't sure what to think at first, however the author did not disappoint. The first thing I did noticed is the book is told in a first person point of view. What I liked was that although told in a FPP the author told the story from both characters point of view so there was no way you are going to miss a thing. Hands down I loved Fin what an amazing little girl with lots of sass. I however did not like Brie and was glad the author made her story short. This book is very powerful, intense, and super emotional the author did an amazing job and getting to the heart of the matter and totally drawing you in leaving you wanting me. I loved how no matter what Morgan faced Jackson was going to have her back, he truly was a hero. This book does have curse words and sex so may not be suitable for all readers. Overall this book was amazing and I truly could not put this down, when you grab this book make sure you have a box of tissue close by.

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The story of Morgan and Jackson.

Morgan has just bought the house next to Jackson, starting her life after losing Will.
Number on in Jackson's life is his daughter Fin, but he can't help being drawn to Morgan. He knows he should keep away especially when he finds out what happened to Will, and realises his job will be an issue.

A great read, but emotional and had me in tears a few times!

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I loved Jackson and the premise of this book very much. The ending was amazing too. I just wasn’t a fan of how stubborn about letting go of a quasi-BF Morgan was.

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"Inches. He'd been a breath away from kissing me on his kitchen counter. Was it possible to want someone when you had nothing to offer but a ton of baggage and a damaged heart?"

Morgan's heart has been crushed and her life irrevocably changed. Her move to North Carolina wasn't running away, so she told herself. It was to get away from the sorrow. But she didn't count of what life would be in her new house, next to an adorable 5 year old girl and her incredibly handsome and charming dad. Things are about to get complicated.

Jackson's life has been content. He loves his daughter, loves his job and gets female attention when he wants. But, wow, Morgan has blown into his life like a Category 5 hurricane. No matter how broken she may be, she is exactly who he wanted.

There are many obstacles to overcome, which Jackson feels is 100% worth it. Morgan isn't sure she can go through the fear of loss. It may take a lot of detours, but love is seldom easy.

I have not read the first 4 books in this series, but I had no problem reading it as a stand alone. That being said, I'm still going to go back and read the previous books because this one was so good!!

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The Reality of Everything is my first book by Rebecca Yarros but having heard so many wonderful things about her stories, I jumped at the chance to review an early copy and even though this book is part of a series, it didn't stop me devouring what is a beautifully written tale. That is full of well-developed characters who are unflinchingly real and utterly engaging, and whilst I found the story a touch slow paced it didn't stop me from cherishing every angst filled, heartbreaking moment as Morgan fought to get her life back together after the death in combat of the man she loved. And with an alluring and uplifting romance and some sweetness and humour to balance out the emotion I really couldn't turn the pages fast enough.

Would happily recommend.

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This was a very emotional; story and I loved every page. All of the characters were likeable ( except Claire of course). Morgan and Jackson have such great chemistry. Morgan has a lot to overcome, she has a great friend in Sam, her introspection and therapy sessions are heartbreaking as is her confrontation with Paisley and all along Jackson is there to support her. I have not read the other stories in the series but I have added them to my list.

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**I received The Reality of Everything from Entangled Publishing and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. My opinion is mine alone and not solicited in any way.**

The Reality of Everything by Rebecca Yarros is the fifth book in her Flight and Glory series and this will have you from the first time Morgan, Finley and Jackson meet when she falls through a rotted board on her new house. Not only does Jax give her a nickname "Kitty" (For Hello Kitty undies) but she will start on the path of healing from her late boyfriends death. You will feel everything in this book, plus stay up at night reading just to find out more how Morgan's doctor will help her healing from the loss of Will. Yes, Jax is a "Fly Boy" flying a Jayhawk for the US Coast Guard whose ex is Finley's mom but a actress wanting to be a star but he wants Morgan forever when she's ready to move onto the future. There's ups and down, a hurricane and Sam who will help Morgan every way she can.

Bring your tissues and be prepared for a fantastic book that will have you cheering every progress that Morgan will have including the climatic confrontation with her friends so they what really happened with the loss of Will who saved them but at the loss of her heart and love. I loved this book so much!!!

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The Reality of Everything by Rebecca Yarros is book five and the conclusion to her Flight & Glory Series. I know it's a lot to ask for, but for best reading experience I recommend to read the books in order. The previous books in this fantastic series are Full Measures; Eyes Turned Skyward; Beyond What's Given and Hallowed Ground.
This is Morgan and Jackson's heart-wrenchingly story.
Morgan is new in town to start over. New home, new job, new friends, a shiny new life. Only shiny is nothing at this moment for her. She's still grieving the loss of a loved one and her days painted dark. She meets her new neighbor, a single dad per accident and girl have these two bababoom attraction.
What she doesn't know and surely will be a deal breaker, Jackson's choice of job is a major no no for Morgan.
I started reading and fell in insta-love with the story, the characters and the fantastic writing. Nobody, literally nobody writes thoroughly battered maincharacters like this author. I fell in love with her stories when I read Full Measure. She writes heartwrenchingly, beautiful, fantastic and outstanding stories. Her books check all my boxes, give me all the feels and after I read the book, cover to cover in one sitting, I can't get it out of my head. This book is for real a favorite read in 20. I recommend the book, 5 stars.

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I have said this before, and I am going to say it again, it is so much more harder to write a review for a book that I absolutely love, versus one I am not a fan of. It is easy to pin point what you don't like, but when you love one as much as I love this one, it is ridiculously hard not spill ALL the beans. I have to be honest though, The Reality Of Everything is the first book I have read from this series, and it blew me away. Not only because I didn't feel like I missed a daggone thing from the previous characters and their stories, but because this author is so insanely talented when it comes to her writing style. I was so immersed into this one, it felt like I was drowning. This author made me feel like I was living the life of Morgan Bartley. I went through a roller coaster of emotions as if I was her, and she was me.

The Reality Of Everything says enough with the title alone. The story stays so true to what the reality of everything entails. It was hard, so dang hard, and the angst alone will take you to your knees, BUT the learning curve that comes with it, is what gave me the solace I so desperately needed. This slow-burn romance had it all; the dialogue that reaches a place in your heart that makes it unforgettable, the buildup that comes with the perfect development, the depth that had enough power to have you blinking tears away, and the characters that no one will ever replace. I could never leave out the soul searching and growth that these characters done. It is what made this book one of my top reads this year. Also, again with I never witnessing a connection like I did with Morgan and Jackson. It was so blatantly obvious, and heartfelt, wait more like cathartic, but you get the point.

This story focus' on Morgan and Jackson, BUT the supporting characters weighs heavily on this storyline. Each and every character plays such an important roll in well.. everything. Yarros did an amazing job of keeping that alive. There was no false pretenses. Each relationship was authentic to the core.

Look, I could go on and on but that won't serve me well, nor anyone else. I could not recommend a book more than this one. If you want all the feels, and all the growth, this one is for you.

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