Member Reviews

Another review for you! This one was not my most favorite book, which is why we have 2 Triquetras. The cover is beautifully done, which is what drew me in for this one.

I am an Irish Polytheist, not a Welsh-based practitioner, so maybe the story wasn't as poignant for me, but I feel that this book was stretched out a bit too much. I hate to say it, but it seemed a little redundant, and that the same points were being made over and over.

I thought that, from the Goodreads blurb, that we were going to have a deeper understanding of the story, not a rehashing of it three times over. The first part focuses on "a general overview and introduction to the tale and its history." Then we have a retelling of the tale, both traditional AND modern. We go over the landscape of the myth, a bit of historical background and some exercises.

I'm not sure if it's just me but the exercises didn't do too much for me. Again, I think it may be because I'm not too invested in Welsh mythology.

Either way I'm glad I gave this one a go - if you're a Welsh Pagan, what do you think of diving very deep into mythology? A good thing to look at, or just beating a dead horse, so to speak?

I did receive a free copy of this from Netgally in exchange for an honest review.

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