Member Reviews

Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.

This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience.

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Containment is the perfect read during a pandemic. Think it’s a good story and will resonate with many readers especially during our pandemic. But to be clear this is a story about an epidemic not a pandemic!
First book by this author and looking forward to more.

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Given the current situation, this book was made all the more interesting. Fast paced and exciting, my first book by Nick Thacker, and part of a new series. Looking forward to the rest

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Given the subject matter, this was a really interesting book to read at this current time when we find ourselves still in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic. I assumed the book had been written before the pandemic began but it is mentioned as a past event. In Containment there is a fear of an unknown disease, possibly a virus, spreading. But what if it's man-made? Could it be biological terrorism? And why?

A young British family on holiday in Canada get lost and accidentally cross the border into the USA so are taken to an immigration centre, where some of the family become ill. Troubled ex cop Jake Parker has been living a quiet life since a hugely traumatic incident three years earlier. He is approached by the Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and asked to look into the case. Initially reluctant, Jake is too intrigued not to get involved. He calls his friend, and ex partner for help who in turn recruits medical expert Dr Eliza Mendoza. The case takes the three of them in directions they never imagined.

It was hard not to be drawn to Jake. He is, by circumstances and then choice, a bit of a loner and doesn't find it easy to open up to others. As an ex cop he has a healthy respect for the law but isn't afraid to push things when necessary. I liked Eliza too. A strong, capable, intelligent woman who's not afraid to speak her mind. She's very focused, possibly too focused!

The story is complex and intelligent, easily kept me turning the pages. There is a lot of science covered. I don't know if it's all correct but it certainly feels authentic and that a lot of research went to it. And the whole premise itself is both gripping and frightening - it's not hard to imagine something similar in real life. Scary.

Containment is a gripping action thriller with engaging central characters. I didn't expect the story to take the path it did and the conclusion contained a shock or two. I hope to see more Jake Parker from Nick Thacker.

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Honestly I got tired trying to get through this book. The plot was interesting but the story itself was long and repetitive.

Plot: Good cop wife dies as a result of his police department and is recruited by ICE head to investigate breakout of parasite infection in ICE facilities. Joins forces with lady parasitologist and former partner who is dirty in investigating "pandemic"

Triggers: none

Opinion: oh my goodness the number of times the writer repeated the qualities on Jake Became disgusting. I was so sick about hearing jakes merits and his efforts to always go by the book that to be honest I skimmed over the last few pages. I was so glad it was over. I didn't really feel the characters and it felt like reading more about Jake's merits and hots for Eliza than really trying to be a thriller.

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Containment by Nick Thacker is the first book that I have read by this author and it's also the first book in the 'New Jake Parker' series. This new author and book did not disappoint, I was hooked within the first few pages and I could not put this book down. I found it full of twists and turns. It’s a fast-paced and punchy action adventure throughout but can be and chilling in places. So be warned.

I highly recommend Containment by Nick Thacker and looking forward reading the next book in the Jake Parker series............I just hope he catches them!

Big Thank you to Bookouture for the blog tour invite and for providing a review copy. I loved it!

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This is the first time I have read a book by this author and I am so glad he has more books already published as I found Containment to be highly addictive. I wasn't sure how I would get on with this when I first picked it up given the current state of affairs as the world is still in the midst of the covid pandemic, but I am so glad I pushed that thought to one side. Yes, our current predicament is mentioned, but only briefly.

Set after covid so therefore in the future, this is a cracking book and is the first in the series. Jake Parker, loner, ex-military, ex-detective is called to look into a virus that could wipe out millions. It is deadly, 100% deadly! He needs help with this and so Professor Eliza Mendoza and Jake start to link the dots. It is set in the US and there are very strict border controls, there are detention centres and there is an animosity that felt worse than we have at the moment.

I like how the author has taken feeling that is rife in today's current climate and escalated them further. There are definitely culture classes, immigration issues, the colour of people skin are all brought into play. The author is not making a political stand at all but just highlighting triggers people have within the context of his story.

I liked the dynamic between the characters, Jake has a past that still haunts him and it is why he is a loner. Eliza, well she is just as much of a closed book but she does have an edge that adds to the way the characters work together.

This is a crime thriller that has a medical Eagle woven into it, not too much science but enough to be understood and to convey the meaning behind the science. I like how it is part of the story and not overshadowing it. This makes this book more accessible and keep the fast pace up.

I really enjoyed this medical investigation, thriller, crime, read and am looking forward to the next one in the series when it comes out. Definitely recommended and highly addicitive.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my copy of Containment by Nick Thacker in exchange for an honest review. It published September 10, 2020.
I don't often read what I affectionately call "Dad Books" (this is the type of book my dad would read!), but I really enjoyed this one. I enjoyed the pandemic bend and the research that went into it. I found it to keep my attention, I actually read 50% in one day! Definitely bingeable!
If you enjoy action and science, (but not too much), I think you would enjoy this one!

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I gave Containment by Nick Thacker 4 out of 5 stars. I received Containment from NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Containment is about a pandemic, so if you're having trouble dealing with the current pandemic, I suggest steering clear of the book. If you want an escape from reality and want to read about a very controlled, contained pandemic, this is the book for you.

A pandemic hits the U.S. after two immigrants die while in ICE custody. The head of ICE, Briggs, calls upon one of the best detectives he knows, Jake Parker, to work behind the scenes and figure out who or what has unleashed this pandemic. Parker is battling his own difficulties and is hesitant to throw himself into the work, especially after the loss of his wife. Parker, along with Shaw and the alluring scientist Mendoza, form a team to see if they can get ahead of this pandemic without causing too much frenzy. As the three start to uncover where this pandemic stems from and who is behind it, it becomes a battle not only to save the country but to save themselves.

This book was a rollercoaster ride from the start. I appreciated how the author jumped right in with laying the scenario for the pandemic and didn't try to model it off of COVID. It was an extremely unique premise for a pandemic and a book. There was action, mystery, and twists. It was a little predictable at times but not so much where it ruined the story or the characters.

I appreciated the female lead, Mendoza. She was not only smart but prettty badass. The author didn't make the book about romance or passion but left just enough crumbs for the reader with the fliratious, protective relationship between Mendoza and Parker.

I didn't rate it a five because I felt that some characters who played an intregal part of the story could've been further developed. The antagonist, in my opinion, fell flat, especially after his actions were discovered. I just felt myself at times wanting more from the story, especially with the bureaucracy that was touted throughout. I wanted more innerworkings of the pandemic. Some of this was given neatly at the end which I appreciated and really enjoyed the ending and the workaround the author created.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for some thrills.

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It’s fast paced with an interesting theme. To be honest it could really happen and that’s also what’s very frightening about it. Bad people are obviously very inventive when they want to reach their goal.
Although I had an inkling about who was behind all this scheming that did not to stop me from being fascinated and captivated by the story. It was the ‘why’ that I still was anxious about to find out.
I don’t know what case Jake Parker will have to solve next time, but I certainly am looking forward to meet him (and maybe Eliza too) again.

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Oh my!! A high octane read which gathered speed at every chapter raising the pitch to the pinnacle in the second half where world health was at stake. Author Nick Thacker wrote the book with a thrilling flourish where a contagion was wildly spreading bringing death and destruction. Too close to the truth? Perhaps.

An imperfect hero and a scientist heroine and a world threatened with a contagion with people dying was the crux of the story. Add to this few twists and I got a rollicking thriller.

Short snappy chapters made this book fly, the action too helped. The narration kept to the flow of an action thriller on the backdrop of evils of medicine. Jack was strong yet vulnerable. His determination to get to the bottom of this probable bio warfare made me like him more.

Reading about something which was happening in real life was difficult, but I was happy to read it as I knew that this story would have a happy ending, and the bookish world would be saved without too many casualties, unlike real world.

The writing kept the dialogues flowing with intelligence and action interspersing it. The characters seemed to complement each other. I was happy the romance was not concentrated on. The story had a flying start and the last few pages made it a cracking read. Fun times in difficult times.

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A timely book that will be loved by alternative theory lovers
Is the contamination of people in American immigration centres the start of a pandemic, or is it a terrorist attack
A trio of investigators start to try and track the source of the disease, but are all three pulling in the same direction
A timely novel with a great story

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I hadn't read anything by this author before but the book blurb had me intrigued and I'm so happy I decided to read it! It is a fast paced action thriller with plenty of diverse threads which are skilfully interwoven to create an enthralling read that I didn't put down until I'd finished it.

Jake Parker is an ex-military and ex-Boston PD detective who is convinced by Derek Briggs, the director of ICE, to investigate the mysterious deaths of a couple who had inadvertently strayed into the US from Canada. There are concerns that their deaths could be the first of many - could this be the start of another pandemic? He is given lots of freedom to follow his own investigations to stop this threat and his first move is to seek support from his ex-police detective partner and a medical professor. When they discover the disease is man-made, this trio are involved in a race against time in order to thwart those behind the attack whilst endeavouring to keep themselves safe, too.

What a well written, fascinating story this proved to be. It is a gripping thriller which kept me turning the pages to discover just how everything would unfold. It was surprising to read comparisons between the mystery disease and COVID-19, including references to the R number as part of this, implying this book has actually been written very recently and is set in the near future. I'm very happy this is part of a series and there will be more mysteries for Jake to solve in future and really hope I get to read them!

Thank you to Bookouture for the copy of this book which I have voluntarily read and honestly reviewed.

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Jake has uncovered a man-made, deadly and dangerous virus. Can he find a cure before it’s too late?

The cover of this book screams excitement and danger and in many ways if this is what you are expecting, you will not be left disappointed.

The story takes you on a journey of discovery as the fantastic duo of Jake and Eliza try to work out who has created this deadly virus and the motive behind it.

The chemistry and banter between the two main characters adds a lightness to the story which is needed in my opinion, as otherwise the story could feel very heavy. The pair make a great team from the very beginning and it’s clear they are sparking a good friendship if not something more…

My favourite aspect of the story was probably the clever plotting and the cliff hanger endings to chapters which ensured I kept reading late into the night!

Overall, a great read!

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Containment by Nick Thacker is a thriller that I just couldn't put down. With action all the way. A thriller featuring Jake Parker and the beginning of a whole new series.
Jake was a Detective but has now turned to civilian life due to his wife's untimely death of his wife during a police raid.Then he is contacted by a government official, there has been a family in an ICE centre struck down with some unknown disease and the government request he comes out of retirement and investigate (covertly) this disease.
He is given a partner in his investigation Doctor Eliza Mendoza, she is a well skilled parasitologist/Epidemiologist. The aim is to identify this disease before an epidemic hits the country. When the true extent of everything hits home, they realise there must be a conspiracy and they need to stop this thing before it has chance to not just affect America but further afield too!
A fast and adrenaline filled story. The chapters are short and it gives it more oomph! The characters, well, we have Jake, the damaged ex cop who has faced tragedy amd come out the other side, but is still a little vulnerable. He has the guts you need to want to keep on hoping he can do this. Then Eliza, the serious and clever expert. She has everything you would want in that expert but there is surely something with these two? A whisper of something that is possible. The chemistry is there, they make a damn good duo.
A great plot that kept me interested until the end with the last half being shocking and racing to a conclusion before you know it, it's over. I am glad I decided to come on this blog tour I have now found another new author!
Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for the book to take part today.

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There’s honestly nothing like reading a book about a deadly parasite during the COVID pandemic of 2020.

A young family from England take a wrong turn in Canada, which accidentally lands them on US territory. When both parents end up dying in the detention center of some unknown infection shortly after arrival. Derek Briggs, the director of ICE, needs to sort this out quickly so he hires ex-military and ex-Boston PD detective Jake Parker to find the source of infection and stop it before it becomes an epidemic. With his former partner Beau Shaw and scientific expert Dr. Eliza Mendoza in tow, these three are racing the clock to stop the spread before the body count starts racking up.

I definitely went into this story because of the epidemic side of things. As a scientist, I can’t get enough of plot lines that dive into epidemics/pandemics/outbreaks. That being said, while the deadly parasite is integral to this storyline, this story also heavily focuses on the police procedural side of things while delving into topics such as politics, immigration, systemic racism, and white privilege. I think the author addresses these issues with grace, but I definitely found myself feeling on edge for some of these since they really hit home for me.

As far as character development goes, we get a lot of insight into Jake, Beau, and Eliza. I really enjoyed Jake and Beau’s partnership as well as the mutual respect they have for one another. I definitely admired Eliza as a female Ph.D scientist who is willing to get her hands dirty in order to use science to solve problems. I will say that I wasn’t so keen on the romantic exploration between Jake and Eliza. I would have much preferred a purely platonic relationship.

Overall, I think this is an interesting story, and I think it will really resonate with a lot of readers.

Thank you to Bookouture for the blog tour invite and for providing a review copy. This did not influence my review. All opinions are my own.

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"How far would you go for something you believe in?"

This is another of those books which I managed to read in a couple of sittings and another new series which I hope will continue to flourish, as I really need my next fix of Jake Parker - and soon please!

This book ticked all the boxes for my ideal reading scenario: A great opening which set the scene and placed the characters; a fast paced, action packed storyline; and a satisfying ending with not too many loose ends (only the romantic kind of course!). Oh! and in this case, given Jake's knack of attracting trouble, my fourth criteria definitely also applies - You can't be dead!

Short, punchy chapters, which far from making for a disjointed, 'bitty' storyline, kept things moving along fluidly and at a cracking pace.

Real and identifiable places made connecting with events so much easier and definitely more interesting, as I had my maps up much of the time, following the action from place to place.

The intense, multi-layered storyline, was rich in atmosphere, crackling with tension, and bang on trend for these troubled times. However it did make the assumption that Covid 19 had been and gone and was a thing of the past, which was slightly disconcerting, especially as Jake is investigating outbreaks of a new and much more deadly virus, which looks as though it is about to be unleashed, hot on Covid's heels!

When the true nature of intent with regard to this deadly, brutally fatal organism is uncovered, the repercussions it might engender, are not to be countenanced, as they have the propensity to extend far beyond one nation and cause a diplomatic incident of horrendous proportions. The last thing the US government needs is the grenade called 'ethnicity' being thrown into the room!

The narrative was crisp and to the point, with not a single wasted word, no lengthy flowery sentences, although everything was still very visually descriptive and fully fleshed out.

The dialogue similarly, didn't waste time with too many banalities or unnecessary exchanges. Ideas and information were relevant, and personal dialogue was meaningful and potentially either relationship building, or friendship destroying.

The characters were multi-faceted, complex, driven, emotionally damaged from past life experiences, and therefore quite difficult and challenging to connect with, despite being well defined and developed. Everyone was in this game for themselves it seems, even though they all had their own differing motives. Briggs truly believed with his esoteric reasoning, that he was working towards  the common good and a change in the bureaucratic system, although he wasn't quite prepared to pay the ultimate price demanded for his selfish single-mindedness. Beau has his own reasons for throwing in his lot with Briggs, but I truly believe that he had a moral issue with the way events were going, especially when he has to deal decisively with his one time friend and colleague, Jake. Life has little meaning left for Beau and the ultimate sacrifice isn't up for discussion.

For Jake and Eliza, being literally thrown together to try and unravel the plot and the motives which drive it, means that their individual solitary lifestyles, have to be placed on hold, a concept which is initially unthinkable for both of them. Jake is still grieving and hurting from the loss of his wife and Eliza is totally career focused, giving neither of them the will or requirement for a social life, much less a relationship. However, the chemistry between them kicks in automatically and immediately, as much as they both try to deny it. They really are operating on the same page from the word go though and it doesn't take Jake long to figure out that in Eliza, he has met his match in so many ways. Eliza knows what she needs to happen, in order for her to work out exactly what they are dealing with on a humanitarian level and she expects Jake to defer to her when the science has to take centre stage. Equally, Jake is very much in charge of outing the villains, unmasking the plot and clearing up the mess left behind. That includes protecting a very stubborn Eliza, who proves more than able to take care of herself and is beginning to melt his heart of stone. The slow burning beginnings of a future, dealt with sympathetically and nurtured with great care by the author. Any future which beckons for Jake and Eliza, is never going to be plain sailing or boring! I really became invested in these two characters and hope that any future storylines feature them working together again.

Author, Nick Thacker is certainly skilled at making a little mean a lot, with every word made to count. So although I had worked out most of the plot by about half way through the story, getting to the end game was still great fun, as I needed to tie up a few of the loose ends and just make sure that I had put everything into the right boxes, which par for the course, I hadn't quite managed!

Even though this was a storyline with quite a prescriptive roadmap, I still found myself on a very unique and individual journey, led by a consummate storyteller.

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Containment by Nick Thacker is an action packed thriller that will keep you up at night furiously flipping through the pages and it will cost you a very sleepless night as you rush to the explosive finale. There is nothing better than reading about a potential pandemic while in the midst of Covid19.

Jake Parker is ex-military and ex Boston PD currently hired by Derek Briggs, Director of ICE, regarding a highly classified matter. A young family took a run turn into the United States and landed in hot water with immigration and later turned up dead from a mysterious illness. Parker is tasked with ferreting out the cause and putting a stop to something deadly that could have some serious repercussions. Parker, along with his ex police partner, Beau Shaw and scientist Eliza Mendoza race against time to stop a disease from throwing the government into complete chaos.

I wasn’t really sure how this story was going to go and I was kind of afraid it would get too political to the point of being a bunch of ranting about the government. While the story touched on some hot button issues like immigration, racism, systemic racism and white privilege, the story never veered into SJW territory, thank God or I may have thrown my kindle across the room. Nick Thacker really did drive a point home about our current state of affairs and a lot about what American citizens have been complaining about and fighting for especially when it comes to immigration. Thacker did it in a way that lets readers come to their own conclusions without force feeding us his view which is a huge relief to me.

The story is intense and very action packed. The chapters are short oftentimes leaving you at a cliffhanger and forcing you to read another chapter. If you are anything like me you just have to know what comes next! Needless to say I was still up at 5am reading this story. Although I did figure out who was behind it all pretty early on in the story, it still did not take away from my enjoyment and actually made me realize I should probably be reading more action books as they really do get my heart pumping.

I liked Jake Parker as a character. He is well written but I think we barely scratched the surface about his life and his inner turmoil over the death of his wife. Eliza seems like a potential love interest and it is touched upon slightly in this story. So I would definitely love to see how their friendship progresses in later installments in this brand new series.

Containment is fast paced, heart pounding and frightening. This is a story that can be all too real! If you like a fast moving story then you will definitely want to give this one a try.

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With a very ominous start of a lost family who accidentally cross the border and enter the US illegally from Canada you know things are all about to go horribly wrong. And boy do they, after being held in a detention centre they die from a mysterious illness and it’s spreading.

But have no fear as Jake is sent to the rescue, ex military and ex police he’s been in limbo since the death of his wife and with medical professor Eliza as his trusty sidekick this unknown disease doesn’t stand a chance.

I loved this partnership and may just have a little bit of a book crush on Jake. He has a likeable vulnerability and just the right amount of wit and gut instinct to make him a hero to cheer on. Eliza was smart and serious which is really what you want from a medical expert but it’s the chemistry between the two of them that is delivered so well.

I very much felt that this was a good vs evil book and funnily enough it’s not the disease that’s evil. Quelle surprise! I rarely read action thrillers, I’m normally more psychological suspense but after reading this I think I need to change that. I loved the faster pace and explosive plot but it still managed to hold the detective story close to its heart which I think is really important.

This was my first book from this author so I really look forward to seeing where things head in the next book. Maybe Jake will come and save a book blogger in England, a girl can dream.

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My thanks to Bookouture for an eARC via NetGalley of ‘Containment’ by Nick Thacker.

This is the first in Nick Thacker’s new action series featuring Jake Parker. Following the violent death of his wife during a police-led raid, a devastated Parker hung up his detective shield and embraced civilian life. Yet when a family at an ICE detention centre comes down with a deadly new disease he is contacted by a government official to come out of retirement to assist with a covert investigation into the disease.

He is paired with Dr. Eliza Mendoza, a brilliant parasitologist/epidemiologist. They have to identify and eliminate the threat before it becomes an epidemic. The situation quickly becomes complex and potentially deadly. Could a conspiracy be involved?

This was a solidly plotted, highly engaging action/thriller with a theme that is very relevant. In fact, Thacker references the Covid-19 pandemic early on as having occurred at an unspecified time in the past. He avoids speculating on how the pandemic resolved. The themes of illegal immigration and ICE detention centres are also integrated into the plot.

Having read this in a couple of sittings, I look forward to the next adventure with Jake Parker.

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