Member Reviews

If you are not as emotionally affected by the pandemic as you were back in March and April or if this is years later and the pandemic is a thing of the past, then this book is an interesting read to see a different kind of pandemic. In this book, a disease that isn't easily transferrable, but is extremely deadly was captivating because it was so different from the current pandemic that we are in in 2020.

The start of a series with a main character of Jacob Parker who left the police department after a military career in the midst of a drama and tragedy. He is pulled into a case as a private detective for the Director of ICE as something seems to be inflicted on detainees in ICE centers as they are entering America and Parker is instructed to assemble a team and get to the bottom of it.

Parker was a great character to follow through this story. I loved his methodical approach, moving from one piece of evidence to the other. I liked that he had Eliza by his side and that she had her own expertise and that she was able to shine when she was more educated on a topic more than Parker.

With this mystery, I don't want to say too much because the ins and outs were just so interesting and a combination of mystery/thriller with some politicking were just spot on in this book. I wouldn't want to spoil anything if this book is up your alley.

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More Police Procedural Than Apocalyptic. This was a strong book in a police procedural vein that opened up the possibility of looking at a more apocalyptic scenario. If you go into this one expecting a truer Apocalypse threat ala Brett Battles' PROJECT EDEN or Michael Laurence's EXTINCTION AGENDA series... you're going to be disappointed. But if you're looking for a more police/ detective story that happens to include *elements* of Apocalyptic threat, you've found an *amazing* book that is *exactly* what you're looking for. This was my first from this author, and will not be my last. I'm truly looking forward to the next Jack Parker book at minimum. :) Very much recommended.

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Wow this is a non-stop book, you just don't want to stop reading. The premise is fresh not the typical apocalyptic global disease. The characters are alive and vibrant, easy to empathize with and pull for. A British family visiting Canada accidentally loses there way on a dark road at night and ends up crossing the border into the U.S. A local policeman rescues them and take them to his station where he turns them over to immigration officers. Once at the ICE facility the parents become ill and die mysteriously. The Director of Ice hires Jake Parker, and ex-detective to try to find the source and the nature of the disease before it gets out into the population. The twist and turns are Epic! This was so much fun to read!

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Not surprisingly, this is a pretty solid thriller. Thacker has written quite bit and does a good job of creating entertaining stories. I enjoyed the characters and the plot, which has good pacing. Recommended.

Thanks very much for the ARC for review!!

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Review for 'Containment' by Nick Thacker

Read and reviewed via NetGalley for Bookouture publishers and Bookouture anonymous

Publication date 10th September 2020

This is the first book that I have read by this author. It is also the first book in the 'Jake Parker' series.

I was originally drawn to this book by its interesting and intriguing blurb. I also wanted to take a break from my typical genre of crime thrillers and this book seemed to fit fit the bill. It also seem quite apt to read this during the coronavirus pandemic. I must admit I was also biased due to the publisher being Bookouture. I have yet to read a book published by Bookouture that I haven't enjoyed. Hopefully this won't be the first... Watch this space! (Written before I started reading the book).

This novel consists of 65 chapters which are short to medium in length so ideal to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!

This book is written in third person perspective and one of the main protagonists is Jake. I enjoy books written in third person with several protagonists as it let's you see the bigger picture of what's going on and you get to know more characters.

This book is based in the US.

I'll be honest and say this wasn't quite what I expected from the blurb. However, that isn't to say I didn't enjoy it. It was definitely different to what I normally read and I think it's expanded my interest for more of this type books.

The storyline was quite unique as well as completely action packed, gripping and non stop. The storyline gripped my attention from beginning to end. It was very wel written making it quite a smooth read.

The characters were all well defined and from very different backgrounds which made them more intriguing. Unfortunately, I can't say I was surprised when one of the people involved was revealed. However, I was quite surprised by the rest of it.

I must congratulation Nick on the fact that it is quite obvious that alot of research went into this which is always a bonus. I'm always put off by books when it is blatant the author has done no research at all.

I enjoyed the fact that some chapters ended on somewhat of a cliffhanger although this did become a problem when it was late at night and I just had to see what happened next!!

Overall a very fast paced and action packed thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat in suspense!

Genres covered include Thriller, Action and Adventure.

I would recommend this book to the fans of the above as well as fans of pandemic novels.

315 pages.

This book is £1.99 to purchase on kindle via Amazon which I think is a good price for this book!!!

Rated 4 /5 (I enjoyed it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

Feel free to add me on Goodreads or follow me on my website or Facebook for more reviews

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@NickThacker @Bookouture @Bookworm1986 @bookworm86

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A break-neck thriller about disease that manages to reference Covid but is completely its own thing and doesn't feel like a gimmick.

Jake Parker is ex-police and ex-military and thinks he's left both lives behind for good. Then a man turns up with a terrible tale - of a couple that turned up at a detention centre with a mysterious illness that killed them horribly quickly. The government needs some independent investigators - will Jake help?

The answer is obviously yes, alongside an old friend policeman and medical professor Eliza Mendoza.

They start with the bodies and end up with more questions and disturbing answers...

This book is popcorn, not steak. By which I mean it's an enjoyable thriller, not sophisticated literature. But that's what I wanted when I picked it up!

There are twists and turns along the way which I didn't see coming, and if the book ended a bit abruptly at least it didn't outstay its welcome. A fun read.

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Life changed for Jacob (Jake) Parker three years ago and he's been searching for peace and solitude but even that has evaded him. He's torn from his self-imposed isolation when he gets a call from Derek Briggs, the Director of ICE, about an unusual job. Even though Jake has left his former position as a detective with the Boston PD and military service behind, Briggs wants him to solve a case outside of the normal channels. The situation involves the deaths of a married couple who apparently entered the US illegally from Canada but were detained at a facility in Vermont where they got sick and quickly expired. Briggs is concerned because whatever killed them might be a the start of a new pandemic. He engages Jake as a third-party investigator outside of the bureaucracy of the US Government to avoid speculation and panic if this is indeed something to be concerned about. Jake knows he can't handle this on his own and makes a call to an old friend, Beau Shaw, his ex-partner and asks him to help and also requests him to find another person with infectious disease expertise. Enter Dr. Eliza Mendoza, a teacher of microbiology and parasitology at Syracuse. The goal is for the team to make sure the infection that killed the couple wasn't introduced on purpose and that it is contained. Jake thinks outside the box, and they hit the ground running. But what if there is more to this than the emergence of a new killer disease? NO SPOILERS.

I love thrillers but especially those that are medical in nature. I'm a sucker for a good pandemic novel and I tried to hold off reading this until closer to publication date, but couldn't resist. Although this is a very quick read, easy to finish in a couple of hours, I was a bit disappointed. The premise was so interesting but the narrative got bogged down and focused more on politics and the debate about immigration than about an epidemic. Very predictable bad guys and with the requisite romance angle, I was left feeling let down and don't think I got what I came for after all. I'm not sure if I'll read another in this series.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for this e-book ARC to read and review.

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I received an ARC from Bookouture through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you

This was the second book I’ve read from Nick Thacker and I liked Containment much better.
During these times I wasn’t sure it was a good idea to read about pandemics but then I though why not, what could happen. And I’m soooo glad I chose to read Containment. Fast-paced, exciting and entertaining.
The 2 main characters, Jake and Eliza have a dynamic I enjoyed very much. Eliza and Jake are both determined, serious and smart and take their case rather seriously.

If there will be more books with Jake I will read it,

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I think that this is Nick Thacker’s best work yet! A fast-paced read that grabs you on the first page and is powered by non-stop action and a taut, emotional narrative His well-developed characters and wonderful writing style, full of twists and turns, will keep you on the edge of your seat from the first page, trying to anticipate where this story would go. This is a definite page-turner that I couldn’t put down until the very last page. It is realistic with engaging characters that you're sure to love! I am anxious to read the rest of this series to see where Jake Parker and Eliza end up!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Jake Parker is a thoroughly likeable person, and I can understand how a series is built around him.
For readers of detective suspense this is right up your street and very enjoyable, and probably worth 5 stars.
I however, was looking for apocalyptic end-of-world type books so this was not what I thought it would be.
This story is about tracking down the culprits wanting to release a new killer virus. As a detective book it is spot on and an enjoyable read.

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During the nightmare that is coronavirus, I stared at this cover of this book and thought, should I read this or will it terrify me? I’m an illness chicken and fear everything at the moment but this book was ace and I am fond of a medical thriller. I’m so glad I read it!

It’s a fast-paced and punchy action adventure starring lead, Jake Parker and his sidekick, Eliza - the scientist. With a new lethal illness attacking people coming to the USA, Jake is brought onto the case.

I enjoyed the American setting as much as the characters. Great backstory for Jake and I loved Eliza with her guts and dedication.

If you seek a book that is filled with action with a race against time, then Containment will be a right thrill for you. The second half moves like lightning and the end is a shocker!

Just in case you were wondering about the deadly disease, it’s yuck inducing but not graphic. Even the most squeamish of reader will have no trouble reading this. It’s all about the action and the race to solve the mystery. It’ll have you on the edge of your seat.

Great read! Definitely recommended for action thriller lovers.

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Jake is a former cop who lost his wife a few years ago at the hands of his own department. He’s been handpicked by the government to investigate a new deadly disease quickly claiming lives in the US. With the help of medical professor Eliza Mendoza, Jake heads to the border, but what they uncover there is evidence that this devastating disease is man-made, and part of a calculated plot aimed right at the heart of government. With powerful forces ranged against him, Jake must use all his ingenuity to bring down the ruthless organization behind the attack. Failure is not an option.

This is quite the book to read in the middle of a pandemic! How eerily similar and scary at the same time. I have never read anything from Nick Thacker but after reading this one I will definitely be trying out some more.
I loved everything about this book. The story line, the characters and the suspense. It was a long book but I never felt bored or like putting it aside. Thank you NetGalley for the advance copy!

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What a great start to a new series! 

I stayed up till 1.30 to finish it and that means something, doesn't it? 

What did I like so much about it? Well, let me rephrase that. What's not to like about it? :)

It's fast paced with an interesting theme. To be honest it could really happen and that's also what's very frightening about it. Bad people are obviously very inventive when they want to reach their goal. 

Although I had an inkling about who was behind all this scheming that did not to stop me from being fascinated and captivated by the story. It was the 'why' that I still was anxious about to find out. 

I don't know what case Jake Parker will have to solve next time, but I certainly am looking forward to meet him (and maybe Eliza too) again. 5 stars.

Thank you, Nick Thacker and Bookouture

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Well written and fast paced thriller. Jake, former Army and former ace detective, is called upon to investigate when an unknown disease shows up at an ICE detention center. When he finds out it is man made the stakes are raised and the danger escalates. He must find who is behind the attack before many, many more people die.

Jake is a great lead character with a strong sense of right and wrong and great instincts. I can't wait to read what happens next for him.

Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for this ARC.

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Non-stop action with enough twists and turns to keep the reader guessing. With pandemics in the news, the topic could be exploited, but instead is handled well in a top-notch thriller. When a family inadvertently crosses the border from Canada, they are taken into custody where the soon fall victim to a mysterious death.Jake Parker is a strong protagonist with a true moral compass who is called in by the director of ICE to investigate.

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Thanks Netgalley and Bookouture.

Jake Parker, ex-military and ex-police, gets tapped by the head of ICE to investigate an outbreak in an ICE facility. He calls in his former partner and friend, Shaw, and a medical expert, Eliza. Jake and Eliza determine that the disease is a man-made parasite and the investigation goes haywire.

I really enjoyed this book. It was fast-paced and interesting. I liked getting to know the characters. My only complaint was that the ending pulled together kind of quickly - like the rest of the book was well-plotted but then some stuff happened and then it was the end. Either way, I'd definitely read more in the Jake Parker series.

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Thank You NetGalley/Publisher & Author for this gifted ebook

When there’s nothing left to lose, there’s no limit to what you’ll risk.

Jake Parker’s world collapsed with the violent death of his wife during a police-led raid. In the awful aftermath, he hung up his detective’s badge for good. Now ex-military, ex-police, he has embraced a simple civilian life. But when a deadly new disease begins to threaten American lives, Jake is dragged out of his self-imposed retirement.

This was a great action thriller. I loved the charterers, the story, the plot, the ending.
I couldn't put this book down. Had me hooked from the first page.
I really loved the short chapters made for a fast read.
Overall..... Great Book
Rating-- 4/5

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I have been surprisingly curious about this read, even after our current situation with Coronavirus. Reading the synopsis, definitely gave me I Am Legend vs Dawn of the Dead vibes and I haven't been disappointed.
I have been completely surprised at how quickly I have been pulled into this one. The author has completely captured me with the writing style and I have found that this has been an addictive read that I haven't wanted to put down.
I have loved the mystery and suspense that has been built throughout this book. This has completely engaged me in the book and I have devoured the entire book in one sitting.
Jake is a great main character. I have definitely been able to feel like he is real. The author has painted a clear character who you can't help but like. This makes the book even better.
I'm excited and intrigued to read more by this author. This is a book I have enjoyed and will be recommending.

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