Member Reviews

This was one twisty psych thriller that (for the most part) did keep me guessing right up until the final pages.
The author starts with police arriving at the scene of a crime, then goes backward in time to the events leading up to the crime before moving the action forward. It was an unusual yet very effective way of telling the story.

Perspectives also shifted between characters, so multiple people were telling the story. There were only a few times that the transition seemed abrupt; otherwise, the story flowed between characters. It allowed the reader to question the other characters’ motives and actions which was something else that drew me into the story.
If the first half or so is psych thriller, the second half turns courtroom drama, but with the psych thriller undertone. The author handles the juxtaposition handily and keeps the tension ratcheted.

Throughout the book, there were several times that I switched my allegiances to characters. I questioned what I thought I knew and second-guessed what had occurred. I did figure out one twist fairly early on, but even then, I was never 100% sure until the end. Scratch that…I’m still not 100% sure!

What I liked most about the book was that it was ultimately the story of Cleo and Evie. I don’t want to give too much away, because there are some brilliant curves thrown at the reader. But both women had much more in common than either was ever willing to admit. It almost became a battle of wills (or so it seemed) and it wasn’t until literally the last pages of the book that the question of who would win was answered.

But was the “winner” truly victorious? You’ll have to read it to find out. Don’t miss this one.

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Rachel Abbott is one my favorite authors. She writes like a dream, capturing the right emotion the scene demands.

This book was bloody fantastic. I have had my eye on it, and when I got the opportunity to read, I pleaded and cajoled Noelle to let me get my grubby hands on it. I can only say I went ahead and got other books by this talented author. I just couldn’t resist. She made me feel alive every time I received the kick of a thrill.

Evie and Mark supposedly had a perfect relationship with their daughter, Lulu. But Evie was always injured moments after he left home. She called herself clumsy. One night DI Stephanie was called to their home where Mark was stabbed with a knife and Evie was charged with murder. Incidentally, Mark’s first wife’s death was also under suspicious circumstances, moments after he left home. Harriet was called to defend Evie. What was the truth? Was Evie abused?

My second book by this author, every page produced those spurts of excitement knowing there were twists on its way to greet me. The sheer power over the words was a sight to behold. Could you believe that the author called forth every iota of my concentration to read the words? I was in the cone of silence where only the book and I existed. Not many authors could do that on these moments of stress.

The court case was the highlight for me. So many truths came out, in fact, every page caused me to gasp!! How did Rachel Abbott do it? I had pure adrenaline coursing down my veins that I couldn’t sit still. I read the book walking as I was a bundle of nerves.

A dichotomy of emotions ran in my mind. A part of me wanted to rush – Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me the truth. And another part wanted to slow down to savor the words and watch the drop of excitement enter my being with each page. Oh my!! I didn’t have words to describe how immersed I was while reading.

The book was everything and more. It thrilled me, keeping me restless to know the truth. I couldn’t stay away from my kindle from the moment I picked up this book. It was rocking, absolutely UNPUTDOWNABLE!! A must read for those who love thrillers and mysteries.

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Favorite Quotes:

I think we’ve both given up pretending we can be friends. We have reached a point at which we manage to say all the right words to each other, but they are hollow – the fancy wrapping paper around an empty box.

There was something about the way she had related the story of her accident to Cleo that hadn’t rung true, and for just seconds Cleo had experienced a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach as if she was being dropped from a great height.

My Review:

This is a prime example of how a thriller should be written – it was perfectly sublime! The premise was unique and original with cunningly crafted and shrewdly paced storylines. I fell right into this riveting tale while my beloved Kindle thrummed with tension. The narrative vibrated with intrigue that wafted off the compelling and complex characters. There were so many well-nuanced and grinding secrets. I was on edge with unsure footing, waffling back and forth in my theories, and hissing at every interruption to my perusal. It was divine and my first exposure to the exceptionally agile and insightful storytelling of Rachel Abbott. I have but two words to sum up my final thoughts on the experience – MORE, please!

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Masterfully manipulative. This was one twisted thriller chock-full of unreliable, unlikable, unbelievable characters. The book kicks off with a gory scene, Sergeant Stephanie King enters a residence and discovers two bloody bodies in a bed. One victim is alive and one victim is dead. Then the story bounces back two life with Mark and Evie. Mark is an eccentric photographer and Evie rescued him from his depression after the death of his first wife. Marks older sister Cleo has always been overprotective when it comes to Mark and she does not have a good feeling about Evie. A little psychological thriller... a little police procedural... a little quart room drama... a lot twisted....

This was a definite addictive read with plenty of potential bad guys. At no time during the story did I completely trust anyone, not even the detectives. The story is told from multiple perspectives so there is no doubt that each character has their own agenda going on. There is also a lot of misdirection and manipulation going on. Loved how this thriller also blended in the police investigation and the court case. I am purposely being vague because I certainly wouldn’t want to spoil this for you. A well told compelling thriller with a surprising end.

This book in emojis 📸 👶🏼 🧩 🔪

*** Big thank you to Bookouture for my gifted copy of this book. All opinions are my own. ***

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This book was amazing! I couldn’t put it down and finished it in one night! It’s gripping and original. This book has a plot twist that was perfect! Unreliable narrators, secrets and lies, Mark’s previous wife’s death, all combine to make a compulsively readable mystery!
If you enjoyed The Girl on the Train or The Woman in the Window you’ll love this!
❓The question you need to ask yourself while reading this book is who is gaslighting who❓
Thank you @bookouture for my advanced digital copy of the book to review!

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First, I want to thank Rachel Abbott, Bookouture and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I can give you this review.

Rachel Abbott is back with another jaw dropping, twisted, suspenseful, mind boggling read that left me speechless at times in her latest novel And So It Begins. If you read her book The Invitation and liked it you must read this one. However, this book is so different from the other one-but oh so good.

And So It Begins read like a binge worthy series on Netfix that you just can't stop watching. It was incredibly fast paced from the intense prologue. She had the very unique cast of characters that brought their flair and major drama to their storyline, the mystery and suspense, the very intense court scenes, etc.

Rachel focused on some important issues in the book that may be triggered by some. However, it would also bring awareness and maybe help some in the process. Those issues are Domestic Abuse, Separation Anxiety Disorder and Intermittent Explosive Disorder.

Rachel’s strong scenes were in court where things got very intense, heated, graphic, emotional, and at times I felt as if I were there as a fly on the wall.

The ending is an ending that came out of nowhere!! She has a habit of doing that and shocking her readers!!

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