Member Reviews
I really enjoyed this book once I got into it. It started off a little slow. It introduced the Dyodyne Experiment in the beginning, but then half the book later, I was still waiting to hear how this experiment tied into everything else that was going on. I think this played into one of our biggest fears, as humans, that we will be blown to smithereens by our own greed. No matter how much we have, we always want more. Not necessarily as individuals, but there is this drive to get more. More money, bigger houses, more expensive cars, fancy clothes. I think this is sort of a judgement on our greed. I think the ending is also a rebuke of our trying to play god with our technology. I can't wait to read the sequel. The characters were interesting, I really want to see more of Hatch and Sarah and their relationship. There were some characters that literally had me rolling my eyes, like Dallas Houston. Also known as Tex. As a Texan, that was just too much. All in all, it was an enjoyable read that at times had me on the edge of my seat. As for my emotions during this book, they were all over the map. Smiling, laughing, crying, angry.
Starts out a bit techy, with a lot of medical explanations that don’t really explain much but once you get past that the book is a decent read. Dyodyne is a medical group that is working on a way to track people by way of common cold (or other simple virus) and the Government is anxious to use it. With the date for implementation drawing near and subject chosen things are starting to heat up. Add in some espionage, terroristic threats and a faced paced plot you end up with a decent read.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you NetGalley, James Doulgeris and Michael Santoro for this edition and hearing my honest review. Looking forward to reading more with you
What if criminals could be traced in real time. What if the tracker could be passed to everyone they deal with? What if the government had this untested tech? What if a terrorist attack on New York was imminent? Untested or not, you know the government would be using it. DaNa is this technology and it is being brought online.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The technology used in DaNa could be created in the very near future, if not already. The terrorist attack in the book is terrifyingly believable! I could not stop reading until I'd finished. If you like thrillers, read this book!
Quite good. It has an interesting premise, and it's mostly engaging. The authors don't have the polish of more experienced authors, but it's written well overall. A lot of thrillers fans will like this one.
I really appreciate the review copy!!
Book is a great thriller! Combines the right mix of science fiction and reality to hook the reader in. It's a fast paced novel that keeps you on the edge of your seat. I thoroughly enjoyed The Dyodyne Experiment.
An interesting idea and if the book had concentrated more upon that side of things this would have been a good read. However, the imaginative DNA tracking was far outweighed by the bad guys trying to take out the USA with nuclear/non nuclear bombs - anyone who has even been an imagined or real enemy was in here, the Chinese, Russians, Far East, middle East, you imagine, they're here, preferably hanging on by skins of teeth as buildings fell round them, blew up, crashed, burned...., It was all too much and the clever genetic stuff felt a byline. Pity. Thanks to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for an advance copy in exchange for my honest review.