Member Reviews

This was a light read but not particularly memorable. The portrayal of the way hospitals treat their staff was dead on. As a nurse I know how frustrating it is trying to make the necessary changes needed to a hospital while meeting resistance from higher ups.
I did enjoy this book but by the time I sat down to write this review I had completely forgotten what it was about until I read the blurb again. I wouldn't purchase this book but if I found it in a library I'd give it a read.

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You Can’t Buy Love is the third book in the Life Lesson series but was great as a stand-alone. This was a short book, but the plot and characters were developed. It was interesting and had great characters. Julianna “Jules” Magnusson was a nurse practitioner in the cardiac unit at Rutherford Hospital. She was fed up with the treatment the staff received at the hospital. When her boss made her attend the yearly hospital charity event, she found herself a little drunk and ready to tell Mr. Rutherford exactly what she thought about how he ran the hospital. Luckily Noah, the man she met, interfered with her intentions. Instead, she spills everything to him not know he was Mr. Rutherford’s youngest son. She never expected to see him after their one night together so when she learns who he is and his appearance at the hospital infuriates her. Noah felt like he needed to investigate and find out the truth behind Jules's comments. His attraction for Jules was hard to resist and he couldn’t help wanting more than the one night with her. Can he earn her trust and respect back after she discovers his identity?

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The last in the series and one I thoroughly enjoyed! I must admit the second one is still my favourite but this one was an enjoyable read for sure.

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you can't buy love is Jules and Noah's story. Jules is in a rough patch in life. She's at her breaking point and is having a hard time trusting that Noah is really trying to help her. While she is constantly angry at noah, she also can't help but feel the pull of their chemistry.

This is the 3rd book in this series. I haven't read the first two yet, but it's not necessarily needed. The previous two books couples do make an appearance and I can't wait to go back and read their stories.

I really liked this book- I got drawn in from the first chapter. I stayed up late and got up way too early before work just so I could keep reading. It is a quick read- less than 24 hours for me. Jules and Noah are great characters.

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This was the third book in the series, Julianna and we already knew her from the previous two books and knew how she worked really hard and seemed to never really have time or have fun. She finally gets to let loose when she is ordered to some rich shindig and meets a hottie and has a night of pleasure. Not knowing who he really is unloads on all the problems that they have in the hospital she works for and how know one seems to care. On Monday morning she hears that a big wig is coming and you knew who it was before I even told you. Julianna tends to jump the gun and not let Noah explain himself, why he still wanted her was beyond me, but tis what it is. It was nice to catch up with the previous characters even though, you barely got to know much from Vincent..All in all we end up having our HEA.

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You Can't Buy Love by new to me author Melanie A. Smith, is chock-full of romance, heat, drama, and true love. It is a fast-paced read with two main characters that are instantly captivating, likable, and have a ton of off the charts chemistry. This is the third book from the author's Life Lessons series and it can be enjoyed as a standalone.

Julianna Magnusson is a nurse practitioner on the cardiac care unit at the local hospital. She is very committed to her craft and only wants the best for both her patients and colleagues. She meets Noah Rutherford at a fundraiser her unscrupulous boss requires her to attend. Unbeknownst to Julianna, Noah is the new director of the hospital. They share an amazing night of passion which evolves into a relationship of push and pull. Luckily, Julianna finally sees all the good that Noah exudes.

I truly enjoyed this book and the meaningful plot is both exciting and sexy. Ms. Smith writes with a lot of passion, and as a result, I felt the developing feelings between Julianna and Noah to be quite palatable. I admired Julianna's ability to speak up for herself and others. I loved Noah's amazing kindness and his dominance in the bedroom. Overall, this is a fantastic medical romance that should not be missed.

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

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Loved this book! Quick read with interesting characters and story line. Julianna is an overworked nurse practitioner that most people will identify with and root for. Jules to her friends, is strong, hardworking and doggedly determined at work. Noah knocks her on her feet when they meet at a gala. But when she discovers his true identity, Jules is none too happy.

Noah is son to the Rutherford Group leader- the group seemingly taking terrible care of their hospital Jules so passionately loves. When Noah takes the hospital as his new project, he soon finds it hard to keep away from Jules. But what line is he crossing or does he care?

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Loved everything about this book! Great characters- Jules and Noah were awesome. I was so excited for Jules’ book after reading the previous books in this series. She is capable, but sarcastic and funny. I also love still seeing the strong friendship between Jules, Becca and Sasha.

Jules isn’t happy with everything going on at the hospital, and manages to vent it to a sexy guy she meets at a charity gala. And she’s surprised and angry when she discovers who he really is.

Jules is strong because she has to be, but she’s an emotional mess at times which I totally feel and appreciate. Noah is a sexy and sweet guy, but he’s used to being the boss. He’s undercover amazing.

The two constantly butt heads and that thin line between love and hate is so true here, but there is no denying the attraction. Those scenes were beyond steamy! This was such a good book!

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Julianna is an overworked Nurse Practitioner for a cardiac unit of a fast growing Hospital.
The same hospital that is similar to many others in real life that focus more on the dollar and expanding than they are about their staff and patients. To that, the story is on point for a current ongoing real issues.
Jules became a health care provider because she has the patience and love to help others. It is killing her inside sitting back and not being able to make the positive change that is crucially needed. To that I can completely relate to her character.
Jules gets the perfect opportunity to address the CEO of the hospital and right when she goes to give him hell, Noah steps in to stop her from making a big mistake.

Noah has an affiliation with the hospital but he stays secretive for a bit so it is a shock when he shows up again. One hot night they have together and it left me having a hard time to be able to forget him.

The beginning had a slower start which made me struggle a bit. Whether it was my state of my mood or lack of initial interest based on the writing I can’t be sure. It does pick up and get interesting where I felt a harder pull to keep reading and not set it down. The confession of love seemed a tad rushed and odd but overall this was a fun, enjoyable book.
Jules and Noah have passionate interactions between their attraction and their arguing, it goes back and forth and keeps the energy alive. I’m glad I read this, I do recommend this if you like a love at first site, rich boss/employee story.

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review. The opinion given is mine alone and not influenced by anyone else.

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A steamy hospital romance!

Julianna is a nurse practitioner who is fed up with the administrators at the hospital. So when she has to go to a charity event on behalf of her department, she thinks that this is her chance to tell the hospital's owner all the things that are wrong. Instead she meets the handsome Noah and when he sees her heading toward the owner, he intercepts and takes her to his hotel room to discuss her life at the hospital ... among other things. Noah doesn't want Julianna to lose her job so he distracts her with his charm. A few days later, who shows up at the hospital ... Noah, the owner's son and he's there to fix all the things she told him were wrong. Now all Noah and Julianna do is butt heads over hospital politics but the sparks are still flying between them.

I loved how Julianna was so passionate about her job and how she stood up for the people she works with. And Noah was trying to do the right thing, just in the wrong way ... according to Julianna. Julianne and Noah were so hot together, I thought the pages of the book were going to burn. A great addition to the series.

I received an early copy courtesy of Wicked Dreams Publishing through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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This is the third book in the Live Lessons series and like the previous two instalments, it's a great read. The books would work just as well as stand-alone books, so you don't have to have read them, but they are both good, so I'd recommend checking them out.
This time we have the story of Jules, the sensible nurse practitioner that works with Becca and Sasha from the previous books. She's passionate about her work, the hospital, her patients and her work colleagues. Unfortunately, that means that she doesn't always see eye to eye with the hospital administration. When she finds herself attracted to Noah, who has a key role in restructuring the hospital, it's clear that her personal life and professional life are going to clash.
I loved the romance and conflict between Noah and Jules. We only see things from Jules' point of view and while there are points where I would love to see what Noah is thinking and feeling, I actually think that it works better that we don't. Jules doesn't know what he's thinking either, although I think we might have a better idea than she does, seeing as we're not blinded by emotion.
This was a great read. I really enjoyed it. I don't know if there's more to come from this series and these characters, but I for one am not ready to leave the Rutherford Hospital behind just yet.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Good book! I definitely enjoyed reading this one! I wasn't to sure in the beginning but I'm glad I stuck with it! It's well worth the read! It was funny, insightful, had some heartache and heartbreak! And it was 🔥🔥🔥!! Definitely don't miss out on this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for sharing this book with me!

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This had the makings of a good contemporary novel built around the professional conflicts in a contemporary hospital that Julianna, a head nurse in the cardiac unit. The hospital is poorly run and there is something fishy going on with how it is managed. Julianna is a tough woman and furious about the ineptitude of how it is being run. Then she meets Noah, a mysterious man at a charity dinner given by the owner of her hospital and they have the hottest night possible together. And that is after she tells him all the things wrong with her hospital.

And then Noah shows up at work as the son of the owner of the hospital. He’s suddenly there to reorganize the hospital. He and Julianna keep butting heads over what he’s doing with the hospital while trying to resist their sexual tension.

It just got resolved too quickly. They figure out what is going on in the hospital and their romance rather easily. And then the bad guys are simply fired even though they had committed major insurance fraud. I was actually more invested in the business questions at the hospital than the romance story.

Noah’s behavior at work verges on the stalkerish/sexual harassment. It’s convenient for him that she’s attracted to him and doesn’t bring any charges. But then it wouldn’t be a romance novel.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
This was an emotional, mind fuck of a novel with way too much angst and make dominancw. Julianna is a fiery, independent nurse determined to right the wrongs at her hospital. She meets Noah at a gala and they have a hot, night of love making. Of course he ends up being the guy in charge of the restructuring that occurs at her hospital.

Julianna feels betrayed by his deception and rejects his attempts to rekindle what they had. While Noah ends up being a good guy after all, I was highly disturbed by their interactions. I admired that Julianna stuck by her guns and didn't allow her attraction to Noah to cloud her judgment and her purpose for the hospital and although Noah's grand gesture of fixing things the way she wanted was noble and romantic it put into question the very thing Julianna was fighting against: romantic bias.
I was left unclear if the reason he made the staff changes was because he cared to improve the shortcomings of the hospital or because he was so obsessively craving Julianna acceptance and trust. Their relationship dynamic just reeked of privilege and misuse of power especially since she was his subordinate. Definitely speaks to the need for reform and protection for women in the workforce. We are constantly having to fight for our position in the workforce and fight to be heard and understood.

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