Member Reviews

This story read somewhat like a history book of a family, switching between perspectives of the narrator and her great grandma. The history circled around water that some believed had restorative powers. Many people cured their illness by swimming or drinking the water. However, for every miracle, there was also a tragedy.

This was a very unique story, that I really enjoyed!

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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“Whatever’s in that water, maybe it should be left alone.”

I was perusing my NetGalley in order to line up some romance reads for the upcoming library Winter Reading Challenge when I noticed this sitting waaaaaaaaay back in my unread reader copies. (Every year I say I’m going to get my deplorable review ratio up . . . but then I see lists like “books to read if you liked Saltburn” and it flies right out the window as I download all of those instead.) Luckily I didn’t see that list until yesterday so I decided to give this one a whirl having liked McMahon’s stuff in the past.

I was a little skeptical upon beginning this story of a woman who had drowned in a pool because the incessant advertisements for Night Swim – which looks turrrrrrible, but it didn’t take long for me to be hooked by the “Lady of the Lake” vibes.

The story here is about Jax who returns to the family estate after her mentally ill sister’s accidental drowning in the family pool. We then timehop to the 1920s and Ethel’s narrative about her own experiences with said “pool” back when the land was part of a hotel. This is a quiet horror story – it’s not full of twists and turns, but the creep factor creeps throughout and I was absolutely mesmerized. Definitely Jennifer McMahon’s best. I’m giving it every star.

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley!

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Perfect spooky season read! Jennifer McMahon never lets me down and this one is a favorite of mine. Set in Vermont, Jax misses a bunch of calls from her sister Lexie, but thinks it's nothing more than her sister's manic personality... until she is found dead. Now Jax is picking up the aftermath of Lexie's life and uncovers disturbing history. It's definitely a page turner and I enjoyed my time spent with this book.

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A spooky body of water and mysterious history make for a nice gothic read. I can't do stories where the ghosts are real - supernatural thrillers aren't for me.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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This was an eerie atmospheric read. I was expecting more horror but it was a suspenseful tale that explores the relationships between sisters, family, and mental health. Jax and Lexie have a bond that is strained due to Lexie's changing mental health. Jax is forced to return to the home that gave her so much grief to finally put her sister to rest when she discovers that Lexie was exploring the history of the house. The house has springs attached to it that are rife with ghost sightings and haunting stories. The historical exploration of the house and springs adds a haunting edge to the present as you know something awful is going to happen but you don't know exactly what it is. I do wish there was more scary moments but it was a great ghost story with a message.

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The Winter People by Jennifer McMaho will always be one of the spookiest stories I have ever read and loved.
The Drowning Kind... not so much.

It lacks something but I can’t seem to put my finger on it!
I never felt like I got into the story. It lacked depth. I found the characters lacking in interest and likability.

There were also sub storylines that added nothing to the story.

Rushed and very strange and nonsensical ending.

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An original story line built around the careful what you wish for....premise that will stir up the ghosts of the past while leaving an unpredictable future for those who would come after. Very good, tense plotting that I read through in one day. It was well worth the "no sleep" headache.

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I am already a fan of Jennifer McMahon, and "The Drowning Kind" did not disappoint. It plays off the common fear of deep water, be it inland or open sea. Healing springs have been part of various cultures for centuries, drawing in hopeful souls suffering from all kinds of ailments. But what if the water actually fixed everything wrong? Or even granted a wish? What would you do about the price of such gifts?
This book has all the great suspense you would want from a slow burn horror book. The main character fights against the supernatural with logic, only to get twice as many questions. The combination of history and current day brings a lot of depth to the setting and heightens the stakes for whatever darkness lies in wait to be defeated. Highly recommended for readers who like tricky situations, supernatural beings, and deeply rooted family dynamics.

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Jax is a social worker that has just learned that her sister, Lexie drowned in their family pool. She hasn't talked to her sister in quite some time, and now regrets the nine missed calls from her that she chose not to answer.

Forced to return to her family home and relive the past, Jax uncovers that her sister's death might not have been an accident, and there might be family secrets that have yet to be uncovered.

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Sooo good! One of my faves to read! Definitely would recommend picking this one up if you see it in the store

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I loved this author since the very first book I read! She is just unique and intense.

This story had me guessing and wondering what the devil was actually going on with the pool! I loved the way she rotated time periods. This really enhanced the mystery surrounding the spring. This story also makes me want to go to Vermont and find the hotel! Talk about creepy!

Need a good, creepy, weird story…THIS IS IT!

Grab your copy today!

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I enjoyedThe Winter People and I can see some of my high school students liking this one. It just missed the mark for me - I will chalk it up to "it's me not you" for this one and will definitely read more from McMahon

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I am not one for "ghost stories, or even historical fiction, but I am a fan of McMahon's work. I enjoyed all aspects of this book and am looking forward to future books of hers! I enjoyed all characters of this book and the development of all.

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really liked this book. It was eerie, spooky, and very intricate with its weaving of time between the 1910s and 2019. I think the author did a great job of going back and forth between the two times, and keeping the mystery of the pool and the healing water. Really good ghost story.

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3 stars. I typically don’t read books like this. It didn’t disappoint but I wouldn’t grab for this type of book in the future

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As always, I was caught up on McMahon's style of writing. She is riveting! I've read many of her books and enjoyed them all and this one was no exception. She draws her characters so well and I feel I can really relate to them. Plus her stories are creepy!

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I enjoyed the story, especially the historical fiction parts but this did not scare me. Atmosphere was good, characters good, and the storline was good. I think that was just the problem, it was just good. I've read others by Jennifer McMahon that were great. I will continue to read from her.

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The Drowning Kind, by Jennifer McMahon, is a creepy and twisty supernatural story. If you're looking for a plot that's nail biting, soul shaking, and stomach churning, this one is for you. Highly recommend!

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After falling in love with McMahon's 'The Invited,' I had high hopes for this one, but it didn't quite reach that level for me. However, it is still an intriguing supernatural mystery with characters that make you want to keep turning the page.

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I can always depend on Jennifer McMahon to deliver a quality book, and The Drowning Kind is a no exception. The ending was mildly confusing, but the ride to get there was entertaining.

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